Ginsburg and Civil War

I think it's fairly inarguable that they're usually the ones to break new ground in this area. Doesn't mean I'm not still disgusted when the right decides to rush enthusiastically after them.

I don't see much of the Right enthusiastically going after them.
But then I live in Liberal land so that might be why.

I hear about some ignorant extremist far right wing neo-nazis now and then. But it's not common.
when a friend of mine on the left goes into the nazi/racist crap - i just back up and ask for examples and just keep asking questions. in time they usually realize they're being dramafied and admit it.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
The followup question after reading the OP would be, what would the progressive left fight this war with? It seems more than a few of them abhor guns, are somehow scared of them it seems... I duno?

You mean like the Bernie Sanders groupie that tried to assassinate the entire GOP with a gun?

Now could you picture a Trump groupie trying to do that to the entire DNC Congress? The press would never let it die as a witch hunt would ensue to snuff out every Trump supporter on the face of the earth.
Are you referring to the person throwing the chicken feces?
The Red Hen thing is not common. It's a symptom of many of the Right FINALLY being fed up with the Maxine waters and all the other leftist extremists.

If the expectation is that one group has eternal rights to step on, harass and intimidate the other group, and that the target group will ALWAYS just passively shrug it off politely......

That's not reasonable
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Seems like that's what the right wants. How foolish ...

I'll tell you what; we might be in for a good ol' fashioned revolution, if the wealth disparity continues the way it has been.
/——/ You Progs want to bring wealth equality where everyone is equally poor and miserable except for the ruling class of course.
If ginsberg goes while Trump is President......Trump and his family had better be well protected, the left is going to go insane.....

They are already insane. Did you hear Mad Max saying people should always harass Trump’s people and supporters? The woman is a banana peel from slipping into the psycho ward.

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We need to encourage Democrats to nominate her. She's the perfect Democrat; the gimps are already going to split between the 'Socialist' cranks and the mentally ill degenerates and assorted race warriors in their latino and black demographics.

I think the problem is the Democrats can't shut her up. Just think what would happen if some kook seriously hurt or killed somebody based on her cue just before the midterms. The Democrats couldn't afford anything like that even with the MSM making it a one day story.

So where was your outrage when Trump was advocating his followers to violence and offering to pay their legal bills.

Laughing at home. Trump responded to trouble, he didn't create the problem. We finally have a leader that hits back. That is a good trait in a President.

The Democratic Party traitors want to portray self-defense against their hired street thugs as 'advocating violence', same as they want to shut down law enforcement arresting violent black and latino criminals. They especially hate seeing white proles defending themselves, hence their obsession with the NRA, despite teh NRA having literally no part in anything but lobbying.
I think it's fairly inarguable that they're usually the ones to break new ground in this area. Doesn't mean I'm not still disgusted when the right decides to rush enthusiastically after them.

I don't see much of the Right enthusiastically going after them.
But then I live in Liberal land so that might be why.

I hear about some ignorant extremist far right wing neo-nazis now and then. But it's not common.

OTOH, I hear about violence in hard core liberal areas every day (and they usually blame guns and not their own policies and actions). I hear about people like Maxine Waters often. I hear about colleges denying one conservative group after another constantly.

But I do think more people on the Right are up to there with it so we may be entering a new phase in America. The end of the silent, passive Right. maybe

Trust me, our society in general has gone waaaayyyyy over the line into crass, trashy, self-absorbed behavior. People who are putatively on the right are far too willing to say, "Well, the left did it, so we should show them what it feels like!" without ever once asking themselves if it's a good idea.
Are you referring to the person throwing the chicken feces?
The Red Hen thing is not common. It's a symptom of many of the Right FINALLY being fed up with the Maxine waters and all the other leftist extremists.

If the expectation is that one group has eternal rights to step on, harass and intimidate the other group, and that the target group will ALWAYS just passively shrug

Not just the one guy who threw chicken feces.

Red Hen protests lead to street closure, arrest in Lexington, Virginia

Red Hen Yelp listing hit by protests

This is what happens when your restaurant is also called Red Hen
Ginsburg and Civil War

I don't know what it will take for the left to ratchet down the vitriol over Trump. I mean, he's making America great again all over the place, what the hell else do they want :dunno:

That's what's eating them alive. We put in this guy and it was supposed to be a big joke until he tanked the economy. America would be sorry they told is. The White House is not the place for amateur hour.

Then he told Iran to shove their agreement, he told the UN that the Paris Accord was off the table, he told little Kimmy that he better find bigger rockets if he wants to challenge us, he told the MSM they are nothing but a bunch of liars, he told schools girls use girls restrooms only and boys use the boys, he told the illegals to stay away from our borders.

