Germany to send 1,200 troops to ISIS fight

Big mistake. ...... :cool:

Yep, not enough. It's time to take the gloves off, no ROE, just war. They'll learn
Right, because rolling in middle eastern countries, with mechanized armies, has worked so well over the last 200 years

T.E Lawrence did pretty well. The Iraqi's revolted against the Brits at the beginning of WWII and got crushed by a fairly small force. One armored brigade took Baghdad, so yeah, they work. It's the politicians that piss the victories away.
Should send 12,000 and France send 12,000 and England send 12,000....etc etc etc

Germany To Send 1200 Troops To ISIS Fight

German Defense Ministry spokesman Jens Flosdorff said today that the European nation plans on sending as many as 1,200 troops to the Middle East to support the Western coalition’s fight against ISIS.

Germany To Send 1200 Troops To ISIS Fight
That's awful nice of them.

Course, none of them will be carrying weapons......or do any of the fighting.

Of course they won't but they will still be on the ISIS hit list. Wonder if Berlin will be the next point of contact for jihadist killers?

Germany should go ahead and send armed troops because I'm sure ISIS won't care that what they are sending is support staff and troops. Germany will still be considered for attack.

If Germany were smart they would stay out of it, at least publicly.
Should send 12,000 and France send 12,000 and England send 12,000....etc etc etc

Germany To Send 1200 Troops To ISIS Fight

German Defense Ministry spokesman Jens Flosdorff said today that the European nation plans on sending as many as 1,200 troops to the Middle East to support the Western coalition’s fight against ISIS.

Germany To Send 1200 Troops To ISIS Fight
Wrong. They should stay out of Syria and send back whoever is there to their country of origin. 80% of the "refugees" they took in are immigrants from Somalia, Uganda, Congo - S. Africa - Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan....and the other 20%? 70% of those are fighting age males that need to be sent back to Syria to fight their own war.

Oh good.

A "christian" pov.

This graphic is just SO you. You post endless miles of rhetoric, you watch and post hours and hours of videos but you're one of the least Christian people I've ever seen. You really know how to thump but you're full to the brim with hate for your god's creations.

Shame on you.

Like the man was saying Libtards care for what feels good...not what does good.

how has our involvement since WW1... when we carved up the ME & gave them artificial borders- work out for them AND us? please 'splain that.
Right, because rolling in middle eastern countries, with mechanized armies, has worked so well over the last 200 years

Worked like a charm in Desert Storm. You must have been asleep

If Desert Storm worked so well then why did 9/11 happen? God you're a dumb fuck

He asked if mechanized war worked, I responded with Desert Storm.....dumb fuck. Do try and stay on point

Don't try to avoid the question, just answer it. Own up to the things that you state or just shut up

You're creating a straw man, you interjected into something that has squat to do with the original comments. Desert Storm and a 9/11 connection is a reach, do you even know why Desert Storm happened? I don't think you do and are confusing it with the Iraq War. Two different events.

Iraq & Kuwait were going to go to battle with each other & we needed to be Kuwait's bitch, so that oil would keep flowing to our benefit. And the lies that came out of that war were numerous & quite appealing to get our citizens' approval. There were no babies in incubators being taken outside & left to die... Jessica Lynch even said the way she was 'rescued' was a complete lie...
Last edited:
Obungles "We're going to bomb you in 45 minutes so run away"

Patton is spinning in his grave

you really believe that? did you even bother to try & research that or do you believe every rwnj pundit & rag that spews propaganda? never mind... I already know.

Blogs Claim Obama Dropped Leaflets Warning ISIS of Upcoming Airstrikes
Social media rumors claimed President Obama dropped leaflets warning ISIS militants of imminent airstrikes against them.

Kim LaCapria
Nov 23, 2015

'...NEWS: On 22 November 2015, social media users began sharing links to articles reporting that President Obama had ordered the dropping of leaflets warning ISIS militants of imminent airstrikes...

...On 19 November 2015, published an article that characterized the airstrikes as "more evidence of the pains taken by the U.S. in air tasking orders to avoid civilian casualties through precision weaponry and the use of intelligence assets in contrast to indiscriminate Russian airstrikes with 'dumb bombs[.]'" Extensive commentary from Col. Warren provided a more thorough picture of the Army's aim to carry out such strikes with precision...

...So while it's true that the U.S. military dropped leaflets on 16 November 2015 warning "telling Syrian truck drivers to run for their lives" less than an hour before massive airstrikes were undertaken against ISIS forces, the operation didn't directly involve President Obama. Moreover, critical articles published more than a week after the strikes failed to account for extensive commentary made by Col. Warren about the operation and its focus on minimizing civilian casualties. No portion of extensive media coverage of those strikes remotely indicated that the leaflets were dropped aiding with ISIS in mind, and the maneuvers were not retaliatory in nature...'

Blogs Claim Obama Dropped Leaflets Warning ISIS of Upcoming Airstrikes

snopes is a non biased non partisan website....
Obungles "We're going to bomb you in 45 minutes so run away"

Patton is spinning in his grave

you really believe that? did you even bother to try & research that or do you believe every rwnj pundit & rag that spews propaganda? never mind... I already know.

