Gas prices: Biden's or Trump's

Somehow you managed to convince me of nothing, but that you are a brainwashed tool of the propagandists.
I agree with you, I’d rather have Biden as President over Trudeau, he is a corrupt, racist, misogynistic leader.
It's not a good idea to LIE ABOUT GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, AND SPREAD RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA at any time. LYING is a bad thing, FuckBoi.

But once again, the Free-Dumb brigade is branding good manners, common sense and patriotism as "tyranny", and war, murder, and violence, as "no big deal". If you can't recognize real "tyranny" when you see it, it's not at all surprising that you can be convinced that your "free-dumb" rests on the notion of cheap gasoline.

And you wonder why I call you a FuckBoi.
You sound like a good little Putin know he did the same thing in the wake of his war, made it illegal to talk ill of his govt.

not a real surprise coming from you
I agree with you, I’d rather have Biden as President over Trudeau, he is a corrupt, racist, misogynistic leader.
The only difference between the 2 is that we have a Supreme Court that SAID NO........Biden would have implemented everything and more of what Trudeau. Both are Fascists.

They ARE BOTH PREPARED to DESTROY ANYONE WHO DISAGREES............Fire you........Starve your family........and now the Globalist want Trudeau on steroids with ONLY ELECTRONIC BANKING.

So they can freeze your money anytime they want. Same as they did in Canada.........Canada showed us what is coming here soon..........when it does.......well........what should we do then.........????????
You sound like a good little Putin know he did the same thing in the wake of his war, made it illegal to talk ill of his govt.

not a real surprise coming from you
Trudeau doesn’t like to be questioned either, she is well trained.
The only difference between the 2 is that we have a Supreme Court that SAID NO........Biden would have implemented everything and more of what Trudeau. Both are Fascists.

They ARE BOTH PREPARED to DESTROY ANYONE WHO DISAGREES............Fire you........Starve your family........and now the Globalist want Trudeau on steroids with ONLY ELECTRONIC BANKING.

So they can freeze your money anytime they want. Same as they did in Canada.........Canada showed us what is coming here soon..........when it does.......well........what should we do then.........????????
If you can’t sway folks with your Politics and ideals, shove it down their throats, if that doesn’t work, them. That seems to be the lefty way.
Trudeau doesn’t like to be questioned either, she is well trained.
If you can’t sway folks with your Politics and ideals, shove it down their throats, if that doesn’t work, them. That seems to be the lefty way.
They have shown us that for a very long time.........Under Obama it was clear as they attacked the non profits.........

Clear with the RUSSIA BS. and ignoring the ties of Hunter and the other clowns extorting money from Ukraine for sending financial aid...........They are DISGRACES TO THIS COUNTRY
She is still a subject of the maybe it's just their mindset to be ruled
The Queen could have passed judgement and told him to stop........completely different system. They have 6 major parties up there I think the last I looked. But the left up there is maybe 35% or so by party.

The president has zero to do with gas prices
This is not what the opening post asks for. You had to evade answering the opening post because the answer is politically inconvenient. The innate lefty tendency to cheat or evade took over and you answered a different question.
Imbecile, political left & right has only to do with where thd two sides are sitting or standing in government; and nothing to do with righteous or sinister.

To most people who have evidently more knowledge than you i.e. regarding the origin of English i.e. Latin, that anything on the "left" of the majority of people's position is according to Latin word for "left" ...sinister or EVIL.
It was STILL on Trump's watch.
The world shut the fuck down then over Covid...........Nice BS you are shoveling...........Oil went negative...........and the Frackers got their asses handed to them.

Along with a 200 k small businesses.......And massive inflation .....lack of supplies....

The world shut the fuck down then over Covid...........Nice BS you are shoveling...........Oil went negative...........and the Frackers got their asses handed to them.

Along with a 200 k small businesses.......And massive inflation .....lack of supplies....

But...but...but TRUMP!!!!!!!

That is their stupid pat answer. before that it was, but...but...but REAGAN!!!!!!

One day they will grow up and realize that the sooner they take responsibility for where we are at, they will continue to have and offer nothing.
To most people who have evidently more knowledge than you i.e. regarding the origin of English i.e. Latin, that anything on the "left" of the majority of people's position is according to Latin word for "left" ...sinister or EVIL.

So the left side of your body is evil, is it moron?
you keep telling yourself that…i suppose that helps you sleep better at night knowing you helped cause record high gas prices
Molly is right… we are not energy independent now and we weren’t under Trump. Trump did however use a made up definition of what “energy independent” means and boast about that. We became a NET exporter of energy during trumps last year. Another milestone of a decade long trend that Donnie was lucky enough to reign over. We still are a net exporter under Biden… but that’s only just a snapshot of import/export. Fact remains that we consume much more energy than we produce. Did so under Trump, still do now. So no, we are not, nor were we energy independent
Molly is right… we are not energy independent now and we weren’t under Trump. Trump did however use a made up definition of what “energy independent” means and boast about that. We became a NET exporter of energy goods during trumps last year. We still are that under Biden… but that’s just a snapshot of import/export. Fact remains that we consume much more energy than we produce. Did so under Trump, still do now.
trump merely used the standard definition…but like most things, when it’s met, the demafasict change the terms
So the left side of your body is evil, is it moron?
Once again.. dummies like you don't read closely! "the majority of people's position"
If the majority of people find a position wrong, i.e. evil... that is the distinction. I don't believe the majority of
people find the left side of their body evil... even positing that as you stupidly did, PROVES your ignorance!

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