Friday: Occupy Wall Street Zuccotti Park Showdown

SOmething is going on in NYC. Cops are blowing whistles and it looks like protestors are beginning to walk out with hands up. They were told it wasn't going to happen?

Look above post for streaming video.
I was watching on streaming live this morning and Fox News. The owners of the park decided not to have them evacuate at this time. News analysts weren't sure why.

Possible trouble on the Brooklyn Bridge and in OWS crowd meeting with police and arrests in Denver. via chat on Stream LIve Thread


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Russell Simmons tweeted about an hour or two ago that he's going there at 7AM, (the time when they are supposed to be gone) and that Bloomberg better not close them down. Stating that he doesn't want to go to jail, but he's prepared to.

Should be some interesting news in a few hours.


you are such a brainless sheep...really..

is he going bring some of the debit cards, Pre Charged with cash(?) to hand out from his Debit Card co.( from which he charges fees and just lobbied congress for an exemption, which he got btw)... ?
Is Zuccotti a type of pasta? if so, where can I buy some?

DENVER, CO---State patrol went into the grounds of the State Capital and 3 am in the morning and removed the OWS protesters. 23 ended up getting arrested. Police are still there dressed in riot gear--but NO MORE CAMPING in this area anyway.

They are free to show up at 5 a.m. until 11 p.m. to protest--but they have to be gone at 11 p.m.

23 arrested as police, CSP clear out Occupy Denver camp site - The Denver Post

Soooo.... I imagine since Mayor Bloomberg has decided he will let the protesters stay in the Zuccotti 1/2 acre concrete park--that there will be many others joining them from around the country--who have been booted out of their own state parks--:lol: Thereby--creating a real nightmare for the city of New York.
I can just see the entrances to parks they plan to sleep in: YOU ARE WELCOME HERE, BUT YOU ARE REQUIRED TO BRING YOUR OWN BUCKETS AND POOPER SCOOPERS.

I hadn't thought of that. Exactly where does this crowd--(located on a 1/2 acre--concrete pad)--where do they go to the BATHROOM?
I was watching on streaming live this morning and Fox News. The owners of the park decided not to have them evacuate at this time. News analysts weren't sure why.

Possible trouble on the Brooklyn Bridge and in OWS crowd meeting with police and arrests in Denver. via chat on Stream LIve Thread

They are PRETENDING to not know why. The #OWS / #OccupyWallStreet Movement's politically a juggernaut. They don't want to totally piss off their constituents.

Let's go #OWS LET'S GO!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
I was watching on streaming live this morning and Fox News. The owners of the park decided not to have them evacuate at this time. News analysts weren't sure why.

Possible trouble on the Brooklyn Bridge and in OWS crowd meeting with police and arrests in Denver. via chat on Stream LIve Thread

They are PRETENDING to not know why. The #OWS / #OccupyWallStreet Movement's politically a juggernaut. They don't want to totally piss off their constituents.

Let's go #OWS LET'S GO!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

As a tense, stormy night turned into a jubilant morning, Brookfield Properties blinked and rescinded their demand to clean Zuccotti Park, where hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters have set up camp for the last month. Mayor Bloomberg in turn told the NYPD to stand down, and outside of some punches and a few arrests, things have stabilized downtown. But don't think that Bloomberg is happy over the way things got to this breaking point.

The mayor spent much of his weekly radio appearance on the John Gambling Show on WWOR discussing the escalating situation at Zuccotti Park, and he offered some particularly bitchy words for city officials who aided protesters by calling up Brookfield, who owns the Park. "My understanding is Brookfield got lots of calls from many elected officials, threatening them and saying if you don't stop this we'll make your life more difficult," Bloomberg said. "If those elected officials had spent half as much time trying to promote the city to get jobs to come here we would a lot more ways towards answering the concerns of the protestors." Those elected officials included Rep. Jerry Nadler and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer. Of course, Bloomberg didn't mention how his girlfriend Diana Taylor sits on the board of Brookfield Properties.

Zuccotti Park is a privately-owned public space; it's open 24 hours a day to the public, but is nevertheless owned by Brookfield, and they are allowed to impose “reasonable” rules regarding behavior and cleanliness. So the city can't do anything there unless Brookfield calls them in.

Bloomberg sounded disappointed that didn't happen today, and gave a vague threat to protesters that this was only a temporary stopgap, and the clock was still ticking: "I've asked what would happen if they cannot (reach a deal). The answer I got was they would want to go ahead and do exactly what they were going to do this morning," Bloomberg said. "From our point of view, it will be a little bit harder, I think, at that point in time to provide police protection. But we have the greatest police department in the world and will do what is necessary."

