Full Appeals Court Vacates Dismissal of flynn Case

And again. It does not matter how serious the charges are. The law is supposed to apply to everyone equally. We are at the doorstep to the fall of the Republic because we do not follow the Constitution.

The Republic will be fine. Cops have taken shortcuts around "rights" for years. There's nothing new here. I know of cases of outright ENTRAPMENT, much less "Boo, hoo, they embellished their case for a warrant.".

Flynn sold this country out to Russia and Turkey. He knew he was guilty and plead down. Then he realized that he could get a pass from Trump because Trump is more corrupt than he is.
Matters not.

They can overturn it.
But they won't. The SCOTUS does not have a history of being keen on high ranking officials who turn into foreign agents and sell out their country.

I see that your 'Russia, Russia, Russia' conspiracy brain cells have been reactivated!
All that you need to know is that the Dimms used Russia's FBS Service to compile the fake dossier. As usual, seditionist Dimms accuse the opposing party of what they have actually done; which is namely conspire with Russia, themselves!!
Even if this panel rules against Flynn it is all but assured Trump would pardon him given the bullshit that went on that we now know about. This is no longer about the law or justice it is about political and judical activism no matter how much some try and pretend otherwise.
Right. Sure. Every time Trumpism loses, it is because everyone else is corrupt ( but not the foreign agent that the mentally ill president put in charge of national security, who lied to the FBI) History will not agree and will record your cultism.
And again. It does not matter how serious the charges are. The law is supposed to apply to everyone equally. We are at the doorstep to the fall of the Republic because we do not follow the Constitution.

The Republic will be fine. Cops have taken shortcuts around "rights" for years. There's nothing new here. I know of cases of outright ENTRAPMENT, much less "Boo, hoo, they embellished their case for a warrant.".

Flynn sold this country out to Russia and Turkey. He knew he was guilty and plead down. Then he realized that he could get a pass from Trump because Trump is more corrupt than he is.

Part of the evidence the Government had against the Rosenberg's being Soviet Agents was decrypted Soviet Communiques. The Venona Project found mention of the Rosenberg's. The Government could not admit they were decrypting the Soviet Message Traffic, and could not use it against the Rosenberg's even if they would admit it, no warrant. It was an illegal wiretap for all intents and purposes. But we were doing it to foreigners, and so the law did not apply. At least, that was our read.

No, I am not saying we should not try and read the messages of foreign Governments. I am saying that some evidence you just can't use.

It comes down the Constitution, which I know you are one of those folks who detests the Constitution. The Fourth Amendment. That amendment requires the Police to provide the truth to the Judge so S/He can determine if the standard of Probable Cause has been met. If the Feds had presented the truth to the Court, no warrant would have been issued. Now, if you were a defender of the Constitution, or even possessed of any intelligence, you would be outraged. Why?

Ok, let's say that the Supreme Court eventually rules that the Prosecutors must prosecute Flynn. He's a bad guy, and we know he's guilty. The Brady Rule has just gone out the window. Now, the cops do not have to provide any evidence to the Defense they don't want to. Why does that matter? Because let's say that the Republicans take control of the House and Senate during Biden's term. They decide to go after Susan Rice the Vice President. Who can stop them? They find a friendly Prosecutor who gets an indictment on flawed warrants. Brady Rule does not apply anymore. You threw it out to get Flynn.

What it really means is that we have thrown away one of the biggest reasons we broke away from England. Hell we threw away the rights guaranteed by the Magna Carta. All so we can get a political enemy. We know the Brady Rule is regularly abused. We know it isn't followed, and we aren't mad about that. We're mad that from time to time, someone exposes it.

The idea of a fair trail, and restrictions of Government mean that the Government can not arrest you, charge you, convict you, without a trial, or with a show trial with a predetermined outcome. Soviet Trials as one example of this bullshit.

