G'head.... Impeach you cowards....

Don't be silly, tRump has given us enough material for a decade and shows no inclination to even slow down, much less stop. The lies just keep flowing......
Then what's the hold up?

I see a lot of gums flapping.

But no impeachment vote.

Not even a volt to hold a real impeachment investigation.

What are your tards waiting on? Trumps reelection?
Trump complaining about Biden's family taking advantage of his position is really quite amusing as Ivanka & Jared following him overseas and his family profits from did stays at his properties from government spending.

November 6, 2018 / 8:16 AM / a year ago
China grants more trademark approvals for Ivanka Trump firm - including voting machines

BEIJING (Reuters) - China last month granted initial approval for 16 new trademarks for the fashion brand of U.S. President Donald Trump’s daughter and adviser Ivanka, including voting machines, a search of official records on Tuesday showed.

Ivanka announced in July she was shutting her fashion line to focus on her role as an informal White House adviser, where she is working on advancing working women.

Since Trump’s surprise November 2016 election, his family has faced criticism that its portfolio of real estate and consumer goods businesses, which lean heavily on the Trump name, conflicts with its Washington roles.

The group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington made the findings about the new China trademarks in a Monday statement, and said it was the largest number of new Chinese trademarks her company has received in a single month since her father took office.

The latest China trademarks cover things like shoes and jewelry, but also more offbeat items like voting machines and nursing homes, according to a search of records on the Chinese State Administration for Industry and Commerce’s Trademark office.

The trademarks were applied for in 2016.
China grants more trademark approvals for Ivanka Trump firm - including voting machines
AOC is right about the Dems.. (she really isn't one of them) they are cowards.

It's like the old saying goes a lion never needs to tell you that he's a lion.
An impeachment process means nothing for as long as it is endlessly advertised and never pursued.

Hopefully they get their shit together
and go for it! IMO.....NO BALLS.


If the case against Trump is even 1/10th as bad as the Dems have been howling for years, they ought to have TWELVE impeachment hearings going against him by now! Can't the Left do anything right?

right now they are gonna be laser focused on these here crimes surrounding ukraine because there are witness' & probably hard evidence that can be shown along with the very easy way people can understand & are understanding what is happening in real time - & that pelosi believes it will go over well w/ the nation. it's showing by the hour practically that now the majority of americans are supporting it.

yep. take yer pick:

polls support impeachment - Google Search

Fraid not, Plaything.

is that toobeyspeak for 'i ain't got nuthin to counter with'?

yaaaaaaaa................. that's the ticket.
How Long Can Dems Live on a Diet of Nothingburgers? “This flailing has to be exhausting for them but, bless their little hearts, they don’t seem to be wearing down yet.”
Nothing urger:

Trump withholds military funding from the Ukraine and uses it to get the President of the Ukraine to provide dirt on Trump's political foe. White House officials listening in recognize this & try to bury the transcript.

This would be Watergate & Nixon swas the one who broke in. You have the crime & then the cover up. Trump is in both.

The only questions left are these:

1) When will Trump resign

2) When will Republicans in the Senate tell trump to resign or they will vote for conviction

3) Besides Pence & Barr, who else will be tied into this conspiracy

4) Will Republicans running for Congress rreach that tipping point to cut bait?

There is a fifth question left,

Who is looking at that secret server to find all the documents that trump had put there that have no business being there.

We know they've been burying transcripts of conversations with putin and mbs in that secret server. At the very least, I want to know when those transcripts will be found and put where they belong. On the public server. If I had my way all those conversations would be published to the public word for word with no redactions.

The Democrats are way out on a limb, determined to impeach President Trump on the basis of an innocent phone call with the President of Ukraine. A little while ago, President Trump tweeted and Instagramed this short video. Its message is, I think, entirely correct. The video illustrates how hard it will be for the Democrats to get anyone (outside their media empire) to take their impeachment charges seriously:

Donald J. Trump



The Biden family’s corrupt business deals, trading on Biden’s status as vice president, perfectly illustrate the debased Washington culture against which Trump ran as a candidate. He says, “I AM DRAINING THE SWAMP!” And, in this instance, he is. It is one reason why the Democrats, and a few Republicans, are so eager to get rid of him.

