Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

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Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

Actually when a foreign power seizes and blocks international straits one is free to attack them to remove control.
Israel didn't attack the Straits, it attacked Egypt. And you are wrong about what you are "free" to do. There are only 2 reasons you can legally attack another country (per Article 51 of the UN Charter) and Israel didn't have either one.

Was Israel at fault for shooting a medic?

The above is actually funny! Israel was supposed to wait for the “ U.N. Security Council” to solve the problem when it was the U.N. who actually left the region prior to the War”QUOTE]

I forgot how we got here. But the Israelis we enforcing their right to "Freedom of Navigation."

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
    • Article17

    • Right of innocent passage

    • Subject to this Convention, ships of all States, whether coastal or land-locked, enjoy the right of innocent passage through the territorial sea

San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea,

General rules

23. Belligerent warships and auxiliary vessels and military and auxiliary aircraft may exercise the rights of passage through, under or over neutral international straits and of archipelagic sea lanes passage provided by general international law.​

The 1956 confrontation between Israel and Egypt over The Straits of Tiran navigating between Gulf of Aqaba and The Red Sea.

Most Respectfully,
Tell that to the Palestinian fishermen you keep shooting at in International waters.

I have an idea; Keep daily tabs on how many “ innocent civilians” Israel kills and let us know.
Israel didn’t attack the Straits , they attacked Egypt? Let’s try to figure this out..... Maybe it’s because Egypt was intentionally blocking them!
UNEF forced were in there, you Asshole Please tell us why the UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE . left after the Straits were blocked, why they were blocked in the first place with Nasser telling the World his goal was Israel’s destruction.
The Palestinians are “ peacefully protesting” by throwing Malotov Cocktails and other Home Made Weapons ? You are an ASSHOLE. :ahole-1::asshole:
And before Israel attacked Egypt and before the Straits was closed, Israel attacked Jordan and Syria.

Stop cherry-picking the things people say. It is pretty simple to see what led to what. If it wasn't for Israeli aggression in Jordan and Syria, the Straits might have been kept open.

Just like the Straits, you're acting like things happen in a vacuum. They wouldn't be throwing anything at Israel if Israel wasn't shooting at unarmed protesters, at their medics, at their children, at their kids playing soccer, etc.

BTW, can you throw a Molotov Cocktail 300 meters? How many Israelis have been injured or killed by these "tosses"? How many more medics do you plan to kill?
Did you watch that video they posted showing a medic throwing a smoke bomb? They're human shields.
Will you admit that Nasser deliberately blocked Israel’s Right to International Waters?
Nations don't have rights; however, Nassar deliberately blocked the Straits in retaliation to Israeli aggression in the Sinai.

Will you admit that Nasser was telling the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all?

According to “ Article 51” Israel was supposed to wait for the U.N. Security Council to resolve the conflict yet the U.N. actually left the area they were supposed to be protecting?
That's not what Article 51 says.

Will you admit that the U. N. Security Force
Deliberately left the area?

Of course not :321:
I answered all of your loaded questions.

Let's see if the door swings both ways.

How many more medics do you plan to murder in cold blood?

Israel says medic killed in Gaza was 'human shield'
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israel on Thursday said that a Palestinian medical volunteer shot dead during violence along the Gaza border had agreed to serve as a "human shield" during protests and clashes.

Spokespersons for the Israeli government and the army published the same tweet, quoting part of an interview with the young woman, Razan al-Najjar, in which she says she was acting as a "human shield".
Will you admit that Nasser deliberately blocked Israel’s Right to International Waters?
Nations don't have rights; however, Nassar deliberately blocked the Straits in retaliation to Israeli aggression in the Sinai.

Will you admit that Nasser was telling the World he was going to destroy Israel once and for all?

According to “ Article 51” Israel was supposed to wait for the U.N. Security Council to resolve the conflict yet the U.N. actually left the area they were supposed to be protecting?
That's not what Article 51 says.

Will you admit that the U. N. Security Force
Deliberately left the area?

