General on Benghazi : The point is we should have tried.

That doesn't look like a rescue plan to me

If it is so easy, tell me how you would have executed a successful rescue.
Keep in mind, the lives of the resuce team need to be considered
I am not a military planner, but the general was. He said we should have tried and I concur. You are obviously think that sacrificing the lives of those American was the best option.

Hillary Clinton had one hour to get wheels off the ground with a rescue mission. Republicans have had a year and a half to look at all the data available

Why is it so hard for anyone to tell me how a successful rescue mission would have been executed

Keep in mind, if it fails and 30 SEALs are killed, we have a much worse situation than Benghazi
Wasn't Hillary the one who should be taking the 3am call.

[ame=]Hillary Clinton 3 AM Campaign Ad - YouTube[/ame]

She's Hillary Clinton, and she approved this message.
What reason would I have for defending the general's POV? Because he wasn't in the compound with Stevens and the three others that died? Seriously?!

At least educate yourself on the events. Stephens and Smith were killed at the Consulate building from smoke inhalation when the rioting mob set the place on fire. They had made their way to the safe room, unfortunately, the safe rooms exhaust fans had not been installed, else they too would have been alive when rescue came from the CIA Annex personnel and their Libyan allies. The other two were killed when the response team sent from Tripoli finally made it's way to the Annex building. They were on the roof of a building when they got hit by mortars.

Has an autopsy report on Stephens been released? If not then you cannot know how he died.

Some people will not believe it when(if) it comes out either. But you're correct they have not released an autopsy report. However, considering the testimony of the security guy that they got separated in the thick smoke and the Doctor who tried in vain to revive him who also made a statement to that effect, I'd be surprised if he was shot to death. American Ambassador in Libya Raped and Killed
that's nice

someone who wasn't there has an opinion.

you know what they say about opinions, right?

what did the general think of baby bush's 13 benghazzis?
I know when I read the scribbling of assholes. Fortunately, the weather's warm and the windows are open.

Are you one of USMB's hags?

Thumbs down on this meathead.

No call for going postal on Jillian here. If her points are bad, then expose them. Doesn't help your argument to expose what you did here.

I believe we should have tried. I believe the soldiers on the rescue team who's lives would have been put in danger would have wanted to go.

None of us were there and none of us have access to all the information, but I'd like to think that if the decision had been mine, I would have at least started moving some stuff into position.
Are you saying she's a woman and can't defend her scribblings? This is pretty tame stuff for what goes on here, and I'm sorry, discounting the opinion of the general in charge of any response because he wasn't "there" is idiotic.
At least educate yourself on the events. Stephens and Smith were killed at the Consulate building from smoke inhalation when the rioting mob set the place on fire. They had made their way to the safe room, unfortunately, the safe rooms exhaust fans had not been installed, else they too would have been alive when rescue came from the CIA Annex personnel and their Libyan allies. The other two were killed when the response team sent from Tripoli finally made it's way to the Annex building. They were on the roof of a building when they got hit by mortars.

Has an autopsy report on Stephens been released? If not then you cannot know how he died.

Some people will not believe it when(if) it comes out either. But you're correct they have not released an autopsy report. However, considering the testimony of the security guy that they got separated in the thick smoke and the Doctor who tried in vain to revive him who also made a statement to that effect, I'd be surprised if he was shot to death. American Ambassador in Libya Raped and Killed

Absence of evidence all you have is speculation.
that's nice

someone who wasn't there has an opinion.

you know what they say about opinions, right?

what did the general think of baby bush's 13 benghazzis?

Can you name a person who was there who we should ask for an opinion?

Oh, no you can't. They're all dead.
I know when I read the scribbling of assholes. Fortunately, the weather's warm and the windows are open.

Are you one of USMB's hags?

Thumbs down on this meathead.

No call for going postal on Jillian here. If her points are bad, then expose them. Doesn't help your argument to expose what you did here.

I believe we should have tried. I believe the soldiers on the rescue team who's lives would have been put in danger would have wanted to go.

None of us were there and none of us have access to all the information, but I'd like to think that if the decision had been mine, I would have at least started moving some stuff into position.
Are you saying she's a woman and can't defend her scribblings? This is pretty tame stuff for what goes on here, and I'm sorry, discounting the opinion of the general in charge of any response because he wasn't "there" is idiotic.

Defend them against what? You never attacked her post. You attacked her - personally.
That doesn't look like a rescue plan to me

If it is so easy, tell me how you would have executed a successful rescue.
Keep in mind, the lives of the resuce team need to be considered
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.


Lets hear your plan then. You are a six hour flight away and must land at Benghazi airport miles away from the embassy. You have no helicopters and no armored vehicles. Tell me how you rescue the embassy staff and tell me about your expected casualties

The army has these things called "parachutes." They worked great during WW II when you needed to get troops into a location without a place to land. They can even deliver armored vehicles via parachute.

