From an actual independent (me)

You're right in a lot of ways, the Demonicrats & Repulsivans depend on divide to remain in power. If it's always the other guy's fault then..............

I was non-partisan, like you, but I registered Republican when the Demonics showed their ugly heads, finally, in 2017. I have no doubt which of the two parties is most evil, so at this point even a good Democrat, which to my knowledge is one (Gabbard) won't see my vote, simply because the Democracks must not have power.

I have no issues calling out Republicans, Trump, what ever. But slice and dice all you want, these Democrats are pushing communism, insanity, racism and opposite days for sake of the global elite's benefit only.
Except for the communism thing, totally agree.

The Democrats went insane in 2016, and are only getting WORSE by the day.

The Republicans, while awful, are now truly the lesser evil.
Except for the communism thing, totally agree.

The Democrats went insane in 2016, and are only getting WORSE by the day.

The Republicans, while awful, are now truly the lesser evil.

Not communism? Well how about what leads to communism?

How about what leads to the end of societies past?

Was it an accident they followed 45 Communist goals almost to the letter with many enhancements? Sure, maybe they're not communists or maybe they don't think they're communists, but surely you don't need Betty Crocker to build a cake, the ingredients already laid out for them, with the goal taking the USA down and Europe comes with it, you betcha. When you do the following, I'm saying they're clearly precursors at minimum, look at this shit they've fucking built...........

People don't want to work? No shit. Welfare is awesome so are the drugs, pass down a bone to keep them in check, the conglomerates got us covered.

COVID was on purpose man, for whatever reason, reducing populations, "climate change", all that shit. End of the day its to control and steal rights. Fuck if a guy thought 9-11 led to taking away rights and data intrusion, that was a walk in the park. They're reducing populations by disease, but more than that by the circumstances, they knew that coming in. Consider it a replacement for a world war they don't want. And boy are they fucking children over good. They want everyone in the house and Amazon calling with primarily Chinese shit. Neat, communists, hmm! Next up they close the super markets.

They're assaulting the middle class as usual, now look at prices, and of course the poor. They're intentionally putting small business that doesn't make their cut out of business. That shit has nothing to do with China, and Amazon can't use em. They want everyone to be the same, just like the MFing HOA many pay. They want Americans in the shitter and when that happens Chinese who are smarter than us corner all they can while Gates corners surviving resources.

Then there's the banana republic built under Xiden, but you know, it was Trump's "insurrection". All BS.

California destroyed itself and now it spreads like a disease attacking the brain throughout the west. No doubt the east is fucked too. They pulled that off with computers, smart-phones and 24-7 news. What a coincidence too, we pulled off an enhancement of Chinese trade during the same era.

So on so forth, fucking communism. Add 1984, shit's getting real.

And BTW, Xiden is same as O'bummer on a different level, look at their expenditures, much is building public capital at the expense of private and gaining control of YOU...... I know people who achieved much wealth off Obama, and they're going to collect $ off it for life. I also saw the impact Obamacare had first hand.............All GOVT.............SHIT, and it destroyed many govt. agencies who may never recover. It's a poison.
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Not communism?
Totalitarianism/fascism, yes.

Communism, no.
Well how about what leads to communism?
See above.
How about what leads to the end of societies past?
See above.
Was it an accident they followed 45 Communist goals almost to the letter with many enhancements? Sure, maybe they're not communists or maybe they don't think they're communists, but surely you don't need Betty Crocker to build a cake, the ingredients already laid out for them, with the goal taking the USA down and Europe comes with it, you betcha. When you do the following, I'm saying they're clearly precursors at minimum, look at this shit they've fucking built...........
See above.
People don't want to work? No shit. Welfare is awesome so are the drugs, pass down a bone to keep them in check, the conglomerates got us covered.
See above.
COVID was on purpose man, for whatever reason, reducing populations, "climate change", all that shit.
The CovidScam was purposeful, the end game being the total destruction of privacy, and fascist totalitarianism.
End of the day its to control and steal rights.
Fuck if a guy thought 9-11 led to taking away rights and data intrusion, that was a walk in the park.
Compared to what's coming, yes.

