Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

Later that day, several hezbollahs stoned a woman for being raped.






Then later on, they decided to toss a gay men off of rooftops, for being gay.

But somehow someway, we are now all of a sudden to believe the left wingers like that stupid ass Jessica care about muslim women and they really really care about "gay rights."

What we do know is Israel is the only ME country where being gay is not illegal, and women have rights.

Folks, do not ever get caught up in their virtue signaling. They do not stand for ANYTHING. Not one single thing.

They are all losers, and morons. Nothing, and I mean nothing dumber than left wing white women, and that includes liberal men.
That long cut and paste from your favorite internet tabloid is drenched in Jew hating slogans you folks like to dump into various threads.

A simple counter to that nonsense is found here:

The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

Time to get to the gym after stuffing your face with falafel.
Try to keep up, there is a new charter

In the biggest concession, the new document states that Hamas “considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of 4 June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus”.

By implication, the document accepts that there will be another state entity outside these borders, even if it does not mention Israel.
Hamas presents new charter accepting a Palestine based on 1967 borders

1) They know that Israel isn’t going to agree to “ Right of Return” eventually making the Israelis a minority.
2) They know that Israel will not accept being denied access to their Holy Sites ever again,
3) I read somewhere that they will agree to a “ truce” for 10 years,

Who cares what Israel will accept?
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.
It wasn't stolen. You gave it to her by attacking her then losing the war. Israel should take out Gaza too and just leave the West bank for Palestinians.
That long cut and paste from your favorite internet tabloid is drenched in Jew hating slogans you folks like to dump into various threads.

A simple counter to that nonsense is found here:

The Avalon Project : Hamas Covenant 1988

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

Time to get to the gym after stuffing your face with falafel.
Try to keep up, there is a new charter

In the biggest concession, the new document states that Hamas “considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of 4 June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus”.

By implication, the document accepts that there will be another state entity outside these borders, even if it does not mention Israel.
Hamas presents new charter accepting a Palestine based on 1967 borders

1) They know that Israel isn’t going to agree to “ Right of Return” eventually making the Israelis a minority.
2) They know that Israel will not accept being denied access to their Holy Sites ever again,
3) I read somewhere that they will agree to a “ truce” for 10 years,

Who cares what Israel will accept?
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.

Still didn’t answer the question; Why should Israel agree to give up Territory where their Religious Sites are but even more importantly why should Israel agree for the Palestinians to build a bridge on the “ 67 Borders” and let them have control over it?
Try to keep up, there is a new charter

In the biggest concession, the new document states that Hamas “considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of 4 June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus”.

By implication, the document accepts that there will be another state entity outside these borders, even if it does not mention Israel.
Hamas presents new charter accepting a Palestine based on 1967 borders

1) They know that Israel isn’t going to agree to “ Right of Return” eventually making the Israelis a minority.
2) They know that Israel will not accept being denied access to their Holy Sites ever again,
3) I read somewhere that they will agree to a “ truce” for 10 years,

Who cares what Israel will accept?
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.
It wasn't stolen. You gave it to her by attacking her then losing the war. Israel should take out Gaza too and just leave the West bank for Palestinians.
What war did Palestine lose?

Try to keep up, there is a new charter

In the biggest concession, the new document states that Hamas “considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of 4 June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus”.

By implication, the document accepts that there will be another state entity outside these borders, even if it does not mention Israel.
Hamas presents new charter accepting a Palestine based on 1967 borders

1) They know that Israel isn’t going to agree to “ Right of Return” eventually making the Israelis a minority.
2) They know that Israel will not accept being denied access to their Holy Sites ever again,
3) I read somewhere that they will agree to a “ truce” for 10 years,

Who cares what Israel will accept?
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.

Still didn’t answer the question; Why should Israel agree to give up Territory where their Religious Sites are but even more importantly why should Israel agree for the Palestinians to build a bridge on the “ 67 Borders” and let them have control over it?
Nice deflection.
Try to keep up, there is a new charter

In the biggest concession, the new document states that Hamas “considers the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as its capital along the lines of 4 June 1967, with the return of the refugees and the displaced to their homes from which they were expelled, to be a formula of national consensus”.

