Furious bigots mutter and grunt over same-sex marriage ruling

You Morons have so abused the labels "bigot" and "racist" that they have very little meaning outside of your own left wing nut circle jerks.

It's almost a badge of honor these days.

If people are overusing the term "bigot" because there are too many bigots around, you can hardly blame the person who is overusing it.

bigot definition of bigot in Oxford dictionary American English US

"A person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions:"

American Heritage Dictionary Entry bigot

"One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."

Definition of bigot Collins English Dictionary

  1. a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race"

So, if I find a person who is intolerant of those holding other opinions, and I call them a bigot, am I overusing this word?
The bakers who hate gays have a right to hate gays in their church, not their business
So you want to force these people to participate in a ceremony they think is wrong. You oppose freedom. You are intolerant.

As always homosexual activists screech about HATE. Reasoned disagreement is not hate!
Homosexual fanatics giggle and squeal as they think about forcing everyone to celebrate the homosexual lifestyle.
Nope...don't want to force you to celebrate the homosexual lifestyle....you're not invited....sorry.
Bakers, florists, photographers, churches, schoolchildren all forced to celebrate this particular lifestyle. What happened to freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion, artistic freedom?

Homosexual activists vs. freedom: Protecting Religious Liberty in the State Marriage Debate

Forced indoctrination in the schools: Harvey Milk Day - SaveCalifornia.com

How are they "forced to celebrate"? I mean, Christmas is big, but Jews and Muslims aren't "forced to celebrate" Christmas even if there are Christmas decorations up and lots of Christmas stuff going on.

Ramadan is on now, am I "forced to celebrate" it even though I know it's happening? No.
The bakers who hate gays have a right to hate gays in their church, not their business
So you want to force these people to participate in a ceremony they think is wrong. You oppose freedom. You are intolerant.

As always homosexual activists screech about HATE. Reasoned disagreement is not hate!
Then you have problems with state PA laws...not gay marriage. If you really cared to stop that kind of thing, you would have taken the time to know that. Can we assume you've done nothing to actively get rid of PA laws in your state?
Need to read the actual law and nowhere did I write a male could marry a 12 year old boy, but a 12 year old girl can get married in states like Massachusetts with Parent or court consent, so why do you support such laws like that?
If men can marry 12 year old girls in some states, can't men also marry 12 year old boys?

Of course I never said I support such a young age of consent.
The good news (that you may not have heard) is that as we have fought successfully for gay marriage rights, at the same time , age of consent has been creeping.........................up.
Whats the matter anyway, a little name calling offends your fragile PC sensibilities?
Name-calling in lieu of intelligent analysis tells me I'm dealing with a subpar debater.

Instead of acting like a 2nd grader try answering my question: Do you believe in freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion, artistic freedom?
Absolutely. Now...are you aware of the SOLID FACT that criticizing what you say, what you think, what religion you are, what art you like is NOT taking away your freedom to do such things. It's just criticism....which we also have the freedom to do.
Whats the matter anyway, a little name calling offends your fragile PC sensibilities?
Name-calling in lieu of intelligent analysis tells me I'm dealing with a subpar debater.

Instead of acting like a 2nd grader try answering my question: Do you believe in freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion, artistic freedom?
We all continue to have freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion, and artistic freedom.

What I'm not interested in doing is listening to you cry about thinking you don't have that anymore, because you do.

What the state you live in no longer has, is the freedom to pass laws that discriminate against gay marriage.

So yay us, and it must suck to be you
Really so there have been no law suits,nobody has been sued because their beliefs prevent them from say baking a cake for a gay wedding,or don't you think that is wrong?
Again...your complaint is with your state's PA laws...which have probably been on the books for half a century. So...if you don't like your state's PA laws....what have your actively been doing to repeal such laws? What?
Really so there have been no law suits,nobody has been sued because their beliefs prevent them from say baking a cake for a gay wedding,or don't you think that is wrong?

I don't think it's wrong that businesses can't refuse to serve blacks.

I don't think it's wrong that businesses can't refuse to serve gays.

Exact same thing.
No. Homosexual coupling like overeating and taking drugs is a behavior not an ethnicity.

