From Dead Registrants To Inactive Mail Voters, Complaints Highlight Michigan’s Voter Roll Mess


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2011
This is another swing state Biden won in the early AM hours of Nov. 4th. One of the reasons were fraudulent votes that can be given to anyone by election officials. MI. has a shitload.

The appellate brief filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) asked the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse a decision issued by U.S. District Court Judge Jane Beckering in March. Beckering, a Biden appointee, claimed Michigan makes a good-faith effort to remove ineligible voters from its voter rolls on a “regular and ongoing basis,” and subsequently dismissed the legal group’s lawsuit, which asserted otherwise.

PILF originally sued Benson in November 2021 for her alleged failure to remove roughly 26,000 potentially deceased registrants from the state’s voter registration lists, which the legal group argued constituted a violation of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. That law requires state officials to make “a reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters from the official lists of eligible voters.”

PILF published a mini-documentary in February showcasing the grave markers of numerous deceased individuals reportedly still included on Michigan’s voter rolls.

We cannot have a fair election with crap like this being allowed. Every American should want this fixed and stopped.

My kid is registered to vote, and yet, every time he moves, (which has been a considerable amount of times since the last election,) they send him a form/postcard to re-register.

When I moved here, they sent something, and he never moved with me. It was strange. And the way the mail is structured, you could just separate the form, and use the card to vote. . it is shady as hell if you ask me.

The Republican National Committee sues Michigan over the state's voter rolls​

The move claiming that Michigan's voter rolls are inflated comes as Trump allies have moved into leadership positions at the RNC ahead.
March 13, 2024, 6:39 PM EDT
My kid is registered to vote, and yet, every time he moves, (which has been a considerable amount of times since the last election,) they send him a form/postcard to re-register.

When I moved here, they sent something, and he never moved with me. It was strange. And the way the mail is structured, you could just separate the form, and use the card to vote. . it is shady as hell if you ask me.

The Republican National Committee sues Michigan over the state's voter rolls​

The move claiming that Michigan's voter rolls are inflated comes as Trump allies have moved into leadership positions at the RNC ahead.
March 13, 2024, 6:39 PM EDT
They have lawsuits in all 7 swing states. That means the judges cannot throw cases challenging the election out this time if there is fraud. They will be forced to hear evidence. Something they avoided last time with something called "laches'.

Definition of Laches​

Pronounced la–ches (like “latches”)


  1. Undue delay in asserting a legal right or privilege.
  2. Failure to bring a legal claim in the proper, or a reasonable, time.
That is why so many cases were dismissed. It had nothing to do with merit or evidence. That excuse has been shot in the ass. Funny the MSM never told anyone about it.

Purpose of the Doctrine of Laches​

The doctrine of laches is based on the adage that “equity aids the vigilant and not those who sleep on their rights.” In many situations, a delay in filing a lawsuit has the effect of preventing the opposing party from putting on a fair defense. This is because witnesses go their ways, evidence disappears, and memories falter. If a plaintiff has knowledge of a problem that might be the subject of a legal dispute, but puts off asserting his claim for an unreasonable amount of time, he may be barred from recovering on his claim at all.
Why is this a problem? They can see who has not voted, who has died or who has moved.

The RNC also filed a lawsuit against Benson in March, urging her to address the inflated voter registration rolls, which they claim violate the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). The lawsuit highlighted that in 53 of Michigan’s 83 counties, there are more active registered voters than adult citizens, with some counties exceeding 90% voter registration rates.

Additionally, Michigan Fair Elections (MFE) reported over 320,000 “ghost voters” in the state’s Qualified Voter Files as of May 2024. These ghost voters are names that remain on the voter rolls despite the original registrants having moved, died, or been re-registered with duplicate identification numbers. Such discrepancies present opportunities for voter fraud, particularly through mail-in ballots.

The problem is massive, especially when it's considered that not 100% of adults are actually registered to vote. LeDuff witnessed the issues in Michigan firsthand when, in 2020, an absentee ballot came to his house for a woman named Janet who hadn’t lived there in 25 years.

“So I went down to City Hall, told my clerk 'Janet hasn’t lived here in 25 years. Janet lives in Texas, Janet remarried and has assumed another name.' They kept coming, and they came in '21, and they came in '22, and I keep sending them back, and they came in '23.”

“And in '23, Janet’s voter registration card came. I called Janet and I said, ‘Hey Janet, all I have to do is change my gas bill into your name. That’s two pieces of ID and I can get your Social Security.'”

LeDuff also knows a woman who owns a house in Michigan that was burned. It’s boarded up, and no one has lived in the house for 10 years.

“There are four active registered people at that address. One guy apparently was born in 1914,” LeDuff says.


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