Georgia Indictment Of Trump Is A Political Prosecution!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis deserves never to be reelected District Attorney or for that matter to hold another public office at the state or Federal level for her abuse of her current Office. It is disgraceful, unjust and dangerous to America's Democracy to have prosecutors charging people with a crime on a theory that does not allow for a reasonable person's interpretation of the underlying facts which does not see criminal behavior being committed. Prosecutors are supposed to be fair that is their fundamental duty they are not supposed to spin the facts to find that a crime has been committed, doing so is just plain wrong and that is what Fani Willis has done here!

This indictment against Donald Trump and the other eighteen people charged assumes that the 2020 presidential election in Georgia was fair that these people challenging the Georgia election results were trying to steal the elections, it assumes that the absolute, God honest truth is that Joe Biden won the Georgia Presidential election that year. When in fact the absolute God honest truth is that based on what happened in the counting of the ballots in that election is that it is impossible to know for sure who won that election. What happened at the State Farm Arena election night in the counting of the ballots unrepairably tarnished that election, it destroyed the integrity of the election. Now the state of Georgia had multiple investigations about what transpired at the State Farm Arena and all the investigations found no fraud was committed in the counting of the ballots at that ballot counting center. All these findings do not restore the integrity of the election at all, the American people's trustworthiness of the Georgia's election was irreparably destroyed by what happened at the State Farm Arena on November 3rd 2020. The pro-indictment folks could get every media personality and every media commentator to say that the Georgia election ballot counting was fair and they would be wrong because the facts don't support that conclusion. The facts of what happened at this ballot counting center in Fulton County are uncontestable the Georgia's Secretary of State's Office investigation uncovered the actual truth of what happened which was the person in authority at the State Farm Arena shut down the ballot counting around 10:30 pm on Nov. 3rd even thought there was opened ballots that were uncounted. Because of this fact the person in authority for elections in Fulton County called the State Farm Arena and ordered these opened but uncounted ballots be counted before the Center shut down for the evening. So the gentlemen in authority at the Arena announces to the staff on the floor around 10:45 pm that ballot counting is to resume for the evening and continue until all the opened ballots are counted. There was just one procedural problem with this gentleman's instructions to the staff which was that the State Election Board's monitor had left for the evening as well as the Republican monitors and the media because they were told the ballot counting for the evening was shut down. This procedural error resulted in the ballots counting floor having no state monitor and ballots being counted for approximately one hour before the state election board monitor arrived back at this ballot counting center; this procedural error irreparably tainted the ballot counting at the center it destroyed the integrity, the trustworthiness, of the ballot count in this election - end of story! What that gentlemen in authority should have done when he announced on the floor that this center was ordered to restart the ballot counting he should have immediately ordered all staff on the floor not putting counted ballots in containers and sealing those containers and putting those containers with the other containers of counted ballots to immediately go to the entrance of the arena and wait for the arrival of the monitors and for the staff still working immediately upon completion of your processing of the counted ballots you also go and wait at the entrance of the arena. This incident at State Farm Arena vindicates Donald Trump and his allies for their advocacy to overturn the Secretary of State's determination that Biden won the election it provided them with the basis to believe the ballot count in the election wasn't fair!

District Attorney Fani Willis' indictment is also wrong in that it prosecutes Trump and his allies effort in generating an alternative slate of electoral college electors and submitting it to Congress to be counted as the official results for the state of Georgis claiming it is a crime. Such actions by a candidate of generating an alternative slate and submitting it to Congress for the official count is a pathway recognized by legal experts in our country going back many years for candidates who believe they actually won a state election. The fact that since the 2020 election Congress and the President enacted into law a clarification about the procedure for the electoral college count by Congress that the Vice-President's role in the count is ceremonial that he or she has no authority to reject a state's slate of electoral votes sanctioned by the respective State's Secretary of State. Just an aside note really Congress and the President haven't finished the job in fixing the nation's election laws the law should be changed making it a crime to organize or submit an alternative slate of electors for the electoral college unless this candidate is doing so based on the authority of a court who has ruled the respective candidate should be determined to have won the election or based on the authority of a state legislature which has voted likewise. The current system is very unsettling where it allows a candidate to ignore the nation's laws which set forth a procedure for determining an outcome of an election the Secretary of State to conduct a count of the actual vote and for the candidate to just self certify the candidate as the winner of the election it isn't a system which insures fairness which is what the nation should have.

