Germany Scales Back on Wind Energy Because Its Not Working

When Germany defeated France, did France become German property?
When the US wins wars, it owns the corporation in that country and profits from it forever, regardless that it makes it appear the defeated country was given back its freedom.
That is how imperialism and colonialism work.
You do not occupy, you just maintain economic ownership where the independent appearance is just a front.
That is why the US supported hundreds of dictators all over the world, like Marcos in the Philippines, Pinochet in Chile, Netanyahu in Israel, etc.
Oh brother. That's not what imperialism is, dummy. You have 600 years of history that shows what imperialism is.

Germany, England and Russia were the most imperialistic nations in the history of the world and the US has been the least imperialistic nation in the history of the world.

It's a good thing those fucktard nations you are defending didn't have the power the US has.
I'm not claiming the high ground. I am claiming the objective ground.


That is a fact. No moral high ground necessary.

No, by every measure, the US is the single most imperialistic abuser in the world.
There is no country that created as many military dictatorships, world wide, as the US.
All of South and Central America and Mexico essentially were military dictatorships established by the US.
The US maintained dictatorship in all the countries is illegally invaded from the illegal Spanish American War.

The current abuse by the US is less overt, but still absolute dictatorship.
The UN for example, is an agent of US dictatorship, and it is apparent from how the US stole Palestine from the natives and created Israel.

Again... using objectivity and history... Germany, England and Russia were the most imperialistic nations in the history of the world and the US has been the least imperialistic nation in the history of the world.
I'm not sure how any thinking person can deny that America has been the least imperialistic superpower in the history of the world.

When Germany defeated France, did France become German property?
When the US wins wars, it owns the corporation in that country and profits from it forever, regardless that it makes it appear the defeated country was given back its freedom.
That is how imperialism and colonialism work.
You do not occupy, you just maintain economic ownership where the independent appearance is just a front.
That is why the US supported hundreds of dictators all over the world, like Marcos in the Philippines, Pinochet in Chile, Netanyahu in Israel, etc.
Oh brother. That's not what imperialism is, dummy. You have 600 years of history that shows what imperialism is.

Germany, England and Russia were the most imperialistic nations in the history of the world and the US has been the least imperialistic nation in the history of the world.

It's a good thing those fucktard nations you are defending didn't have the power the US has.
just for shits and giggles. please lay out your reasoning. and where would france, spain, portugal, and the netherlands fall using your metrics. and belgium, turkey, and, last but not least, your beloved usa

When Germany defeated France, did France become German property?
When the US wins wars, it owns the corporation in that country and profits from it forever, regardless that it makes it appear the defeated country was given back its freedom.
That is how imperialism and colonialism work.
You do not occupy, you just maintain economic ownership where the independent appearance is just a front.
That is why the US supported hundreds of dictators all over the world, like Marcos in the Philippines, Pinochet in Chile, Netanyahu in Israel, etc.
Oh brother. That's not what imperialism is, dummy. You have 600 years of history that shows what imperialism is.

Germany, England and Russia were the most imperialistic nations in the history of the world and the US has been the least imperialistic nation in the history of the world.

It's a good thing those fucktard nations you are defending didn't have the power the US has.
just for shits and giggles. please lay out your reasoning. and where would france, spain, portugal, and the netherlands fall using your metrics. and belgium, turkey, and, last but not least, your beloved usa
Closer to Germany, Russia and England. They were all imperialistic. The US was the least imperialistic and had the most power to be imperialistic. If we wanted to take it, there was no one who could stop us.
Once again, the Great Trump has been vindicated.

" the wind blowing today? I'd like to watch television..."

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::lmao::21:
Was that the same time he whined about having to flush his golden throne 10-15 times? :lol:

I think he was referring to public toilets and sinks. Trump is right: Those stupid sinks they have in the bathrooms of stores and restaurants suck. You push the handle two or three times to get them to work, they have very little water pressure, then they shut off in the middle of washing your hands.

I hate those fuckin' things. Faucets should have big handles that when you turn them, the water comes out in a massive flood. Fuck "saving water."

When Germany defeated France, did France become German property?
When the US wins wars, it owns the corporation in that country and profits from it forever, regardless that it makes it appear the defeated country was given back its freedom.
That is how imperialism and colonialism work.
You do not occupy, you just maintain economic ownership where the independent appearance is just a front.
That is why the US supported hundreds of dictators all over the world, like Marcos in the Philippines, Pinochet in Chile, Netanyahu in Israel, etc.
Oh brother. That's not what imperialism is, dummy. You have 600 years of history that shows what imperialism is.