See what happens when military ignoramuses pontificate about the military?
Has an autopsy report on Stephens been released? If not then you cannot know how he died.

Some people will not believe it when(if) it comes out either. But you're correct they have not released an autopsy report. However, considering the testimony of the security guy that they got separated in the thick smoke and the Doctor who tried in vain to revive him who also made a statement to that effect, I'd be surprised if he was shot to death. American Ambassador in Libya Raped and Killed

Absence of evidence all you have is speculation.

A Libyan doctor who treated Stevens said he died of severe asphyxiation, apparently from smoke. In a sign of the chaos of during the attack, Stevens was brought alone by Libyans to the Benghazi Medical Center with no other Americans, and no one at the facility knew who he was, the doctor, Ziad Abu Zeid, told The Associated Press.

Stevens was practically dead when he arrived close to 1 a.m., but "we tried to revive him for an hour and a half but with no success," Abu Zeid said. The ambassador had bleeding in his stomach because of the asphyxiation but no other injuries, he said.

Read more at American Ambassador in Libya Raped and Killed
That doesn't look like a rescue plan to me

If it is so easy, tell me how you would have executed a successful rescue.
Keep in mind, the lives of the resuce team need to be considered
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.


Lets hear your plan then. You are a six hour flight away and must land at Benghazi airport miles away from the embassy. You have no helicopters and no armored vehicles. Tell me how you rescue the embassy staff and tell me about your expected casualties

Send in the F-18s:

Some very loud, well-armed aircraft can deter attackers on the ground. In the case of Benghazi, the fastest and safest response would have been to send in fixed-wing warplanes from airbases in Italy. Airplanes from these bases staged the attacks that liberated Libya from the Gaddafi regime. One major facility, Naval Air Station Sigonella, is only about an hour away from Libya.

These planes can operate safely in Libyan airspace. The previous regime's air-defense network is destroyed and any available shoulder-fired missiles pose little threat. So even if the new government objected to warplanes in its airspace, there was nothing they could do about it. And the administration steadfastly defends its violation of Pakistani airspace to get Osama bin Laden; the backlash against airspace violation would be minimal

Get Some Recon Overhead:

F-18s have LITENING pods with high resolution FLIR that can pick out individuals on the ground, day or night, and through clouds. The system can also see laser designators used by troops on the ground—and some reports (quoting anonymous sources) claim the team at Benghazi had such a designator on the roof of the CIA safe house.

Send in the Gunships. Wait, What Gunships?

Air Force Special Operations Command operates the AC-130s. They permanently station these planes in Florida and New Mexico, and send the gunships out to areas of operation (AOR, meaning Afghanistan) from there. "We have AC-130s flying through Europe all the time, on the way to the AOR," says Capt. Kristen Duncan, at Special Operations Command. An AC-130 could be rerouted to Libya, but that takes more time than the embattled U.S. personnel had. The aircraft in Afghanistan were too far away to be of use in Benghazi.

Send in Special Forces:

Of all the options, this is the riskiest. The Pentagon says it did move a team of special operators from central Europe to the naval base in Sigonella, Italy. But how would they get to Benghazi? Helicopters are vulnerable to ground fire and have limited range. If a helicopter crashes, those personnel have to be rescued. High-altitude parachute drops to break an urban siege is a big risk. And in a chaotic situation, inserting troops can make a bad situation worse.

Could American Airpower Have Saved Benghazi? - Popular Mechanics
that's nice

someone who wasn't there has an opinion.

you know what they say about opinions, right?

what did the general think of baby bush's 13 benghazzis?

Can you name a person who was there who we should ask for an opinion?

Oh, no you can't. They're all dead.

No they aren't.
C'mon man.

I think we should have at least tried to do more
I'm pissed that the administration is hiding information and lying about it.

But these untrue claims are so easily cast aside - you just give them the opportunity to say, "See ... look at the kind of complaints we're getting. Uniformed rants..."

You are actually helping them avoid accountability.

Thanks a lot.
Thumbs down on this meathead.

No call for going postal on Jillian here. If her points are bad, then expose them. Doesn't help your argument to expose what you did here.

I believe we should have tried. I believe the soldiers on the rescue team who's lives would have been put in danger would have wanted to go.

None of us were there and none of us have access to all the information, but I'd like to think that if the decision had been mine, I would have at least started moving some stuff into position.
Are you saying she's a woman and can't defend her scribblings? This is pretty tame stuff for what goes on here, and I'm sorry, discounting the opinion of the general in charge of any response because he wasn't "there" is idiotic.

Defend them against what? You never attacked her post. You attacked her - personally.
That's because she's an idiot. I admit I do not suffer fools gladly. My bad.
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.


