Gerber-Life College Plan;Are They Serious?,With Liberals Running The Country?

Feb 1, 2013

We probably have all seen the ad by now. And odds are many of us had said back, "They can't be serious".
A baby food college fund? In this dire/uncertain economy?
We all know that it was Democrat/Liberal polices that caused the 2008 Recession and has gradually deteriorated the economy and value of our dollar ever since.
So long as Radical Liberals are running the show with no certainty of what will happen in 2016, would you want to make a 20 year, month to month investment in a college fund? And wont college be close to a million a year by 2025?
Liberals running the country?

All states are blue and boths houses of congress dominated by dems?

It's just a Whole Life policy, which builds a tax-deferred cash value. The cash value can be used for college, or not.

Marketing schtick, that's all.

well just look at what happened in Cyprus as a warning. Many Americans are hiding money in their homes for obvious reasons. that's one reason why so many banks are charging fees. lack of deposits to keep in business.
Many Americans are Pub dupes of idiot gloom and doomer obstructionists. The USA is the strongest major economy and will lead the world out of this Pub disaster when they get out of the way...
who can actually predict our economic situation for 2025? I still can't imagine having a kid in this mess,when a baby is born he/she is already 150/200K in debt to the government.

We probably have all seen the ad by now. And odds are many of us had said back, "They can't be serious".
A baby food college fund? In this dire/uncertain economy?
We all know that it was Democrat/Liberal polices that caused the 2008 Recession and has gradually deteriorated the economy and value of our dollar ever since.
So long as Radical Liberals are running the show with no certainty of what will happen in 2016, would you want to make a 20 year, month to month investment in a college fund? And wont college be close to a million a year by 2025?

If it were up to Republicans, there would be no college. The super rich could educate their children overseas. People here would live in caves a pray to Jesus to let them win the lottery.
I always worry for those kids in grade school. they will never know how good we had it growing up in the 50's thru the 80's.

We probably have all seen the ad by now. And odds are many of us had said back, "They can't be serious".
A baby food college fund? In this dire/uncertain economy?
We all know that it was Democrat/Liberal polices that caused the 2008 Recession and has gradually deteriorated the economy and value of our dollar ever since.
So long as Radical Liberals are running the show with no certainty of what will happen in 2016, would you want to make a 20 year, month to month investment in a college fund? And wont college be close to a million a year by 2025?

Sheesh. What a pile of shit you post. But then, obviously, you never worried about going to college.

Actually, I think that we Democrats should take the John Campbell plan and run with it on higher education.
We live in a world now of so much distrust. look at what happened with Bernie Madoff, and I have seen many episodes Greed. Why would anyone give a 6 digit figure to a total stranger/often most of their life savings/or borrowing against their home. and in the end, they lost everything. Not me. I am debt free and whenever I sell my condo, I am keeping my money!

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