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G.W. Bush EFFED Up Things So Much With Iraq That Even Republicans Are War Weary

Because of Bush II and his MASSIVE and CONSTANT lies to push the country into an unecessary war with the wrong country that not only cost countless of lives but left us near total financial collapse he's left the country with pretty much ZERO credibility.

No one wants to hear anything about war anymore, they're just sick of it. Can't believe anything anyone in the government says about it.

Thanks to G.W. Bush.

Good job!



You are full of shit. Iraq had WMD...we moved them after we invaded...one of the best kept secrets of aaalll tiiiiimmmmes!

So how did they manage to keep that secret from Bush, but you know it? How is it possible you know more than they president? Even Bush knows his failures. Check out 2:12

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What exactly does the war effort in Iraq, which for all intensive purposes accomplished what they set out to do with Regime Change, have to do with the fact that there is zero American interest at stake in Syria?
The media is fond of saying, without question, that there were no WMDs found in Iraq.

This has always been untrue and easily refuted, if media did anything other than parrot the party line.

The question isn’t about whether there were WMDs. The question has been how have we been letting the media get away with misstating the facts for all these years when ample evidence was there.

As the military reported, after we went into Iraq, chemical weapons, facilities and residue were in fact found, and kept being found for years afterward.

Via NY Post from 2010:

There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq after all.

The massive cache of almost 400,000 Iraq war documents released by the WikiLeaks Web site revealed that small amounts of chemical weapons were found in Iraq and continued to surface for years after the 2003 US invasion, Wired magazine reported.

The documents showed that US troops continued to find chemical weapons and labs for years after the invasion, including remnants of Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons arsenal — most of which had been destroyed following the Gulf War.

In August 2004, American troops were able to buy containers from locals of what they thought was liquid sulfur mustard, a blister agent, the documents revealed. The chemicals were triple-sealed and taken to a secure site.

Also in 2004, troops discovered a chemical lab in a house in Fallujah during a battle with insurgents. A chemical cache was also found in the city.

Note here that the present DNI James Clapper said in 2007 that much of the WMDs in Iraq had in fact been shipped to Syria.

This article notes in detail some of the shipments, that were in fact done with the assistance of Russia:

Via IBD from 2012:

War On Terror: As the regime of Bashar Assad disintegrates, the security of his chemical arsenal is in jeopardy. The No. 2 general in Saddam Hussein’s air force says they were the WMDs we didn’t find in Iraq.

King Abdullah of neighboring Jordan warned that a disintegrating Syria on the verge of civil war puts Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons at risk of falling into the hands of al-Qaida.

“One of the worst-case scenarios as we are obviously trying to look for a political solution would be if some of those chemical stockpiles were to fall into unfriendly hands,” he said.

The irony here is that the chemical weapons stockpile of Syrian thug Assad may in large part be the legacy of weapons moved from Hussein’s Iraq into Syria before Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Flashback: Chemical Weapons In Syria Include WMDs Shipped From Iraq | Weasel Zippers
Obama has turned out to be a BIGGER war monger than Bush..

and now his cult members have to spin that...so now it's because of Bush Americans are against Obama going to war with Syria..

what a frikken joker you Obamabots are

but notice how all them ANTI-WAR people are now not SAYING A WORD...no protesting, no code pinkeos, etc etc

just MAKING EXCUSES for it
Why are you such a RANCID little partisan liar?

I watched Code Pink members being escorted out of the hearing yesterday on live TV while Kerry spoke.


You are THEE worse poster on this board...bar none.

oh that makes all the difference, code pinkos escorted from a hearing with the other warmonger, Kerry...and if I'm one three worse you are number ONE
trying to blame WHY today people don't want a WAR with SYRIA ON BUSH is about as pathetic as one can get.
but you go Obama, war with the whole world is ok with your base of anti-war people...drop them bombs, kill them people, war war war
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When Shrub took office, the Afghan War was 7 years old (2001-2009)...

Shrub left office in early 2009, more than four years ago...

Today, the Afghan War is nearly 12 years old (2001-2013)...

