Germanic and Mexican Influence on Supermen style in the USA

I don’t believe your gibberish qualifies as English, RuPaul. And your endless fascination with male anatomy is noted with amusement once again.

You have good reason to be concerned about your own sexual identity. Get out of your closet. Fly your rainbow flag. I tell ya, girl. Nobody gives a damn.
It was you who fucked everyone here with your identity. It's an American Superman thread, you fucking faggot, you're polluting it with your fag phobias.
It was you who fucked everyone here with your identity. It's an American Superman thread, you fucking faggot, you're polluting it with your fag phobias.
Your gay fear is convincing you that you’re not gay. I’m telling you, nobody cares about your homosexuality. Shit, you’re quite entirely irrelevant regardless of how gay you are, RuPaul.

Now, get back to admiring cowboys and so forth.
Stupid nonentity, I'll just add you to ignore. Don't post here anymore
I understand that the German version of Superman is Ubermann? Possibly Unermench.

What is the Mexican version? Is it Superhombre?
See, the problem here is that rupol has the mentality of a teenager. It is all about macho men and slim, beautiful women. Actual substance is not as important.

rupol, there are certainly things we need to change in the US. Hopefully we will do it.

Things like:
1) Same sex marriage staying in place.
2) Our tax code is too convoluted. Simplify it.
3) Safety nets, especially medical.
4) Term limits for elected officials.
5) Secure the border. You can come here, but you need to sign the book first.
6) Improve the power grid.

But this shit about smoking and looking like cowboys is trivial bullshit.
See, the problem here is that rupol has the mentality of a teenager. It is all about macho men and slim, beautiful women.
There is nothing wrong here. The more a person lives, the more a slave is brought up in him. As a rule, people do not develop but degrade

Things like:
1) Same sex marriage staying in place.
2) Our tax code is too convoluted. Simplify it.
3) Safety nets, especially medical.
4) Term limits for elected officials.
5) Secure the border. You can come here, but you need to sign the book first.
6) Improve the power grid.
1) ban homosexuality and ban its propaganda

2) taxes only on the army and police

3) medicine is only voluntary, no socialist shit like insurance, no forced vaccinations. Investigate the crimes of WHO and medicine workers.

4) Officials are not needed

5) Open the border from the south, prohibit migration from Europe

6) yes, burn more fuel to saturate the atmosphere with carbon and return heat into atmosphere
There is nothing wrong here. The more a person lives, the more a slave is brought up in him. As a rule, people do not develop but degrade

1) ban homosexuality and ban its propaganda

2) taxes only on the army and police

3) medicine is only voluntary, no socialist shit like insurance, no forced vaccinations. Investigate the crimes of WHO and medicine workers.

4) Officials are not needed

5) Open the border from the south, prohibit migration from Europe

6) yes, burn more fuel to saturate the atmosphere with carbon and return heat into atmosphere

Ridiculous ideas.

1) ban homosexuality and ban its propaganda
No. We will not be banning homosexuals. That is out of the question. Despite your claims that they harm people by being in the same room, gays harm no one.

2) taxes only on the army and police
Again, no dice. The Army and the police are both underpaid. No, we tax everyone equally and fairly. Like the Fair Tax Act

3) medicine is only voluntary, no socialist shit like insurance, no forced vaccinations. Investigate the crimes of WHO and medicine workers.
There should be a safety net for the poorest. In the long run it saves money. If you wait until it is bad, it costs more. So unless you plan to just people die, there needs to be a safety net.
4) Officials are not needed
Officials are needed. The country is too big and to diverse to run on its own. And the constitution requires it.
5) Open the border from the south, prohibit migration from Europe
We will not stop immigration from Europe. They are our closest allies. And the southern border should be closed to illegal immigration.
6) yes, burn more fuel to saturate the atmosphere with carbon and return heat into atmosphere
There are ways of generating power that do not burn carbon.
Ridiculous ideas.

Again, no dice. The Army and the police are both underpaid. No, we tax everyone equally and fairly. Like the Fair Tax Act

There should be a safety net for the poorest. In the long run it saves money. If you wait until it is bad, it costs more. So unless you plan to just people die, there needs to be a safety net.

Officials are needed. The country is too big and to diverse to run on its own. And the constitution requires it.

We will not stop immigration from Europe. They are our closest allies. And the southern border should be closed to illegal immigration.

There are ways of generating power that do not burn carbon.
You're talking some bullshit about an American having to feed faggots and slave owners from the federal government. It's not convincing
No, I am not. Show me one place I am saying that?
Everything you say, you say in defense of socialist criminals and parasites. You want them to have free hands, you want to give them more power to oppress the American people.
According to tradition we are their closest allies for over 100 years.
You're lying. Before Obama, Europe was under America's feet. Reagan forced them to adopt an American type of conservatism and privatize state property. Thatcher destroyed feminists in Britain
Everything you say, you say in defense of socialist criminals and parasites. You want them to have free hands, you want to give them more power to oppress the American people.

When you make shit up, as you have done here, you don't get to claim I am oppressing anyone. It is a lie.

I defend US citizens. That you dislike them has no bearing on the matter. I am for the power of the people.
You're lying. Before Obama, Europe was under America's feet. Reagan forced them to adopt an American type of conservatism and privatize state property. Thatcher destroyed feminists in Britain

And still, during all that, European nations enjoyed favored status for immigration.
Mexicans simply crossed borders that were not guarded, and then received US citizenship

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