George Santos on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' with guest host Tulsi: 'I made a mistake', Tulsi: "do you have no shame?", Santos: "what about the Dems?"

I don't believe she even believed it to be true. Most certainly not to the level she claimed. I could take a DNA test and maybe Native American blood would turn up somewhere but I'm not going to claim it.
Almost everyone in Oklahoma claims some Native American heritage
She never claimed a specific person to be Native American only relayed family stories.

Turns out she did have some DNA

I don’t
Almost everyone in Oklahoma claims some Native American heritage
She never claimed a specific person to be Native American only relayed family stories.

Turns out she did have some DNA

I don’t
I don't either, though I had been told I had a Creek great grandmom. :(
Almost everyone in Oklahoma claims some Native American heritage
She never claimed a specific person to be Native American only relayed family stories.

Turns out she did have some DNA

I don’t

It's hard to tell what blood one has. One doesn't claim it to land a position.
She didn't. Nor did the board hiring choose her because of it. That was right wing spin.

It was on her resume. You can say it had not bearing but all it is, is making excuses.

When do you suppose we will see those taxes on the rich like Biden promised?
So yeah, she was telling a lie, but one she believed to be true.....

Well, here is how I look at a "lie" (it is similar to the New York Times' efforts when enumerating Don Trump's 'untruths'. They didn't call 'em "lies' because, as they explained, they could not determine if he knew his untruths were untrue, nor could they determine his intent.)

In short, it is a 'lie' if you state an untruth knowing it is untrue. Knowledge and intent are the determinants. If you know it is untrue...yet still state it, then your intent is a given. You intended to tell an untruth.
Because other politicians never lie obviously. Or are you saying that they lie because they are actually gay?
They lie all the time. It gays are proven to be untrustworthy and dangerous when put in positions of power.
It was on her resume. You can say it had not bearing but all it is, is making excuses.

When do you suppose we will see those taxes on the rich like Biden promised?
She had it on her resume because she and her brothers believed it to be true, since birth, pknopp. In 1984, before any big jobs at prestigious universities she submitted recipes to a Cherokee cookbook, which they published one of them

She was not hired by any University because of it. The Boston Globe found the board members who hired her at all the universities she worked at, and all who interviewed her said that they interviewed and hired her, because SHE WAS A BRILLIANT LAWYER, and was a small package of dynamite go getter, ready to tear bankruptcy law apart.

Sounds like to me, you fell for the republican lying crapola.... It's a real shame that y'all have to ALWAYS attribute a woman's success to something other than their hard work and brilliance....

That is what republican men do, all the time! I never expected you, to easily fall for it! At least not without being diligent in researching it! :(
She had it on her resume because she and her brothers believed it to be true, since birth, pknopp. In 1984, before any big jobs at prestigious universities she submitted recipes to a Cherokee cookbook, which they published one of them

She was not hired by any University because of it. The Boston Globe found the board members who hired her at all the universities she worked at, and all who interviewed her said that they interviewed and hired her, because SHE WAS A BRILLIANT LAWYER, and was a small package of dynamite go getter, ready to tear bankruptcy law apart.

Sounds like to me, you fell for the republican lying crapola.... It's a real shame that y'all have to ALWAYS attribute a woman's success to something other than their hard work and brilliance....

That is what republican men do, all the time! I never expected you, to easily fall for it! At least not without being diligent in researching it! :(

It's sad she thought her actual resume wasn't enough.

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