Such an innocent call that they had to hide the transcript & bury the whistleblower report.
Russia tells US not to release Trump-Putin transcripts

Russia on Friday urged the United States not to publish Donald Trump's conversations with Vladimir Putin after a growing scandal led the White House to release a transcript from a call with Ukraine's leader.
Russia tells US not to release Trump-Putin transcripts

Well, go on record with a bunch of lies about them, then Trump will release them showing you to be liars, again, just like he did with Ukraine.
Impeachment has never been initiated without a full house vote before this one. Pelosi has not held a full house vote because a formal vote would give the minority enforceable rights. Without a full vote, the articles of impeachment can be drawn up without any participation by the minority. This was always the plan that was visible when Pelosi’s changed House rules as soon as she took power.

Pelosi has deliberately timed the whole sequence of events so that Democrats will have the current two-week recess to return to their districts to convince their constituents that impeachment is necessary.

While they are making their case to their constituents, the committees heads are drafting the articles of impeachment with the GOP excluded.

Nancy Pelosi's December 2018 Rule Changes Block Republicans From Participating In Impeachment Process

Pelosi has been preparing for this since Election Day. Every detail was carefully planned, except for the crime. She had hoped Mueller would have provided one, but no worries, she found one.

However, she does face several headwinds. For one thing, whistleblower mania is folding faster than a house of cards.

Many of the whistleblower’s claims and the interpretations spun by the eager liberal commentators have been blown up.

First, we were told there were eight references to Biden during President Trump’s July 25th conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Turns out there were three, all found in two sentences.

Next, the media breathlessly reported that a ‘promise’ had been made, there was a quid pro quo. There was no promise, no quid pro quo.

My colleague Nick Arama reported (here) two more whistleblower claims which have been debunked. The complaint said that Counselor to the State Department Ulrich Brechbuhl was on the Trump/Zelensky call. He was not.

The document also claimed that “by mid-May, U.S. diplomat Kurt Volker sought to “contain the damage” from Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani’s outreach to Ukraine.” Text messages from Volker to Giuliani have since shown that to be false. Even ABC News has acknowledged this. They reported, “The State Department has confirmed that Volker put Giuliani in touch with Zelensky adviser Andriy Yermak at Yermak’s request.”

Last night The Federalist’s Sean Davis reported that days before the whistleblower submitted his complaint, the intelligence community “secretly eliminated the requirement that whistleblower complaints contain only direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing allegations.” This change allowed the whistleblower to file a complaint based on hearsay information.
How Long Can Dems Live on a Diet of Nothingburgers? “This flailing has to be exhausting for them but, bless their little hearts, they don’t seem to be wearing down yet.”
Nothing urger:

Trump withholds military funding from the Ukraine and uses it to get the President of the Ukraine to provide dirt on Trump's political foe. White House officials listening in recognize this & try to bury the transcript.

This would be Watergate & Nixon swas the one who broke in. You have the crime & then the cover up. Trump is in both.

The only questions left are these:

1) When will Trump resign

2) When will Republicans in the Senate tell trump to resign or they will vote for conviction

3) Besides Pence & Barr, who else will be tied into this conspiracy

4) Will Republicans running for Congress rreach that tipping point to cut bait?

There is a fifth question left,

Who is looking at that secret server to find all the documents that trump had put there that have no business being there.

We know they've been burying transcripts of conversations with putin and mbs in that secret server. At the very least, I want to know when those transcripts will be found and put where they belong. On the public server. If I had my way all those conversations would be published to the public word for word with no redactions.

That's just insane....You're saying that a President can't have confidential conversations with other world leaders...
AOC is right about the Dems.. (she really isn't one of them) they are cowards.

It's like the old saying goes a lion never needs to tell you that he's a lion.
An impeachment process means nothing for as long as it is endlessly advertised and never pursued.

Hopefully they get their shit together
and go for it! IMO.....NO BALLS.

