Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Well, this is total nonsence!

You’re right; They just kill total families, behead an infant, kidnap three Israelis walking and kill them, successfully break into schools and kill, etc. etc. Asshole !:fu:
Don't even try to act like they kill more people than you do. You wanna know what you did? You shot a pregnant woman on the streets of Gaza, then you took out a knife and cut the baby out of her stomach, placed it next to the dead mother, then walked away like nothing just happened.

I do have Juristriction on your property if I knew you were gathering up Weapons to wage war! Who in their right mind would say I have to sit and wait? YOU shut your LYING FUCKING MOUTH You are nothing but a piece of Shit coming out of an ASSHOLE
Whatever I am doing on my own property, is none of your goddamn business. Even if I am gathering weapons, it's none of your goddamn business. Israel is a member of the United Nations. Article 2 of its Charter, requires member states to respect the sovereignty of other nations. If you try to do anything on my property, then you are not respecting my sovereignty and I have every right in the world to defend myself from your aggression.
Your stupidity and ignorance is actually funny. Want to talk about “ sharing” ? The Israelis offered them almost everything they wanted but they declined . The PA just came out recently and said the Israelis had no rights to the Western Wall. Is that “ sharing?” Tell us why Israel should even consider their bridge within the 1967 orders. “ All or nothing” is not “ sharing” Go FUCK yourself
You can't offer what you don't have. That is not your land to negotiate.
Since when did Palestinians speak English? The people on that ship in the first video spoke English. They're not fishermen. "we are international" international what? Smugglers?
Second they didn't fire at the fishermen they fired into the damn ocean. Nobody is that bad at shooting a gun.

Second video admits they're inside the buffer zone. They knew they were inside the buffer zone and went there anyhow.
How do you know Palestinians don't speak English? Have you ever even met a Palestinian? Besides, their are many representatives from NGO's in and around Gaza to see for themselves and to act as human shields against Israeli atrocities.

The issue is, what are you doing in Gazan territorial waters and what are you doing shooting at people fishing? And if, for some reason they were smuggling guns, why not just board the vessel and take the guns? You know why? Because they are not smuggling guns! There are no guns to confiscate. The blockade is not about Israeli security.

And you, have nothing to do with humanity.
Yeah right, and they don't chop the neck of a baby either. Get real dude. Of course they do. Shit they blew up their own electric plant.
No they didn't, that was Israel.

There is no reason in the world that would allow you to shoot a medic giving care to the wounded. The mere fact that you would try to justify or rationalize this, shows you are one sick puppy.
Of course they locked the door. Israel is not required to allow out of state people into their state. I mean like duh.
They won't even allow them to fish and farm. Israel has no jurisdiction in international waters or Gazan air space. Gazans need Israeli permission to leave the area, even if they are not going to Israel. So fuck you, asshole!
I do have Juristriction on your property if I knew you were gathering up Weapons to wage war! Who in their right mind would say I have to sit and wait? YOU shut your LYING FUCKING MOUTH You are nothing but a piece of Shit coming out of an ASSHOLE
Whatever I am doing on my own property, is none of your goddamn business. Even if I am gathering weapons, it's none of your goddamn business. Israel is a member of the United Nations. Article 2 of its Charter, requires member states to respect the sovereignty of other nations. If you try to do anything on my property, then you are not respecting my sovereignty and I have every right in the world to defend myself from your aggression.
Gaza is NOT a nation. Hamas had a chance as did those before Hamas to form a Government they refuse to do so.
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ Billo_Really, et al,

Well, this is total nonsence!

The sad thing is, it is not just some IDF bad apples doing this, it is Israeli policy...

Testimony 24 – Briefings & House Demolitions
Initial briefings by commanders never mentioned “the lives of civilians (or) showing consideration to civilians.” Here it wasn’t mentioned. “Just the brutality, go in there brutally….In case of any doubt, take down houses. You don’t need confirmation for anything….”

Testimony 35 – Vandalism
Soldiers “took out notebooks and text books and ripped them. One guy smashed cupboards for kicks, out of boredom….The deputy company commander’s staff wrote ‘Death to Arabs’ on their walls.” Lip service only was paid to looting. Don’t ask, don’t tell was how it was.

Testimony 37 – House Demolitions & Vandalism
Houses were entered with live gunfire, grenades, and other destructive force. Extensive damage was done. Soldiers inside did much more. They had no regard for “even the simplest most basic sanitary stuff like going to the toilet, basic hygiene. I mean you could see they had defecated anywhere and left the stuff lying around.” No one cared.

Testimony 39 – Vandalism
Doors inside houses were blasted open. Contents were smashed, television and computer screens. Things of value were looted. “The guys would simply break stuff. Some were out to destroy and trash the whole time. They drew a disgusting drawing on the wall. They threw out sofas. They took down (pictures) just to shatter (them).” They did what they wanted. Who’d stop them? The assumption was “everyone is a terrorist (so) it’s legitimate to do just anything we please.”