By implication, the document accepts that there will be another state entity outside these borders, even if it does not mention Israel.
Hamas presents new charter accepting a Palestine based on 1967 borders

1) They know that Israel isn’t going to agree to “ Right of Return” eventually making the Israelis a minority.
2) They know that Israel will not accept being denied access to their Holy Sites ever again,
3) I read somewhere that they will agree to a “ truce” for 10 years,

Who cares what Israel will accept?
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.
It wasn't stolen. You gave it to her by attacking her then losing the war. Israel should take out Gaza too and just leave the West bank for Palestinians.

If Israel did that it would mean moving the Israelis out of the W.Bank like they did Gaza
1) They know that Israel isn’t going to agree to “ Right of Return” eventually making the Israelis a minority.
2) They know that Israel will not accept being denied access to their Holy Sites ever again,
3) I read somewhere that they will agree to a “ truce” for 10 years,

Who cares what Israel will accept?
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.

Still didn’t answer the question; Why should Israel agree to give up Territory where their Religious Sites are but even more importantly why should Israel agree for the Palestinians to build a bridge on the “ 67 Borders” and let them have control over it?
Nice deflection.

It’s not deflection; they are two honest questions. You just can’t/won’t answer it because you don’t have one.
1) They know that Israel isn’t going to agree to “ Right of Return” eventually making the Israelis a minority.
2) They know that Israel will not accept being denied access to their Holy Sites ever again,
3) I read somewhere that they will agree to a “ truce” for 10 years,

Who cares what Israel will accept?
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.
It wasn't stolen. You gave it to her by attacking her then losing the war. Israel should take out Gaza too and just leave the West bank for Palestinians.
What war did Palestine lose?


Ask Jordan and Egypt
1) They know that Israel isn’t going to agree to “ Right of Return” eventually making the Israelis a minority.
2) They know that Israel will not accept being denied access to their Holy Sites ever again,
3) I read somewhere that they will agree to a “ truce” for 10 years,

Who cares what Israel will accept?
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.
It wasn't stolen. You gave it to her by attacking her then losing the war. Israel should take out Gaza too and just leave the West bank for Palestinians.
What war did Palestine lose?

1948 1967
People squating on someone else's land can't spring up and claim they're palestinians and own the land. Land belonged to Egypt and Jordan.
How come you haven't written any posts demanding Egypt cease and desist? How come Palestinians aren't protesting at Egypts borders?
The Egyptian navy opened fire on a Palestinian fisherman at sea and killed him, the Gaza Health Ministry said on Saturday.
It could not be confirmed whether the fisherman was attempting to cross into Egyptian waters. Egyptian naval forces have previously opened fire on Gazans they accused of crossing the maritime border.
Gaza: Egyptian fire kills Palestinian at sea

? why did Hamas attack Egypt?
Palestinian from the Gaza Strip opened fire on Egyptian soldiers stationed on the border Saturday morning.

An Egyptian military intelligence official told Palestinian news agency Ma’an that the troops came under heavy fire from the Palestinian enclave, but that no one was injured.

Palestinian sources in Rafah, a town straddling the Gaza-Egypt border, said smugglers were behind the attack.
‘Palestinian smugglers fire on Egyptian soldiers’
Egypt is Israels bitch. They do whatever Israel tells them to do. BTW, your link says it was the Muslim Brotherhood who did the shooting, not Hamas.

I swear to God, all you fuckers do is sit around and figure out ways to make the Palestinians life miserable. Fuck you and everyone like you.
Who cares what Israel will accept?
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.
It wasn't stolen. You gave it to her by attacking her then losing the war. Israel should take out Gaza too and just leave the West bank for Palestinians.
What war did Palestine lose?

1948 1967
People squating on someone else's land can't spring up and claim they're palestinians and own the land. Land belonged to Egypt and Jordan.

When it’s stated that if the Arabs had won “ International Law” wouldn’t even be mentioned there is dead silence.
When asked about Israel’s right to their religious sites or why Israel should allow the Palestinians to build a bridge within their borders there is no answer. “ International Law” isn’t worth the piece of paper it’s written on
How come you haven't written any posts demanding Egypt cease and desist? How come Palestinians aren't protesting at Egypts borders?
The Egyptian navy opened fire on a Palestinian fisherman at sea and killed him, the Gaza Health Ministry said on Saturday.
It could not be confirmed whether the fisherman was attempting to cross into Egyptian waters. Egyptian naval forces have previously opened fire on Gazans they accused of crossing the maritime border.
Gaza: Egyptian fire kills Palestinian at sea

? why did Hamas attack Egypt?
Palestinian from the Gaza Strip opened fire on Egyptian soldiers stationed on the border Saturday morning.

