General on Benghazi : The point is we should have tried.

May the same fate fall upon the sons and daughters of all who were complicit in that decision. They thought it right to do this to the Americans they were responsible for. Let the weight of that bad decision roll back on them personally.
Weren't you the person on another thread lecturing that only God is to enact vengeance on other people?

Or was that another hate spewing Christian??

WWJD . :cool:
Since we are playing "what if" with Benghazi...

"What if" we sent in an unsupported, poorly planned rescue mission into Benghazi and ended up with 30 dead SEALs?

Would Issa still be conducting his Witch Hunt?

What if obama sent in a drone? He has no problem using them on the innocent when it is to his benefit.
I am not a military planner, but the general was. He said we should have tried and I concur. You are obviously think that sacrificing the lives of those American was the best option.

I would have had my exit strategy in place first and then went in with or without the order. The provision that it must be a successful rescue is not a factor, RW. It is better than doing nothing which is precisely what the State Dept. did. May the same fate fall upon the sons and daughters of all who were complicit in that decision. They thought it right to do this to the Americans they were responsible for. Let the weight of that bad decision roll back on them personally. Why should all America pay the consequences for a few evil men and women?

That is why you are not a commander

Chance of success is definitely a factor when you send soldiers into harms way

The chances for success were ignored consistently which is why there needs to be an investigation. The State Dept. knew our Ambassadors life was in great peril. He informed them repeatedly about it. All pleas for protection were ignored.

There needs to be an independent investigation.
May the same fate fall upon the sons and daughters of all who were complicit in that decision. They thought it right to do this to the Americans they were responsible for. Let the weight of that bad decision roll back on them personally.
Weren't you the person on another thread lecturing that only God is to enact vengeance on other people?

Or was that another hate spewing Christian??

WWJD . :cool:

Do you have a relevant comment to make about the OP topic?
May the same fate fall upon the sons and daughters of all who were complicit in that decision. They thought it right to do this to the Americans they were responsible for. Let the weight of that bad decision roll back on them personally.
Weren't you the person on another thread lecturing that only God is to enact vengeance on other people?

Or was that another hate spewing Christian??

WWJD . :cool:

Do you have a relevant comment to make about the OP topic?

That was relevant, Christian. You are wishing death upon the innocent sons and daughters of others. What kind of vicious cretin are you?

How about walking that comment back? Do you have the integrity needed to admit that you overstated your wishes?
apparently MILLIONS would rather refuse to work in favor of living off of federal or state funds.
if that wasnt the case why is welfare and food stamps still at RECORD levels when libs are insisting all these jobs are being created?

libs are losers who lie to themselves
apparently MILLIONS would rather refuse to work in favor of living off of federal or state funds.
if that wasnt the case why is welfare and food stamps still at RECORD levels when libs are insisting all these jobs are being created?

libs are losers who lie to themselves

You answering my sig question, dummy?

Millions? How many millions? Got a more specific number?
I have a question for Ret. USAF Brigadier Gen. Robert Lovell

He has had a year and a half to analyze the situation and has all the facts at his disposal. What should that rescue attempt have looked like?

Every minute counts and you have to put together a rescue plan that will drop SEALS at the Benghazi airport miles away from the embassy. There are no helicopters and no armored vehicles at their disposal. They have to hike in, execute a rescue and then hike out with the embassy staff.

If it is so easy, can someone on this board explain how the rescue should have been conducted?

Even Lovell said they did all they could do.

From the same testimony yesterday the cons don't cite:

CONNELLY: I want to read to you the conclusion of the chairman of the [Armed Services] Committee, the Republican chairman Buck McKeon, who conducted formal briefings and oversaw that report he said quote "I'm pretty well satisfied that given where the troops were, how quickly the thing all happened, and how quickly it dissipated we probably couldn't have done much more than we did." Do you take issue with the chairman of the Armed Services Committee? In that conclusion?

LOVELL: His conclusion that he couldn't have done much more than they did with the capability and the way they executed it?

CONNELLY: Given the timeframe.

LOVELL: That's a fact.


LOVELL: The way it is right now. The way he stated it.

CONNELLY: Alright, because I'm sure you can appreciate, general, there might be some who, for various and sundry reasons would like to distort your testimony and suggest that you're testifying that we could have, should have done a lot more than we did because we had capabilities we simply didn't utilize. That is not your testimony?

LOVELL: That is not my testimony.

CONNELLY: I thank you very much, general.
A simple rule with conservatives. Whatever happened or is happening they believe it should've or should be done another way.

If we go left cons will say we shouldve went right.

They are litteraly that person who sits in the passenger side and wait until you pass the exit and says "Oh, you should've went that way"

You name it, any topic, and that will be their position.
30 Navy Seals would have prevailed and saved their lives most likely. The problem is there was never any order given. The State Department failed miserably.