The Democrats are way out on a limb, determined to impeach President Trump on the basis of an innocent phone call with the President of Ukraine. A little while ago, President Trump tweeted and Instagramed this short video. Its message is, I think, entirely correct. The video illustrates how hard it will be for the Democrats to get anyone (outside their media empire) to take their impeachment charges seriously:

Donald J. Trump



The Biden family’s corrupt business deals, trading on Biden’s status as vice president, perfectly illustrate the debased Washington culture against which Trump ran as a candidate. He says, “I AM DRAINING THE SWAMP!” And, in this instance, he is. It is one reason why the Democrats, and a few Republicans, are so eager to get rid of him.

Such an innocent call that they had to hide the transcript & bury the whistleblower report.

What the hell are you talking about? They released both....
The Democrats are way out on a limb, determined to impeach President Trump on the basis of an innocent phone call with the President of Ukraine. A little while ago, President Trump tweeted and Instagramed this short video. Its message is, I think, entirely correct. The video illustrates how hard it will be for the Democrats to get anyone (outside their media empire) to take their impeachment charges seriously:

Donald J. Trump



The Biden family’s corrupt business deals, trading on Biden’s status as vice president, perfectly illustrate the debased Washington culture against which Trump ran as a candidate. He says, “I AM DRAINING THE SWAMP!” And, in this instance, he is. It is one reason why the Democrats, and a few Republicans, are so eager to get rid of him.

Such an innocent call that they had to hide the transcript & bury the whistleblower report.

What the hell are you talking about? They released both....
Trump released them so quick, that their claims were debunked before these not so smart ones realized that they were already old news.
How Long Can Dems Live on a Diet of Nothingburgers? “This flailing has to be exhausting for them but, bless their little hearts, they don’t seem to be wearing down yet.”
Nothing urger:

Trump withholds military funding from the Ukraine and uses it to get the President of the Ukraine to provide dirt on Trump's political foe. White House officials listening in recognize this & try to bury the transcript.

This would be Watergate & Nixon swas the one who broke in. You have the crime & then the cover up. Trump is in both.

The only questions left are these:

1) When will Trump resign

2) When will Republicans in the Senate tell trump to resign or they will vote for conviction

3) Besides Pence & Barr, who else will be tied into this conspiracy

4) Will Republicans running for Congress rreach that tipping point to cut bait?

There is a fifth question left,

Who is looking at that secret server to find all the documents that trump had put there that have no business being there.

We know they've been burying transcripts of conversations with putin and mbs in that secret server. At the very least, I want to know when those transcripts will be found and put where they belong. On the public server. If I had my way all those conversations would be published to the public word for word with no redactions.

That's just insane....You're saying that a President can't have confidential conversations with other world leaders...
They are so blinded by blood lust that they don't care.

Pelosi changed the rules to allow her to be able to draft articles of impeachment without any input from the minority. She made these changes as soon as she was sworn in. This has always been the plan, it's just they thought Muller's report would give them what they needed, this Ukraine thing is an insurance policy on the insurance policy on the insurance policy. Now was always the date, followed immediately by a two week recess so that her caucus could go home and sell impeachment to their districts.

This Congress never had any plans, other than to impeach Trump, and, they have done nothing else.
How Long Can Dems Live on a Diet of Nothingburgers? “This flailing has to be exhausting for them but, bless their little hearts, they don’t seem to be wearing down yet.”
Nothing urger:

Trump withholds military funding from the Ukraine and uses it to get the President of the Ukraine to provide dirt on Trump's political foe. White House officials listening in recognize this & try to bury the transcript.

This would be Watergate & Nixon swas the one who broke in. You have the crime & then the cover up. Trump is in both.

The only questions left are these:

1) When will Trump resign

2) When will Republicans in the Senate tell trump to resign or they will vote for conviction

3) Besides Pence & Barr, who else will be tied into this conspiracy

4) Will Republicans running for Congress rreach that tipping point to cut bait?

There is a fifth question left,

Who is looking at that secret server to find all the documents that trump had put there that have no business being there.

We know they've been burying transcripts of conversations with putin and mbs in that secret server. At the very least, I want to know when those transcripts will be found and put where they belong. On the public server. If I had my way all those conversations would be published to the public word for word with no redactions.