District Attorney Fani Willis's indictment is also wrong because it misuses a vital tool of the criminal justice system, the RICO Act. The RICO tool is a tool to shut down criminal organizations, organizations that are clearly predatory and are victimizing society in a criminal manner. It is not for bringing people into the criminal justice system where you have to stretch to find a crime when a District Attorney tries this move of labeling two or more people a criminal organization when it isn't obvious it is abusing the law it isn't not carrying out the intentions of the Legislature and the Governor in enacting the law and it isn't good public policy the justice system's use should be clearly understood it shouldn't blind side people by netting them where an ordinary reasonable person wouldn't necessarily expect it!

In this case one possible good development that it would be great for the country to see is that one or two of the defendant's are pushing to be tried this November let it occur and if this trial turns out to be what one expects of just a repeat of what the nation has seen on cable news where half the nation can legitimately view that Trump and his allies thought Trump was cheated out of the election and were just trying to rectify it and the defendants are largely found not guilty, the governor of Georgia should just pardon Trump and all the defendants in the case offering the reason that it is bad public policy criminally prosecuting people for crimes when close to half the population doesn't believe a crime was committed!

One final observation Trump as a President may be good for the economy but he is not very impressive in the loyalty department. Rudy Giuliani gave his reputation as a great leader during the period of 9-11 when he was Mayor of New York and as a U.S. Attorney who decimated the Mafia defending Donald J. Trump over the past seven years whether it be the Russian matters or the impeachment matters or the 2020 election matter, etc.. Guiliani would go on mainstream media and defend Trump a nightmare task because Trump is so unorthodox and so imprudent who gives his enemies the biggest of warehouses filled with ammunition and how does Trump repay that incredible loyalty he won't pay Giuliani's full legal bills on all this Trump stuff and Donald Trump is sitting on a mountain of cash from his multitude of loyal donors! Anyone who gets involved with Trump should think it over very, very, very carefully, he is not a guy you can rely on to have your back!
TL/DR I think you're a reverse shill. Also that you take too much stock in MSM news that is bullshit.
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Prosecutors are supposed to be fair that is their fundamental duty they are not supposed to spin the facts to find that a crime has been committed, doing so is just plain wrong and that is what Fani Willis has done here!
Welcome to the Jim Crow Laws of the twenty-first century.
So are you saying that Trump did not of the things he is charged with? Or are you saying he should be allowed to not face charges?
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis deserves never to be reelected District Attorney or for that matter to hold another public office at the state or Federal level for her abuse of her current Office. It is disgraceful, unjust and dangerous to America's Democracy to have prosecutors charging people with a crime on a theory that does not allow for a reasonable person's interpretation of the underlying facts which does not see criminal behavior being committed. Prosecutors are supposed to be fair that is their fundamental duty they are not supposed to spin the facts to find that a crime has been committed, doing so is just plain wrong and that is what Fani Willis has done here!

This indictment against Donald Trump and the other eighteen people charged assumes that the 2020 presidential election in Georgia was fair that these people challenging the Georgia election results were trying to steal the elections, it assumes that the absolute, God honest truth is that Joe Biden won the Georgia Presidential election that year. When in fact the absolute God honest truth is that based on what happened in the counting of the ballots in that election is that it is impossible to know for sure who won that election. What happened at the State Farm Arena election night in the counting of the ballots unrepairably tarnished that election, it destroyed the integrity of the election. Now the state of Georgia had multiple investigations about what transpired at the State Farm Arena and all the investigations found no fraud was committed in the counting of the ballots at that ballot counting center. All these findings do not restore the integrity of the election at all, the American people's trustworthiness of the Georgia's election was irreparably destroyed by what happened at the State Farm Arena on November 3rd 2020. The pro-indictment folks could get every media personality and every media commentator to say that the Georgia election ballot counting was fair and they would be wrong because the facts don't support that conclusion. The facts of what happened at this ballot counting center in Fulton County are uncontestable the Georgia's Secretary of State's Office investigation uncovered the actual truth of what happened which was the person in authority at the State Farm Arena shut down the ballot counting around 10:30 pm on Nov. 3rd even thought there was opened ballots that were uncounted. Because of this fact the person in authority for elections in Fulton County called the State Farm Arena and ordered these opened but uncounted ballots be counted before the Center shut down for the evening. So the gentlemen in authority at the Arena announces to the staff on the floor around 10:45 pm that ballot counting is to resume for the evening and continue until all the opened ballots are counted. There was just one procedural problem with this gentleman's instructions to the staff which was that the State Election Board's monitor had left for the evening as well as the Republican monitors and the media because they were told the ballot counting for the evening was shut down. This procedural error resulted in the ballots counting floor having no state monitor and ballots being counted for approximately one hour before the state election board monitor arrived back at this ballot counting center; this procedural error irreparably tainted the ballot counting at the center it destroyed the integrity, the trustworthiness, of the ballot count in this election - end of story! What that gentlemen in authority should have done when he announced on the floor that this center was ordered to restart the ballot counting he should have immediately ordered all staff on the floor not putting counted ballots in containers and sealing those containers and putting those containers with the other containers of counted ballots to immediately go to the entrance of the arena and wait for the arrival of the monitors and for the staff still working immediately upon completion of your processing of the counted ballots you also go and wait at the entrance of the arena. This incident at State Farm Arena vindicates Donald Trump and his allies for their advocacy to overturn the Secretary of State's determination that Biden won the election it provided them with the basis to believe the ballot count in the election wasn't fair!

