Georgia State Senator Colton Moore suggests he'll take up arms if the prosecution of Trump doesnt go away

they all encouraged BLM to keep looting, assaulting people, and burning down the towns. Watters was the worst offender, all took a knee in support of the violence
So you cant give me a quote of any of them to take up arms against the government. But I already knew you couldnt.
Are you a moron? What do you think he's referring to? My title is 100% correct.
Here , I’ll go through the article:

Republican Georgia state Sen. Colton Moore on Tuesday told "War Room" host Steve Bannon that he plans to push the legislature to defund Fulton District Attorney Fani Willis' prosecution of former President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants, arguing that Trump's prosecution threatens to ignite a "civil war."

Here, he tells Bannon that a trump prosecution threatens to ignite a civil war

Moore's remarks came as Georgia GOP Senate leaders seek to find a way to punish Willis for bringing charges against Trump. "I told one senator... we've got to put our heads together and figure this out. We need to be taking action right now. Because if we don't, our constituencies are gonna be fighting it in the streets.

Here he’s saying, we need to figure something out because if we don’t, people are going to be fighting in the streets.

Do you want a civil war? I don't want a civil war.

He doesn’t want a civil war.

I don't want to have to draw my rifle. I want to make this problem go away with my legislative means of doing so,"

He doesn’t want to have to draw a weapon in a civil war, he wants to make the problem go away with legislation.

Your thread title would lead people to believe he said “if I don’t get this legislation passed, I’m going to draw my gun!”

That’s not what he said at all. Your thread title is misleading.
Here , I’ll go through the article:

Here, he tells Bannon that a trump prosecution threatens to ignite a civil war

Here he’s saying, we need to figure something out because if we don’t, people are going to be fighting in the streets.

He doesn’t want a civil war.

He doesn’t want to have to draw a weapon in a civil war, he wants to make the problem go away with legislation.

Your thread title would lead people to believe he said “if I don’t get this legislation passed, I’m going to draw my gun!”

That’s not what he said at all. Your thread title is misleading.
You're an idiot. He already knows A. He cant defund Willis. The state has no control over the funding. B. He knows he doesnt have the 3/5 vote combined in the Senate and the House to get a special meeting of the state congress. So all that is moot. He knows none of this will happen. So according to him, whats the remaining option? It's civil war. He's out in the open trying to blackmail society as a whole into giving him what he wants, which he knows he cant get. Once again becoming the victim and being given no other choice (according to him), we're going to get violent. Of course he doesnt mention the logical option, which is to let the trial proceed and let justice take it's course with no violence. THAT is the option that SHOULD happen, but he cant deal with that happening. A trump prosecution doesnt threaten civil war. HE IS THREATENING CIVIL WAR get that through your thick skull. He's saying it indirectly. It's like a country saying: We dont want to use nuclear weapons, but we will if we have to. THAT IS A THREAT you dumb slob.

His thinking is hey if we tell people we're going to get violent if we dont get what we want legally, we're more likely get what we want, which is completely false.

We're going to continue to disagree and I'm done going back and forth with you.
Trump is in deep doo doo. TFB for you. Cope, sucka.
No, he is not. The charges are bullshit. He is more popular than ever and is going to take Black votes away. You better start your coping training soon.
You're an idiot. He already knows A. He cant defund Willis. The state has no control over the funding. B. He knows he doesnt have the 3/5 vote combined in the Senate and the House to get a special meeting of the state congress. So all that is moot. He knows none of this will happen. So according to him, whats the remaining option? It's civil war. He's out in the open trying to blackmail society as a whole into giving him what he wants, which he knows he cant get. Once again becoming the victim and being given no other choice (according to him), we're going to get violent. Of course he doesnt mention the logical option, which is to let the trial proceed and let justice take it's course with no violence. THAT is the option that SHOULD happen, but he cant deal with that happening. A trump prosecution doesnt threaten civil war. HE IS THREATENING CIVIL WAR get that through your thick skull. He's saying it indirectly. It's like a country saying: We dont want to use nuclear weapons, but we will if we have to. THAT IS A THREAT you dumb slob.

His thinking is hey if we tell people we're going to get violent if we dont get what we want legally, we're more likely get what we want, which is completely false.

We're going to continue to disagree and I'm done going back and forth with you.

Well, all I can do is read his words. They appear to be a warning of what could happen if trump is prosecuted. He even says he doesn’t want civil war. You appear to be wanting to interpret his words to your own ends.

Nothing I can do about that.
Let’s go. Let’s do it. I’m tired of hearing how these RW basement dwelling keyboard commandos are going to kill their enemies in their Civil War 2.0. Let’s go. Get it started scooter.

Is Colton Moore being a responsible state rep when he says he "doesnt want to have to draw my rifle" if he "can't make this problem (Trump indictment) go away"? Should he be on a FBI watch list as a potential domestic terrorist? Should he be removed from serving in the state senate?
Moore only stating the obvious that we can’t vote our way out of this
Let’s go. Let’s do it. I’m tired of hearing how these RW basement dwelling keyboard commandos are going to kill their enemies in their Civil War 2.0. Let’s go. Get it started scooter.
Uprisings are tricky. There was obvious fear from Progs on the Jan. 6 issue. Enough to destroy a lot of lives. I would suppose that if a few Deplorables started to push back that some more would be emboldened. Americans still have comforts. It is not normal for civil discourse in that scenario. Although the American revolution had many of those elements.
Click on the OPs link, and then look for where he would take up arms if trumps prosecution doesnt go away. Go ahead, you dumb yankee.

"I don't want to have to draw my rifle" which he went to great lengths to say will be happening if Trump is prosecuted and found guilty. It couldn't have made it much clearer than that.
Uprisings are tricky. There was obvious fear from Progs on the Jan. 6 issue. Enough to destroy a lot of lives. I would suppose that if a few Deplorables started to push back that some more would be emboldened. Americans still have comforts. It is not normal for civil discourse in that scenario. Although the American revolution had many of those elements.

This moron Colton in the OP is another in a long line of aggressive Twats who never joined the military but is always talking about getting the Left. Bring it Junior. He wants to go there I’m always ready. Let’s play. Fifty times a day similar fools on this site make similar statements. Stop wasting time. Just do it.
This moron Colton in the OP is another in a long line of aggressive Twats who never joined the military but is always talking about getting the Left. Bring it Junior. He wants to go there I’m always ready. Let’s play. Fifty times a day similar fools on this site make similar statements. Stop wasting time. Just do it.
Go to The Ukraine and PROVE your support, tough nuts!
Moore only stating the obvious that we can’t vote our way out of this

No you can't. Because you ignored the results of the last time the voters refused to return Trump to the White House.

HE LOST the 2016 Popular Vote. HE LOST the 2018 Midterms, and the House. HE LOST the 2020 Election, and then HE LOST the Senate. There was no 2022 Red Wave, because Trump hand picked a bunch of election denying candidates who lost.

The American People keep telling Trump they don't want him and he refuses to go away. He has a long history of having to be forcibly removed from the property after he loses all of his law suits. It's how a lot of his business deals end - after he's exhausted all of his legal appeals.

It's time to chill the champagne. The Sheriff is on his way, the locks will be changed, and Trump will be hauled away. Then the residents cheer as Trump's name is taken off the building.


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