Mayor Bloomberg Mad That Zuccotti Park Owners Got "Threatening" Phone Calls From Politicians: Gothamist
and to think way back over the years, customers leaving soiled diapers in parking lots was the most horrid despicable sight! how could any mother change her baby and leave the crappy diaper on the grounds or by the light post.
and look at the mess they created in Rigatoni Futtaccinni Park!
I was watching on streaming live this morning and Fox News. The owners of the park decided not to have them evacuate at this time. News analysts weren't sure why.

Possible trouble on the Brooklyn Bridge and in OWS crowd meeting with police and arrests in Denver. via chat on Stream LIve Thread

They are PRETENDING to not know why. The #OWS / #OccupyWallStreet Movement's politically a juggernaut. They don't want to totally piss off their constituents.

Let's go #OWS LET'S GO!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

As a tense, stormy night turned into a jubilant morning, Brookfield Properties blinked and rescinded their demand to clean Zuccotti Park, where hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters have set up camp for the last month. Mayor Bloomberg in turn told the NYPD to stand down, and outside of some punches and a few arrests, things have stabilized downtown. But don't think that Bloomberg is happy over the way things got to this breaking point.

The mayor spent much of his weekly radio appearance on the John Gambling Show on WWOR discussing the escalating situation at Zuccotti Park, and he offered some particularly bitchy words for city officials who aided protesters by calling up Brookfield, who owns the Park. "My understanding is Brookfield got lots of calls from many elected officials, threatening them and saying if you don't stop this we'll make your life more difficult," Bloomberg said. "If those elected officials had spent half as much time trying to promote the city to get jobs to come here we would a lot more ways towards answering the concerns of the protestors." Those elected officials included Rep. Jerry Nadler and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer. Of course, Bloomberg didn't mention how his girlfriend Diana Taylor sits on the board of Brookfield Properties.

Zuccotti Park is a privately-owned public space; it's open 24 hours a day to the public, but is nevertheless owned by Brookfield, and they are allowed to impose “reasonable” rules regarding behavior and cleanliness. So the city can't do anything there unless Brookfield calls them in.

Bloomberg sounded disappointed that didn't happen today, and gave a vague threat to protesters that this was only a temporary stopgap, and the clock was still ticking: "I've asked what would happen if they cannot (reach a deal). The answer I got was they would want to go ahead and do exactly what they were going to do this morning," Bloomberg said. "From our point of view, it will be a little bit harder, I think, at that point in time to provide police protection. But we have the greatest police department in the world and will do what is necessary."

Mayor Bloomberg Mad That Zuccotti Park Owners Got "Threatening" Phone Calls From Politicians: Gothamist're kinda proving my point there spruce.

The PEOPLE is who Bloomberg got calls from. Damn the RW fundamentalist politicos and who they call.

The PEOPLE are who matters.
Awww the party's over.:lol:

It's getting colder...

Shitters don't do well in the cold...

Really? Native Americans did just fine - and didn't destroy the planet in the process.

They also modified the land to stack the odds in there favor. Get that dances with wolves shit out of your head, its fake. As for the protesters, I doubt that the city would put up with camp fires in the park, and buffalo hunting in Manhattan.
They are PRETENDING to not know why. The #OWS / #OccupyWallStreet Movement's politically a juggernaut. They don't want to totally piss off their constituents.

Let's go #OWS LET'S GO!!! :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

As a tense, stormy night turned into a jubilant morning, Brookfield Properties blinked and rescinded their demand to clean Zuccotti Park, where hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters have set up camp for the last month. Mayor Bloomberg in turn told the NYPD to stand down, and outside of some punches and a few arrests, things have stabilized downtown. But don't think that Bloomberg is happy over the way things got to this breaking point.

The mayor spent much of his weekly radio appearance on the John Gambling Show on WWOR discussing the escalating situation at Zuccotti Park, and he offered some particularly bitchy words for city officials who aided protesters by calling up Brookfield, who owns the Park. "My understanding is Brookfield got lots of calls from many elected officials, threatening them and saying if you don't stop this we'll make your life more difficult," Bloomberg said. "If those elected officials had spent half as much time trying to promote the city to get jobs to come here we would a lot more ways towards answering the concerns of the protestors." Those elected officials included Rep. Jerry Nadler and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer. Of course, Bloomberg didn't mention how his girlfriend Diana Taylor sits on the board of Brookfield Properties.

