Ginsburg and Civil War

You misunderstand. I think both sides are becoming unhinged and it's only going to escalate. The President exhorting his followers to violent actions. Maxine Waters calling for harrassment of officials and their families in public spaces. The president has now said "be careful what you wish for" to Maxine Waters. When it's coming from politicians and the president himself - it is unacceptable.

I think you're delusional.

Ok, fine...list the Colleges and Universities where Conservatives have shut down Leftist (or even called for their silencing)......

You can't. And even if you could conjure up one or two pseudo examples, the number of times the Left has done it is overwhelming comparatively speaking.

It's obvious you are a flaming hypocrite. But let me say this.....if you people expect you can just continue to attack Conservatives and push them around and bully them to no end......guess again. EVENTUALLY they sure as hell are gonna push back.

1. list the blah blah blah - has nothing to do with this argument you're just throwing shit to see what sticks

2. Are threats or exhortions to followers commit to violence acceptable? yes or no.
Bullshit on self defense. No one was attacking Trump on several of those occassions. Turning his followers anger onto the press box at rallies? Keep up the double standard.

Bullshit on yourself. How many conservatives attacked Obama in 8 years? <<<crickets>>>>
How many Leftists have already attacked Trump or other Republicans?


Go to GOOGLE and type "Trump Attacked"..... VERY few if any results because the Left (GOOGLE) censors that. What you'll get is redirection and deflection.

NOW..go to DUCKDUCKGO and type the EXACT SAME thing......NOW you'll see that the Left is deceptive

ONE of your problems is you saturate yourself with Left Wing Propaganda instead of opening your eyes and thinking for yourself.

However, the fact that you did say "both sides" in a post above "might" be a first clue you are beginning to think about things differently. We'll see.
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Seems like that's what the right wants. How foolish ...

I'll tell you what; we might be in for a good ol' fashioned revolution, if the wealth disparity continues the way it has been.

And so what's the solution to stop this revolution, take money away from the rich and give it to the poor? People can do that today, it's just that they don't bother. Quit giving the rich your money. You, I and everybody here transfer our wealth to the top every single week.
They did that in Venezuela and now it won't be long until they are eating each other.

The one thing the left can never come to terms with is they helped create the 1%. They are instrumental in this so-called wealth transfer. They drive their cars and buy gasoline. They are on this internet and likely have a smart phone with unlimited data and call time. They stop at McDonald's, buy the latest Microsoft computer, pay cable or satellite fees, they buy overpriced coffee at Starbucks, they go to movie theaters and buy CD's of their favorite bands, they are no different than anybody else.

At least we on the right admit to transferring our wealth to the top because we get a return for our money. They have products or services to sell, and we willingly purchase them with no regrets. We don't give them our money, and then complain because they now have our money.

For however much I complain about the desparity in wealth, I agree - it only exist because working people are a bunch of dumb asses. I can't blame the wealthy for being smart. But I can blame them for not being smart enough to realize that they are leading us to a major socio-economic collapse. They got the power, they can change it - even if the workers are too dumb to do it themselves.

I don’t think it’s dumb to want things in life, especially things that make our lives more enjoyable and easier. Should one live like the Amish simply to avoid giving their money to the rich?

We have more wealthy people today than we did 50 years ago because we have more things to buy today, more people with advanced education, more people with access to investments, people winning the lotteries every day. I don’t see this as a bad thing.

Here is where your philosophy fails: if somebody has too little money, it’s not because somebody else has too much. That’s a liberal lie they have been promoting for decades to turn people against each other. If Buffett and Gates lost every dime they had today, it won’t change my life one iota come Monday.

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The first and primary reason why the workers never gain in wealth is that they don't know the difference between an apppreciable investment and a non-appreciable investment.

Worker spend all their money on stuff that loses all all it's value immediately after purchase, they don't know how to make their money make money for them...they are NOT capitalists.

The second is that they refuse to demand their fair share - they simply accept salaries and wages that keep them just at their living level. Most don't realize that the real value of their labor is far above what they are being paid.

The fault of the wealthy is based on their egos - they refuse to admit that their wealth is entirely dependant on the soceity in which they live and the laws of the government. If they actually unstood economis they'd throw their money at the government. They'd do everything in their power to keep our soceity fair and well balanced.