Germany, England and Russia were the most imperialistic nations in the history of the world and the US has been the least imperialistic nation in the history of the world.

It's a good thing those fucktard nations you are defending didn't have the power the US has.
just for shits and giggles. please lay out your reasoning. and where would france, spain, portugal, and the netherlands fall using your metrics. and belgium, turkey, and, last but not least, your beloved usa
Closer to Germany, Russia and England. They were all imperialistic. The US was the least imperialistic and had the most power to be imperialistic. If we wanted to take it, there was no one who could stop us.
wow. chapeau. consider me floored by your cogent argument. my fear that you were self-servingly pulling stuff out of your fat ass to arrive at your desired result has been completely assuaged.

When Germany defeated France, did France become German property?
When the US wins wars, it owns the corporation in that country and profits from it forever, regardless that it makes it appear the defeated country was given back its freedom.
That is how imperialism and colonialism work.
You do not occupy, you just maintain economic ownership where the independent appearance is just a front.
That is why the US supported hundreds of dictators all over the world, like Marcos in the Philippines, Pinochet in Chile, Netanyahu in Israel, etc.
Oh brother. That's not what imperialism is, dummy. You have 600 years of history that shows what imperialism is.

Germany, England and Russia were the most imperialistic nations in the history of the world and the US has been the least imperialistic nation in the history of the world.

It's a good thing those fucktard nations you are defending didn't have the power the US has.
just for shits and giggles. please lay out your reasoning. and where would france, spain, portugal, and the netherlands fall using your metrics. and belgium, turkey, and, last but not least, your beloved usa
Closer to Germany, Russia and England. They were all imperialistic. The US was the least imperialistic and had the most power to be imperialistic. If we wanted to take it, there was no one who could stop us.
wow. chapeau. consider me floored by your cogent argument. my fear that you were self-servingly pulling stuff out of your fat ass to arrive at your desired result has been completely assuaged.
It's not an argument, amigo. It's history. It's been recorded.
Once again, the Great Trump has been vindicated.

" the wind blowing today? I'd like to watch television..."

:laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg::lmao::21:
Was that the same time he whined about having to flush his golden throne 10-15 times? :lol:

I think he was referring to public toilets and sinks. Trump is right: Those stupid sinks they have in the bathrooms of stores and restaurants suck. You push the handle two or three times to get them to work, they have very little water pressure, then they shut off in the middle of washing your hands.

I hate those fuckin' things. Faucets should have big handles that when you turn them, the water comes out in a massive flood. Fuck "saving water."
Meh, Donnie was just being stoopid and displaying his typical level of disconnect. That time about low flow devices to save water. He's a fucking idiot. Come to grips please.


When Germany defeated France, did France become German property?
When the US wins wars, it owns the corporation in that country and profits from it forever, regardless that it makes it appear the defeated country was given back its freedom.
That is how imperialism and colonialism work.
You do not occupy, you just maintain economic ownership where the independent appearance is just a front.
That is why the US supported hundreds of dictators all over the world, like Marcos in the Philippines, Pinochet in Chile, Netanyahu in Israel, etc.
Oh brother. That's not what imperialism is, dummy. You have 600 years of history that shows what imperialism is.

Germany, England and Russia were the most imperialistic nations in the history of the world and the US has been the least imperialistic nation in the history of the world.

It's a good thing those fucktard nations you are defending didn't have the power the US has.
just for shits and giggles. please lay out your reasoning. and where would france, spain, portugal, and the netherlands fall using your metrics. and belgium, turkey, and, last but not least, your beloved usa
Closer to Germany, Russia and England. They were all imperialistic. The US was the least imperialistic and had the most power to be imperialistic. If we wanted to take it, there was no one who could stop us.
wow. chapeau. consider me floored by your cogent argument. my fear that you were self-servingly pulling stuff out of your fat ass to arrive at your desired result has been completely assuaged.
It's not an argument, amigo. It's history. It's been recorded.
you are half right. it was not an argument. it's not history either. it's unsubstantiated bullshit provided by you.
Oh brother. That's not what imperialism is, dummy. You have 600 years of history that shows what imperialism is.

Germany, England and Russia were the most imperialistic nations in the history of the world and the US has been the least imperialistic nation in the history of the world.

It's a good thing those fucktard nations you are defending didn't have the power the US has.