We're on the brink of civil war.
They're reducing populations by disease, but more than that by the circumstances, they knew that coming in. Consider it a replacement for a world war they don't want. And boy are they fucking children over good. They want everyone in the house and Amazon calling with primarily Chinese shit. Neat, communists, hmm! Next up they close the super markets.
Requiring a vaccine passport to buy food will lead to civil war.
They're assaulting the middle class as usual, now look at prices, and of course the poor. They're intentionally putting small business that doesn't make their cut out of business. That shit has nothing to do with China, and Amazon can't use em. They want everyone to be the same, just like the MFing HOA many pay. They want Americans in the shitter and when that happens Chinese who are smarter than us corner all they can while Gates corners surviving resources.
Then there's the banana republic built under Xiden, but you know, it was Trump's "insurrection". All BS.
California destroyed itself and now it spreads like a disease attacking the brain throughout the west.
No doubt the east is fucked too. They pulled that off with computers, smart-phones and 24-7 news. What a coincidence too, we pulled off an enhancement of Chinese trade during the same era.

So on so forth, fucking communism.
Not communism, but as bad or worse.
Add 1984, shit's getting real.
And BTW, Xiden is same as O'bummer on a different level, look at their expenditures, much is building public capital at the expense of private and gaining control of YOU...... I know people who achieved much wealth off Obama, and they're going to collect $ off it for life. I also saw the impact Obamacare had first hand.............All GOVT.............SHIT, and it destroyed many govt. agencies who may never recover. It's a poison.
Over here, third party's have to spend much of their campaign donation to fight in state courts. We have 50 states, so there's many court cases. And it's never just one court case in each state. They always lose the first court and have to file for another. (or another or another) just to get their candidate on the ballots.
Then they have to struggle to get a certain percentage of approval in the national polls. (all ran by republicans or democrats) to get on the debate stage. Which has yet to happen since Ross Perot (back in the 90's)
After Ross Perot (billionaire) almost beat Bill Clinton, the R & D's took over the debate platforms.
And during this time of court battles, and trying to get their polling up, they have to fight the media, who's also paid for by the R & D's.

So you can see, there's no chance in hell any 3rd party is ever going to get anywhere in this country. If a R or D comes says something that exposes their party's corruption, their hash is settled. The party won't even help fund their next campaign.

The R & D's have it all sewn up. No way around it.

Probably because they're doing it wrong.

Take what the Koch brothers did. In 1980 they went Libertarian, and lost, obviously. So they decided to change things through an information campaign, change people's minds, rather than trying to get themselves elected.
Sorry bout that,

1. So being an Independent, will you vote for either party thats running, be it a Republican or a Demoract.


I'd be hard pressed to vote for a republican or a democrat now a days. Breaking free from either of the party's (or both) makes it tough to go back.
Seriously, it like divorcing a really bad spouse. Being in it, you know there's problems, and you're constantly hoping the problems can be worked out. Constantly overlooking things just to do your part. But then you realize they're never going to be worked out, and so you leave it behind. Then you just don't want to go back to it. Even if they come begging. You're just done.
Some good points, and I do think that Democrats often believe they're leftists - spout the same rhetoric - but ultimately, they're just zombie/Bizarro conservatives.

This is where we disconnect. Conservatives are conservatives. Democrats aren't conservative. At least not the vast majority of them.
1. They don't want to conserve anything. Not spending. Not the Constitution (as written). Not our freedoms (FISA 702).
2. They're always going on about taxing the rich.
3. They support racist legislation like "affirmative action."

I will admit, there's a LOT of republicans who call themselves "conservatives." But their voting record is far from being conservative. They align more with the democrats than they do conservatism.
I think you and I have different views on Democrats, leftist, Republican, Conservative.

My idea of a Conservative.
Justin Amash

Ron Paul

My idea of a CINO

So curious, what would get done? Nothing? Completely useless president

BTW, vetoing bad legislation isn't useless. It's something that can be respected. Id rather see a TON of veto's and nothing get done, than a bunch of bad legislation passed.

Do you not agree?
Against. We'll just get less experienced R's and D's who sell their vote to the highest bidder and set themselves up for a sweet life after their political career ends. The only difference is that we'll see them do it much sooner and with much more volatility than now. Whatever the next generation of billion dollar submarines and destroyers are (that we don't need) will get built a lot sooner...thus replacing the current subs and ships that never fired their guns in anger...once. Over the last 40 years, we've had a lot of turnover in the Congress. For example, when I lived in Texas, during my lifetime there--multiple decades, we went through Bentsen, Krueger, Hutchison, Cruz (I think), Gramm, Tower and probably twice as many House members. Partisanship just got more tedious. Shortening someone's time in the chamber isn't going to make them less partisan...if you think it will, please tell me how. It also, in my view, weakens our hand on the world stage when you don't have people who are "up" on the histories of our adversaries (or our friends).