Lets hear your plan then. You are a six hour flight away and must land at Benghazi airport miles away from the embassy. You have no helicopters and no armored vehicles. Tell me how you rescue the embassy staff and tell me about your expected casualties

The army has these things called "parachutes." They worked great during WW II when you needed to get troops into a location without a place to land. They can even deliver armored vehicles via parachute.

See what happens when military ignoramuses pontificate about the military?

OK you're idea is to parachute guys into a city of more than half a million people?

And then when lunch time comes they can pop over to McDonald's?
Are you saying she's a woman and can't defend her scribblings? This is pretty tame stuff for what goes on here, and I'm sorry, discounting the opinion of the general in charge of any response because he wasn't "there" is idiotic.

Defend them against what? You never attacked her post. You attacked her - personally.
That's because she's an idiot. I admit I do not suffer fools gladly. My bad.

Then it should be easy to refute her points.
No sweat - happens to all of us.
Call me on it next time you see me do it. I don't like doing it, but these boards just seem to yank it out sometimes.
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.


Lets hear your plan then. You are a six hour flight away and must land at Benghazi airport miles away from the embassy. You have no helicopters and no armored vehicles. Tell me how you rescue the embassy staff and tell me about your expected casualties

The army has these things called "parachutes." ...
This is why you're not in charge.

And never will be.
Some people will not believe it when(if) it comes out either. But you're correct they have not released an autopsy report. However, considering the testimony of the security guy that they got separated in the thick smoke and the Doctor who tried in vain to revive him who also made a statement to that effect, I'd be surprised if he was shot to death. American Ambassador in Libya Raped and Killed

Absence of evidence all you have is speculation.

A Libyan doctor who treated Stevens said he died of severe asphyxiation, apparently from smoke. In a sign of the chaos of during the attack, Stevens was brought alone by Libyans to the Benghazi Medical Center with no other Americans, and no one at the facility knew who he was, the doctor, Ziad Abu Zeid, told The Associated Press.

Stevens was practically dead when he arrived close to 1 a.m., but "we tried to revive him for an hour and a half but with no success," Abu Zeid said. The ambassador had bleeding in his stomach because of the asphyxiation but no other injuries, he said.

Read more at American Ambassador in Libya Raped and Killed

You may trust a Libyan doctor, but I don't.

I prefer to wait until the official autopsy report is released.

He was practically dead, meaning he was still alive and the doctor couldn't help him? Was he given bronchodilators, endotracheal tube, oxygen? What exactly was done to try and resuscitate him?

There are more questions than there are answers. Now you can speculate and go by the word of a doctor, who for all we know isn't on our side and isn't looking out for our best interest.
Wow, but you are fucking stupid.

The military has in place, plans to rescue Embassies. They only need two things.

Where and a green light from the White House.


Lets hear your plan then. You are a six hour flight away and must land at Benghazi airport miles away from the embassy. You have no helicopters and no armored vehicles. Tell me how you rescue the embassy staff and tell me about your expected casualties

The army has these things called "parachutes." They worked great during WW II when you needed to get troops into a location without a place to land. They can even deliver armored vehicles via parachute.

See what happens when military ignoramuses pontificate about the military?

OK we are starting to see shreds of a rightwing rescue plan

Now, rather than land safely and secured at an airport, we have SEALS parachute into an urban area. Airborne assaults also take time to plan and coordinate. Tough to do when you have to be in the air in less than an hour
If you look at WWII, many paratrooper assaults were disasters and they had time to plan the assault

OK long as we are Monday Morning Quarterbacking. Give me your rescue plan. It is so easy to mount a rescue. What should Hillary have done?

Lets hear your plan then. You are a six hour flight away and must land at Benghazi airport miles away from the embassy. You have no helicopters and no armored vehicles. Tell me how you rescue the embassy staff and tell me about your expected casualties

The army has these things called "parachutes." They worked great during WW II when you needed to get troops into a location without a place to land. They can even deliver armored vehicles via parachute.

See what happens when military ignoramuses pontificate about the military?

OK we are starting to see shreds of a rightwing rescue plan

Now, rather than land safely and secured at an airport, we have SEALS parachute into an urban area. Airborne assaults also take time to plan and coordinate. Tough to do when you have to be in the air in less than an hour
If you look at WWII, many paratrooper assaults were disasters and they had time to plan the assault

OK long as we are Monday Morning Quarterbacking. Give me your rescue plan. It is so easy to mount a rescue. What should Hillary have done?

Not to mention the fact that you're going to have to drop supplies and materials into this crowed urban area.

"Honey, I told you not to park any more armored personnel vehicles on the roof. Now look what you've done."
Look at all the "controversies" with this attack

They called it a demonstration - Oh no!
They blamed it on a video - The Horror
Talking points changed - Who does that?
They couldve done more - Thats always the case.

So what do we have. Something went down and cons only answer is "something else shouldve been done"

And that is the "scandal"

to be fair, rw media is fanning the flames the best they can. :thup: Can't blame their low-info, drone viewers/listeners.

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