Germany hardly ever was imperialistic, and only started a imperialism only between 1884 and 1915.
It is likely the LEAST imperialistic country in all of history.

The German colonial empire (German: Deutsches Kolonialreich) constituted the overseas colonies, dependencies and territories of Imperial Germany. Unified in the early 1870s, the chancellor of this time period was Otto von Bismarck. Short-lived attempts of colonization by individual German states had occurred in preceding centuries, but crucial colonial efforts only began in 1884 with the Scramble for Africa. Claiming much of the left-over uncolonized areas of Africa, Germany built the third-largest colonial empire at the time, after the British and French.[2] The German Colonial Empire encompassed parts of several African countries, including parts of present-day Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Namibia, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, New Guinea, and numerous other West Pacific / Micronesian islands.

Germany lost control of its colonial empire when the First World War began in 1914, in which all of its colonies were invaded by the Allies during the first weeks of the war. However, a few colonial military units held out in remote areas for a while longer: German South West Africa surrendered in 1915, Kamerun in 1916 and German East Africa in 1918.

Germany's colonial empire was officially confiscated with the Treaty of Versailles after Germany's defeat in the war and each colony became a League of Nations mandate under the supervision (but not ownership) of one of the victorious powers. The German colonial empire ceased to exist in 1919.[3] Plans to regain their lost colonial possessions persisted through the Second World War, with many at the time suspecting that this was a goal of the Third Reich all along.[4]

You likely are forgetting that Germany did not start WWI, but France and Russia did.
And that WWII was caused by the evil Treaty of Versailles, not Germany.

Imperialism is where you illegally take profits from other nations, and Germany only did that with a few African colonies for 40 years.
In comparison, the US controls and takes advantage of the resources and economy of hundreds of nations, illegally.
When the US wins wars, it owns the corporation in that country and profits from it forever,

What corporation?

The invasion of Iraq was over oil and the US now gets % of all the oil profits from Iraq.
Same reason we toppled the democracy in Iran in 1953.
They were going to nationalize oil and cut out US profits skimming.

The invasion of Iraq was over oil and the US now gets % of all the oil profits from Iraq.

What percentage do we get? Link?

Same reason we toppled the democracy in Iran in 1953.

What percentage did we get in 1953? Link?
When the US wins wars, it owns the corporation in that country and profits from it forever,

What corporation?

The invasion of Iraq was over oil and the US now gets % of all the oil profits from Iraq.
Same reason we toppled the democracy in Iran in 1953.
They were going to nationalize oil and cut out US profits skimming.

The invasion of Iraq was over oil and the US now gets % of all the oil profits from Iraq.

What percentage do we get? Link?

Same reason we toppled the democracy in Iran in 1953.

What percentage did we get in 1953? Link?

It varied.
The US took the right to sell all Iraqi oil for them, at what ever price we wanted and charged whatever we wanted.
So you have to do the math on each situation.
At first we were skimming around 20%, but that slowly tapered off, until Iraq told us to get out a some point.
What we get now is likely less than 5%, but we do nothing for it.

With Iran in 1953, it was England that owned most of the petro companies that got nationalized.
But the US likely was getting some %.
But there is no way to ever know, since it was likely illegal.
If we were not getting a %, then we would not have toppled the democracy in Iran in 1953.
When the US wins wars, it owns the corporation in that country and profits from it forever,

What corporation?

The invasion of Iraq was over oil and the US now gets % of all the oil profits from Iraq.
Same reason we toppled the democracy in Iran in 1953.
They were going to nationalize oil and cut out US profits skimming.

The invasion of Iraq was over oil and the US now gets % of all the oil profits from Iraq.

What percentage do we get? Link?

Same reason we toppled the democracy in Iran in 1953.

What percentage did we get in 1953? Link?

It varied.
The US took the right to sell all Iraqi oil for them, at what ever price we wanted and charged whatever we wanted.
So you have to do the math on each situation.
At first we were skimming around 20%, but that slowly tapered off, until Iraq told us to get out a some point.
What we get now is likely less than 5%, but we do nothing for it.

With Iran in 1953, it was England that owned most of the petro companies that got nationalized.
But the US likely was getting some %.
But there is no way to ever know, since it was likely illegal.
If we were not getting a %, then we would not have toppled the democracy in Iran in 1953.

You don't have a link for your Iran or Iraq claim? Weird.

At first we were skimming around 20%, but that slowly tapered off, until Iraq told us to get out a some point.