They're nothing wrong with wanting material wealth, however being a 'materialist' really implies a lack of any other values. It is a sickness. Most wealthy people I've known are unhappy and frustrated. They continually think that they will be happier if they had more money, but when they get more money they are not happy.

They need to expand their conscience - to care about more than just their wallets.
Mad Max advocated violence simply because people worked or supported a President. Trump advocated violence when people came to his events for the sole purpose of starting a problem and causing disruption, and Trump responded accordingly.

So yes, advocating violence against people that wish to disrupt your otherwise peaceful and cheerful event is something I support. If you don't want him to do such a thing, stay home and beat up your mother or something, but don't come to Trump rallies to start trouble with him.

I don't know how you can equate the two situations. It's apples and oranges.
Double standards.

Only if you're a dimwit . . . oh, wait. Forgot who I was talking to.

Just trust us, hon. There's a difference between punching someone who's behaving aggressively toward you, and harassing or assaulting someone just because you don't think people with their ideology deserve to live.
The only difference is... Trump and your double standard. Dont worry, I understand your lowbrow support of violence, it comes from the top down after all.

Man wearing 'MAGA' hat, Trump shirt attacks Hispanic subway rider: Police

both sides are at each others throats and life has never had to little meaning for us as a country. to pretend only the "other" side is violent or capable of it is completely self serving and why we're falling apart all around ourselves.

You misunderstand. I think both sides are becoming unhinged and it's only going to escalate. The President exhorting his followers to violent actions. Maxine Waters calling for harrassment of officials and their families in public spaces. The president has now said "be careful what you wish for" to Maxine Waters. When it's coming from politicians and the president himself - it is unacceptable.
from both sides. but we're sitting back here for the most part cheering it on. may as well lob some christians into a courtyard with a broken pitchfork and cracked helmet and tell them to fight for our entertainment.

are we not entertained?

both people are being idiots but both sides are excusing their own and very busy calling out the other. i see so very few in the middle doing what needs to be done screaming EVERYONE OUT OF THE POOL and make the kids cut it out.

we've let the hate get to the point where it's overriding common sense and we look for reasons to hate one side while we justify our own emotional ids demand to be "right".

no one is right. if we were headed in the right direction we'd not be killing each other for the simple fact we don't always agree.
Only if you're a dimwit . . . oh, wait. Forgot who I was talking to.

Just trust us, hon. There's a difference between punching someone who's behaving aggressively toward you, and harassing or assaulting someone just because you don't think people with their ideology deserve to live.
The only difference is... Trump and your double standard. Dont worry, I understand your lowbrow support of violence, it comes from the top down after all.

Man wearing 'MAGA' hat, Trump shirt attacks Hispanic subway rider: Police

both sides are at each others throats and life has never had to little meaning for us as a country. to pretend only the "other" side is violent or capable of it is completely self serving and why we're falling apart all around ourselves.

You misunderstand. I think both sides are becoming unhinged and it's only going to escalate. The President exhorting his followers to violent actions. Maxine Waters calling for harrassment of officials and their families in public spaces. The president has now said "be careful what you wish for" to Maxine Waters. When it's coming from politicians and the president himself - it is unacceptable.

She SHOULD be careful of what she wishes for. If you want to see that as some sort of physical threat, then that's just a reflection of your desire to project the worst onto those you don't like. It can be equally, and much more realistically, seen as a warning that your own tactics can come back and bite you in the ass in unexpected ways. Seems to me that Trump is correct, given that "Auntie Maxine" subsequently had to start canceling personal appearances because she was getting threats.

So death threats against her are ok in your book just like it's ok for Trump to threaten others with violence or target the media to his followers for violence.
while you're bitching at the other side, i don't see equal condemnation for your own sides guilt as well. we're never going to get past it as long as we're ok but you're not when we're both doing the same thing.

it boggles the mind to think people can't see something so obvious. we need to pull out of this emo-nosedive and act like adults again. i can't control what anyone does but me and so few take a direct approach in fixing things cause laying blame is easier.
Only if you're a dimwit . . . oh, wait. Forgot who I was talking to.

Just trust us, hon. There's a difference between punching someone who's behaving aggressively toward you, and harassing or assaulting someone just because you don't think people with their ideology deserve to live.
The only difference is... Trump and your double standard. Dont worry, I understand your lowbrow support of violence, it comes from the top down after all.