Zuccotti Park is a privately-owned public space; it's open 24 hours a day to the public, but is nevertheless owned by Brookfield, and they are allowed to impose “reasonable” rules regarding behavior and cleanliness. So the city can't do anything there unless Brookfield calls them in.

Bloomberg sounded disappointed that didn't happen today, and gave a vague threat to protesters that this was only a temporary stopgap, and the clock was still ticking: "I've asked what would happen if they cannot (reach a deal). The answer I got was they would want to go ahead and do exactly what they were going to do this morning," Bloomberg said. "From our point of view, it will be a little bit harder, I think, at that point in time to provide police protection. But we have the greatest police department in the world and will do what is necessary."

Mayor Bloomberg Mad That Zuccotti Park Owners Got "Threatening" Phone Calls From Politicians: Gothamist're kinda proving my point there spruce.

The PEOPLE is who Bloomberg got calls from. Damn the RW fundamentalist politicos and who they call.

The PEOPLE are who matters.

Marc, do you suppose that maybe, you do not know or understand my position on the matter? I support their Right to Protest. I support them even doing Civil Disobedience, as long as they live up to their end of the bargain as Citizens, Keep it Non Violent and not Provoke Violence, Not call for Insurrection, and be willing to pay the Fine or do the time, if charged. I am concerned for their health and well being. I also think they are in part misguided. DNC Representatives, be they local or Federal, were threatening the Land Owner, with their Powers as Government Authorities, that is unethical, and an abuse of Power.
It's getting colder...

Shitters don't do well in the cold...

Really? Native Americans did just fine - and didn't destroy the planet in the process.

They also modified the land to stack the odds in there favor. Get that dances with wolves shit out of your head, its fake. As for the protesters, I doubt that the city would put up with camp fires in the park, and buffalo hunting in Manhattan.

Cold, wet and windy tonight in Manhattan.

New York Weather Forecast and Conditions
As a tense, stormy night turned into a jubilant morning, Brookfield Properties blinked and rescinded their demand to clean Zuccotti Park, where hundreds of Occupy Wall Street protesters have set up camp for the last month. Mayor Bloomberg in turn told the NYPD to stand down, and outside of some punches and a few arrests, things have stabilized downtown. But don't think that Bloomberg is happy over the way things got to this breaking point.

The mayor spent much of his weekly radio appearance on the John Gambling Show on WWOR discussing the escalating situation at Zuccotti Park, and he offered some particularly bitchy words for city officials who aided protesters by calling up Brookfield, who owns the Park. "My understanding is Brookfield got lots of calls from many elected officials, threatening them and saying if you don't stop this we'll make your life more difficult," Bloomberg said. "If those elected officials had spent half as much time trying to promote the city to get jobs to come here we would a lot more ways towards answering the concerns of the protestors." Those elected officials included Rep. Jerry Nadler and Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer. Of course, Bloomberg didn't mention how his girlfriend Diana Taylor sits on the board of Brookfield Properties.

Zuccotti Park is a privately-owned public space; it's open 24 hours a day to the public, but is nevertheless owned by Brookfield, and they are allowed to impose “reasonable” rules regarding behavior and cleanliness. So the city can't do anything there unless Brookfield calls them in.

Bloomberg sounded disappointed that didn't happen today, and gave a vague threat to protesters that this was only a temporary stopgap, and the clock was still ticking: "I've asked what would happen if they cannot (reach a deal). The answer I got was they would want to go ahead and do exactly what they were going to do this morning," Bloomberg said. "From our point of view, it will be a little bit harder, I think, at that point in time to provide police protection. But we have the greatest police department in the world and will do what is necessary."

Mayor Bloomberg Mad That Zuccotti Park Owners Got "Threatening" Phone Calls From Politicians: Gothamist're kinda proving my point there spruce.

The PEOPLE is who Bloomberg got calls from. Damn the RW fundamentalist politicos and who they call.

The PEOPLE are who matters.

Marc, do you suppose that maybe, you do not know or understand my position on the matter? I support their Right to Protest. I support them even doing Civil Disobedience, as long as they live up to their end of the bargain as Citizens, Keep it Non Violent and not Provoke Violence, Not call for Insurrection, and be willing to pay the Fine or do the time, if charged. I am concerned for their health and well being. I also think they are in part misguided. DNC Representatives, be they local or Federal, were threatening the Land Owner, with their Powers as Government Authorities, that is unethical, and an abuse of Power.

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