We "took" it and then just let them tell us to get out? You're making less sense than usual.

What we get now is likely less than 5%, but we do nothing for it.

Likely? So no proof?

But there is no way to ever know, since it was likely illegal.

You said you knew. Were you lying again? Having visions? Hearing voices?
Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII.

What is your nationality? Idiotistan?

Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

And what is your personal problem in this context?

I had family members who died fighting the Krauts.

Aha. So what? "You" lost about 400,000 soldiers. It's the normal risk of soldiers to die in a war. We lost some million people - most of them were civilists. It's not a normal risk of civilists to be murdered in a war.

Germany never really paid for that.

You are really funny. Because of world war 1 for example the USA doubled their economy.

At least England are grateful and are solid allies.

I'm sure the Brits are - but you are not. The only good Brit, German, French, Slaw, Black, Indian, ... you ever saw, was dead.

Germany was responsible for EVERY death in WWII.

lol. sure.

It's simple logic. Who was the aggressor that started it all?

it's simple alright. do you know that wwii had a pacific theatre?

Yes, that began with a sneak attack by Japan who was allied with Germany.

lol. how limited. you think the pacific part of ww2 started with pearl harbor. adorable.

Yep. That's when the shooting started.

Of course by your logic, you probably believe that WWII started after reparations from WWI and WWII was started by the allies. :rolleyes:

my logic says that japan invaded china long before pearl harbor and that the pacific war was ongoing at that time. ever heard of the nanjing massacre?

let's recap, fat american: you queefed that every death in WWII is the responsibility of germany. i laughed at that.

had you made a less bombastic statement, which is probably impossible for you due to being a bragging loudmouth american, i might have agreed with you.

germany is responsible for starting the war in europe and for all deaths thereafter. that does however not absolve you twats from everything, lol.

Germany is responsible for WWII period.

ok. germany lost that war and was severely punished. of course, some of the more responsible individuals were invited to america and were not punished at all. lol.

tell me when you can move on to the post ww2 period and are willing to discuss accountability of the USA for their many wars.

Fire away. I'm always interested in hearing how the most powerful superpower in the history of the world who grabbed the least land for itself needs to discuss its accountability from attacks from those countries who forcefully acquired the land of other sovereign nations. :rolleyes:

i don't need to fire. you are the one whining about germany. i laugh at you hypocrite.

EDIT: the hypocrit american whines while sitting on land grabbed. LOL

At least we can win wars. :lol:

yeah, if i go back in german history far enough, i can find war victories as well.

What a nonsense. We never wan any war. We always only lost. Our enemies too. They also always only lost. The only exception are the US-Americans. You made an unbelievable amount of money with your wars against Germany.
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Everything the Left does ends up hurting people.

The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.

Perhaps it’s beginning dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back. […]

The NDR [German public television] reports that in the coming years, 16 GW of wind power will be removed from the subsidy system. Almost two-thirds of this may not be replaced by new, more powerful ones.

As far as Altenstedt goes, where the three featured turbines are being dismantled, the NDR reports: “No more wind turbines may be built in Altenstedt, there are no more planning permits. The energy transition is now history here.

The remaining infrastructure: transmission lines, access roads, transformers etc. are available and are now no longer being used. In Altenstedt they will probably become the first relics of a past idea that went sour.

They must be getting ready to invade France again.
Any explanation why you write such a totally absurde bullshit?
Germany has wanted north Eastern France

North Eastern part of the rest of the empire of the Frankonians which is today called France? ... One moment ... I guess you mean the territory between Belgium and Switzerland - das Elsaß - French: Alsace. This always had been a "Zankapfel" (=bone of contention) between the West-Frankonian, Middle-Frankonian and East-Frankonian empires. After world war 1 the Alsace - nearly only German population - became part of France. Today everyone speaks French in this area and as far as I heard the German language died nearly out.

for a long time. We should probably give Germany back to Russia.

Back to Russia? ... Hmmm ... No problem this wish - but: Any concrete reason why you hate us or do you just simple learned to hate us? From whom and how? And what were the reasons from your teachers to teach you hate against Germans? Did they hate you too?

Germany was never really punished for WWII.

What is your nationality? Idiotistan?

Russia had East Germany, we should have just given them West Germany as well.

And what is your personal problem in this context?

I had family members who died fighting the Krauts.

Aha. So what? "You" lost about 400,000 soldiers. It's the normal risk of soldiers to die in a war. We lost some million people - most of them were civilists. It's not a normal risk of civilists to be murdered in a war.