Man wearing 'MAGA' hat, Trump shirt attacks Hispanic subway rider: Police

both sides are at each others throats and life has never had to little meaning for us as a country. to pretend only the "other" side is violent or capable of it is completely self serving and why we're falling apart all around ourselves.

You misunderstand. I think both sides are becoming unhinged and it's only going to escalate. The President exhorting his followers to violent actions. Maxine Waters calling for harrassment of officials and their families in public spaces. The president has now said "be careful what you wish for" to Maxine Waters. When it's coming from politicians and the president himself - it is unacceptable.

She SHOULD be careful of what she wishes for. If you want to see that as some sort of physical threat, then that's just a reflection of your desire to project the worst onto those you don't like. It can be equally, and much more realistically, seen as a warning that your own tactics can come back and bite you in the ass in unexpected ways. Seems to me that Trump is correct, given that "Auntie Maxine" subsequently had to start canceling personal appearances because she was getting threats.

So death threats against her are ok in your book just like it's ok for Trump to threaten others with violence or target the media to his followers for violence.
no death threats are not ok. not for her or to anyone in our public office. if someone is doing it take it seriously and throw the book at 'em. period end of story. waters is out there telling people come harass me and tell me i'm not welcome. in short, FUCK HER. the natural reaction we all have to someone challenging us like this is "bring it on" isn't it? if i said i was coming to harass you - what would you say? would you be an adult or respond in kind? we've got the oldest kids in the world running our gov now and people cheering their stupid on cause hey - the other side sucks and stuff.

who had trump threatened to kill now? the rhetoric is stupid yes but there's so much of it all around to get mad at 1 side continues the core of the problem itself. trump saying "careful what you ask for" - don't we all say that in a time like this? trump has zero filter. would appear he's not alone up there with waters and others digging in just as deep into a position of dumbass.

again - you victimize those engaged in the same warfare. we're getting nowhere as long as we as a culture as ok doing that.
Conservatives can be counted on for the most part to be "Christian" and follow the teaching of Jesus Christ.
That means do unto other as you would have others do unto you.
THAT is exactly why cowards here constantly say things like "Jesus Fing Christ" but NEVER Mohammed XXXXX Allah for example.
because Christians make easy, passive targets and because of that they've been stepped on and taken advantage of.

Of course there are exceptions. I've seen gang members and mobsters wearing a cross. And yeah, I've seen pictures in the news of porn stars wearing crosses.

But on the other hand, atheists have no such guidance.

Sure, there is violence coming from both sides....but I think the violence for the most part (if we're all honest and adults) has come from the Left FIRST.
At colleges and ball fields. At places of business and now by decree from Democrat leaders.

C'mon. can we PLEASE be honest?????
Only if you're a dimwit . . . oh, wait. Forgot who I was talking to.

Just trust us, hon. There's a difference between punching someone who's behaving aggressively toward you, and harassing or assaulting someone just because you don't think people with their ideology deserve to live.
The only difference is... Trump and your double standard. Dont worry, I understand your lowbrow support of violence, it comes from the top down after all.

Man wearing 'MAGA' hat, Trump shirt attacks Hispanic subway rider: Police

both sides are at each others throats and life has never had to little meaning for us as a country. to pretend only the "other" side is violent or capable of it is completely self serving and why we're falling apart all around ourselves.

You misunderstand. I think both sides are becoming unhinged and it's only going to escalate. The President exhorting his followers to violent actions. Maxine Waters calling for harrassment of officials and their families in public spaces. The president has now said "be careful what you wish for" to Maxine Waters. When it's coming from politicians and the president himself - it is unacceptable.

She SHOULD be careful of what she wishes for. If you want to see that as some sort of physical threat, then that's just a reflection of your desire to project the worst onto those you don't like. It can be equally, and much more realistically, seen as a warning that your own tactics can come back and bite you in the ass in unexpected ways. Seems to me that Trump is correct, given that "Auntie Maxine" subsequently had to start canceling personal appearances because she was getting threats.

So death threats against her are ok in your book just like it's ok for Trump to threaten others with violence or target the media to his followers for violence.

Has it ever crossed your mind that you would be mocked a whole lot less if you learned to read what people actually say, rather than reading your own projection of what they "obviously" mean, based on your personal biases against them?