So yes, you have to hate the Constitution, and I understand. You hate the Republicans, and if Trump does win in November, imagine what power you will be giving him. Imagine what he can do with it. Go after political enemies with lies to the Courts? Sure. No problem. We know they're guilty. Go after anyone the Feds want with made up evidence? Absolutely. Perfectly right and proper, we know they're guilty.

You are advocating the Totalitarian State that you claim to oppose so long as Trump is in charge. But you'll never be able to guarantee that the Totalitarian Power will be used as you think it should. And eventually it will be used against you.
There may be hope for the rule of law yet.

Yes, only in liberal world can Democrats attempt a political coup, investigate when there is no proven reason to do so, intimidate, accuse, file charges despite FBI members stating they did not think Flynn lied, violate protocol, standards, procedures ... continue to attempt to destroy a citizen after the DOJ admitted investigative and prosecutorial misconduct and drop the case yet still ride 2 Obama-appointed judges to continue a case against someone for merely being associated with the man they could not take out because their coup failed....

Flynn's eventual conviction/ sentence, if it happens, will forever be the Democrats' 'PARTICIPATION TROPHY' for their 'good try' in a failed coup attempt.

Part of the evidence the Government had against the Rosenberg's being Soviet Agents was decrypted Soviet Communiques. The Venona Project found mention of the Rosenberg's. The Government could not admit they were decrypting the Soviet Message Traffic, and could not use it against the Rosenberg's even if they would admit it, no warrant. It was an illegal wiretap for all intents and purposes. But we were doing it to foreigners, and so the law did not apply. At least, that was our read.

No, I am not saying we should not try and read the messages of foreign Governments. I am saying that some evidence you just can't use.

Why not? The problem is you are saying that if you have evidence that someone did EXACTLY WHAT THEY ARE ACCUSED OF, you should ignore it because the paperwork wasn't filled out properly. This is kind of absurd. Just as absurd as letting an ax murderer off because a judge second-guessed a cop who found the bloody ax and the dead wife in the trunk.

It comes down the Constitution, which I know you are one of those folks who detests the Constitution. The Fourth Amendment. That amendment requires the Police to provide the truth to the Judge so S/He can determine if the standard of Probable Cause has been met. If the Feds had presented the truth to the Court, no warrant would have been issued. Now, if you were a defender of the Constitution, or even possessed of any intelligence, you would be outraged. Why?

First, you assume that no warrant would hvae been issued. That's kind of doubtful. Second, THE CONSTITUTION IS NOT A SUICIDE PACT.

Ok, let's say that the Supreme Court eventually rules that the Prosecutors must prosecute Flynn. He's a bad guy, and we know he's guilty. The Brady Rule has just gone out the window. Now, the cops do not have to provide any evidence to the Defense they don't want to. Why does that matter? Because let's say that the Republicans take control of the House and Senate during Biden's term. They decide to go after Susan Rice the Vice President. Who can stop them? They find a friendly Prosecutor who gets an indictment on flawed warrants. Brady Rule does not apply anymore. You threw it out to get Flynn.

Again, the legislature doesn't go after people, so that's not an issue. The real problem here is that because we don't have a meaningful Independent Counsel Law, you have a guy like Mueller who investigated Trump with one hand behind his back.

What it really means is that we have thrown away one of the biggest reasons we broke away from England.

Uh, we broke away from England because a bunch of slave raping assholes didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes. I don't look at the American Revolution as anything to be proud of. If those slave rapists had ended up at the business end of a noose, we'd all be Canadians today. I've been to Canada. It's nice.

So yes, you have to hate the Constitution, and I understand. You hate the Republicans, and if Trump does win in November, imagine what power you will be giving him. Imagine what he can do with it. Go after political enemies with lies to the Courts? Sure. No problem. We know they're guilty. Go after anyone the Feds want with made up evidence? Absolutely. Perfectly right and proper, we know they're guilty.

Trump is already ignoring the constitution. We stopped having a constitution when 52 Republicans in the Senate decided they were going to ignore blatant evidence Trump broke the law, because they didn't want to admit they made a mistake. So, really, if Trump wins a second term (he won't) we'll probably see a lot worse.

