Fucking extremist


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Fuck extremist on both sides. Congratulations for fucking this country straight in the ass!!! No side is without dirt in this, so don't act like you're NOT!

Democrats you pushing extremism to the extreme with dividing this country by sex, race and by class has strengthen the tea party. Now we have two extremes pulling this country apart. Thanks a lot socialist for electing someone that has doubled welfare and lined the halls of congress with dog shit.:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Now extreme republicans want to do the opposite cutting the shit out of our science, infrastructure and tech edge. You want America to be a hollow shall with a big military like north Korea???? Just let either extreme win and you will have either a big military or a socialist welfare state like cuba.

OR we could meet in the middle and work things out within the way that made us a first world super power.

Don't cut science programs that gives this nation the edge it enjoys over most of the rest of the world.
Don't cut high paid tech jobs
Don't cut infrastructure
Don't divide based on race
Don't divide based on sex
Don't divide but work to make this country better.

If you believe in education democrats. Well, you should know that capitalism works!!!! Certainly I am not against helping people but this is nuts.

WTF is wrong with you sick son of a bitches. :mad::mad::mad::mad: I never was against making America a better country, but was focused against the extreme left. You want in jumped the damn shark....

Let's work this out.
Fuck extremist on both sides. Congratulations for fucking this country straight in the ass!!! No side is without dirt in this, so don't act like you're NOT!

Democrats you pushing extremism to the extreme with dividing this country by sex, race and by class has strengthen the tea party. Now we have two extremes pulling this country apart. Thanks a lot socialist for electing someone that has doubled welfare and lined the halls of congress with dog shit.:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Now extreme republicans want to do the opposite cutting the shit out of our science, infrastructure and tech edge. You want America to be a hollow shall with a big military like north Korea???? Just let either extreme win and you will have either a big military or a socialist welfare state like cuba.

OR we could meet in the middle and work things out within the way that made us a first world super power.

Don't cut science programs that gives this nation the edge it enjoys over most of the rest of the world.
Don't cut high paid tech jobs
Don't cut infrastructure
Don't divide based on race
Don't divide based on sex
Don't divide but work to make this country better.

If you believe in education democrats. Well, you should know that capitalism works!!!! Certainly I am not against helping people but this is nuts.

WTF is wrong with you sick son of a bitches. :mad::mad::mad::mad: I never was against making America a better country, but was focused against the extreme left. You want in jumped the damn shark....

Let's work this out.

You are contradicting yourself, on many levels.

If "capitalism works", then why would you want the U.S. government to fund "science programs", fund "high paid tech jobs", and not "cut infrastructure".

If you are referring to Obama GUTTING NASA, I agree with you.

If you are referring to the billions of dollars that Obama and his Democrat lapdogs in Congress earmarked for infrastructure repairs and upgrades that NEVER GOT DONE, I agree with you.

Capitalism creates jobs.

Government invents jobs, and pays for them with taxpayer money.
How does the government cut a "tech" or "science" job? Can you site an example?
This shutdown might be the best thing to ever happen to conservatives. Once people figure out we don't need a gynormous bureaucracy to oversee every aspect f the economy they'll easily lobby to cut the whole lot.

And Matthew, the idea that gov't needs to fund research and infrastructure is fucked.

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