Those were statements from the people who were there.

Now go ahead and do your usual discredit the source routine.
Your stupidity and ignorance is actually funny. Want to talk about “ sharing” ? The Israelis offered them almost everything they wanted but they declined . The PA just came out recently and said the Israelis had no rights to the Western Wall. Is that “ sharing?” Tell us why Israel should even consider their bridge within the 1967 orders. “ All or nothing” is not “ sharing” Go FUCK yourself
You can't offer what you don't have. That is not your land to negotiate.

Sorry but Israel won that land fair and square. They will never be denied access to their Holy Sites again! The PA declared Israel has NO rights to the Western Wall. How would you feel if there were a Sacred Muslim Site in Israel and Israel felt that way about Arabs living in Israel??
Since you don’t believe in “ negotiation” then the Palestinians do not have the Right to demand a Highway within the “ 67 Borders” let alone have control of it. You can’t offer what you don’t have. It is not their land to negotiate or demand
Sorry but Israel won that land fair and square. They will never be denied access to their Holy Sites again! The PA declared Israel has NO rights to the Western Wall. How would you feel if there were a Sacred Muslim Site in Israel and Israel felt that way about Arabs living in Israel??
Since you don’t believe in “ negotiation” then the Palestinians do not have the Right to demand a Highway within the “ 67 Borders” let alone have control of it. You can’t offer what you don’t have. It is not their land to negotiate or demand
You cannot acquire land by force. And it was Zionists going down to the Western Wall and declaring it "theirs", which started the Hebron riots.
Wrong as usual. You lie like a pro.
Fuck you, traitor, I'm never wrong!

This Palestinian unity government was sworn in by 2 June 2014 and Israel announced it would not negotiate any peace deal with the new government and would push punitive measures. Israel itself suspended negotiations with the PNA and, just after the announcement, launched an airstrike, which missed its target and wounded a family of three bystanders.
It was called Operation Protective Edge, dumbass.
Sorry but Israel won that land fair and square. They will never be denied access to their Holy Sites again! The PA declared Israel has NO rights to the Western Wall. How would you feel if there were a Sacred Muslim Site in Israel and Israel felt that way about Arabs living in Israel??
Since you don’t believe in “ negotiation” then the Palestinians do not have the Right to demand a Highway within the “ 67 Borders” let alone have control of it. You can’t offer what you don’t have. It is not their land to negotiate or demand
You cannot acquire land by force. And it was Zionists going down to the Western Wall and declaring it "theirs", which started the Hebron riots.
Yes you can, especially when you acquire it by defending yourself from an attacker.
Sorry but Israel won that land fair and square. They will never be denied access to their Holy Sites again! The PA declared Israel has NO rights to the Western Wall. How would you feel if there were a Sacred Muslim Site in Israel and Israel felt that way about Arabs living in Israel??
Since you don’t believe in “ negotiation” then the Palestinians do not have the Right to demand a Highway within the “ 67 Borders” let alone have control of it. You can’t offer what you don’t have. It is not their land to negotiate or demand
You cannot acquire land by force. And it was Zionists going down to the Western Wall and declaring it "theirs", which started the Hebron riots.

I agree; You can’t
Sorry but Israel won that land fair and square. They will never be denied access to their Holy Sites again! The PA declared Israel has NO rights to the Western Wall. How would you feel if there were a Sacred Muslim Site in Israel and Israel felt that way about Arabs living in Israel??
Since you don’t believe in “ negotiation” then the Palestinians do not have the Right to demand a Highway within the “ 67 Borders” let alone have control of it. You can’t offer what you don’t have. It is not their land to negotiate or demand
You cannot acquire land by force. And it was Zionists going down to the Western Wall and declaring it "theirs", which started the Hebron riots.

Israel did not acquire land “ by force” The Arabs initiated the War to destroy Israel
“By force” and they lost

The reason why the Palestinians declare Israel had no rights to the Wall is because what happened in 1920 ?? WRONG !!! They claim that the Jewish Religion doesnt have any connection or relevance to it .Nice try, though

Still haven’t answered the Question; Why are the Palestinians entitled to any part of “ Israel Proper?” After all,its not theirs. :eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
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Yes you can, especially when you acquire it by defending yourself from an attacker.
No you can't. And Israel wasn't defending itself. It started the war by rolling its tanks into Egypt.

Another lie. Egypt initiated the War with the U.N. cooperation. They blocked Israel’s right to Straits of Tiran and the “ U.N. Security Force”
Deliberately left Nasser bragged to the World he was going to destroy Israel
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