Of course not :321:
I answered all of your loaded questions.

Let's see if the door swings both ways.

How many more medics do you plan to murder in cold blood?

Israel says medic killed in Gaza was 'human shield'
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israel on Thursday said that a Palestinian medical volunteer shot dead during violence along the Gaza border had agreed to serve as a "human shield" during protests and clashes.

Spokespersons for the Israeli government and the army published the same tweet, quoting part of an interview with the young woman, Razan al-Najjar, in which she says she was acting as a "human shield".

Humans make lousy shields ... the bullets tend to go right through them.
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

Yes, there will be many incidents in the past and in the future where the Arab Palestinian policy is to use Human Shield in the individual form and in the group configuration.


This is not new, in terms of using Human Shields. The UN HRC has tried to deny it for several decades.

Most Respectfully,
Israel didn’t attack the Straits , they attacked Egypt? Let’s try to figure this out..... Maybe it’s because Egypt was intentionally blocking them!
UNEF forced were in there, you Asshole Please tell us why the UNITED NATIONS EMERGENCY FORCE . left after the Straits were blocked, why they were blocked in the first place with Nasser telling the World his goal was Israel’s destruction.
The Palestinians are “ peacefully protesting” by throwing Malotov Cocktails and other Home Made Weapons ? You are an ASSHOLE. :ahole-1::asshole:
And before Israel attacked Egypt and before the Straits was closed, Israel attacked Jordan and Syria.

Stop cherry-picking the things people say. It is pretty simple to see what led to what. If it wasn't for Israeli aggression in Jordan and Syria, the Straits might have been kept open.

Just like the Straits, you're acting like things happen in a vacuum. They wouldn't be throwing anything at Israel if Israel wasn't shooting at unarmed protesters, at their medics, at their children, at their kids playing soccer, etc.

BTW, can you throw a Molotov Cocktail 300 meters? How many Israelis have been injured or killed by these "tosses"? How many more medics do you plan to kill?
Did you watch that video they posted showing a medic throwing a smoke bomb? They're human shields.

Of course he didn’t
Like surrender and a few crumbs.

That describes the bitter end of what resulted from Arabs-Moslems initiating wars they which served them humiliating defeats.

They never got crumbs. Just humiliation for their lost wars of aggression.

And Allah is the best of planners.
That is a matter of interpretation...and your opinion,the Zionists started all the Wars,no matter how you package it or what you imagine or think...we are not all brain washed or can be manipulated.....WE HAVE A BRAIN
Egypt started the war by lining those tanks up on the border.
But it was Israel who invaded Egypt.
If Israel had waited for Egypt Israel would've had lost the war and there would be no Israel. Israel did what she had to, to survive.

Egypt intention of unblocking it and I keep on repeating the U.N. was their accomplice . He’s such an Asshole :ahole-1:
AMERICA,also agreed with Egypt,funny,you have one rule for everyone else,and one rule for are mistaken ilove...Israel knew what they were doing and deliberately invaded a Sovereign nation,just like the US did to by your flawed is fine to invade anyone be it then,if that is what you believe...

So stop moaning about Palestinians killing Zionist Shit,because that is exactly the game you played...You see Ilove,you should temper your frustration and put your brain into gear before opening your mouth...we all have two ears and one mouth for good reason...try to remember that in future...steve
Egypt started the war by lining those tanks up on the border.
But it was Israel who invaded Egypt.
If Israel had waited for Egypt Israel would've had lost the war and there would be no Israel. Israel did what she had to, to survive.

Egypt intention of unblocking it and I keep on repeating the U.N. was their accomplice . He’s such an Asshole :ahole-1:
AMERICA,also agreed with Egypt,funny,you have one rule for everyone else,and one rule for are mistaken ilove...Israel knew what they were doing and deliberately invaded a Sovereign nation,just like the US did to by your flawed is fine to invade anyone be it then,if that is what you believe...