Something tells me that Obumble had something to do with it, too... not just Shrub.

President Barack Obama is seriously considering withdrawing all U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2014, a senior administration official told CNN


Obama considering withdrawing all troops from Afghanistan in 2014 - CNN.com

I wonder where they'll deploy............
Because of Bush II and his MASSIVE and CONSTANT lies to push the country into an unecessary war with the wrong country that not only cost countless of lives but left us near total financial collapse he's left the country with pretty much ZERO credibility.

No one wants to hear anything about war anymore, they're just sick of it. Can't believe anything anyone in the government says about it.

Thanks to G.W. Bush.

Good job!



Nope. I don't think it has to do with war weariness at all. The Right was calling for us to invade Iran even as we were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, after all.

It has everything to do with Obama having the wrong letter after his name. If Romney were in office, he would have already tossed some missiles at Syria (after consulting with lawyers) by now, and the faux Right would be bumping each other's chests and hootin' and hollerin'.

Today, bizarrely, the faux Right is Russia's useful idiots. Obama actually trumps Putin on the twisted neocon's hate list. You know things have gotten truly insane when faux righties are fellating Putin.
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People really need to spend less time worrying about who's consistent or inconsistent

and more time worrying about what is the right thing to do.

umhummm, like you all did with Bush and Iraq?

umhummm, history has already PROVEN beyond the shadow of a doubt that what that Bush did was ABSOLUTELY the wrong thing to do.

Your idiocy knows no bounds.

REALLY? so you are going to sit here while your dear leader makes a MISTAKE and gets our military men and killed for SYRIA? So shut up, you're the IDIOT
Because of Bush II and his MASSIVE and CONSTANT lies to push the country into an unecessary war with the wrong country that not only cost countless of lives but left us near total financial collapse he's left the country with pretty much ZERO credibility.

No one wants to hear anything about war anymore, they're just sick of it. Can't believe anything anyone in the government says about it.

Thanks to G.W. Bush.

Good job!



Nope. I don't think it has to do with war weariness at all. The Right was calling for us to invade Iran even as we were fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, after all.

It has everything to do with Obama having the wrong letter after his name. If Romney were in office, he would have already tossed some missiles at Syria (after consulting with lawyers) by now, and the faux Right would be bumping each other's chests and hootin' and hollerin'.

Today, bizarrely, they are Russia's useful idiots. Because they hate Obama just that much. Obama actually trumps Putin on the twisted neocon's list.

oh bull, the wrong letter after his name...it's like when they are told Clinton said and warned Saddam has weapons of mass destruction and we might have to take him out, they come back with, yeah but Clinton didn't..And I don't remember a whole lot of people who would of supported invading Iran..more bull is all
People really need to spend less time worrying about who's consistent or inconsistent

and more time worrying about what is the right thing to do.

umhummm, like you all did with Bush and Iraq?

You mean like how I opposed going into Iraq, and opposed Bush's surge in Iraq, and opposed Obama's surge in Afghanistan,

and opposed getting involved in Libya, and oppose getting involved in Syria?

Like that? Yes, like that.
When Shrub took office, the Afghan War was 7 years old (2001-2009)...

Shrub left office in early 2009, more than four years ago...

Today, the Afghan War is nearly 12 years old (2001-2013)...

Something tells me that Obumble had something to do with it, too... not just Shrub.

President Barack Obama is seriously considering withdrawing all U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2014, a senior administration official told CNN


Obama considering withdrawing all troops from Afghanistan in 2014 - CNN.com

I wonder where they'll deploy............

Obumbler has also been contemplating the closing of GITMO.

He has been contemplating this since before he was even El Jefe.
Perhaps the positive to come out of President Bush and the Iraq campaign is this:

The cost of actions such as this are not worth our country getting involved. want a reason to avoid Syria, see Iraq. Thats the great thing about history, we can learn from it if we choose to. What worries me is how one interprets the data.

You're absolutely right.

G.W. Bush is the perfect model of exactly what NOT to do.

