Gingrich's dishonest claim about Dodd-Frank debunked! LMAO!

Lets say that Barney Franks did fuck up, what does that have to do with Newt Gingrich making a false claim? You fucktards are trying to distract.

If barney did "fuck up" then was Gingrich making a false claim?

Agan you fucktard, Gingrich said that the Dodd-Frank bill is destroying community banks, that data show this claim to be false, ad-hominem attacks on Frank doesn't change the fact that Gingrich's claim being false. Dickhead.

Our Ruling:

Gingrich said that community banks "are being destroyed by Dodd-Frank." But as a whole they are healthier than a year ago. No doubt the improvement in the economy has helped, but community banks also have benefited from a reduction in fees paid to the FDIC as a result of Dodd-Frank.
From the point of view of community banks, Dodd-Frank is imperfect and still unfolding. But it has exempted community banks from many new regulations. That said, the shape of the rules to come will make a big difference in its final impact on them.

To say that this industry is being destroyed by Dodd-Frank is untrue and unlikely to be true in the future if regulators continue to respond to the concerns of small banks. We rate Gingrich's statement False.
Trying to distract and argue about Frank doesn't change the fact that I stomped a mudhole in some rightwing ass in this thread.
What the fuck are you talking about? This thread is about Gingrich's lying claim about the Dodd-Frank bill you fucktard, I'm not going to follow your ad-hominem "but the Democrats did that so you're a hypocrite" bullshit. Nothing changes the fact that Gingrich lied even if you proved that Frank did fuck up.

What am I talking about? I talking about how hypocritical you are. You are bashing Newt for doing the same damn thing Dodd and frank have done. I'm calling all three liars.

Arguing against false claims are you? LMAO, is this the standard right wing ploy to avoid acknowledging their politicians fuck ups, accusing others of giving the opposing side a pass when they made no such claim? Even if I gave Frank a pass, NEWT STILL LIED and HIS CLAIM IS FALSE.

All three are liars but your defending two of them which makes you a hypocrite. How many times must this be repeated newt is a liar, and so is franks and Dodd.
What am I talking about? I talking about how hypocritical you are. You are bashing Newt for doing the same damn thing Dodd and frank have done. I'm calling all three liars.

Arguing against false claims are you? LMAO, is this the standard right wing ploy to avoid acknowledging their politicians fuck ups, accusing others of giving the opposing side a pass when they made no such claim? Even if I gave Frank a pass, NEWT STILL LIED and HIS CLAIM IS FALSE.

All three are liars but your defending two of them which makes you a hypocrite. How many times must this be repeated newt is a liar, and so is franks and Dodd.

I didn't defend shit, what did I defend? My point was that Gingrich lied you little bitch, I never defended Barney Frank, the point is that Gingrich said the Dodd-Frank BILL is destroying community banks, a claim that is false. Whether I acknowledge Frank as a liar is irrelevant, but since you admitted Gingrich lied, my work is done.
Lets say that Barney Franks did fuck up, what does that have to do with Newt Gingrich making a false claim? You fucktards are trying to distract.

If barney did "fuck up" then was Gingrich making a false claim?

Agan you fucktard, Gingrich said that the Dodd-Frank bill is destroying community banks, that data show this claim to be false, ad-hominem attacks on Frank doesn't change the fact that Gingrich's claim being false. Dickhead.

Is that your moronic way of saying "No"? Here is some stuff from the dodd/frank bill to look at:

Community Banks' Savings From the Broadened Assessment Base May Be Short-lived:
By expanding the assessment base (from total domestic deposits to total assets less tangible capital) the cost of non-deposit funding rises. The banks that face the higher assessments will change their business plans, which will inevitably lead to a shift away from non-deposit funding sources toward deposit funding. Competition for deposits is likely to intensify, pushing deposit rates higher. Should that competition lead to a mere 5 basis point rise in deposit rates, the “static” savings for the typical community bank disappears. It also affects the availability and pricing of home loan bank advances as these are now subject to FDIC assessments. Thus, while the appeal of this change is understandable, the unintended consequences have the very real potential to lower or even eliminate the promised savings.

