Gas prices: Biden's or Trump's

Which gas prices do you like more, the prices under Beijing Biden, or the prices under Trump? If you are a lefty and you post something besides Beijing Biden or Trump, I'll count that as you liked the prices under Trump.

Kind of a mixed bag. While Trump's gas prices were lower, as a shareholder I love what Biden is doing for the oil companies.




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You’re wrong. Biden drove up oil prices with his energy policy. Right off the bat. Just as Obama did.
From January 2021…
Why the need for stricter regulations? Increased regulations aimed at any industry yield increased cost and increased risk.

Biden and his defenders can’t have it both ways. They pushed higher regulations which impacted costs and risks. This, coupled with the global impact, yields higher prices.

Why not cut the Federal fuel taxes?

Because it’s public land which is supposed to be protected. If you rent a property, you aren’t allowed to destroy the land. You can trash your own land but not your landlord’s property.

I had a gas pipeline crossing my field. When they destroyed my pasture land repairing the pipeline, they had to clean up and restore my hay field when they were done.
The Covid impact was a short lived drop in prices to below $1.30/gallon. I drive as a job so I was very aware. Once the roadways filled up again by late summer 2020, the prices went back to their $2-and-less level. Stayed that way until Biden did his Obama routine and put the squeeze on domestic supply.
Because it’s public land which is supposed to be protected. If you rent a property, you aren’t allowed to destroy the land. You can trash your own land but not your landlord’s property.

I had a gas pipeline crossing my field. When they destroyed my pasture land repairing the pipeline, they had to clean up and restore my hay field when they were done.
Define protection for public land. You provided an example based on your own experience with private land. Back to the public land, if the purpose is to produce oil, you need to provide a level of regulatory requirements that does not substantially impact costs or risks. Otherwise, it will impact supply and with a spike in demand, you get high prices. It’s that simple.
The Covid impact was a short lived drop in prices to below $1.30/gallon. I drive as a job so I was very aware. Once the roadways filled up again by late summer 2020, the prices went back to their $2-and-less level. Stayed that way until Biden did his Obama routine and put the squeeze on domestic supply.
I’m not a fan of Biden or Trump but neither one is responsible for gas prices
No they don’t. Donald Trump has completed destroyed independent support for the Republican Party. The Supreme Court ruling on Roe V Wade will end support by young people and women.

Republican economic failure has all but destroyed working class Americans and you’re still peddling fear and loathing of Democrats as you ONLY reason to vote Republican.

Every time I read the expression “evil Democrats” you prove you’re an idiot. Anyone who believes such nonsense is incapable of making rational decisions because such a belief is ridiculous. No sane reasonable person would believe such a thing, much less publically espouse it.
Why do so many flee from blue shitholes then?? Should be running to you and not away. Body odor???

Why the need for stricter regulations? Increased regulations aimed at any industry yield increased cost and increased risk.

Biden and his defenders can’t have it both ways. They pushed higher regulations which impacted costs and risks. This, coupled with the global impact, yields higher prices.

Why not cut the Federal fuel taxes?
They have been stricter for 40 years. You sure don't know anything about the oil business.
Define protection for public land. You provided an example based on your own experience with private land. Back to the public land, if the purpose is to produce oil, you need to provide a level of regulatory requirements that does not substantially impact costs or risks. Otherwise, it will impact supply and with a spike in demand, you get high prices. It’s that simple.
The rules and regulations on public lands have always been stricter.
The rules and regulations on public lands have always been stricter.
Stricter is a relative term. How much stricter? Provide some comparative analytics to back the claim., You keep telling how much you know about the oil business compared to the rest of us yet you are ignoring fundamental economic principles. If regulations were more strict in other years, did they occur during a time of decreased demand and a healthy supply? Even then I would argue against stricter regulations as they would put US at risk for the very type of situation we are in now.

The President and his supporters pushed it now they can live with the political price.
Stricter is a relative term. How much stricter? Provide some comparative analytics to back the claim., You keep telling how much you know about the oil business compared to the rest of us yet you are ignoring fundamental economic principles. If regulations were more strict in other years, did they occur during a time of decreased demand and a healthy supply? Even then I would argue against stricter regulations as they would put US at risk for the very type of situation we are in now.

The President and his supporters pushed it now they can live with the political price.
I'm an oil brat from Ghawar.
The Covid impact was a short lived drop in prices to below $1.30/gallon. I drive as a job so I was very aware. Once the roadways filled up again by late summer 2020, the prices went back to their $2-and-less level. Stayed that way until Biden did his Obama routine and put the squeeze on domestic supply.

Bullshit. There was a tremendous glut of gasoline in reserve when Biden took office. Because production outpaced useage throughout the lockdown as federal payroll protection funds flowed. Once that program ended, production shut down and refineries closed. The country was still in the post Christmas lockdown when Biden took office and immediately reinstated the Obama era lease freeze.

Prices stayed low while storage facilities were drained and then the price started going up as as OPEC refused to increase production. And Donald Trump signed off of their production numbers in 2020, when OPEC refused to raise production the first time.

Toss in the loss of Russian imports in the first world and you have black gold once again. Third world nations can’t afford first world morality.
Stricter is a relative term. How much stricter? Provide some comparative analytics to back the claim., You keep telling how much you know about the oil business compared to the rest of us yet you are ignoring fundamental economic principles. If regulations were more strict in other years, did they occur during a time of decreased demand and a healthy supply? Even then I would argue against stricter regulations as they would put US at risk for the very type of situation we are in now.

The President and his supporters pushed it now they can live with the political price.

Stricter is a relative term. How much stricter? Provide some comparative analytics to back the claim., You keep telling how much you know about the oil business compared to the rest of us yet you are ignoring fundamental economic principles. If regulations were more strict in other years, did they occur during a time of decreased demand and a healthy supply? Even then I would argue against stricter regulations as they would put US at risk for the very type of situation we are in now.

The President and his supporters pushed it now they can live with the political price.

Only 15% of American oil is produced on public lands and that’s down from 20% in 2008. Despite a 25% increase in production on public lands, most drilling is now done on private land because it’s cheaper and more profitable.

Donald Trump couldn’t give away leases in Alaska. And there were few takers gor the leases that the Obama administration cancelled either.

This is just another occasion of the Republican Party blaming Democrats for a problem they had nothing to do with, or which never happened at all, and making political hay put it.

Like Uranium One. No uranium was sold or exported to Russia. Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with the approval of the sale, attended no meetings, and signed State Department Approval, on advice of the technical committee members of State who both reviewed the transaction and attended the meetings. Republicans knew all of this and still told you gullible fools HRC sold American uranium to Russia for bribe money.
Only 15% of American oil is produced on public lands and that’s down from 20% in 2008. Despite a 25% increase in production on public lands, most drilling is now done on private land because it’s cheaper and more profitable.

Donald Trump couldn’t give away leases in Alaska. And there were few takers gor the leases that the Obama administration cancelled either.

This is just another occasion of the Republican Party blaming Democrats for a problem they had nothing to do with, or which never happened at all, and making political hay put it.

Like Uranium One. No uranium was sold or exported to Russia. Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with the approval of the sale, attended no meetings, and signed State Department Approval, on advice of the technical committee members of State who both reviewed the transaction and attended the meetings. Republicans knew all of this and still told you gullible fools HRC sold American uranium to Russia for bribe money.
You are all over the place or Uranium One relevance is out of place. The production numbers mean little if anything to the global oil market perception when a Presidential Administration passes increased regulations.

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