Majority of Black Americans Reject Gay Rights as Civil Rights Africanglobe.net

It is insulting and wrong to declare homosexual behavior the same as being African American, particularly when African Americans themselves disapprove of the analogy. Wildly inappropriate for a homosexual activist to use the suffering of African Americans to further his own selfish agenda.
Are you trying to tell us that equal civil rights can ONLY be based on ethnicity?
Have they yet? What church has been forced to perform any wedding against their beliefs? Name one.
Wait a bit.

Gay Danish couples win right to marry in church - Telegraph

Are we ditching our American constitution in favor of the Danish flavor constitution? Their nationally established religion is Lutheran, and I'll note that many Lutheran countries are open to SSM, Scandinavia having legalized it in 2006, and in 2009 their church has been officiating their ceremonies. Denmark, Germany, and Norway ALL provide Lutheran "blessed" SSM.

Your article was from 2012 for reference;

A 2011 poll of the Danish public found that 75.8% of Danes approve of same-sex marriages being performed in the church.[17]

According to a 2011 survey of 1137 priests, 62% of them supported same-sex marriage in the Church on the same basis as for heterosexuals, while 28% were against. A map of the results hints at the traditional west-east division, with a conservative wing being dominant in central West Jutland (the former Ringkjøbing Amt) and on Bornholm, but liberal priests dominating in most other areas.[18]

In 2004, a poll among pastors said 60% were against church marriage of same-sex couples.[19]

Similarly, there seems to be a political majority for same-sex marriage in the National Churches of Norway and Sweden; the Norwegian Parliament passed same-sex marriage legislation on June 11, 2008. The Church of Sweden, currently allowing blessings of same-sex couples, approved a proposal to perform same-sex weddings on October 22, 2009 by a majority of the synod.[20]

Early position of the church[edit]
Since Denmark approved same-sex civil unions (registered partnership) in 1989, the question of church blessing ceremonies for such unions emerged. After an enquiry from the Danish National Association of Gays and Lesbians in 1993, bishops set up a commission to reach a stance on the matter.

An early stance on registered partnerships was reached in 1997. Bishops maintained that the ceremony of marriage was God's framework for the relation between a man and a woman, but this view of marriage was not affected by the fact that some people chose to live in a responsible community with a person of the same sex, approved by society, i.e. a registered partnership. The bishops disapproved of institutionalising new rituals, but couples who wished a non-ritualised marking in church of their registered partnership should be obliged. In such cases, it would be up to the rector to decide, and he should seek advice from his bishop.[21]

At this time, many churches chose to bless registered partnerships, however this blessing was distinguished from a legal ceremony, which was performed by a mayor or another municipal official.[22]

Same-sex marriages accepted[edit]

However, on 15 June 2012 the Church of Denmark made the decision to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies and not merely bless them; therefore Denmark now recognises same-sex marriages. In early 2012 Minister for Equality, Ecclesiastical Affairs and Nordic Cooperation Manu Sareen introduced a bill approving same-sex marriage, which was passed in parliament in June 2012.[23] A wedding ritual with liturgy has been developed and presented to parliament by the eleven bishops who are in favor of same-sex marriages being performed in church.[24] Manu Sareen and a majority of bishops initially proposed the ritual would not declare the same-sex couple 'spouses', but 'life partners' (livsfæller, a Danish neologism), but the minister later changed his mind on this detail. Two conservative organizations within the National Church, Inner Mission and Lutheran Mission, as well as one of the twelve bishops, maintain their protests against same-sex marriage.[25] It will be up to each individual priest to decide whether he or she will conduct marriages of same-sex couples. The first same-sex couple was married on Friday 15 June.[26]

The process towards the official recognition of same sex marriage in the Church of Denmark began on 8 February 1973, when 'Provo Priest' Harald Søbye performed a wedding of a male couple, although not legally recognised, on a suggestion from a journalist at the newspaper Ekstra Bladet, which announced it as 'The World's First Gay Wedding'. On 25 February 1973 Harald Søbye performed another wedding, of a female couple, in a television programme. The state prosecutor investigated the cases, but concluded that the priest's use of his vestment was not illegal. Søbye had been retired in 1964 for political activism, but remained an ordained priest within the National Church. During the next 15 years, Søbye performed around 210 blessings or weddings of same-sex couples.[27]

When Denmark introduced the registered partnership in 1989, the issue of same-sex marriage had for some years little attention. Church blessings of these partnerships slowly gained ground (see above). Later, the possibility of registered partnership, or same-sex marriage, performed by the church came under discussion. The issue was brought up in an unusual way by Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen in 2004, who said he would approve of such a change, although he claimed to speak as a private person on this issue, not as prime minister.