That's just insane....You're saying that a President can't have confidential conversations with other world leaders...
They are so blinded by blood lust that they don't care.

Pelosi changed the rules to allow her to be able to draft articles of impeachment without any input from the minority. She made these changes as soon as she was sworn in. This has always been the plan, it's just they thought Muller's report would give them what they needed, this Ukraine thing is an insurance policy on the insurance policy on the insurance policy. Now was always the date, followed immediately by a two week recess so that her caucus could go home and sell impeachment to their districts.

Although, I really think that they could care less what their constituants really want...They are on a mission.
How Long Can Dems Live on a Diet of Nothingburgers? “This flailing has to be exhausting for them but, bless their little hearts, they don’t seem to be wearing down yet.”
Nothing urger:

Trump withholds military funding from the Ukraine and uses it to get the President of the Ukraine to provide dirt on Trump's political foe. White House officials listening in recognize this & try to bury the transcript.

This would be Watergate & Nixon swas the one who broke in. You have the crime & then the cover up. Trump is in both.

The only questions left are these:

1) When will Trump resign

2) When will Republicans in the Senate tell trump to resign or they will vote for conviction

3) Besides Pence & Barr, who else will be tied into this conspiracy

4) Will Republicans running for Congress rreach that tipping point to cut bait?

There is a fifth question left,

Who is looking at that secret server to find all the documents that trump had put there that have no business being there.

We know they've been burying transcripts of conversations with putin and mbs in that secret server. At the very least, I want to know when those transcripts will be found and put where they belong. On the public server. If I had my way all those conversations would be published to the public word for word with no redactions.

That's just insane....You're saying that a President can't have confidential conversations with other world leaders...
They are so blinded by blood lust that they don't care.

Pelosi changed the rules to allow her to be able to draft articles of impeachment without any input from the minority. She made these changes as soon as she was sworn in. This has always been the plan, it's just they thought Muller's report would give them what they needed, this Ukraine thing is an insurance policy on the insurance policy on the insurance policy. Now was always the date, followed immediately by a two week recess so that her caucus could go home and sell impeachment to their districts.

Although, I really think that they could care less what their constituants really want...They are on a mission.
She has 31 from red districts. She needs 16 of them to pass her articles of impeachment. She can save the 15 most vulnerable from having to vote yes on impeachment.
Nothing urger:

Trump withholds military funding from the Ukraine and uses it to get the President of the Ukraine to provide dirt on Trump's political foe. White House officials listening in recognize this & try to bury the transcript.

This would be Watergate & Nixon swas the one who broke in. You have the crime & then the cover up. Trump is in both.

The only questions left are these:

1) When will Trump resign

2) When will Republicans in the Senate tell trump to resign or they will vote for conviction

3) Besides Pence & Barr, who else will be tied into this conspiracy

4) Will Republicans running for Congress rreach that tipping point to cut bait?

There is a fifth question left,

Who is looking at that secret server to find all the documents that trump had put there that have no business being there.

We know they've been burying transcripts of conversations with putin and mbs in that secret server. At the very least, I want to know when those transcripts will be found and put where they belong. On the public server. If I had my way all those conversations would be published to the public word for word with no redactions.

That's just insane....You're saying that a President can't have confidential conversations with other world leaders...
They are so blinded by blood lust that they don't care.

Pelosi changed the rules to allow her to be able to draft articles of impeachment without any input from the minority. She made these changes as soon as she was sworn in. This has always been the plan, it's just they thought Muller's report would give them what they needed, this Ukraine thing is an insurance policy on the insurance policy on the insurance policy. Now was always the date, followed immediately by a two week recess so that her caucus could go home and sell impeachment to their districts.

Although, I really think that they could care less what their constituants really want...They are on a mission.
She has 31 from red districts. She needs 16 of them to pass her articles of impeachment. She can save the 15 most vulnerable from having to vote yes on impeachment.

It's a real game isn't it? Look, as long as the Rep's can hold the line on voting no, which I am skeptical of, it would look like the partisan shit show it is, and Demo's would pay a price for this crap....But, should the heat prove too much, and spineless Rep's vote along with, then it becomes harder, and harder for the truth to come out on this....
There is a fifth question left,

Who is looking at that secret server to find all the documents that trump had put there that have no business being there.