District Attorney Fani Willis' indictment is also wrong in that it prosecutes Trump and his allies effort in generating an alternative slate of electoral college electors and submitting it to Congress to be counted as the official results for the state of Georgis claiming it is a crime. Such actions by a candidate of generating an alternative slate and submitting it to Congress for the official count is a pathway recognized by legal experts in our country going back many years for candidates who believe they actually won a state election. The fact that since the 2020 election Congress and the President enacted into law a clarification about the procedure for the electoral college count by Congress that the Vice-President's role in the count is ceremonial that he or she has no authority to reject a state's slate of electoral votes sanctioned by the respective State's Secretary of State. Just an aside note really Congress and the President haven't finished the job in fixing the nation's election laws the law should be changed making it a crime to organize or submit an alternative slate of electors for the electoral college unless this candidate is doing so based on the authority of a court who has ruled the respective candidate should be determined to have won the election or based on the authority of a state legislature which has voted likewise. The current system is very unsettling where it allows a candidate to ignore the nation's laws which set forth a procedure for determining an outcome of an election the Secretary of State to conduct a count of the actual vote and for the candidate to just self certify the candidate as the winner of the election it isn't a system which insures fairness which is what the nation should have.

District Attorney Fani Willis's indictment is also wrong because it misuses a vital tool of the criminal justice system, the RICO Act. The RICO tool is a tool to shut down criminal organizations, organizations that are clearly predatory and are victimizing society in a criminal manner. It is not for bringing people into the criminal justice system where you have to stretch to find a crime when a District Attorney tries this move of labeling two or more people a criminal organization when it isn't obvious it is abusing the law it isn't not carrying out the intentions of the Legislature and the Governor in enacting the law and it isn't good public policy the justice system's use should be clearly understood it shouldn't blind side people by netting them where an ordinary reasonable person wouldn't necessarily expect it!

In this case one possible good development that it would be great for the country to see is that one or two of the defendant's are pushing to be tried this November let it occur and if this trial turns out to be what one expects of just a repeat of what the nation has seen on cable news where half the nation can legitimately view that Trump and his allies thought Trump was cheated out of the election and were just trying to rectify it and the defendants are largely found not guilty, the governor of Georgia should just pardon Trump and all the defendants in the case offering the reason that it is bad public policy criminally prosecuting people for crimes when close to half the population doesn't believe a crime was committed!

One final observation Trump as a President may be good for the economy but he is not very impressive in the loyalty department. Rudy Giuliani gave his reputation as a great leader during the period of 9-11 when he was Mayor of New York and as a U.S. Attorney who decimated the Mafia defending Donald J. Trump over the past seven years whether it be the Russian matters or the impeachment matters or the 2020 election matter, etc.. Guiliani would go on mainstream media and defend Trump a nightmare task because Trump is so unorthodox and so imprudent who gives his enemies the biggest of warehouses filled with ammunition and how does Trump repay that incredible loyalty he won't pay Giuliani's full legal bills on all this Trump stuff and Donald Trump is sitting on a mountain of cash from his multitude of loyal donors! Anyone who gets involved with Trump should think it over very, very, very carefully, he is not a guy you can rely on to have your back!
A jury of 12, will decide... based on evidence and facts presented in court....not Willis, not the defendents!

Democrats are not accusing Trump.....

Republicans are....Kemp, Raffensburger, Duncan etc
A jury of 12, will decide... based on evidence and facts presented in court....not Willis, not the defendents!

Democrats are not accusing Trump.....

Republicans are....Kemp, Raffensburger, Duncan etc

Wait....people still have faith in the jury system too?

