Gas prices: Biden's or Trump's

You’re wrong. Biden drove up oil prices with his energy policy. Right off the bat. Just as Obama did.
From January 2021…
Oil production doubled during the Obama years because the ppb was high enough to justify investment in increased capacity.
surada , here is the opening post:

Which gas prices do you like more, the prices under Beijing Biden, or the prices under Trump? If you are a lefty and you post something besides Beijing Biden or Trump, I'll count that as you liked the prices under Trump.
Trump was coasting on the production increase during the Obama years. You should learn something about the oil business.
MizMolly , Your post evaded answering the opening post, just as was predicted. Go on now, post your next evasion.
Do you think you’re clever with the little word trap tactics that you use? Are you even interested in discussing the topic or are you just out to play partisan hate games? Consider growing up.
It's pretty funny how much trouble lefties will go through to evade answering a question when the answer is politically inconvenient.

"Which gas prices do you like more, the prices under Beijing Biden, or the prices under Trump? If you are a lefty and you post something besides Beijing Biden or Trump, I'll count that as you liked the prices under Trump."
Slade3200 , answer the topic, and then I'll answer your evasion.
I liked the gas prices under Trump more than Biden. I also don’t think the President has direct control over gas prices or baby formula or half the other things yall
Like to pretend they control. K, your turn
You’re wrong. Biden drove up oil prices with his energy policy. Right off the bat. Just as Obama did.
From January 2021…
You're wrong. It was the pandemic that started the oil glut in April 2020. That caused the world wide production cuts in late 2020, just in time for the world oil demand to start increasing. Oil prices have been rising since April 2020, btw.

The president of the United States determines the price of gasoline for the whole planet? Hopefully their just pretending to be this stupid.
Only ignorant people like you believe that!
Now you have NO problem with Biden signing EOs giving you "stimulus" $$ but you have a problem with understanding when Biden signs EOs that eliminate oil exploration on Federal lands that provide 24% of our oil?
I liked the gas prices under Trump more than Biden. I also don’t think the President has direct control over gas prices or baby formula or half the other things yall
Like to pretend they control. K, your turn
Question for you... If 24% of the gas stations in your area stopped selling gas, do you think the price of gas would go up?? Well Biden signed EOs preventing oil exploration on federal land that provided 24% of our oil and gas.
Do you not think that does several cost raising events like leases on Non-Federal land going up, gas refineries raising their prices to gas stations? A multiplier effect evidenced by current prices nearing $5.00/gal.
Question for you... If 24% of the gas stations in your area stopped selling gas, do you think the price of gas would go up?? Well Biden signed EOs preventing oil exploration on federal land that provided 24% of our oil and gas.
Do you not think that does several cost raising events like leases on Non-Federal land going up, gas refineries raising their prices to gas stations? A multiplier effect evidenced by current prices nearing $5.00/gal.
Oil exploration? Like exploring for new land to drill? Wouldn’t that be more comparable to Cheveron cutting out the opening of 24% of their new locations rather than current stations being shut down?
Only ignorant people like you believe that!
Now you have NO problem with Biden signing EOs giving you "stimulus" $$ but you have a problem with understanding when Biden signs EOs that eliminate oil exploration on Federal lands that provide 24% of our oil?
There's plenty of oil leases on Federal land. Oil companies prefer not to drill on Federal land because the regulations are stricter.
Question for you... If 24% of the gas stations in your area stopped selling gas, do you think the price of gas would go up?? Well Biden signed EOs preventing oil exploration on federal land that provided 24% of our oil and gas.
Do you not think that does several cost raising events like leases on Non-Federal land going up, gas refineries raising their prices to gas stations? A multiplier effect evidenced by current prices nearing $5.00/gal.
Where is your link to the EO that banned exploration on federal land?
  • Slight plurality of Americans in 2019 identified as conservative (37%)
  • Moderates nearly as high, at 35%, while 24% were liberal
So the issue wasn't the physical "left" or "right" but as I positioned the comment was what the majority
of people define as left vs right and the above Gallup poll shows more people identify with the Right than
the minority of people that are truly evil and more stupid like you are liberal!
People like you are faux intellectual and most of them like you are plain lazy...depend on others for your life!

No they don’t. Donald Trump has completed destroyed independent support for the Republican Party. The Supreme Court ruling on Roe V Wade will end support by young people and women.

Republican economic failure has all but destroyed working class Americans and you’re still peddling fear and loathing of Democrats as you ONLY reason to vote Republican.

Every time I read the expression “evil Democrats” you prove you’re an idiot. Anyone who believes such nonsense is incapable of making rational decisions because such a belief is ridiculous. No sane reasonable person would believe such a thing, much less publically espouse it.
There's plenty of oil leases on Federal land. Oil companies prefer not to drill on Federal land because the regulations are stricter.

They also have to pay royalties to the government on oil produced there. It’s cheaper to drill on private lands they already own. No profit sharing with the government.
There's plenty of oil leases on Federal land. Oil companies prefer not to drill on Federal land because the regulations are stricter.
Why the need for stricter regulations? Increased regulations aimed at any industry yield increased cost and increased risk.

Biden and his defenders can’t have it both ways. They pushed higher regulations which impacted costs and risks. This, coupled with the global impact, yields higher prices.

Why not cut the Federal fuel taxes?

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