Germany never really paid for that.

You are really funny. Because of world war 1 for example the USA doubled their economy.

At least England are grateful and are solid allies.

I'm sure the Brits are - but you are not. The only good Brit, German, French, Slaw, Black, Indian, ... you ever saw, was dead.

Germany was responsible for EVERY death in WWII.

lol. sure.

It's simple logic. Who was the aggressor that started it all?

it's simple alright. do you know that wwii had a pacific theatre?

Yes, that began with a sneak attack by Japan who was allied with Germany.

lol. how limited. you think the pacific part of ww2 started with pearl harbor. adorable.

Yep. That's when the shooting started.

Of course by your logic, you probably believe that WWII started after reparations from WWI and WWII was started by the allies. :rolleyes:

my logic says that japan invaded china long before pearl harbor and that the pacific war was ongoing at that time. ever heard of the nanjing massacre?

let's recap, fat american: you queefed that every death in WWII is the responsibility of germany. i laughed at that.

had you made a less bombastic statement, which is probably impossible for you due to being a bragging loudmouth american, i might have agreed with you.

germany is responsible for starting the war in europe and for all deaths thereafter. that does however not absolve you twats from everything, lol.

Germany is responsible for WWII period.

ok. germany lost that war and was severely punished. of course, some of the more responsible individuals were invited to america and were not punished at all. lol.

tell me when you can move on to the post ww2 period and are willing to discuss accountability of the USA for their many wars.

Fire away. I'm always interested in hearing how the most powerful superpower in the history of the world who grabbed the least land for itself needs to discuss its accountability from attacks from those countries who forcefully acquired the land of other sovereign nations. :rolleyes:

i don't need to fire. you are the one whining about germany. i laugh at you hypocrite.

EDIT: the hypocrit american whines while sitting on land grabbed. LOL

At least we can win wars. :lol:

yeah, if i go back in german history far enough, i can find war victories as well.

:rofl: Ya, REALLY far back, lol!

that's all relative. when was your last victory? grenada? lol

We took Iraq and Afghanistan VERY easily. And left after we got bored.

oh, there are still us troops in iraq and afghanistan. celebrating their victory, probably.

Which countries that America defeated through war did we keep their land and their possessions as our own?

Hawaii for example. And not to forget the territories of some hundred nations in the North of America. Most of the members of this cultures do not exist biologically any longer. ("The only good Red Indian I ever saw was dead"). Somehow dies everything what "you" touch. A curse? A contract with the devil? ... hmm ... Question: Why is the USA always able to win any war - but not able to win peace? What is this? Why are you so damned strange? Why fills violence and wars your lifes?

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When Germany took the lands of others, did Germany give back those lands freely? No.

The only way Germany gave back those lands was to be made to give back those lands.

Do you understand what imperialism actually means?

Ever heard something from the German "colonies" France, England or the country of the Vandals in North-Africa? Or ever heard about that Spain and Germany had the same emperor? Or ever heard about that one of the emperors lived his whole life in Sicily, where he was interested in scientific research and where he had created a relativelly modern multi-cultural state - in the middle age?

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Oh brother. That's not what imperialism is, dummy. You have 600 years of history that shows what imperialism is.

Germany, England and Russia were the most imperialistic nations in the history of the world and the US has been the least imperialistic nation in the history of the world.

It's a good thing those fucktard nations you are defending didn't have the power the US has.

Germany hardly ever was imperialistic, and only started a imperialism only between 1884 and 1915.
It is likely the LEAST imperialistic country in all of history.

Exactly. The problem in this context had been the Brits and the Prussians. Napoleon had indirectly caused the liquidation of the Holy Roman Empire of German (=united) Nation by the German emperor in Vienna, because he had not been able to defend Germany. After an European war in Germany against Napoleon the Brits got a very bad influence in Germany and the Prussians had afterwards conquered one by the next German country and made them to "colonies of Prussia" - no joke! Colonies were modern.
William II (the last German emperor - better to say "the last Prussian emperor over Germany") was very famous for his absurde British ideas - He had been a Brit on his own and was edcuated from his grandma Queen Victoria in England. From all German colonies existed by the way only one colony with German seddlers: South-West Africa - today called "Namibia" (1864-1915). But in 1892 for example the German "Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika" was replaced from the British "South West Africa Company Limited" in London and only Brits were the owners of this company. Germans were not interested in making money with colonies. Also not in case they were able to do a favor to the emperor.

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