There's a three party series that was posted on youtube called "The Swamp." It features someone I'd consider a pretty true conservative, Thomas Massie. He explains sooo much of the inner workings of lobbyist and how much control they have. How they "bribe" congressmen.
Example: If a congressman wants a committee seat, he's got to pay for it, out of his own pocket. And it's a LOT of money. But lobbyist will pay for it for them. But in doing so, you have to pay them back. One of the ways is to vote how they want you to vote.
And this is done with both republicans and democrats.

Here's a clip:
I think you're off about the school board members being R's and D's by and large. Sure they have preferences--anyone who studies politics develops preferences. Whatever they are though, we should teach kids that there is some nobility in public service. I don't think that gets stressed at all much less stressed enough.
School staff are government employee's. There is partisanship there. We've all seen the Loudoun Co. School board meetings and heard how corrupt and progressive they are. The party loyalty (to the left) is extreme in that, and almost all school districts now a days.
BTW, vetoing bad legislation isn't useless. It's something that can be respected. Id rather see a TON of veto's and nothing get done, than a bunch of bad legislation passed.

Do you not agree?
it is if they can overwrite the veto. And I have to believe that would occur at most every legislative piece vetoed. Again, a president that can do nothing is lame duck. Why do you think that's what we need?
There's a three party series that was posted on youtube called "The Swamp." It features someone I'd consider a pretty true conservative, Thomas Massie. He explains sooo much of the inner workings of lobbyist and how much control they have. How they "bribe" congressmen.
Example: If a congressman wants a committee seat, he's got to pay for it, out of his own pocket. And it's a LOT of money. But lobbyist will pay for it for them. But in doing so, you have to pay them back. One of the ways is to vote how they want you to vote.
And this is done with both republicans and democrats.

Here's a clip:

and what is it lobbyist do? They fund the candidate. And then what, expect something for their money. Don't allow that is my position.
School staff are government employee's. There is partisanship there. We've all seen the Loudoun Co. School board meetings and heard how corrupt and progressive they are. The party loyalty (to the left) is extreme in that, and almost all school districts now a days.
no they aren't. Come on man, you're giving us a bad name here.
no they aren't. Come on man, you're giving us a bad name here.

Allow me to correct my statement, "The party loyalty (to the left) is extreme in that "school district", and almost all school districts now a days.

I meant to type that in, but somehow forgot. BTW, I'm not saying all school districts lean left. Just normally one way or another, because of the population of the people in that district. A right leaning district will have right leaning school board members.

The GOP gives themselves a bad name. I just call them out when they do things in ways that I disagree with.
A good example is Trump AHCA bill he was pushing. Worse than Obamacare.
Allow me to correct my statement, "The party loyalty (to the left) is extreme in that "school district", and almost all school districts now a days.

I meant to type that in, but somehow forgot. BTW, I'm not saying all school districts lean left. Just normally one way or another, because of the population of the people in that district. A right leaning district will have right leaning school board members.
dude, had you merely pointed out that every public school is run by demofks, then you'd have been just fine. Everyone now understands and has recognized the evil in it. Mac1958.
it is if they can overwrite the veto. And I have to believe that would occur at most every legislative piece vetoed. Again, a president that can do nothing is lame duck. Why do you think that's what we need?

You are correct. But overriding a veto is extremely rare occurrence. If a veto is overriden, it's then turned into a law without the president approval. Therefore, the president takes no responsibility for the law. His hands are clean. That is the honorable thing to do in such occasions.

But to pass bad legislation in fear of a veto override, lacks in principle. A cowardly act.
dude, had you merely pointed out that every public school is run by demofks, then you'd have been just fine. Everyone now understands and has recognized the evil in it. Mac1958.

As I stated, I forgot to add a couple of words. My mistake. The statement has been corrected. Let's move on from it.
The point remains. Party loyalty infects almost everything in our society now. From our school boards to the presidency.
You are correct. But overriding a veto is extremely rare occurrence. If a veto is overriden, it's then turned into a law without the president approval. Therefore, the president takes no responsibility for the law. His hands are clean. That is the honorable thing to do in such occasions.

But to pass bad legislation in fear of a veto override, lacks in principle. A cowardly act.
dude, it would become the norm in the scenario we're discussing. Again, you haven't pointed out the good in doing all of that. Still waiting for your fking point. You keep avoiding posting it.
and what is it lobbyist do? They fund the candidate. And then what, expect something for their money. Don't allow that is my position.

I'm not saying it's right. Just the way it is. Lobbyist pay for republicans and democrats alike. People like Ron Paul would never allow a lobbyist to pay for his committee seat. Apparently Massie and Amash didn't allow it either.
That's honorable. Principled conservatives are few and far between.

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