From the outside looking in the response to Sandy doesn't look any different than

The response to Katrina. Just watching the news makes me so thankful I don't live along the coasts.

Obama seems as absent as Bush was. Determining if that's a bad thing or not is up to the eye of the beholder.

Gramps, you senile old fuck, that's a fish tank not the tv you've been watching for 3 days.
The response to Katrina. Just watching the news makes me so thankful I don't live along the coasts.

Obama seems as absent as Bush was. Determining if that's a bad thing or not is up to the eye of the beholder.


Didn't you just start a thread complaining about Obama doing a flyover with Christie?

This is what happens when people let republican liars and hacks do their "thinking" for them. :lol: I listened to limbaugh this afternoon and hannity for an hour and this is their new plan of "attack".

I haven't listened to either since the storm hit buddy. So maybe, just maybe its just the reality that we are presented with. So many were so obsessed with blaming Bush that it never occured to them that for the most part he probably did what he could. And now that you've set the bar so low Obama keeps clothes lining himself at your expense.
The response to Katrina. Just watching the news makes me so thankful I don't live along the coasts.

Obama seems as absent as Bush was. Determining if that's a bad thing or not is up to the eye of the beholder.

i haven't seen the pictures of refugees jamming the meadowlands.

can you link me to some?
The response to Katrina. Just watching the news makes me so thankful I don't live along the coasts.

Obama seems as absent as Bush was. Determining if that's a bad thing or not is up to the eye of the beholder.

i haven't seen the pictures of refugees jamming the meadowlands.

can you link me to some?

yeah that Democrat Nagin was quite the LEADER,
The response to Katrina. Just watching the news makes me so thankful I don't live along the coasts.

Obama seems as absent as Bush was. Determining if that's a bad thing or not is up to the eye of the beholder.

i haven't seen the pictures of refugees jamming the meadowlands.

can you link me to some?

yeah that Democrat Nagin was quite the LEADER,

he was every bit the leader mr bush was

and then some
One thing that could be done is to provide generators for Gas stations.

Yeah the video of the gas lines is insane. Not to mention the violence that forced police to now have to sit at the functioning stations.

A few points:

1- Obama should follow the Constitution, and not aid the state. The federal govt only has authority to have a military, not to aid local public safety. At least that what TP'ers have said in the past when it was brought up that the Feds should aid cities that are hurting financially.

2- Cops shouldn't be at those gas stations. The people of America can survive and thrive on their own, without gubermint help. All the far right wingers have said "I can protect myself" and thus stated no need for government. Cops should let those in the gas lines be self sufficient and take care of themselves, not waste my tax dollar babysitting.


"Get government out of the way!" :lol:
The response to Katrina. Just watching the news makes me so thankful I don't live along the coasts.

Obama seems as absent as Bush was. Determining if that's a bad thing or not is up to the eye of the beholder.

that doesn't even begin to be rational....

the spin coming from your side of the aisle...and the wishful thinking that we're not doing kind of wicked. if you want to know the truth.

The truth ???

From you ????

that doesn't even begin to be rational....

the spin coming from your side of the aisle...and the wishful thinking that we're not doing kind of wicked. if you want to know the truth.

I only know what I see on tv. I don't live there. As far as spin, I have no idea what you're talking about.

I've always believed you have no idea what you're 'talking' about. You start with a bias and somehow spew out comments unrelated to reality. You must know most of us posting on this message board were alive and alert during Katrina, so your effort to rewrite history is ridiculous when it conflicts with what we saw as a current event.

The comments are a regurgitation of limbaugh's and or hannity's show.
Staten Island Resident Confronts Chuck Schumer; 'We Are Gonna Die!'

Video of NYer who is frightened they are going to die.. asks CHUCK Schumer, "When is the government coming?" 3 days these people left without food, heat, clothing, water..

God...that is horrible

Why is it that Republicans want to diisband FEMA?

Who do you want to step in? Private Charities?

Where are the Private Charities? Why aren't they saving these poor people?

Never mind the logistics of getting through flooded streets with downed power lines.
The response to Katrina. Just watching the news makes me so thankful I don't live along the coasts.

Obama seems as absent as Bush was. Determining if that's a bad thing or not is up to the eye of the beholder.

Brownie's FEMA (and the rest of Bush's Federal Gov't, for that matter) didn't get any aid to NO for four full days.

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