Wow. Okay.
All criminal prosecutions are political in the sense the representatives for We the People say, "There are some bad guys over there that want to hurt you, and we are a gonna get him for you."
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis deserves never to be reelected District Attorney or for that matter to hold another public office at the state or Federal level for her abuse of her current Office. It is disgraceful, unjust and dangerous to America's Democracy to have prosecutors charging people with a crime on a theory that does not allow for a reasonable person's interpretation of the underlying facts which does not see criminal behavior being committed. Prosecutors are supposed to be fair that is their fundamental duty they are not supposed to spin the facts to find that a crime has been committed, doing so is just plain wrong and that is what Fani Willis has done here!

This indictment against Donald Trump and the other eighteen people charged assumes that the 2020 presidential election in Georgia was fair that these people challenging the Georgia election results were trying to steal the elections, it assumes that the absolute, God honest truth is that Joe Biden won the Georgia Presidential election that year. When in fact the absolute God honest truth is that based on what happened in the counting of the ballots in that election is that it is impossible to know for sure who won that election. What happened at the State Farm Arena election night in the counting of the ballots unrepairably tarnished that election, it destroyed the integrity of the election. Now the state of Georgia had multiple investigations about what transpired at the State Farm Arena and all the investigations found no fraud was committed in the counting of the ballots at that ballot counting center. All these findings do not restore the integrity of the election at all, the American people's trustworthiness of the Georgia's election was irreparably destroyed by what happened at the State Farm Arena on November 3rd 2020. The pro-indictment folks could get every media personality and every media commentator to say that the Georgia election ballot counting was fair and they would be wrong because the facts don't support that conclusion. The facts of what happened at this ballot counting center in Fulton County are uncontestable the Georgia's Secretary of State's Office investigation uncovered the actual truth of what happened which was the person in authority at the State Farm Arena shut down the ballot counting around 10:30 pm on Nov. 3rd even thought there was opened ballots that were uncounted. Because of this fact the person in authority for elections in Fulton County called the State Farm Arena and ordered these opened but uncounted ballots be counted before the Center shut down for the evening. So the gentlemen in authority at the Arena announces to the staff on the floor around 10:45 pm that ballot counting is to resume for the evening and continue until all the opened ballots are counted. There was just one procedural problem with this gentleman's instructions to the staff which was that the State Election Board's monitor had left for the evening as well as the Republican monitors and the media because they were told the ballot counting for the evening was shut down. This procedural error resulted in the ballots counting floor having no state monitor and ballots being counted for approximately one hour before the state election board monitor arrived back at this ballot counting center; this procedural error irreparably tainted the ballot counting at the center it destroyed the integrity, the trustworthiness, of the ballot count in this election - end of story! What that gentlemen in authority should have done when he announced on the floor that this center was ordered to restart the ballot counting he should have immediately ordered all staff on the floor not putting counted ballots in containers and sealing those containers and putting those containers with the other containers of counted ballots to immediately go to the entrance of the arena and wait for the arrival of the monitors and for the staff still working immediately upon completion of your processing of the counted ballots you also go and wait at the entrance of the arena. This incident at State Farm Arena vindicates Donald Trump and his allies for their advocacy to overturn the Secretary of State's determination that Biden won the election it provided them with the basis to believe the ballot count in the election wasn't fair!

District Attorney Fani Willis' indictment is also wrong in that it prosecutes Trump and his allies effort in generating an alternative slate of electoral college electors and submitting it to Congress to be counted as the official results for the state of Georgis claiming it is a crime. Such actions by a candidate of generating an alternative slate and submitting it to Congress for the official count is a pathway recognized by legal experts in our country going back many years for candidates who believe they actually won a state election. The fact that since the 2020 election Congress and the President enacted into law a clarification about the procedure for the electoral college count by Congress that the Vice-President's role in the count is ceremonial that he or she has no authority to reject a state's slate of electoral votes sanctioned by the respective State's Secretary of State. Just an aside note really Congress and the President haven't finished the job in fixing the nation's election laws the law should be changed making it a crime to organize or submit an alternative slate of electors for the electoral college unless this candidate is doing so based on the authority of a court who has ruled the respective candidate should be determined to have won the election or based on the authority of a state legislature which has voted likewise. The current system is very unsettling where it allows a candidate to ignore the nation's laws which set forth a procedure for determining an outcome of an election the Secretary of State to conduct a count of the actual vote and for the candidate to just self certify the candidate as the winner of the election it isn't a system which insures fairness which is what the nation should have.