An Egyptian military intelligence official told Palestinian news agency Ma’an that the troops came under heavy fire from the Palestinian enclave, but that no one was injured.

Palestinian sources in Rafah, a town straddling the Gaza-Egypt border, said smugglers were behind the attack.
‘Palestinian smugglers fire on Egyptian soldiers’
Egypt is Israels bitch. They do whatever Israel tells them to do. BTW, your link says it was the Muslim Brotherhood who did the shooting, not Hamas.

I swear to God, all you fuckers do is sit around and figure out ways to make the Palestinians life miserable. Fuck you and everyone like you.

Who cares what Israel will accept?
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.
It wasn't stolen. You gave it to her by attacking her then losing the war. Israel should take out Gaza too and just leave the West bank for Palestinians.
What war did Palestine lose?


Ask Jordan and Egypt
Nice deflection.
Who cares what Israel will accept?
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.
It wasn't stolen. You gave it to her by attacking her then losing the war. Israel should take out Gaza too and just leave the West bank for Palestinians.
What war did Palestine lose?

1948 1967
People squating on someone else's land can't spring up and claim they're palestinians and own the land. Land belonged to Egypt and Jordan.
Deflection. Egypt and Jordan are not Palestine.
If you want peace with Israel you should.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.
It wasn't stolen. You gave it to her by attacking her then losing the war. Israel should take out Gaza too and just leave the West bank for Palestinians.
What war did Palestine lose?

1948 1967
People squating on someone else's land can't spring up and claim they're palestinians and own the land. Land belonged to Egypt and Jordan.
Deflection. Egypt and Jordan are not Palestine.

Deflection; They had the territory when they initiated War and you refuse to comment on why Israel should even consider that bridge within the “ borders” we hear so much about
Israel did withdraw. ASSHOLE !! The increased Rocket Fire started the same week!! If I were your neighbor and I saw you gathering weapons knowing they were going to be used against me do you think I would just sit there and wait ? You are a. ASSHOLE !

Prove that Israel is deliberately shooting at
If I am exercising my 2nd amendment rights, you can't do shit to me! You have no say so on my property mother-fucker. You have no right telling others how to live their lives.

What a liar !!! The Rockets increased IMMEDIATELY after Israel withdrew. Are you trying to claim that Israel started to shoot “ innocent civilians” the same week they withdrew?
Israel has been shooting innocent people since 1948.

They don’t have the right to have weapons that they intend to initiate attacks on another Country
Then you don't have the right to have weapons to attack them!

The door swings both ways, bee-otch!

If we were constantly fighting and you were throwing Weapons at my property and I saw you with more weapons knowing they were going to be used against me do you think I would just sit there and wait, Asshole?
You have no jurisdiction on my property. But there is something you can do...........STOP ATTACKING ME!

Prove that Israel is using “ innocent” fisherman and farmers as target practice ! FUCK YOU !!
How many times do I have to post this before you shut your fucking lying mouth?

You people really are a piece of shit!
1) They know that Israel isn’t going to agree to “ Right of Return” eventually making the Israelis a minority.
2) They know that Israel will not accept being denied access to their Holy Sites ever again,
3) I read somewhere that they will agree to a “ truce” for 10 years,

They also want a bridge linking Gaza to the W. Bank within the “ 67 Borders” we hear about and full control of it Tell up please why Israel is Legally bound to do this?

That's because you are selfish pricks who refuse to share with others.
Israel will not accept anything less than keeping everything it has stolen.
It wasn't stolen. You gave it to her by attacking her then losing the war. Israel should take out Gaza too and just leave the West bank for Palestinians.
What war did Palestine lose?

1948 1967
People squating on someone else's land can't spring up and claim they're palestinians and own the land. Land belonged to Egypt and Jordan.
Deflection. Egypt and Jordan are not Palestine.

Deflection; They had the territory when they initiated War and you refuse to comment on why Israel should even consider that bridge within the “ borders” we hear so much about
They didn't have anything. They were merely the occupying powers.

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