So stop moaning about Palestinians killing Zionist Shit,because that is exactly the game you played...You see Ilove,you should temper your frustration and put your brain into gear before opening your mouth...we all have two ears and one mouth for good reason...try to remember that in future...steve

America agreed with Egypt that they should block the Straits of Tiran, agree with Nasser bragging he was going to destroy Israel and sided with the U. N. Leaving? You are full of SHIT as always .
I am not going to be rude or horrible like you are but you should acknowledge the facts ilove,your commentary demeans you as a person so STOP IT,and sniping and abusing good folk like Tinnie,Billo and all,leaves you open to gentle I and show a modicume sic of respect
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

Yes, there will be many incidents in the past and in the future where the Arab Palestinian policy is to use Human Shield in the individual form and in the group configuration.


This is not new, in terms of using Human Shields. The UN HRC has tried to deny it for several decades.

Most Respectfully,
Stop using the word "Respectfully" when you are clearly showing no respect at all,it is a bad habit you seem to think allows you to say what you like,come on Rocco I expect more from you.With Respect...steven..and stop this Human Shield rubbish...the IDF Zionist Terrorist deliberately murdered this unarmed civilian because he was a Tcun...just admit you support for Ilove's comment about the 72 Virgins, its an oxymoron abb., MORONIC
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Why don't you explain how pointing out your hypocrisy is a deflection? You said Israel had a right to go through the Straits. And I said Gazans have a right to fish without getting shot at. You said Israel had a right to ship in international waters; and I said so do Gazans.

You protest the closing of the Straits by going to war with Egypt; but then do an about face when Gazans demand the right to protest their conditions you force them to live with. You shoot their protesters; you shoot their care givers; you shoot them on their own property. How would you have felt if Egypt set up a buffer zone on the Israeli side of the border? Yet you demand one for Gazans.

You're a fuckin' hypocrite!
Israel didn’t initiate a War, try to smuggle weapons in, etc. etc. Let’s have some fun; The way you still blame Israel for their actions I can feel the same way about those in Gaza! Turn about is fair play
Gazans aren't smuggling weapons in when they fish; they are trying to feed their families. Even if they were, why can't the IDF board the Gazan vessel and confiscate the weapons? You know why? Because there ain't any fuckin' weapons to confiscate, because they're FUCKING FISHING!

BTW, yes Israel did initiate the war.
You said Israel had a right to go through the Straits

Closing the straits to Israel would be an act of war against Israel.

A shipping blockade of Gaza is a reaction to a declaration of war on Israel by Hamas in the name of the Palestinians.

No hypocrisy at all.
Gazans aren't smuggling weapons in when they fish

Other creatures of myth include ...

Another lie. Nasser closing the Straits, telling the World he was going to destroy Israel, the U.N. leaving, Syria shooting at Israelis from the Golan Heights, Jordan siding with Egypt had nothing to do with Israel’s “ aggression” If Israel was the “ aggressor” common sense would dictate the U.N. wouldn’t have left.
Prove that Israel is shooting at “ unarmed protesters” and their Kids.
Except for the fact Israel attacked Jordan and Syria before the Straits were closed.

Wasn't it you who were accusing me of derailing threads and going off topic? And now here you are, doing the exact same thing you accused me of. My my, hey hey, Israeli hypocrisy is here to stay.

Do you plan to murder any more medics?
Sorry, but that IS what Article 51 says; Accordibg to You Israel should have sat like a sitting duck until the U.N. that deliberately left the area dealt with the problem

How many Medics do I personally plan to murdet? It depends how many get in the way
And so Gazans are supposed to stand idly by while you murder them one by one?

BTW, that's not what Aritcle 51 says.
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

Oh, come clean now...

Tell that to the Palestinian fishermen you keep shooting at in International waters.

Shots across the bow are a standard means of communication when conducting Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIOs). Most of the video taken during MIOs of fishing vessels sailing into the blockade line are staged by HAMAS media assets to entice the Israeli Navy Patrol Boats to engage in MIOs for the purpose of propaganda.

Most Respectfully,
Who the fuck shoots at people FISHING!

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