District Attorney Fani Willis's indictment is also wrong because it misuses a vital tool of the criminal justice system, the RICO Act. The RICO tool is a tool to shut down criminal organizations, organizations that are clearly predatory and are victimizing society in a criminal manner. It is not for bringing people into the criminal justice system where you have to stretch to find a crime when a District Attorney tries this move of labeling two or more people a criminal organization when it isn't obvious it is abusing the law it isn't not carrying out the intentions of the Legislature and the Governor in enacting the law and it isn't good public policy the justice system's use should be clearly understood it shouldn't blind side people by netting them where an ordinary reasonable person wouldn't necessarily expect it!

In this case one possible good development that it would be great for the country to see is that one or two of the defendant's are pushing to be tried this November let it occur and if this trial turns out to be what one expects of just a repeat of what the nation has seen on cable news where half the nation can legitimately view that Trump and his allies thought Trump was cheated out of the election and were just trying to rectify it and the defendants are largely found not guilty, the governor of Georgia should just pardon Trump and all the defendants in the case offering the reason that it is bad public policy criminally prosecuting people for crimes when close to half the population doesn't believe a crime was committed!

One final observation Trump as a President may be good for the economy but he is not very impressive in the loyalty department. Rudy Giuliani gave his reputation as a great leader during the period of 9-11 when he was Mayor of New York and as a U.S. Attorney who decimated the Mafia defending Donald J. Trump over the past seven years whether it be the Russian matters or the impeachment matters or the 2020 election matter, etc.. Guiliani would go on mainstream media and defend Trump a nightmare task because Trump is so unorthodox and so imprudent who gives his enemies the biggest of warehouses filled with ammunition and how does Trump repay that incredible loyalty he won't pay Giuliani's full legal bills on all this Trump stuff and Donald Trump is sitting on a mountain of cash from his multitude of loyal donors! Anyone who gets involved with Trump should think it over very, very, very carefully, he is not a guy you can rely on to have your back!

I live in Georgia. I’ve lived her a very long time. I’ve voted here for decades. Let me tell you a couple things that seem to have escaped your notice.

First. The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, and Secretary of State are Republicans. Both houses of the State Legislature are controlled by Republicans. So when you come to Statewide Organizations, it’s all Republicans at every level.

Fulton County’s election was investigated by the GBI, FBI, and SOS office.

So for you to be correct that the election was stolen, literally tens of thousand of people have to be involved. Literally everyone. That seems unlikely.
Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis deserves never to be reelected District Attorney or for that matter to hold another public office at the state or Federal level for her abuse of her current Office. It is disgraceful, unjust and dangerous to America's Democracy to have prosecutors charging people with a crime on a theory that does not allow for a reasonable person's interpretation of the underlying facts which does not see criminal behavior being committed. Prosecutors are supposed to be fair that is their fundamental duty they are not supposed to spin the facts to find that a crime has been committed, doing so is just plain wrong and that is what Fani Willis has done here!

This indictment against Donald Trump and the other eighteen people charged assumes that the 2020 presidential election in Georgia was fair that these people challenging the Georgia election results were trying to steal the elections, it assumes that the absolute, God honest truth is that Joe Biden won the Georgia Presidential election that year. When in fact the absolute God honest truth is that based on what happened in the counting of the ballots in that election is that it is impossible to know for sure who won that election. What happened at the State Farm Arena election night in the counting of the ballots unrepairably tarnished that election, it destroyed the integrity of the election. Now the state of Georgia had multiple investigations about what transpired at the State Farm Arena and all the investigations found no fraud was committed in the counting of the ballots at that ballot counting center. All these findings do not restore the integrity of the election at all, the American people's trustworthiness of the Georgia's election was irreparably destroyed by what happened at the State Farm Arena on November 3rd 2020. The pro-indictment folks could get every media personality and every media commentator to say that the Georgia election ballot counting was fair and they would be wrong because the facts don't support that conclusion. The facts of what happened at this ballot counting center in Fulton County are uncontestable the Georgia's Secretary of State's Office investigation uncovered the actual truth of what happened which was the person in authority at the State Farm Arena shut down the ballot counting around 10:30 pm on Nov. 3rd even thought there was opened ballots that were uncounted. Because of this fact the person in authority for elections in Fulton County called the State Farm Arena and ordered these opened but uncounted ballots be counted before the Center shut down for the evening. So the gentlemen in authority at the Arena announces to the staff on the floor around 10:45 pm that ballot counting is to resume for the evening and continue until all the opened ballots are counted. There was just one procedural problem with this gentleman's instructions to the staff which was that the State Election Board's monitor had left for the evening as well as the Republican monitors and the media because they were told the ballot counting for the evening was shut down. This procedural error resulted in the ballots counting floor having no state monitor and ballots being counted for approximately one hour before the state election board monitor arrived back at this ballot counting center; this procedural error irreparably tainted the ballot counting at the center it destroyed the integrity, the trustworthiness, of the ballot count in this election - end of story! What that gentlemen in authority should have done when he announced on the floor that this center was ordered to restart the ballot counting he should have immediately ordered all staff on the floor not putting counted ballots in containers and sealing those containers and putting those containers with the other containers of counted ballots to immediately go to the entrance of the arena and wait for the arrival of the monitors and for the staff still working immediately upon completion of your processing of the counted ballots you also go and wait at the entrance of the arena. This incident at State Farm Arena vindicates Donald Trump and his allies for their advocacy to overturn the Secretary of State's determination that Biden won the election it provided them with the basis to believe the ballot count in the election wasn't fair!