With the removal of government regulations and the decrease in taxes, our businesses have never done better, and it's just killing them; the Democrats and the right-wing Establishment. Trump proved that you don't need to be a Harvard graduate to run a country. You don't need to be a professional politician or rub elbows with the right people. All you really have to do is listen to us and use pragmatism to make decisions.
The first and primary reason why the workers never gain in wealth is that they don't know the difference between an apppreciable investment and a non-appreciable investment.

Worker spend all their money on stuff that loses all all it's value immediately after purchase, they don't know how to make their money make money for them...they are NOT capitalists.

You don't have to be a capitalist, you just have to have the desire.

Ignorance doesn't work in our modern era. You can learn anything on this internet if you really want to know about something, and investing isn't all that hard.

With just high school, I invested in real estate and became a landlord. No special trick to it, just a willingness to do a lot of work when you come home from work. I spent several years in the commodities market. I lost in the end, but I learned a hell of a lot reading and trading commodities. If I could get caught up on some bills, I just may do it again. It was the most exciting thing I've ever done.

My IRA is in a managed account which (of course) I keep an eye on.

The second is that they refuse to demand their fair share - they simply accept salaries and wages that keep them just at their living level. Most don't realize that the real value of their labor is far above what they are being paid.

No, the value of your labor is what your employer could pay somebody else to do the same job with the same quality as you do. That's it.

If you operate a drill press for 20 bucks an hour, demand a raise, and it's refused, you can find another job that pays more. If your employer can find another press operator for the same money, then he was paying you what your labor was worth. If he can find somebody to do the job cheaper, then you were being overpaid. If he has to offer 22 bucks an hour before he finds somebody, then you were correct, you were being underpaid.

You can request a raise, but you can't demand it.

The fault of the wealthy is based on their egos - they refuse to admit that their wealth is entirely dependant on the soceity in which they live and the laws of the government. If they actually unstood economis they'd throw their money at the government. They'd do everything in their power to keep our soceity fair and well balanced.

They do understand economics which is why they don't throw their money at the government. All government will do is waste it.

Society didn't create wealthy people, the people themselves did. They took their money, invested it, and with some luck and skill, became wealthy.

They're nothing wrong with wanting material wealth, however being a 'materialist' really implies a lack of any other values. It is a sickness. Most wealthy people I've known are unhappy and frustrated. They continually think that they will be happier if they had more money, but when they get more money they are not happy.

They need to expand their conscience - to care about more than just their wallets.

For people with money, it's an obsession like anything else. The amount could be one million or a hundred, it doesn't matter. If they had a hundred million, their obsession would make them want 101 million and so on.

Because it's an obsession, they always strive to get more even though they will never use a tenth of it. Money to them is a measure of success and skill. It's really no different than those who are obsessed with early model automobiles, sports, technology....... some guys are obsessed with women and can't get enough of them.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Love how your avi shows that liberals are violent people.
In both your instances, you are citing SELF DEFENSE on the part of Trump.

Read your own examples again more carefully.

There is a BIG DIFFERENCE between Self Defensive moves vs OFFENSIVE moves which Maxine Waters is advocating.



To make it any clearer, it'd have to be written in water.

Bullshit on self defense. No one was attacking Trump on several of those occassions. Turning his followers anger onto the press box at rallies? Keep up the double standard.

He never told anybody to attack people in the media. He did however tell his audience to pounce on those who came to his rallies to disrupt the gathering. It's one thing to be a troublemaker and perhaps have one or two people get into a fight. It's another thing when you are causing a problem and the speaker tells his entire audience to beat the hell out of you. It really makes you think twice if you want to continue your troublemaking.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Love how your avi shows that liberals are violent people.

It shows them I believe in self-defense in our country. Having, holding or posting an avatar of a person holding a gun is not violent. Attacking a police officer or burning down a police car is violence.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
In other words, "brown people are the enemy", then "anyone who doesnt fall in line with that are also the enemy".

This is exactly what Putin wants. A divided USA is a weaker USA.

Why are you people so obsessed with Putin?
They are already insane. Did you hear Mad Max saying people should always harass Trump’s people and supporters? The woman is a banana peel from slipping into the psycho ward.

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We need to encourage Democrats to nominate her. She's the perfect Democrat; the gimps are already going to split between the 'Socialist' cranks and the mentally ill degenerates and assorted race warriors in their latino and black demographics.

I think the problem is the Democrats can't shut her up. Just think what would happen if some kook seriously hurt or killed somebody based on her cue just before the midterms. The Democrats couldn't afford anything like that even with the MSM making it a one day story.

So where was your outrage when Trump was advocating his followers to violence and offering to pay their legal bills.

Laughing at home. Trump responded to trouble, he didn't create the problem. We finally have a leader that hits back. That is a good trait in a President.