No Limit on Size of FDIC Insurance Fund:
The Dodd-Frank Act eliminates dividends whenever the deposit insurance fund (DIF) exceeds 1.35% of insured deposits and eliminates the hard cap (of 1.50%) on the size of the fund. It also gives the FDIC unrestricted authority to set a new “designated reserve ratio” or long-term target ratio above 1.50%. The bill raises the minimum level for the DIF to 1.35%, and does benefit banks under $10 billion by requiring larger banks to make up the gap from the old minimum of 1.15% to the new minimum of 1.35%. Smaller banks would continue to pay premiums, however, how this provision will be implemented is unknown. All banks would be required to keep the fund above the minimum and at the new designated reserve ratio wherever that is set.

Additional Cost of Higher Insurance Limits:
The Dodd-Frank Act does increase permanently the insurance limit to $250,000 and does extend the Transaction Account Guarantee (TAG) for two years. The permanent increase in the $250,000 coverage level, however, means that the reserve ratio of the fund (which is equal to the fund divided by insured deposits) is lower. Thus, the cost to attain even the old minimum of 1.15% is greater and the pace of the recapitalization is longer (unless the FDIC raises all premium rates to maintain the same schedule). The Congressional Budget Office “scored” this increase in premium income at $8.8 billion. How the FDIC will price the TAG program (which protects depositors in all institutions) is also unknown.


Our Ruling:

Gingrich said that community banks "are being destroyed by Dodd-Frank." But as a whole they are healthier than a year ago. No doubt the improvement in the economy has helped, but community banks also have benefited from a reduction in fees paid to the FDIC as a result of Dodd-Frank.
From the point of view of community banks, Dodd-Frank is imperfect and still unfolding. But it has exempted community banks from many new regulations. That said, the shape of the rules to come will make a big difference in its final impact on them.

To say that this industry is being destroyed by Dodd-Frank is untrue and unlikely to be true in the future if regulators continue to respond to the concerns of small banks. We rate Gingrich's statement False.

Since you want admit to their lies here you go
[ame=]Chris Dodd Admits To Adding Loophole In Stimulus That Allowed A.I.G. Bonuses - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Barney Frank Caught Lying About Fannie Mae - YouTube[/ame]
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I whipped that ass, these fucktards are in full attack mode on Frank and Dodd and will not admit Gingrich lied.
I didn't link the huffPuff you dumb fuck, now fuck you. Newt didn't make an opinion he made a statement as though it were a fact, fuck off seriously, can't you fucking hear and read?

I hear and read quite well thanks. You should do some research dude.

The post you put up was Newt OPINION that Dodd/Frank is destroying small banks.

OPINION to which he is entitled.

Will be interesting to see if his OPINION is a fact.

Again. Fuck off nimwitt.

He stated it as a fact dumbass, even the factcheckers at politifact saw that, fuck off shithead, he didn't state an opinion.

So in your opinion every statement made is a fact??

Or does that apply only to Reps??

I make statements all the time as I'm sure you do. Nice to know that all statements out there are indeed facts. LMAO Your such a biased idiot.
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I whipped that ass, these fucktards are in full attack mode on Frank and Dodd and will not admit Gingrich lied.
When I say three are liars am I not saying that newt is also a liar? Hows that pawnage taste?
I hear and read quite well thanks. You should do some research dude.

The post you put up was Newt OPINION that Dodd/Frank is destroying small banks.

OPINION to which he is entitled.

Will be interesting to see if his OPINION is a fact.

Again. Fuck off nimwitt.

He stated it as a fact dumbass, even the factcheckers at politifact saw that, fuck off shithead, he didn't state an opinion.

So in your opinion every statement made is a fact??

Or does that apply only to Reps??

I make statements all the time as I'm sure you do. Nice to know that all statements out there are indeed facts. LMAO Your such a biased idiot.

For goodness sake, stop tapdancing to save face for Newt:

GOP hopeful Newt Gingrich offered himself as their defender when he spoke to supporters at campaign headquarters in Manchester, N.H. "Community banks are 12 percent of the banks right now and 40 percent of the loans to small business," Gingrich said. "And they are being destroyed by Dodd-Frank."

He didn't say that he thought/felt/opined that Community banks are being destroyed Dodd Frank, he said they *ARE* being destroyed by Dodd Frank, and no one on his staff had any data support it so they threw out that "How do you source an opinion" BS to save his face.

You're being deliberately dishonest to the point of intellectual absurdity.
Dodd and Frank the two that prevented 3 attempts under Bush to regulate the Housing market. Frank was on National TV just a month or two before the collapse INSISTING that not only was the Housing market sound it was safe and the only danger to it was more regulation.

Fallacy: Red Herring

Also Known as: Smoke Screen, Wild Goose Chase.

