Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

Now, THAT is funny! Too bad the U.N. didn’t have the same “ respect” for Israel’s Sovereignty and intervened with Nasser blocking the Straits instead of cooperating and leaving with Nasser’s threats and promises to the world that Israel would be destroyed

You talk about YOUR “ property rights?” If I were your neighbor and I deliberately blocked you from leaving your Home and the Police “ ran away” you would have the absolute RIGzhT to do whatever is necessary to reclaim those rights ! Sound fanaliar??
Israel doesn't have sovereignty over the Straits.

As far as my property rights, if you blocked my driveway and the police ran away, I would definitely unblock you myself. Funny you should mention that, because when the Mandate ended and the British left the area, there was no one there to keep the peace and Zionists took advantage of that like a street gang who knew there were no cops to stop them.

And your violence has not stopped since. You shot that medic, because you think there are no cops to stop you.
Yes you can, especially when you acquire it by defending yourself from an attacker.
No you can't. And Israel wasn't defending itself. It started the war by rolling its tanks into Egypt.
Egypt started the war by lining those tanks up on the border.
Doesn't have anything to do with Palestine.
Where the fuck did you think they parked those tanks, which was Egypt territory at the time.
I agree; You can’t

Israel did not acquire land “ by force” The Arabs initiated the War to destroy Israel
“By force” and they lost

The reason why the Palestinians declare Israel had no rights to the Wall is because what happened in 1920 ?? WRONG !!! They claim that the Jewish Religion doesnt have any connection or relevance to it .Nice try, though

Still haven’t answered the Question; Why are the Palestinians entitled to any part of “ Israel Proper?” After all,its not theirs. :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
You're playing word games. You can't change the fact that Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt to start that war. But you can stop trying to make up both sides of the argument until you find something more palatable.

I never said Palestinians have a right to Israeli Proper. I did say Palestinians have rights and that you have no right to take that away.
Egypt initiated that combat by lining their tanks up at the border.
Another lie. Egypt initiated the War with the U.N. cooperation. They blocked Israel’s right to Straits of Tiran and the “ U.N. Security Force”
Deliberately left Nasser bragged to the World he was going to destroy Israel
The Straits are not Israeli property. Tell me something, why is it blocking the Straits is an act of war by Egypt, but blocking Gazans from leaving the area, is NOT an act of war by Israel?
Their already at war when they blocked the Gazans.
States don't have rights, only people do.

And Israel did not leave Gaza.

That means the “ Palestinian State” does not have any rights. Israel did leave Gaza and the increase in Rockets started immediarely
you are not having good sex, Zionists Guys are renown as lousy lovers so each rocket is entering you pussy in your mind,that is

This is from the one who accuses me of always bringing up sex. Lol. That’s all that’s on his mind because his Foreskin is so tight it’s interfering with his brain function which is in his uncircumcised Prick.
Regarding “ Zionist Guys” as lousy lovers: You would know. :ahole-1:
look ilove,you cannot fib to me,i understand you...all i will say to you i know wet,and you are wet...trouble is these zionist guys leave you know honest,you deserve

You would know a lot about the Zionist Guys leaving someone they just had sex with dry[/QUOTE/]

You know that not to be true,I Love and you know it well...I understand you and you know that well,
You know that not to be true Ilove and you know it well...I understand you well and you know that well
Egypt started the war by lining those tanks up on the border.
But it was Israel who invaded Egypt.
If Israel had waited for Egypt Israel would've had lost the war and there would be no Israel. Israel did what she had to, to survive.

Egypt intention of unblocking it and I keep on repeating the U.N. was their accomplice . He’s such an Asshole :ahole-1:
AMERICA,also agreed with Egypt,funny,you have one rule for everyone else,and one rule for are mistaken ilove...Israel knew what they were doing and deliberately invaded a Sovereign nation,just like the US did to by your flawed is fine to invade anyone be it then,if that is what you believe...

