George Will calls for votes against president's "poodles" in November

Does this concept really need to be explained to you. In our hyper partisan atmosphere there is a lack of credibility that exists from each sides base as they are progressing their agendas. When was the last time you cared about what Pelosi says? I’m guessing never. But when a Gowdy or a Will says something critical to a Trump narrative it holds more weight in the context of debate as they don’t have the partisan motives behind the critique. Get it?

You are still locked in the past. George Will means nothing to me. And I wont be pigeonholed into a camp simply because it makes it easier for you to batter it. George Will attacked Trump, Pence and any other no-establishment anti-swamp candidate from the very beginning.

George Will Calls ‘Repulsive’ Pence Worse Than Trump

Donald Trump first defeated the GOP elites before he defeated the Democrat elites. In fact I think the GOP put up a more vicious fight. George Will was one of those. A cuck. For decades his ilk wrote and pontificated and Americans voted to support them. But strangely enough, no matter how many times Americans ejected Democrats and said "there now fix it" to the GOP and the Republican intelligentsia, nothing ever got done. They dont know how to win or what to do with it when they are handed a win.
Or maybe they knew exactly what they were doing.

And George Will is not a Republican...since 2016 when his side was defeated in the GOP primaries. Like all elitists when his side lost an election he thought was rigged in his own favor he ran away and screamed "no fair".

George Will exits the Republican Party over Trump

But most telling is his siding with Marxists if we should believe he is soooooo conservative that he must join the Marxists in their attacks on Trump just to prove how conservative he is.

Does the mind not rebel at this degree of cognitive dissonance?

View attachment 200774
You think Pence is anti establishment? Haha. Ok.

I don’t give a shit about Republicans or Dems, they can both be abolished for all I care and our country would be the better for it. Will is an extremely intelligent conservative however, so y’all can’t use the snowflake excuse. He actually has some very astute and valid critiques of the damage that Trump is spewing into our country. You don’t sound like your willing to even listen. So continue to dismiss him as a commie Marxist bleeding heart liberal or whatever it is you do to try and belittle your opponents if you must, just makes me laugh

You just can’t break out of your programming can you? I am not a conservative. President Trump is not a conservative. What has George Will to do with us?
Will is only a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist....he has more class than any hooker Donald ever paid for....or paid off....or ran from....

And Barrack Hussein won the Nobel. Big deal. Liberals patting liberals on the back. Krugman won the Pulitzer as well didnt he?

"It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover? Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear.
Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never...So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened.." Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout

We know the Pulitzer is an award liberals hand each other. Pulitzers' liberal legacy | TribLIVE

"It's only because I'm a conservative basher that I'm now recognized." Kathleen Parker Pulitzer Winner
Ok Mr know it all. Why did the Liberals give Will the Pulitzer? Which liberal agenda was he pushing to earn such an honor? Please enlighten us.

He is an elitist and supports the liberal establishment so long as he gets to play his part in it.
Will is only a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist....he has more class than any hooker Donald ever paid for....or paid off....or ran from....

And Barrack Hussein won the Nobel. Big deal. Liberals patting liberals on the back. Krugman won the Pulitzer as well didnt he?

"It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover? Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear.
Still, I guess people want an answer: If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never...So we are very probably looking at a global recession, with no end in sight. I suppose we could get lucky somehow. But on economics, as on everything else, a terrible thing has just happened.." Paul Krugman: The Economic Fallout

We know the Pulitzer is an award liberals hand each other. Pulitzers' liberal legacy | TribLIVE

"It's only because I'm a conservative basher that I'm now recognized." Kathleen Parker Pulitzer Winner
Ok Mr know it all. Why did the Liberals give Will the Pulitzer? Which liberal agenda was he pushing to earn such an honor? Please enlighten us.

He is an elitist and supports the liberal establishment so long as he gets to play his part in it.
All hyperbole that you are making up because he has a different point of view as you. Give me a break. And you ask me for facts while you spew nothing but assumptive propaganda. Grow up.
Does this concept really need to be explained to you. In our hyper partisan atmosphere there is a lack of credibility that exists from each sides base as they are progressing their agendas. When was the last time you cared about what Pelosi says? I’m guessing never. But when a Gowdy or a Will says something critical to a Trump narrative it holds more weight in the context of debate as they don’t have the partisan motives behind the critique. Get it?

You are still locked in the past. George Will means nothing to me. And I wont be pigeonholed into a camp simply because it makes it easier for you to batter it. George Will attacked Trump, Pence and any other no-establishment anti-swamp candidate from the very beginning.

George Will Calls ‘Repulsive’ Pence Worse Than Trump

Donald Trump first defeated the GOP elites before he defeated the Democrat elites. In fact I think the GOP put up a more vicious fight. George Will was one of those. A cuck. For decades his ilk wrote and pontificated and Americans voted to support them. But strangely enough, no matter how many times Americans ejected Democrats and said "there now fix it" to the GOP and the Republican intelligentsia, nothing ever got done. They dont know how to win or what to do with it when they are handed a win.
Or maybe they knew exactly what they were doing.

And George Will is not a Republican...since 2016 when his side was defeated in the GOP primaries. Like all elitists when his side lost an election he thought was rigged in his own favor he ran away and screamed "no fair".