If you can, please show me anywhere that MY ACTUAL WORDS indicated approval of people threatening Waters. Not what you assume my opinion of it is, ACTUAL WORDS.
Conservatives can be counted on for the most part to be "Christian" and follow the teaching of Jesus Christ.
That means do unto other as you would have others do unto you.
THAT is exactly why cowards here constantly say things like "Jesus Fing Christ" but NEVER Mohammed XXXXX Allah for example.
because Christians make easy, passive targets and because of that they've been stepped on and taken advantage of.

Of course there are exceptions. I've seen gang members and mobsters wearing a cross. And yeah, I've seen pictures in the news of porn stars wearing crosses.

But on the other hand, atheists have no such guidance.

Sure, there is violence coming from both sides....but I think the violence for the most part (if we're all honest and adults) has come from the Left FIRST.
At colleges and ball fields. At places of business and now by decree from Democrat leaders.

C'mon. can we PLEASE be honest?????
stereotypes have a tendency to bite you in the ass.

i'd call myself atheist, or at least apathetic. but your blanket analogy/stereotype would be dead wrong about me and totally ignore how i formed the beliefs i do have.

come on - stop stereotyping people and try getting to know them as people, not bulletpoints.
The only difference is... Trump and your double standard. Dont worry, I understand your lowbrow support of violence, it comes from the top down after all.

Man wearing 'MAGA' hat, Trump shirt attacks Hispanic subway rider: Police

both sides are at each others throats and life has never had to little meaning for us as a country. to pretend only the "other" side is violent or capable of it is completely self serving and why we're falling apart all around ourselves.

You misunderstand. I think both sides are becoming unhinged and it's only going to escalate. The President exhorting his followers to violent actions. Maxine Waters calling for harrassment of officials and their families in public spaces. The president has now said "be careful what you wish for" to Maxine Waters. When it's coming from politicians and the president himself - it is unacceptable.

She SHOULD be careful of what she wishes for. If you want to see that as some sort of physical threat, then that's just a reflection of your desire to project the worst onto those you don't like. It can be equally, and much more realistically, seen as a warning that your own tactics can come back and bite you in the ass in unexpected ways. Seems to me that Trump is correct, given that "Auntie Maxine" subsequently had to start canceling personal appearances because she was getting threats.

So death threats against her are ok in your book just like it's ok for Trump to threaten others with violence or target the media to his followers for violence.

Has it ever crossed your mind that you would be mocked a whole lot less if you learned to read what people actually say, rather than reading your own projection of what they "obviously" mean, based on your personal biases against them?

If you can, please show me anywhere that MY ACTUAL WORDS indicated approval of people threatening Waters. Not what you assume my opinion of it is, ACTUAL WORDS.
seems like he's looking to have you come out and condem trump but i don't see him doing the same for his side. only using others actions to justify further bad actions.
stereotypes have a tendency to bite you in the ass.
i'd call myself atheist, or at least apathetic. but your blanket analogy/stereotype would be dead wrong about me and totally ignore how i formed the beliefs i do have.
come on - stop stereotyping people and try getting to know them as people, not bulletpoints.

Agreed, and I try not to fall into that trap.
there's no way I can say anything about ALL atheists since I don't know them all.

My apologies on that.

I'm losing my patience with the Left as are many. They go too far.
stereotypes have a tendency to bite you in the ass.
i'd call myself atheist, or at least apathetic. but your blanket analogy/stereotype would be dead wrong about me and totally ignore how i formed the beliefs i do have.
come on - stop stereotyping people and try getting to know them as people, not bulletpoints.

Agreed, and I try not to fall into that trap.
there's no way I can say anything about ALL atheists since I don't know them all.

My apologies on that.

I'm losing my patience with the Left as are many. They go too far.
i'm losing my patience with mankind in general. :)

no parent would let their children act the way the adults are acting today.

both sides are at each others throats and life has never had to little meaning for us as a country. to pretend only the "other" side is violent or capable of it is completely self serving and why we're falling apart all around ourselves.

You misunderstand. I think both sides are becoming unhinged and it's only going to escalate. The President exhorting his followers to violent actions. Maxine Waters calling for harrassment of officials and their families in public spaces. The president has now said "be careful what you wish for" to Maxine Waters. When it's coming from politicians and the president himself - it is unacceptable.