Description of Red Herring

A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. The basic idea is to "win" an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic. This sort of "reasoning" has the following form:

Topic A is under discussion.
Topic B is introduced under the guise of being relevant to topic A (when topic B is actually not relevant to topic A).
Topic A is abandoned.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because merely changing the topic of discussion hardly counts as an argument against a claim.
Again. His opinioin.

Don't think Newt needs anyone to save his face. He's pretty capable in that regard.

In fact he's pretty capable in any regard.

Just my opinion. LOL
Dodd and Frank the two that prevented 3 attempts under Bush to regulate the Housing market. Frank was on National TV just a month or two before the collapse INSISTING that not only was the Housing market sound it was safe and the only danger to it was more regulation.

More rightwing bullshit you've culled from your dumbass pundits.

You are the ignorant one. Are you claiming that Bush did not try twice to regulate the Housing market? That McCain did not try once to Regulate the Housing Market? That Frank lead the resistance in the House and Dodd in the Senate? That they succeeded all three times killing the bills?

Are you denying that Frank was on National TV just before the bubble broke claiming the Housing market was safe and sound and was only endangered by more regulations?

Be specific.

You are the ignorant one, you are pretending that your little red herring has some relevance to the topic when it has none, stupid retard:

Fallacy: Red Herring

Also Known as: Smoke Screen, Wild Goose Chase.

Description of Red Herring

A Red Herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. The basic idea is to "win" an argument by leading attention away from the argument and to another topic. This sort of "reasoning" has the following form:

Topic A is under discussion.
Topic B is introduced under the guise of being relevant to topic A (when topic B is actually not relevant to topic A).
Topic A is abandoned.
This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because merely changing the topic of discussion hardly counts as an argument against a claim.
Again. His opinioin.

Don't think Newt needs anyone to save his face. He's pretty capable in that regard.

In fact he's pretty capable in any regard.

Just my opinion. LOL

Again, he stated as a fact, not as an opinion, being stubbornly dishonest isn't going to change this fact and not only this, the data proved the exact opposite of what he said, you look really retarded trying to defend the indefensible.
Again. His opinioin.

Don't think Newt needs anyone to save his face. He's pretty capable in that regard.

In fact he's pretty capable in any regard.

Just my opinion. LOL

Like when he called Ryan's plan: "right-wing, social engineering"? :eusa_eh: :clap2:
Dodd and Frank the two that prevented 3 attempts under Bush to regulate the Housing market. Frank was on National TV just a month or two before the collapse INSISTING that not only was the Housing market sound it was safe and the only danger to it was more regulation.

i have asked this before and no one has been able to provide an answer.....

how did dodd and frank prevent 3 attempts under bush to regulate the housing market?

link the bills that were the attempts and tell us how dodd and frank stopped them.......

of course, you cant provide any evidence other than a couple links to youtube over house hearings about a bill that passed the house with massive dem support only to die in a committee.........
Dodd/Frank is constantly being brought out as some sort of boogey man that is the center of all economic ills. I saw a cspan round table about the economy and seated on it was one republican senator who seemed, for the most part, to be pretty knowledgable. He brought up Dodd/Frank and it was very quickly swatted away. The guy didn't even bother to defend his point. But it was almost a reflex that he brought it up.

You know that Chris Dodd was the guy who pre-crash stuck a midnight provision into a bill giving Insurance companies a government guarantee, right?

If you're wondering why AIG got bailed out, ask Dodd
So barney lies and get's a pass in your opinion? Just shows you how hypocritical you are

What the fuck are you talking about? This thread is about Gingrich's lying claim about the Dodd-Frank bill you fucktard, I'm not going to follow your ad-hominem "but the Democrats did that so you're a hypocrite" bullshit. Nothing changes the fact that Gingrich lied even if you proved that Frank did fuck up.

What am I talking about? I talking about how hypocritical you are. You are bashing Newt for doing the same damn thing Dodd and frank have done. I'm calling all three liars.

and which of those three are trying to become president?
What the fuck are you talking about? This thread is about Gingrich's lying claim about the Dodd-Frank bill you fucktard, I'm not going to follow your ad-hominem "but the Democrats did that so you're a hypocrite" bullshit. Nothing changes the fact that Gingrich lied even if you proved that Frank did fuck up.

What am I talking about? I talking about how hypocritical you are. You are bashing Newt for doing the same damn thing Dodd and frank have done. I'm calling all three liars.

and which of those three are trying to become president?

A liar is a liar, or does running for president somehow change things?

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