Seems a good bit of the American People have learned from that COLOSSAL FAILURE in that sense.

you are such rancid PARTISAN HACK...Obama's foreign policy has been a COLOSSAL FAILURE yet you sit here with your crystal ball that is telling you People have LEARNED from Bush....maybe the Amercian people have seen Obama's failures and don't TRUST HIM to take our military to war? NAAAA that WOULD never cross your partisan hack mind it has to be Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh...you really are a joke
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And I don't remember a whole lot of people who would of supported invading Iran..more bull is all

That's because you have a memory like that of a goldfish.

Or you were a child during the Bush Administration.
The invasion of Iran was very popular among the neocons during Bush. Bush had no intention of invading Iran, but that did not stop the Right from constantly talking about it as being on their wish list.

RUSH: Dover-Foxcroft, Maine. This is Bryce. Nice to have you on the program, sir.
CALLER: Hi. Nice to speak with you. I hear we've got Iran sending terrorists into Iraq. Do you believe that gives us the right to invade Iran?
RUSH: Well, I've thought since the president identified Iran as one of the three members of the axis of evil, and since his post-9/11 speech, that we will go anywhere, anyplace the terrorists are harboring in the war on terror to wipe 'em out. I've always thought that Iran is a target as well as Syria.
CALLER: Very well. Thank you.

Will Iran Be Inspired by N. Korea Deal?Why No Questions about Russia and Saddam's WMD? - The Rush Limbaugh Show
And I don't remember a whole lot of people who would of supported invading Iran..more bull is all

That's because you have a memory like that of a goldfish.

Or you were a child during the Bush Administration.

hum, let me see I was on THIS BOARD in 2004 four years of the Bush administation and nobody was calling for or would support invading Iran, and I'll be working my way up to sixty in a couple years...

so I'd say both of those are wrong...so try again

then you post something from Rush as proof that Everyone was calling to invade Iran...you've become a little partisan yourself dear and a piss drinker I think is your saying..
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Do We Have the Will to Bomb Iran? - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Now ladies and gentleman as far as Iran is concerned, the only way to stop them is to destroy the Iranian regime, the mullahs and that can only be accomplished through war, and by war, I don’t mean ground troops, I mean massive bombing raids intended to destroy every one of the key targets. The question is whether or not we have the will to do this anymore.
And I don't remember a whole lot of people who would of supported invading Iran..more bull is all

That's because you have a memory like that of a goldfish.

Or you were a child during the Bush Administration.

hum, let me see I was on THIS BOARD in 2004 four years of the Bush administation and nobody was calling for or would support invading Iran, and I'll be working my way up to sixty in a couple years...

so I'd say both of those are wrong...so try again

Goldfish, then.

All the reasons for invading Iraq apply doubly to Iran, and with far greater urgency. Iran right now poses the imminent threat to America which Iraq did not in 2003. Iran may already have some nuclear weapons, purchased from North Korea or made with materials acquired from North Korea, which would increase its threat to us from imminent to direct and immediate.
So as I was saying. The faux Right's useful idiocy for Russia has nothing to do with war weariness.
That's because you have a memory like that of a goldfish.

Or you were a child during the Bush Administration.

hum, let me see I was on THIS BOARD in 2004 four years of the Bush administation and nobody was calling for or would support invading Iran, and I'll be working my way up to sixty in a couple years...

so I'd say both of those are wrong...so try again

Goldfish, then.

some here might wish that, put I have VIVID recall of how the LEFT was ANTI-WAR with bush, and now they have become whimpering warmongers and the BLAME why people who don't support Obama has to be because of BUSH

and like I said, not many PEOPLE supported invading Iran...so you can post all the radio host and other article you want
Bushii's biggest screw up is simply that we can no longer say "we don't interfer with domestic decisions by other countries, so long as they don't violate internal law, esp as to genocide." The Reagan doctrine was embrace free markets, or at the least don't mess with ours.

After Bushii did regieme change to do regieme change, what is the logical reason to argue Iran doesn't need a nuke to dissuade us from doing it to them?

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