George Bush


8.1% unemployment - that peaked over 10% and has fallen ... but it being an issue to begin with was because of BOOOOOOSHHHHHH
No net jobs gained - see above
hell breaking loose in the ME and northern africa - out of Iraq, Gaddafi dead, Mubarak ousted
We sold arms to the enemy of an ally without our ally knowing it - Iran Contra
We have a dead ambassador - and a dead Osama bin Laden
We have a 16 trillion dollar debt. - BOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHH
We just completed a 1.3 trillion dollar deficit year. BOOOOOOOOSSSSSHHHHHH

Yep....and you want him back.

And you call ME a retard?

How ironic.

Yeah, I want him back. He beats the fuck out of the greasy used car salesman you fucktards nominated.


the crap you put in red?

Dam...I didnt realize I was debating a true idiot...I thought you had some brains.

You arent worth my time Article.


Later fag.
Yeah, I know right?

Things are much worse now than the were when we were losing 750,000 jobs/mo and 5% GDP a quarter.

Fuck, you're dumb.

Nope...not dumb....experienced.

I have owned businesses thriough many recessions.

I have been around for the market crash in the 80's...I have seen unemployment at rate at 20%.....

Wyhen we are losing 750K jobs a month?

We can do absolutely nothing and it will turn around.


Cause people gotta eat...they need shoes.....TV's break break goes on and we rebound.

You cant hold a candle to me Article...all you got is rhetoric.

I'm sure you drive a Porsche and have a twelve in penis too.

It's easy to make shit up when you are on the Internet.


You think the crash of the 80's was a lie? It happened.

20% prime rate? Carter happened.

12% unemployment.....carter happened.

Me owning businesses.....doesnt really matter if true or take that out of my post....makes no difference.
Anyway...time for me to blow you act too much like a child for me to debate.
Nope...not dumb....experienced.

I have owned businesses thriough many recessions.

I have been around for the market crash in the 80's...I have seen unemployment at rate at 20%.....

Wyhen we are losing 750K jobs a month?

We can do absolutely nothing and it will turn around.


Cause people gotta eat...they need shoes.....TV's break break goes on and we rebound.

You cant hold a candle to me Article...all you got is rhetoric.

I'm sure you drive a Porsche and have a twelve in penis too.

It's easy to make shit up when you are on the Internet.


You think the crash of the 80's was a lie? It happened.

20% prime rate? Carter happened.

12% unemployment.....carter happened.

Me owning businesses.....doesnt really matter if true or take that out of my post....makes no difference.
Anyway...time for me to blow you act too much like a child for me to debate.

I'm not interested in "debating" dishonest losers like yourself. I'm kicking dirt in your face.

You can take your ball and go home now.
Bush's SEC let Wall Street run a derivatives Ponzi scheme that destroyed the world economy.

Bush was the goose that flew into the engine.

Obama landed the plane in the Hudson.
Why are we still discussing him on a daily basis and do you think 4 years after Obama leaves office, we will still be discussing him every day too?

His administration was breathtakingly bad.

It may go down as the worst in American history.
I'm not interested in "debating" dishonest losers like yourself. I'm kicking dirt in your face.

You're just flinging shit like the feral baboon that you are.

You can take your ball and go home now.

He'd have to take his balls out of your mouth to do that.....

Something appears to be nipping at my ankles....

Oh, it's just that dumb fuck Uncleansed2008.

Ho hum.
Why are we still discussing him on a daily basis and do you think 4 years after Obama leaves office, we will still be discussing him every day too?

His administration was breathtakingly bad.

It may go down as the worst in American history.

I agree...yet you are going to vote for him again anyway?

I was referring to Bush..but thanks for pointing out my error.

Historians are already rank Bush very low..and Obama pretty high.

In the end..Cheney will probably get the blame for most of the bad stuff. But I disagree. Bush was President. And it was his decision to defer to Cheney in the beginning.
So long as the GOP continues to attack the President on the debt, deficit, and unemployment they can expect a healty dose of BOOOOOOOOSHHHHHHHH as part of the Obama Administation's response .... and rightfully so.

It still rings shallow when Obama has already added 50% more to the national debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8 years.

Pot meet kettle, so far Obama has added 6 trillion, 1.4 trillion alone this year with a few months to go, and is going to add even more over the next 4 years if re-elected. 4 more years of this and the country will not be able to handle paying the debt without printing money, creating inflation, and destroying the incomes of everyone living off retirement savings and social security.

[ame=]Senator Obama calls Bush "unpatriotic" for adding trillions to debt - YouTube[/ame]

He was handed a trillion dollar deficit, a tailspinning economy, and a loyal (hahaha) opposition that refused any kind of tax increase.

So guess what, pal?


Yes lets ignore the fact that he had 2 years of complete congressional control and didn't even include the republicans when passing obamacare instead of spending all that political capital on jobs and the're coming unhinged man take a :chillpill:
Why are we still discussing him on a daily basis and do you think 4 years after Obama leaves office, we will still be discussing him every day too?

Somebody has to be a scapegoat for Obama's complete failure as Commander in Chief.
His administration was breathtakingly bad.

It may go down as the worst in American history.

I agree...yet you are going to vote for him again anyway?

I was referring to Bush..but thanks for pointing out my error.

Historians are already rank Bush very low..and Obama pretty high.

In the end..Cheney will probably get the blame for most of the bad stuff. But I disagree. Bush was President. And it was his decision to defer to Cheney in the beginning. made that up.

Historians know better than to rate an individual in history so soon after they made an impact. The results of the impact are not even out there yet.

But hey...if it makes you feel good....go for it.
I was referring to Bush..but thanks for pointing out my error.

Historians are already rank Bush very low..and Obama pretty high.

Keith Olbermann isn't an "historian," sparky.

In the end..Cheney will probably get the blame for most of the bad stuff.

Look, you're a partisan moron spewing partisan bullshit. Maybe you're stupid enough to believe the idiocy you spout, but I doubt it.

As Algore the prevaricator is fully aware, history remembers presidents.

But I disagree. Bush was President. And it was his decision to defer to Cheney in the beginning.

"Facts" that only exist in the mind of deranged leftists.

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