Gay Couple Believes In Diversity - As Long As It Is Their Way

dmp said:
Point of order - there wasn't an 'anti-gay' group scheduled - it was a 'former-gay' presentation. ;)

Thanks for the clarification. Maybe they are ex-gay but still pro-gay! :poke: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies:
Nuc said:
Sorry I was unclear. I thought introducing different races might be a good idea.

But if you invite gays then you should invite anti-gays, Buddhists, any other religion who wants to be there, and "economically disadvantaged" (who isn't?) then invite the rich.

That's why I kind of thought the whole thing was dumb.

I think this is a great idea. They can tell these kids what hard work and a good education can get them.
Nuc said:
Thanks for the clarification. Maybe they are ex-gay but still pro-gay! :poke: :boobies: :boobies: :boobies:

Or maybe they are not anti-ANYBODY...just there to tell their story?
GotZoom said:
I think this is a great idea. They can tell these kids what hard work and a good education can get them.

The problem is unsuccessful people frequently don't want to listen to successful ones because they are jealous and assume the successful person got there through corruption.

I don't think the schools do enough to tell the kids they have infinite potential, but need to go out and get it. It won't come to them!
Nuc..In fact I don't understand why they asked the gay couple for permission. They should have just done what they wanted.

Very true. Im not understanding this permission asking idea either. I don't recall anyone on the left with an agenda asking permission to speak freely anywhere.
I "used" to live in Wisconsin. Muscoda to be exact. Not far from Viroqua.

Wisconsin has two kinds of people in my opinion. Farmers, and non farmers. The prior mentioned of which are the most plentiful. And I'll have to agree with Nuc on this one, because I think Wisconsin is full of rednecks too. STUPID rednecks. STUPID FARMER rednecks. (I have NEVER, in all the places I've lived and been in my life, coast to coast and abroad, seen more fights in bars than in Wisconsin. It was a NIGHTLY occurance! Sometimes more than one fight a night. SENSELESS fights. DRUNKEN brawls, over NOTHING. Just liquored up, ignorant little farm boy rednecks out to prove how tough they were. IDIOTS!!!) I NEVER felt at home in Wisconsin, even as a child. I couldn't WAIT until we'd take our summer vacations. That meant we'd be getting the hell out of Wisconsin. You don't have to be very bright to be a farmer. Feed the cows, milk the cows, clean up the cows shit, plant the corn, pick the corn, park your ass on the tractor. I don't know HOW Wisconsin got so FUCKING LIBERAL!!! But it sure is. These backwoods farmer rednecks must think they're being so damn PROGRESSIVE and COOL when they think up some moronic, assinine thing like "diversity day". Yeah right... THEIR brand of diversity. Not your's, or mine, or anyone else's outside their liberal little redneck farmer world. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!

MAAAAAAAAAANNN I'm glad I got my ass out of there. I hated Wisconsin with a passion.... can't ya tell? :D
Nuc said:
The problem is unsuccessful people frequently don't want to listen to successful ones because they are jealous and assume the successful person got there through corruption.

I don't think the schools do enough to tell the kids they have infinite potential, but need to go out and get it. It won't come to them!

I completely agree. I going to a public school usually indicates that you are from an financially poor background. Why not have the rich people in and tell them how to become rich?
Pale Rider said:
I "used" to live in Wisconsin. Muscoda to be exact. Not far from Viroqua.

Wisconsin has two kinds of people in my opinion. Farmers, and non farmers. The prior mentioned of which are the most plentiful. And I'll have to agree with Nuc on this one, because I think Wisconsin is full of rednecks too. STUPID rednecks. STUPID FARMER rednecks. (I have NEVER, in all the places I've lived and been in my life, coast to coast and abroad, seen more fights in bars than in Wisconsin. It was a NIGHTLY occurance! Sometimes more than one fight a night. SENSELESS fights. DRUNKEN brawls, over NOTHING. Just liquored up, ignorant little farm boy rednecks out to prove how tough they were. IDIOTS!!!) I NEVER felt at home in Wisconsin, even as a child. I couldn't WAIT until we'd take our summer vacations. That meant we'd be getting the hell out of Wisconsin. You don't have to be very bright to be a farmer. Feed the cows, milk the cows, clean up the cows shit, plant the corn, pick the corn, park your ass on the tractor. I don't know HOW Wisconsin got so FUCKING LIBERAL!!! But it sure is. These backwoods farmer rednecks must think they're being so damn PROGRESSIVE and COOL when they think up some moronic, assinine thing like "diversity day". Yeah right... THEIR brand of diversity. Not your's, or mine, or anyone else's outside their liberal little redneck farmer world. STUPID, STUPID, STUPID!!!

MAAAAAAAAAANNN I'm glad I got my ass out of there. I hated Wisconsin with a passion.... can't ya tell? :D

Yeah, we say, "What do you call people in Wisconsin who don't live in Milwaukee?"

Answer: "Farmers".

But you are exaggerating, maybe we have a lot of rednecks, but it's still a nice state. Probably the most beautiful in the Upper Midwest. Which of course is better than the rest of the Midwest.
Nuc said:
Yeah, we say, "What do you call people in Wisconsin who don't live in Milwaukee?"

Answer: "Farmers".

But you are exaggerating, maybe we have a lot of rednecks, but it's still a nice state. Probably the most beautiful in the Upper Midwest. Which of course is better than the rest of the Midwest.

Nuc, nothing personal man, but yes, Wisconsin is full of stupid rednecks, comparatively. Wisconsin also has some of the most impoverished counties in the country, and "was" a welfare heaven, until "Republican" Governor Tommy Thompson wrote welfare reform.

If you like everything green, Chinese beetles by the billions, mosquito's so thick they can carry you away, and humidity so dense you can SEE it, yeah, Wisconsin is a pretty state. If you prefer mountains, very few bugs, and very low humidity, then Wisconsin isn't a pretty state. I prefer the later. The midwest to me is a place to visit, if you HAVE to. I hated living there.
CSM said:
Care to tell us one day WHY it is a backwards place?
Not meaning to hijack the thread, but they ARE backwards. I have at least one reason. They call ATM machines and cards TIME machines and TIME cards. not sure why...maybe all that beer they my job, i get calls from wisconsin customers and the first time i heard that, i had to use mute because i was laughing. i thought the trainers were joking when they told us that WI people actually called them that.
fuzzykitten99 said:
Not meaning to hijack the thread, but they ARE backwards. I have at least one reason. They call ATM machines and cards TIME machines and TIME cards. not sure why...maybe all that beer they my job, i get calls from wisconsin customers and the first time i heard that, i had to use mute because i was laughing. i thought the trainers were joking when they told us that WI people actually called them that.

That's Tyme machines. That's what the original ATM's were called here when the rest of you were still using shells and beads as currency. :rock: :slap: :trolls:
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Nuc said:
That's Tyme machines. That's what the original ATM's were called here when the rest of you were still using shells and beads as currency. :rock: :slap: :trolls:

TYME- take your money electronically? :dunno:
Nuc said:
That's Tyme machines. That's what the original ATM's were called here when the rest of you were still using shells and beads as currency. :rock: :slap: :trolls:

You're right. The first check card I ever got was in Wisconsin, and it was called a "TYME" card.

I don't know why it was called that either... :dunno:

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