Views among proponents vary whether such a ceremony should be called 'marriage' or merely 'registered partnership' (registreret partnerskab), as the present same-sex civil union is called. Most likely, clergy would be allowed to decide for themselves whether to perform same-sex marriages or not, similar to the right to deny remarriage of divorced persons (a policy employed by a conservative minority of priests).

Gay and lesbian clergy exist, and this is generally considered a strictly personal issue. Parish councils are central in selecting and employing new priests, including interviews with candidates. Once employed, parish priests are public servants and cannot be discharged except for neglect of duties, which will finally be the bishop's decision.

In 2011 a female priest serving two small island parishes was fired after controversies with the parish council of Agersø, while the neighbouring Omø supported her. She claimed to have been ousted because of her sexuality, but the parish council rejected this accusation and mentioned 'cooperation problems' as the cause. Twenty years ago she had come out as lesbian and a practitioner of sadomasochism in a Swedish TV programme.[28][29]

In 2009 a parish priest in Tingbjerg, a Copenhagen suburb, moved away from the parish to a secret address after assaults against his vicarage, his car and the parish church. The vicarage was put up for sale. According to Avisen.dk, local youths claimed they harassed him because he was openly homosexual, among other reasons.[30] The priest himself denied this was the issue, but rather claimed the assaults were part of a general tendency in the 'crumbling district', and intensified after he spoke out in public about the local youth crime.[31] A Sunday service held a few weeks later was attended by several prominent guests supporting the priest, including Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, Minister for Education and Ecclesiastical Affairs Bertel Haarder, and photographer Jacob Holdt.[32] Tingbjerg is a single-plan public housing area, marked by gang violence and youth crime, and the most criminal district of Copenhagen.[33] Tingbjerg has the lowest rate of Church members of all Danish parishes, just 20% (2011), due to the high rate of immigrants and their descendants.[34] In 2007, 78% were immigrants or descendants, as opposed to 20% in Copenhagen as a whole,[35] and 10% in Denmark. Danish Salafists have declared Tingbjerg a 'Sharia zone', but this is repudiated by larger Muslim congregations.[36]

Also for reference, the group that was fighting against SSM in churches in your cited article is noted as the "Danish People's Party" here's what their position is:

The party's expressed goals are to protect the freedom and cultural heritage of the Danish people, including the family, the Monarchy and the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark, to enforce a strict rule of law, to work against Denmark becoming a multi-ethnic society by limiting immigration and promoting cultural assimilation of admitted immigrants, to maintain a strong welfare system for those in need, and to promote entrepreneurship and economic growth by strengthening education and encouraging people to work, and to protect the environment and natural resources.[25] In comparison to its predecessor, the Progress Party, the DPP focus more on immigration, while at the same time being more pragmatic and reliable in general politics.[26][27] While overall considered part of the radical right, its policies on most economic issues would rather place the party in the centre to centre-left.[26]

In 2014 the party won the European Parliament election as the largest party in Denmark with 26.6% of the vote; after the election it joined the European Conservatives and Reformists Group alongside parties such as the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom, Law and Justice of Poland and the Alternative for Germany. It received 21.1% of the vote in the Danish general election, 2015.
You Morons have so abused the labels "bigot" and "racist" that they have very little meaning outside of your own left wing nut circle jerks.

It's almost a badge of honor these days.

If people are overusing the term "bigot" because there are too many bigots around, you can hardly blame the person who is overusing it.

bigot definition of bigot in Oxford dictionary American English US

"A person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions:"

American Heritage Dictionary Entry bigot

"One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."

Definition of bigot Collins English Dictionary

  1. a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race"

So, if I find a person who is intolerant of those holding other opinions, and I call them a bigot, am I overusing this word?

Bull shit. We are being accused of racism for disagreeing with Obama, or being accused of bigotry for following our religious beliefs. You can't change the meanings of tjise terms and then blame us. Like I said, they have so little meaning anymore.

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