Blogs Claim Obama Dropped Leaflets Warning ISIS of Upcoming Airstrikes
Social media rumors claimed President Obama dropped leaflets warning ISIS militants of imminent airstrikes against them.

Kim LaCapria
Nov 23, 2015

'...NEWS: On 22 November 2015, social media users began sharing links to articles reporting that President Obama had ordered the dropping of leaflets warning ISIS militants of imminent airstrikes...

...On 19 November 2015, published an article that characterized the airstrikes as "more evidence of the pains taken by the U.S. in air tasking orders to avoid civilian casualties through precision weaponry and the use of intelligence assets in contrast to indiscriminate Russian airstrikes with 'dumb bombs[.]'" Extensive commentary from Col. Warren provided a more thorough picture of the Army's aim to carry out such strikes with precision...

...So while it's true that the U.S. military dropped leaflets on 16 November 2015 warning "telling Syrian truck drivers to run for their lives" less than an hour before massive airstrikes were undertaken against ISIS forces, the operation didn't directly involve President Obama. Moreover, critical articles published more than a week after the strikes failed to account for extensive commentary made by Col. Warren about the operation and its focus on minimizing civilian casualties. No portion of extensive media coverage of those strikes remotely indicated that the leaflets were dropped aiding with ISIS in mind, and the maneuvers were not retaliatory in nature...'

Blogs Claim Obama Dropped Leaflets Warning ISIS of Upcoming Airstrikes

snopes is a non biased non partisan website....

So.... it's factual that the leaflets were dropped. You're just complaining that Obama's name was used. Who ordered the policy?
Yep, not enough. It's time to take the gloves off, no ROE, just war. They'll learn
Right, because rolling in middle eastern countries, with mechanized armies, has worked so well over the last 200 years

Worked like a charm in Desert Storm. You must have been asleep
That's different, Kuwait is an ally, and asked us to come

I was referring to the Russians in Afghanistan

Us in Afghanistan

us in Iraq

We had Iraq won...until some community organizer phucked it up
That is really something else.

We can roll in and defeat any Army, but stabilizing a country hasn't happened since Japan and Germany

What's different about then and now? Oh yeah, we kept troops on the ground there until....well now....
Worked like a charm in Desert Storm. You must have been asleep

If Desert Storm worked so well then why did 9/11 happen? God you're a dumb fuck

He asked if mechanized war worked, I responded with Desert Storm.....dumb fuck. Do try and stay on point

Don't try to avoid the question, just answer it. Own up to the things that you state or just shut up

You're creating a straw man, you interjected into something that has squat to do with the original comments. Desert Storm and a 9/11 connection is a reach, do you even know why Desert Storm happened? I don't think you do and are confusing it with the Iraq War. Two different events.

Iraq & Kuwait were going to go to battle with each other & we needed to be Kuwait's bitch, so that oil would keep flowing to our benefit. And the lies that came out of that war were numerous & quite appealing to get our citizens' approval. There were no babies in incubators being taken outside & left to die... Jessica Lynch even said the way she was 'rescued' was a complete lie...

Back to the original subject, did a mechanized army roll over the opposition? Yes or No. I don't care about the causes the subject matter is if a mechanized army got it done. When you spin and deflect you look silly
TE Lawrence

This is the 21st century.

Why do RWs want to fight a 19th century war? Especially since it guarantees we would lose. AGAIN.
Big mistake. ...... :cool:

Yep, not enough. It's time to take the gloves off, no ROE, just war. They'll learn
Right, because rolling in middle eastern countries, with mechanized armies, has worked so well over the last 200 years

Worked like a charm in Desert Storm. You must have been asleep
That's different, Kuwait is an ally, and asked us to come

I was referring to the Russians in Afghanistan

Us in Afghanistan

us in Iraq

We had Iraq won...until some community organizer phucked it up
What is your evidence that we had Iraq "won"?
Obungles "We're going to bomb you in 45 minutes so run away"

Patton is spinning in his grave

you really believe that? did you even bother to try & research that or do you believe every rwnj pundit & rag that spews propaganda? never mind... I already know.

Blogs Claim Obama Dropped Leaflets Warning ISIS of Upcoming Airstrikes
Social media rumors claimed President Obama dropped leaflets warning ISIS militants of imminent airstrikes against them.

Kim LaCapria
Nov 23, 2015

'...NEWS: On 22 November 2015, social media users began sharing links to articles reporting that President Obama had ordered the dropping of leaflets warning ISIS militants of imminent airstrikes...

...On 19 November 2015, published an article that characterized the airstrikes as "more evidence of the pains taken by the U.S. in air tasking orders to avoid civilian casualties through precision weaponry and the use of intelligence assets in contrast to indiscriminate Russian airstrikes with 'dumb bombs[.]'" Extensive commentary from Col. Warren provided a more thorough picture of the Army's aim to carry out such strikes with precision...