We know they've been burying transcripts of conversations with putin and mbs in that secret server. At the very least, I want to know when those transcripts will be found and put where they belong. On the public server. If I had my way all those conversations would be published to the public word for word with no redactions.

That's just insane....You're saying that a President can't have confidential conversations with other world leaders...
They are so blinded by blood lust that they don't care.

Pelosi changed the rules to allow her to be able to draft articles of impeachment without any input from the minority. She made these changes as soon as she was sworn in. This has always been the plan, it's just they thought Muller's report would give them what they needed, this Ukraine thing is an insurance policy on the insurance policy on the insurance policy. Now was always the date, followed immediately by a two week recess so that her caucus could go home and sell impeachment to their districts.

Although, I really think that they could care less what their constituants really want...They are on a mission.
She has 31 from red districts. She needs 16 of them to pass her articles of impeachment. She can save the 15 most vulnerable from having to vote yes on impeachment.

It's a real game isn't it? Look, as long as the Rep's can hold the line on voting no, which I am skeptical of, it would look like the partisan shit show it is, and Demo's would pay a price for this crap....But, should the heat prove too much, and spineless Rep's vote along with, then it becomes harder, and harder for the truth to come out on this....
We want the truth.

Pelosi changed the rules as soon as she regained power, so that the GOP would be excluded from the process. She was always going to make her declaration right before the 2 week recess so that her members could make the impeachment case to their constituents. These investigations are attempts to delegitimize the President and his Administration, and I think most of us see through it.

The impeachment push is the same discredited scam that the Democrats had pushed on the country at the cost of millions of dollars, years of legislative stalemate, ruined lives and fake news. It’s like getting a scam email from a Nigerian prince, turning him down, and then receiving another email from the same address, except he now claims to be a Zambian prince, but still wants you to cash the same check.

In April, the Mueller report was released. And it was a big, giant nothing. Democrats tried to play it for all they could. At the end of May, Mueller officially called it quits. At the end of July, despairing House Dems dragged him in to testify. Mueller had more trouble remembering things than Joe Biden.

The day after Mueller killed the Russia smear dead, President Trump spoke to President Volodymyr Zelensky of the Ukraine. And the Democrats immediately slotted it in as the new Steele Report. A few weeks into August, the complaint was filed. And by August’s end, it was passed along to Rep. Adam Schiff through the connivance of an intel oversight official who made sure it ended up in Adam’s sweaty hands.

That’s the same scheme which took a product of the Clinton campaign and routed it through the DOJ, FBI and intelligence agencies in order to give the Steele Report a veneer of official legitimacy. This time around the key players fixed the problem that came up when the Steele Report was traced to its source, who turned out to not only be an FBI informant, but was being paid to smear Trump by Hillary Clinton.

There’s a treaty signed by then President Bill Clinton and ratified on October 18, 2000 which provides that the U.S. and Ukraine are to mutually assist one another in “the prosecution of a wide variety of crimes” and includes “taking of testimony or statements of persons; providing documents, records and articles of evidence; serving documents; locating or identifying persons; transferring persons in custody for testimony or other purposes; executing requests for searched and seizures; assisting in proceedings related to restraint confiscation,, forfeiture of assets, restitution, and collection of fines; and any other form of assistance not prohibited by the laws of the requested state.”

In accord with this provision, Department of Justice attorney John Durham is exploring the role Ukraine (and other countries) played in the counterintelligence investigation directed at the Trump campaign during the 2016 election. At the same time, Rudy Giuliani, at the request of the State Department, is working with the recently elected new Ukrainian government on how to proceed.

Joe Biden’s boasting, on video, that he extorted Ukrainian officials warning that he’d hold up a billion-dollar transfer to them if they did not fire the prosecutor looking into the payoffs to Hunter, then on the Board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy firm registered in Cyprus.

The fired prosecutor has written a notarized statement dated September 4 of this year stating that he was fired because of Joe Biden’s demand that he be removed:



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