George W Bush was an awesome president & if you don’t think he was, it’s because you were taught about him by a bunch of America-hating communists

Go read about George W Bush. This country was kept safe by men like him. His policies for homeland security are still in place today. None of his critics are fit to shine his saber.

Kind of surprised to hear this from someone who says there an Arab from Lebanon. But then I see that politician in your avatar is from Iran Or controlled by Iran isn’t he. ? Are you a Shia Muslim ?
I know, it was Damned if you do, and Damned if you dont. The lesser of two evils, and boy did we get screwed, just like with daddy 41.

This is fucked, ain't it? Up until Trump, I was starting to believe we're only going to get the President the Democrats would allow us to have.

But then, sonofabitch if they didn't do it again.
George Walker Bush and Richard Bruce Cheney had been partners in an ambitious joint venture to remake the country and the world. No two Americans in public office had collaborated to such lasting effect since Richard Millhouse Nixon and Henry Leibowitz Kissinger.

Together they had accomplished significant things. They lifted a nation wounded by sneak attack on September 11, 2001, and safeguarded it from further assault, putting in place a new national security architecture for a dangerous era that would endure after they left office. At home, they instituted sweeping changes in education, health care, and taxes while heading off another Great Depression and the collapse of the storied auto industry. Abroad, they liberated fifty million people from despotic governments in the Middle East and central Asia, gave voice to the aspirations of democracy around the world, and helped turn the tide against a killer disease in Africa. They confronted crisis after crisis, not just a single “day of fire” on that bright morning in September, but days of fire over eight years.

Yet for all that, their "misjudgments and misadventures" left them the most unpopular president and vice president in generations
"They liberated fifty million people from despotic governments in the Middle East and central Asia".
Hmmmm... which countries are those?
I would really like to have him or Obama back. Just sayin.
I don't know. Think about it. Bush and Chaney and Rummy colluded before the 2000 election what they were going to do when they won in 2000. Not if. Lots of shady shit happened in 2000. Jeb delivered. Let's be honest.

So we know like Trump, Bush would rig an election. His election thefts were just close enough he could get away with it. In 2000 he needed to steal Florida and 2004 he needed to steal Ohio.

He was warned about terrorists using planes and didn't tell the airlines. Didn't warn them. So that happened.

Then he let Bin Ladin get away in the Tora Bora. Left office we were in 2 wars. One he lied us into. Biden got us out of Afganistan. Obama got Bin Ladin. btw.

He led us into the 2007 Great Recession. Greatest recession since the Great Depression. Obama had to deal with that one day one. Geez!

Trump didn't lie us into a war. He did cause another Great Recession. He didn't get hit by terrorists or lie us into a war. It's close between Trump and Bush. Trump was a more honest liar.
This is probably an appropriate thread to throw in a link to this very interesting essay on the source of the virtues of Mr Trump. He takes up the question of why Trump succeeded (when he did) where other Republican Presidents failed.

[ Why Trump Succeeded Where Others Failed ]

And since some posters here apparently think these various Presidents implement, in their foreign policy, a well-thought out (perhaps wicked) foreign policy, why not read this:

[ New Book: Public Choice Theory and the Illusion of Grand Strategy ]

It's brilliant, and should be enlightening to both Left and Right.
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