...So while it's true that the U.S. military dropped leaflets on 16 November 2015 warning "telling Syrian truck drivers to run for their lives" less than an hour before massive airstrikes were undertaken against ISIS forces, the operation didn't directly involve President Obama. Moreover, critical articles published more than a week after the strikes failed to account for extensive commentary made by Col. Warren about the operation and its focus on minimizing civilian casualties. No portion of extensive media coverage of those strikes remotely indicated that the leaflets were dropped aiding with ISIS in mind, and the maneuvers were not retaliatory in nature...'

Blogs Claim Obama Dropped Leaflets Warning ISIS of Upcoming Airstrikes

snopes is a non biased non partisan website....

So.... it's factual that the leaflets were dropped. You're just complaining that Obama's name was used. Who ordered the policy?

Obama didn't. A colonel in the US Army did. 'We aren't in the business of murdering civilians'.

You didn't bother going to the link 'eh?
If Desert Storm worked so well then why did 9/11 happen? God you're a dumb fuck

He asked if mechanized war worked, I responded with Desert Storm.....dumb fuck. Do try and stay on point

Don't try to avoid the question, just answer it. Own up to the things that you state or just shut up

You're creating a straw man, you interjected into something that has squat to do with the original comments. Desert Storm and a 9/11 connection is a reach, do you even know why Desert Storm happened? I don't think you do and are confusing it with the Iraq War. Two different events.

Iraq & Kuwait were going to go to battle with each other & we needed to be Kuwait's bitch, so that oil would keep flowing to our benefit. And the lies that came out of that war were numerous & quite appealing to get our citizens' approval. There were no babies in incubators being taken outside & left to die... Jessica Lynch even said the way she was 'rescued' was a complete lie...

Back to the original subject, did a mechanized army roll over the opposition? Yes or No. I don't care about the causes the subject matter is if a mechanized army got it done. When you spin and deflect you look silly

LOL...We also had boots on the ground. Lots of them. More then than we do now... no worries -the drums are pounding for increasing those numbers, including all the nutter candidates...
Last edited:
Refugee crisis more pressing...

US Asks Germany for More Military Help Against Islamic State
Dec 13, 2015 -- The United States has asked Germany for more military help in the fight against the Islamic State, a German magazine reported on Saturday, a week after parliament approved a plan to join the campaign in Syria.
Der Spiegel said US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter had sent a letter asking for a bigger military contribution from Berlin. Germany's military mission currently includes six Tornado reconnaissance jets, a frigate to protect the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, refueling aircraft and up to 1,200 troops. The deployment is a direct response to a French appeal for solidarity after militant attacks in Paris killed 130 people. Germany does not plan to carry out air strikes in Syria.


A member loyal to the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) waves the militant group's flag in Raqqa, Syria​

A German Defense Ministry spokesman confirmed a letter had been received from the United States and its content was under consideration, giving no further details. Germany has, over the last two years, shown a growing readiness to commit troops to foreign missions. Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said last week Germany may need bigger armed forces to cope with the more assertive role. She said an analysis into staffing and the organization of combat forces would report in a couple of months on whether personnel levels were appropriate.

More than 3,000 personnel are currently deployed overseas and the Syria mission will raise that by up to 1,200. Von der Leyen also wants to send 650 troops to Mali to help the French campaign against Islamist militants there. Last year, Germany started arming Iraqi Kurds fighting the Islamic State.

US Asks Germany for More Military Help Against Islamic State |

See also:

Merkel dismisses U.S. request for more military help against Islamic State
Sun Dec 13, 2015 - Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday brushed off what a Germany magazine said was a request from the United States to provide more military help in the fight against Islamic State.
"I believe Germany is fulfilling its part and we don't need to talk about new issues related to this question at the moment," Merkel told the ZDF broadcaster when asked about the Der Spiegel magazine report of the U.S. request. Der Spiegel reported on Saturday that U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter had sent a letter asking for a bigger military contribution from Germany, a week after parliament approved a plan to join the campaign in Syria. A German Defense Ministry spokesman confirmed a letter had been received from the United States and its content was under consideration, giving no further details.

Der Spiegel said the letter did not make specific demands and was similar to requests sent to other U.S. partners. Germany's mission includes six Tornado reconnaissance jets, a frigate to protect the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, refueling aircraft and up to 1,200 troops. The deployment is a direct response to a French appeal for solidarity after militant attacks in Paris killed 130 people. Germany does not plan to carry out air strikes in Syria.

Germany has over the past two years shown a growing readiness to commit troops to foreign missions. Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen said last week Germany might need bigger armed forces to cope with the more assertive role. More than 3,000 personnel are currently deployed overseas and the Syria mission will raise that by up to 1,200. Von der Leyen also wants to send 650 troops to Mali to help the French campaign against Islamist militants there. Germany last year started arming Iraqi Kurds fighting Islamic State.

Merkel dismisses U.S. request for more military help against Islamic State
Should send 12,000 and France send 12,000 and England send 12,000....etc etc etc

Germany To Send 1200 Troops To ISIS Fight

German Defense Ministry spokesman Jens Flosdorff said today that the European nation plans on sending as many as 1,200 troops to the Middle East to support the Western coalition’s fight against ISIS.

When will you be joining them?

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