She SHOULD be careful of what she wishes for. If you want to see that as some sort of physical threat, then that's just a reflection of your desire to project the worst onto those you don't like. It can be equally, and much more realistically, seen as a warning that your own tactics can come back and bite you in the ass in unexpected ways. Seems to me that Trump is correct, given that "Auntie Maxine" subsequently had to start canceling personal appearances because she was getting threats.

So death threats against her are ok in your book just like it's ok for Trump to threaten others with violence or target the media to his followers for violence.

Has it ever crossed your mind that you would be mocked a whole lot less if you learned to read what people actually say, rather than reading your own projection of what they "obviously" mean, based on your personal biases against them?

If you can, please show me anywhere that MY ACTUAL WORDS indicated approval of people threatening Waters. Not what you assume my opinion of it is, ACTUAL WORDS.
seems like he's looking to have you come out and condem trump but i don't see him doing the same for his side. only using others actions to justify further bad actions.

He can look all he likes. I'm not obligated in either direction by his kneejerk assumption that anyone who thinks he's a drooling retard MUST do so because they're a rabid Trump supporter. My record of positions vis a vis Trump stands on its own; anyone who can't be bothered to find out what it is (or remember it) is not entitled to demand that I restate it for their sake.

Fact of the matter is, I think the vast majority of humans are idiots, and I think far too many of them have also become mentally unhinged in the bargain. Pointing out that encouraging unhinged (and incredibly barbaric) behavior for your own purposes can produce the unintended consequence of ALSO encouraging unhinged, barbaric behavior in your opponents as well is not an endorsement of unhinged behavior. OBVIOUSLY.
i'm losing my patience with mankind in general. :)
no parent would let their children act the way the adults are acting today.

Unless there's some mediation and acceptance, it's probably just going to keep getting worse.
It's a symptom of a society that's lost it's way.

But I hold my ground that the lion's share of this bad behavior is coming from or precipitated by the Left side.
i'm losing my patience with mankind in general. :)
no parent would let their children act the way the adults are acting today.

Unless there's some mediation and acceptance, it's probably just going to keep getting worse.
It's a symptom of a society that's lost it's way.

But I hold my ground that the lion's share of this bad behavior is coming from the Left side.

I think it's fairly inarguable that they're usually the ones to break new ground in this area. Doesn't mean I'm not still disgusted when the right decides to rush enthusiastically after them.
I think it's fairly inarguable that they're usually the ones to break new ground in this area. Doesn't mean I'm not still disgusted when the right decides to rush enthusiastically after them.

I don't see much of the Right enthusiastically going after them.
But then I live in Liberal land so that might be why.

I hear about some ignorant extremist far right wing neo-nazis now and then. But it's not common.

OTOH, I hear about violence in hard core liberal areas every day (and they usually blame guns and not their own policies and actions). I hear about people like Maxine Waters often. I hear about colleges denying one conservative group after another constantly.

But I do think more people on the Right are up to there with it so we may be entering a new phase in America. The end of the silent, passive Right. maybe
i'm losing my patience with mankind in general. :)
no parent would let their children act the way the adults are acting today.

Unless there's some mediation and acceptance, it's probably just going to keep getting worse.
It's a symptom of a society that's lost it's way.

But I hold my ground that the lion's share of this bad behavior is coming from or precipitated by the Left side.

they're doing the same to the right.

now what? we can work to hold our ground or we can work to get over it. it's all on how we carry day to day conversations.
i'm losing my patience with mankind in general. :)
no parent would let their children act the way the adults are acting today.

Unless there's some mediation and acceptance, it's probably just going to keep getting worse.
It's a symptom of a society that's lost it's way.

But I hold my ground that the lion's share of this bad behavior is coming from the Left side.

I think it's fairly inarguable that they're usually the ones to break new ground in this area. Doesn't mean I'm not still disgusted when the right decides to rush enthusiastically after them.
yea, the threats to the red hen and trashing their yelp page - that's shit they make fun of the left for doing but when they get a chance - PAYBACK! only we keep hitting random people and put them in a payback mode also and suddenly PAYBACK is the rage and todays fashion. if you ain't paying someone back for their xyz behavior, you suck.

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