The Democratic Party traitors want to portray self-defense against their hired street thugs as 'advocating violence', same as they want to shut down law enforcement arresting violent black and latino criminals. They especially hate seeing white proles defending themselves, hence their obsession with the NRA, despite teh NRA having literally no part in anything but lobbying.

The left are almost like robots. They all seem to think the same way.

They have this thing about always protecting troublemakers and attacking people who respond to troublemakers.

Troublemakers came to Trump rallies to start problems. Blame Trump for getting them to stop. A gold star father heavily criticized Trump, and when Trump responded, he was the bad guy. A police officer shoots a person in self-defense, the left never blames the suspect, they always blame the cop. People come here with their children trying to sneak into the country, and the left doesn't blame them, they blame us for removing their children from them while they're being processed.

They never blame the people who start the trouble in the first place.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
In other words, "brown people are the enemy", then "anyone who doesnt fall in line with that are also the enemy".

This is exactly what Putin wants. A divided USA is a weaker USA.

Why are you people so obsessed with Putin?
Its Trump himself who is obsessed with Putin, going to meet him in fFnland. Congratulating him on election win, after being told not to.

Trump claiming he got Korea idea from Putin.

Bolton doing 180 on Russia after meeting Putin.

Solving Syria crisis by asking Putin.

Clearly brown-nosing Putin by asking him to be readmitted into G7.

Doing Putin's work by ruining our alliances.
lol Obama and Hillary loves them some Putin. Quit pretending to be pro-American, we know you Democrats are traitor vermin and deviants, and no amount of play acting is going to work to convince anybody otherwise.
I really don't see the gutless, nutless LibTards launching a war... they would probably throw Pu$$y-Hat$ at their opposites.
I really don't see the gutless, nutless LibTards launching a war... they would probably throw Pu$$y-Hat$ at their opposites.

Here's the problem: we have very dry kindling wood that can start on fire with the slightest ignition. This is being setup by your's truly, the MSM. They are riling their people up now and working them into a frenzy.

Here is Meathead lying about Trump and past Republican administrations. If you watch the video, take note on how he says "We Can't Allow." What does this tell us? Something I've said about liberals for a long time: they believe they own this country. Laws don't mean shit, and the Constitution means even less. It's what they believe and what they feel that counts and that's what America should act on.

This dictator mentality and that of their followers are setting up a possible violent situation. And like I said, the next straw may break the camels back be it Ginsburg or some other major Republican victory. These people are promoting it, hoping it happens, and doing whatever they can to start this civil war. I'm sure you've heard or seen this video, but if not, you have to listen to at least the first couple of minutes:

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We need to encourage Democrats to nominate her. She's the perfect Democrat; the gimps are already going to split between the 'Socialist' cranks and the mentally ill degenerates and assorted race warriors in their latino and black demographics.

I think the problem is the Democrats can't shut her up. Just think what would happen if some kook seriously hurt or killed somebody based on her cue just before the midterms. The Democrats couldn't afford anything like that even with the MSM making it a one day story.

So where was your outrage when Trump was advocating his followers to violence and offering to pay their legal bills.

Laughing at home. Trump responded to trouble, he didn't create the problem. We finally have a leader that hits back. That is a good trait in a President.

The Democratic Party traitors want to portray self-defense against their hired street thugs as 'advocating violence', same as they want to shut down law enforcement arresting violent black and latino criminals. They especially hate seeing white proles defending themselves, hence their obsession with the NRA, despite teh NRA having literally no part in anything but lobbying.

The left are almost like robots. They all seem to think the same way.

They have this thing about always protecting troublemakers and attacking people who respond to troublemakers.

Troublemakers came to Trump rallies to start problems. Blame Trump for getting them to stop. A gold star father heavily criticized Trump, and when Trump responded, he was the bad guy. A police officer shoots a person in self-defense, the left never blames the suspect, they always blame the cop. People come here with their children trying to sneak into the country, and the left doesn't blame them, they blame us for removing their children from them while they're being processed.

They never blame the people who start the trouble in the first place.

A man is seeing his religion demonized and his patriotism questioned on account of his religion. He's an American, who loves his country and who lost a son defending his country. He has earned the right to be critical.

Compare Trump's horrible attack on a civilian to the conduct of Bush towards Cindy Sheehan (who lost a son in war) and Obama, to another angry anguished mother who lost a son in a war and explain to me exactly how you think it's ok for Trump to attack in that way.

It is this type of shit that makes me despise Trump supporters. Trump is in a position of POWER. He is the most POWERFUL person in the world right now. And what does he do? Attack anyone who has the audacity (yes audacity) to criticize him, no matter how small the slight. That is something you just don't get at all.

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