The order was given. The Secretary of Defense & US military failed to carry out a direct order given by President Obama in the Oval Office within minutes of learning of Benghazi the afternoon of Sept. 11.

Testifying to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Mr. Panetta said the president told them to “do whatever you need to do to be able to protect our people there,” the specifics the president “left it up to us.”

With Gen. Dempsey beside him at the witness table, Mr. Panetta asserted that the U.S. military “spared no effort to save” the lives of Stevens, Smith, Woods & Doherty. He argued that the manner in which the violence unfolded in Benghazi rendered an effective counterstrike or rescue attempt impossible.

“These were actually two short-duration attacks that occurred some six hours apart,” Mr. Panetta said. “We were not dealing with a prolonged assault that could have been brought to an end by a U.S. military response.”

The assertion drew a harsh criticism from Mr. Graham, who asked: “Did you know how long the attack was going to last, Secretary Panetta?”

“No idea,” the defense secretary responded.

“Was any airplane launched anywhere in the world to help these people?” pressed Mr. Graham as the tension filled the hearing room.

Mr. Panetta said C-130 aircraft were ultimately flown in to evacuate American survivors, but Mr. Dempsey responded that if Mr. Graham was “talking about a strike aircraft,” the answer was no.
I have a question for Ret. USAF Brigadier Gen. Robert Lovell

He has had a year and a half to analyze the situation and has all the facts at his disposal. What should that rescue attempt have looked like?

Every minute counts and you have to put together a rescue plan that will drop SEALS at the Benghazi airport miles away from the embassy. There are no helicopters and no armored vehicles at their disposal. They have to hike in, execute a rescue and then hike out with the embassy staff.

If it is so easy, can someone on this board explain how the rescue should have been conducted?
So Hillary and Barry knew this while they were developing plans in Germany? Please! Insult your own intelligence but not that of others. They had no idea of what was going to happen in terms of time or result, but they didn't even try.

Yeah, we know - what difference does it make.

That doesn't look like a rescue plan to me

If it is so easy, tell me how you would have executed a successful rescue.
Keep in mind, the lives of the resuce team need to be considered
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.
So Hillary and Barry knew this while they were developing plans in Germany? Please! Insult your own intelligence but not that of others. They had no idea of what was going to happen in terms of time or result, but they didn't even try.

Yeah, we know - what difference does it make.

That doesn't look like a rescue plan to me

If it is so easy, tell me how you would have executed a successful rescue.
Keep in mind, the lives of the resuce team need to be considered
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.
I am still wondering who gave the Stand Down order.
So Hillary and Barry knew this while they were developing plans in Germany? Please! Insult your own intelligence but not that of others. They had no idea of what was going to happen in terms of time or result, but they didn't even try.

Yeah, we know - what difference does it make.

That doesn't look like a rescue plan to me

If it is so easy, tell me how you would have executed a successful rescue.
Keep in mind, the lives of the resuce team need to be considered
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.
This wasn't an embassy.

It wasn't even a consulate.
that's nice

someone who wasn't there has an opinion.

you know what they say about opinions, right?

what did the general think of baby bush's 13 benghazzis?

13 U.S. Ambassadors died on Bush's watch?

Thing is? Whatever happened on Bush's watch? He didn't lie about it. He took responsibility for it. This regime STILL refuses to be responsible for anything. It's either lie, blame...or say this is a PARTISAN WITCH HUNT.
That doesn't look like a rescue plan to me

If it is so easy, tell me how you would have executed a successful rescue.
Keep in mind, the lives of the resuce team need to be considered
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.
This wasn't an embassy.

It wasn't even a consulate.
So, you are reduced to playing games and attempting to splitting hairs.....

Benghazi Consulate Attack Fast Facts

Benghazi Consulate Attack Fast Facts -

the rest of the world knows better.
That doesn't look like a rescue plan to me

If it is so easy, tell me how you would have executed a successful rescue.
Keep in mind, the lives of the resuce team need to be considered
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.
I am still wondering who gave the Stand Down order.
We'll never know.
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.
I am still wondering who gave the Stand Down order.
We'll never know.
Maybe. A startling revelation just came to light...

John Kerry is about to occupy the hot seat. Granted he was a Senator when Benghazi went down, but Issa wants to know why the State Department is stonewalling on producing requested documents. This is going to be interesting.
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.
This wasn't an embassy.

It wasn't even a consulate.
So, you are reduced to playing games and attempting to splitting hairs.....

Benghazi Consulate Attack Fast Facts

Benghazi Consulate Attack Fast Facts -

the rest of the world knows better.
There was no consolate in Benghazi.

"The world" could have looked up, as I did, days after the attack here:

Home | and seen there was no consulate in Benghazi.

Doofus' like you keep calling it an embassy.

Language, son, language. Gedditrite.

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