George Will exits the Republican Party over Trump

But most telling is his siding with Marxists if we should believe he is soooooo conservative that he must join the Marxists in their attacks on Trump just to prove how conservative he is.

Does the mind not rebel at this degree of cognitive dissonance?

View attachment 200774
You think Pence is anti establishment? Haha. Ok.

I don’t give a shit about Republicans or Dems, they can both be abolished for all I care and our country would be the better for it. Will is an extremely intelligent conservative however, so y’all can’t use the snowflake excuse. He actually has some very astute and valid critiques of the damage that Trump is spewing into our country. You don’t sound like your willing to even listen. So continue to dismiss him as a commie Marxist bleeding heart liberal or whatever it is you do to try and belittle your opponents if you must, just makes me laugh

You just can’t break out of your programming can you? I am not a conservative. President Trump is not a conservative. What has George Will to do with us?
Obviously nothing
George Will is in the same category as John McCain and Mitt Romney people who think if you play nice and act like your above the ugliness of politics everyone will respect you and do what you want. Sometimes that is the case a lot of times it’s not doing that didn’t get either one of them elected President.
George Will is in the same category as John McCain and Mitt Romney people who think if you play nice and act like your above the ugliness of politics everyone will respect you and do what you want. Sometimes that is the case a lot of times it’s not doing that didn’t get either one of them elected President.

Oh....he is a REAL conservative Republican.....Gotcha
George Will is in the same category as John McCain and Mitt Romney people who think if you play nice and act like your above the ugliness of politics everyone will respect you and do what you want. Sometimes that is the case a lot of times it’s not doing that didn’t get either one of them elected President.

Oh....he is a REAL conservative Republican.....Gotcha
He who?
George Will, another, butt-hurt, status quo Republican.

He is an intellectual man, but his hate and his losing
face with his failed predictions has made him lose touch
with reality.

He's presently auditioning to be a pall bearer for John

Just a Pulluzer Prize winner with a brain. No need for him to remain in the GOP....

But his brain has been compromised by his butt hurt.
You sure are an expert on but hurt. You must be gay! So go fuck your self troll.
George Will is in the same category as John McCain and Mitt Romney people who think if you play nice and act like your above the ugliness of politics everyone will respect you and do what you want. Sometimes that is the case a lot of times it’s not doing that didn’t get either one of them elected President.

Oh....he is a REAL conservative Republican.....Gotcha
He who?

The Orange King is NOT a conservative. He is something along the lines of a Nationalist....Populist..
.Separatist....along with a generous sprinkling of Racist.
George Will is in the same category as John McCain and Mitt Romney people who think if you play nice and act like your above the ugliness of politics everyone will respect you and do what you want. Sometimes that is the case a lot of times it’s not doing that didn’t get either one of them elected President.

Oh....he is a REAL conservative Republican.....Gotcha
He who?

The Orange King is NOT a conservative. He is something along the lines of a Nationalist....Populist..
.Separatist....along with a generous sprinkling of Racist.
First we don’t have king we have President second I never claimed he was the traditional conservative in fact I didn’t bring Trump up in my post so your bringing him up along the racist comment is pretty stupid but consistent for you last the fact Trump has had liberal or non conservative beliefs is well known and was before the election.
George Will, another, butt-hurt, status quo Republican.

He is an intellectual man, but his hate and his losing
face with his failed predictions has made him lose touch
with reality.

He's presently auditioning to be a pall bearer for John

Just a Pulluzer Prize winner with a brain. No need for him to remain in the GOP....

But his brain has been compromised by his butt hurt.
You sure are an expert on but hurt. You must be gay! So go fuck your self troll.

Touched a nerve...huh?
Here's the tragedy of it all. Most of the these Republicans KNOW Trump is a buffoon. They know he's going to mess it all up.

But they all live in districts that are so gerrymandered that a nut can run against them and win if they aren't loyal enough.

This, folks, is what a cult looks like.
Just a bit backwards.

We’ve been hearing since June 16, 2015 from lefty media and various media slugs that Trump is a buffoon and, well, even a lying sack of shit like you can figure out how well that’s gone for you idiots.
George Will is in the same category as John McCain and Mitt Romney people who think if you play nice and act like your above the ugliness of politics everyone will respect you and do what you want. Sometimes that is the case a lot of times it’s not doing that didn’t get either one of them elected President.
You mean acting with respect and decency? Yeah your right they didn’t get elected president but I don’t think that was because they weren’t acting like douchebags. Think there may have been other factors involved.
Will's a nancy boy. William F. Buckley would be starting a new party. LOL
George Will is in the same category as John McCain and Mitt Romney people who think if you play nice and act like your above the ugliness of politics everyone will respect you and do what you want. Sometimes that is the case a lot of times it’s not doing that didn’t get either one of them elected President.
You mean acting with respect and decency? Yeah your right they didn’t get elected president but I don’t think that was because they weren’t acting like douchebags. Think there may have been other factors involved.
The other factor was them letting the left define them they painted McCain as a rabid war monger who was going to be Bush’s third term and lead us into more wars and they painted Romney as basically Mister Burns from the Simpson’s the evil millionaire who sits in his mansion sipping brandy and lighting cigars with hundered dollar bills while laughing at the poor. Trump learned from their mistake and fought back and didn’t let them do that to him which is in part why the left hates him so much he didn’t just lay down and take it like most Republicans would have.

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