So stop moaning about Palestinians killing Zionist Shit,because that is exactly the game you played...You see Ilove,you should temper your frustration and put your brain into gear before opening your mouth...we all have two ears and one mouth for good reason...try to remember that in future...steve
I agree; You can’t

Israel did not acquire land “ by force” The Arabs initiated the War to destroy Israel
“By force” and they lost

The reason why the Palestinians declare Israel had no rights to the Wall is because what happened in 1920 ?? WRONG !!! They claim that the Jewish Religion doesnt have any connection or relevance to it .Nice try, though

Still haven’t answered the Question; Why are the Palestinians entitled to any part of “ Israel Proper?” After all,its not theirs. :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
You're playing word games. You can't change the fact that Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt to start that war. But you can stop trying to make up both sides of the argument until you find something more palatable.

I never said Palestinians have a right to Israeli Proper. I did say Palestinians have rights and that you have no right to take that away.
Egypt initiated that combat by lining their tanks up at the border.
NO not at all
Egypt started the war by lining those tanks up on the border.
But it was Israel who invaded Egypt.
If Israel had waited for Egypt Israel would've had lost the war and there would be no Israel. Israel did what she had to, to survive.

Egypt intention of unblocking it and I keep on repeating the U.N. was their accomplice . He’s such an Asshole :ahole-1:
AMERICA,also agreed with Egypt,funny,you have one rule for everyone else,and one rule for are mistaken ilove...Israel knew what they were doing and deliberately invaded a Sovereign nation,just like the US did to by your flawed is fine to invade anyone be it then,if that is what you believe...

So stop moaning about Palestinians killing Zionist Shit,because that is exactly the game you played...You see Ilove,you should temper your frustration and put your brain into gear before opening your mouth...we all have two ears and one mouth for good reason...try to remember that in future...steve
Egypt started the war by lining those tanks up on the border.
But it was Israel who invaded Egypt.
If Israel had waited for Egypt Israel would've had lost the war and there would be no Israel. Israel did what she had to, to survive.

Egypt intention of unblocking it and I keep on repeating the U.N. was their accomplice . He’s such an Asshole :ahole-1:
AMERICA,also agreed with Egypt,funny,you have one rule for everyone else,and one rule for are mistaken ilove...Israel knew what they were doing and deliberately invaded a Sovereign nation,just like the US did to by your flawed is fine to invade anyone be it then,if that is what you believe...

So stop moaning about Palestinians killing Zionist Shit,because that is exactly the game you played...You see Ilove,you should temper your frustration and put your brain into gear before opening your mouth...we all have two ears and one mouth for good reason...try to remember that in future...steve

America agreed with Egypt that they should block the Straits of Tiran, agree with Nasser bragging he was going to destroy Israel and sided with the U. N. Leaving? You are full of SHIT as always .
Egypt initiated that combat by lining their tanks up at the border.
They didn't cross and they didn't fire the first shot.

Will you admit you deliberately shot a medic?

Will you admit it was Israels decision to roll their tanks into Egypt?

Will you admit it was your decision to shoot a medic?
Egypt initiated that combat by lining their tanks up at the border.
They didn't cross and they didn't fire the first shot.

Will you admit you deliberately shot a medic?

Will you admit it was Israels decision to roll their tanks into Egypt?

Will you admit it was your decision to shoot a medic?
Actually when a foreign power seizes and blocks international straits one is free to attack them to remove control.
Israeli soldiers are cowardly fucks who shoot nurses half a mile away.

Actually, the Israeli military is well trained. They delivered humiliating losses to your Islamic terrorist heroes when they were attacked by the Islamic hordes.
No, they are cowardly fucks who use space age american weaponary on people who throw rocks.

Don’t throw rocks. There’s nothing cowardly about protecting yourself from Islamic misfits who believe they have an entitlement to kill you.

Would you expect the Israelis to throw rocks in return?
If Israel had waited for Egypt Israel would've had lost the war and there would be no Israel. Israel did what she had to, to survive.
Correction: There would've have been no war and Israel wouldn't be occupying the land it is now. Israel wanted the war. That's why the IDF attacked the Jordanian village of as-Samu and invaded Syria on April 7, 1967. Israel deliberately tried to provoke Egypt into a war and when Egypt didn't take the bait, Israeli tanks rolled into Egypt.

Now we fast forward to today and Israeli snipers shoot a medic and over 100 other Palestinians in an effort to start another war for Israels benefit.
Like surrender and a few crumbs.

That describes the bitter end of what resulted from Arabs-Moslems initiating wars they which served them humiliating defeats.

They never got crumbs. Just humiliation for their lost wars of aggression.

And Allah is the best of planners.

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