Shit, the guy was talking about cancelling elections. I don't see you showing anywhere near the level of fucking outrage about that than General Benedict Arnold didn't have his paperwork filled out right.

I know of a case where the FBI outright entrapped a friend of mine. That's not what happened here. They just had information on Flynn that maybe didn't pass a test, maybe it did. It's a lot of Monday Morning Quarterbacking.

Trump can pardon Flynn. We'll all know it was a cover up when he did it, just like we know it was a cover up when Poppy Bush pardoned all his Iran-Contra buddies or when Clinton pardoned all his Whitewater buddies. But to mewl "But, but, but the career prosecutors didn't fill out the paperwork properly when they caught this traitor RED HANDED selling us out to Russia", I just don't want to hear it.
Sounds like the appeals court is trying to decide whether to issue mandamus or just save face for Sullivan, but looks to order dismissal either way. It also
Good news for Flynn.

What I think is funny is Sullivan’s attorney argued, if only Powell hadn’t done anything this would have all been over on July 14. Lol
I dont understand how this is even an issue. There is no prosecution.
Exactly! I think now it boils down to whether to disqualify Sullivan and remove him or to allow him to save face and dismiss it himself.
My opinion? He should be removed. May take a few more days to dismiss, but it would send a message to other judges at there.
So, what they did was keep a case open that will not be prosecuted.

How dumb.

If I were Barr, I would appoint a prosecutor with the specific instruction to NOT prove the case or introduce evidence. Then, I would pressure Sullivan to immediately set it for trial.

This is a real opportunity for Sullivan to overstep and open himself up for impeachment. If the prosecutor doesn't do the job, and he takes on that role, that would be grounds for dismissal.
You and others just aren't understanding. There will be no trial, no prosecution, no evidence. It goes back to Flynn's guilty plea. All that remains is sentencing. This may just have to go to the Supreme Court,
So, what they did was keep a case open that will not be prosecuted.

How dumb.

If I were Barr, I would appoint a prosecutor with the specific instruction to NOT prove the case or introduce evidence. Then, I would pressure Sullivan to immediately set it for trial.

This is a real opportunity for Sullivan to overstep and open himself up for impeachment. If the prosecutor doesn't do the job, and he takes on that role, that would be grounds for dismissal.
You and others just aren't understanding. There will be no trial, no prosecution, no evidence. It goes back to Flynn's guilty plea. All that remains is sentencing. This may just have to go to the Supreme Court,
Actually, it doesn’t sound like it. This should be dismissed shortly. It has also come to light there is more classified info that helped the attorney that reviewed the case for Barr has seen, helping to reinfornce the doj’s dismissal order even more.
...but the OP was sooooooooo looking forward to Flynn's re-prosecution?!
Too bad. I'm looking to Sullivan's firing.
And again. It does not matter how serious the charges are. The law is supposed to apply to everyone equally. We are at the doorstep to the fall of the Republic because we do not follow the Constitution.

The Republic will be fine. Cops have taken shortcuts around "rights" for years. There's nothing new here. I know of cases of outright ENTRAPMENT, much less "Boo, hoo, they embellished their case for a warrant.".

Flynn sold this country out to Russia and Turkey. He knew he was guilty and plead down. Then he realized that he could get a pass from Trump because Trump is more corrupt than he is.
Yeah, that’s what he was charged with. Not! Lol
Give It Up! That song and dance exited stage right a long time ago. Jan 17, 2017, to be exact.
The full appeals court vacated the 3 judge ruling to dismiss the michael flynn case.

There will be a hearing with the full court in August.

We will see what the full appeals court has to say about dismissing charges against flynn.

I predicted it. It was a no brainer decision. The three judge panel totally undermined the integrity of the Federal District courts. The decision had to be reversed.

You have the word "law" in your username, but you think an appellate court granting en banc review is the same thing as a reversal? LOL

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