District Attorney Fani Willis' indictment is also wrong in that it prosecutes Trump and his allies effort in generating an alternative slate of electoral college electors and submitting it to Congress to be counted as the official results for the state of Georgis claiming it is a crime. Such actions by a candidate of generating an alternative slate and submitting it to Congress for the official count is a pathway recognized by legal experts in our country going back many years for candidates who believe they actually won a state election. The fact that since the 2020 election Congress and the President enacted into law a clarification about the procedure for the electoral college count by Congress that the Vice-President's role in the count is ceremonial that he or she has no authority to reject a state's slate of electoral votes sanctioned by the respective State's Secretary of State. Just an aside note really Congress and the President haven't finished the job in fixing the nation's election laws the law should be changed making it a crime to organize or submit an alternative slate of electors for the electoral college unless this candidate is doing so based on the authority of a court who has ruled the respective candidate should be determined to have won the election or based on the authority of a state legislature which has voted likewise. The current system is very unsettling where it allows a candidate to ignore the nation's laws which set forth a procedure for determining an outcome of an election the Secretary of State to conduct a count of the actual vote and for the candidate to just self certify the candidate as the winner of the election it isn't a system which insures fairness which is what the nation should have.

District Attorney Fani Willis's indictment is also wrong because it misuses a vital tool of the criminal justice system, the RICO Act. The RICO tool is a tool to shut down criminal organizations, organizations that are clearly predatory and are victimizing society in a criminal manner. It is not for bringing people into the criminal justice system where you have to stretch to find a crime when a District Attorney tries this move of labeling two or more people a criminal organization when it isn't obvious it is abusing the law it isn't not carrying out the intentions of the Legislature and the Governor in enacting the law and it isn't good public policy the justice system's use should be clearly understood it shouldn't blind side people by netting them where an ordinary reasonable person wouldn't necessarily expect it!

In this case one possible good development that it would be great for the country to see is that one or two of the defendant's are pushing to be tried this November let it occur and if this trial turns out to be what one expects of just a repeat of what the nation has seen on cable news where half the nation can legitimately view that Trump and his allies thought Trump was cheated out of the election and were just trying to rectify it and the defendants are largely found not guilty, the governor of Georgia should just pardon Trump and all the defendants in the case offering the reason that it is bad public policy criminally prosecuting people for crimes when close to half the population doesn't believe a crime was committed!

One final observation Trump as a President may be good for the economy but he is not very impressive in the loyalty department. Rudy Giuliani gave his reputation as a great leader during the period of 9-11 when he was Mayor of New York and as a U.S. Attorney who decimated the Mafia defending Donald J. Trump over the past seven years whether it be the Russian matters or the impeachment matters or the 2020 election matter, etc.. Guiliani would go on mainstream media and defend Trump a nightmare task because Trump is so unorthodox and so imprudent who gives his enemies the biggest of warehouses filled with ammunition and how does Trump repay that incredible loyalty he won't pay Giuliani's full legal bills on all this Trump stuff and Donald Trump is sitting on a mountain of cash from his multitude of loyal donors! Anyone who gets involved with Trump should think it over very, very, very carefully, he is not a guy you can rely on to have your back!
Take a look at the jaded leftists on this forum. If Trump was the pope, you democrats would tar and feather him regardless of the evidence. Look what you did during two scam impeachments and a Russia investigation. I'm surprised you didn't try to haul him up on charges for the crimes of BLM and Antifa.

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