Ginsburg and Civil War

The followup question after reading the OP would be, what would the progressive left fight this war with? It seems more than a few of them abhor guns, are somehow scared of them it seems... I duno?

Cons are 'brave' to walk into a Burber King in some small town in Alabama with a rifle over their shoulder.

You've never seen one do that in Chicago, or Detroit, or anywhere else people are armed. Because conservatives are cowards that feel puffed up when they scare women and children in a restaurant, but they are far too cowardly to walk down the street of some place where people also have guns on them and aren't afraid to use them.

Conservatives your bravado is phony bullshit and you know it. You don't think liberals own guns? LOL Good, you keep that fantasy in your head.

Actually, conservatives do carry guns where others may have them. I don't normally carry mine during the day, but if I'm going to be out at night, my gun is with me to protect myself from others with guns. The reason we carry guns are because of liberals. Liberals are very violent people you know.

Or at least when your small circle of paranoids gets together that's what you tell each other. Don't SAY it derpy, sling a rifle and go walk downthe streets in Chicago. Wear a large wooden sign that reads 'White power motherfuckers, I'm hear to take names and unload clips'.

Until you actually do something like that and film it NOTHING you say has any meaning. You are just another little boy in his underwear in his mommy's basement threatening people from a computer desk. Which has less than no meaning.

I didn't threaten anybody, you are hallucinating again. Part of carrying a firearm is knowing the law and knowing when you are allowed to use it. Liberals just use guns and end up in jail for 20 years or on death row.

I have no reason to provoke anybody in order to use my gun. It's there in case I need it--not because I do want to use it.

And God forbid, if that time should ever come, I'll be prepared and use it legally like the thousands that do every year, putting criminal liberals in their place which is jail or in the morgue.

The force-field you have up around your bubble is ten feet thick so nevermind Percy. You need your fantasies to remain in place far be it from me to shake them loose.

Look! A confederate flag! Why aren't you saluting?

Because I'm not from the south. I'm from Cleveland.

When did I ever say I had a forcefield around me? Being prepared is the smart thing to do. A gun is no guarantee, but not having a gun if needed is pure failure.

Democrats hate the idea of people taking care of themselves. If everybody took care of themselves, then who would need Democrats around? Democrats heavily rely on victims and government dependents. That's why when in power, they try to create as many of them as possible.
Cons are 'brave' to walk into a Burber King in some small town in Alabama with a rifle over their shoulder.

You've never seen one do that in Chicago, or Detroit, or anywhere else people are armed. Because conservatives are cowards that feel puffed up when they scare women and children in a restaurant, but they are far too cowardly to walk down the street of some place where people also have guns on them and aren't afraid to use them.

Conservatives your bravado is phony bullshit and you know it. You don't think liberals own guns? LOL Good, you keep that fantasy in your head.

Actually, conservatives do carry guns where others may have them. I don't normally carry mine during the day, but if I'm going to be out at night, my gun is with me to protect myself from others with guns. The reason we carry guns are because of liberals. Liberals are very violent people you know.

Or at least when your small circle of paranoids gets together that's what you tell each other. Don't SAY it derpy, sling a rifle and go walk downthe streets in Chicago. Wear a large wooden sign that reads 'White power motherfuckers, I'm hear to take names and unload clips'.

Until you actually do something like that and film it NOTHING you say has any meaning. You are just another little boy in his underwear in his mommy's basement threatening people from a computer desk. Which has less than no meaning.

I didn't threaten anybody, you are hallucinating again. Part of carrying a firearm is knowing the law and knowing when you are allowed to use it. Liberals just use guns and end up in jail for 20 years or on death row.

I have no reason to provoke anybody in order to use my gun. It's there in case I need it--not because I do want to use it.

And God forbid, if that time should ever come, I'll be prepared and use it legally like the thousands that do every year, putting criminal liberals in their place which is jail or in the morgue.

The force-field you have up around your bubble is ten feet thick so nevermind Percy. You need your fantasies to remain in place far be it from me to shake them loose.

Look! A confederate flag! Why aren't you saluting?

Because I'm not from the south. I'm from Cleveland.

When did I ever say I had a forcefield around me? Being prepared is the smart thing to do. A gun is no guarantee, but not having a gun if needed is pure failure.

Democrats hate the idea of people taking care of themselves. If everybody took care of themselves, then who would need Democrats around? Democrats heavily rely on victims and government dependents. That's why when in power, they try to create as many of them as possible.

Whenever you speak you make the case against yourself. Continue.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Media is the only thing holding Trump acvountable. It sure isnt the sycophant Republicans or his disciples. They wont even call him on his lies.
You mean like they did for Hillary and Obama.....

Those people lied out of their assess daily and you all ate it up as truth,,,
You guys need to get over Hillary. She isn’t president. Trump is. How do you swallow the constant barrage of lies? Ridiculous things to lie about like claiming the Boy Scout leader called him to praise his speech. I mean come on, how long are you going to defend it? All politicians lie. I get that. But not like this.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

If ginsberg goes while Trump is President......Trump and his family had better be well protected, the left is going to go insane.....

They are already insane. Did you hear Mad Max saying people should always harass Trump’s people and supporters? The woman is a banana peel from slipping into the psycho ward.

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We need to encourage Democrats to nominate her. She's the perfect Democrat; the gimps are already going to split between the 'Socialist' cranks and the mentally ill degenerates and assorted race warriors in their latino and black demographics.

I think the problem is the Democrats can't shut her up. Just think what would happen if some kook seriously hurt or killed somebody based on her cue just before the midterms. The Democrats couldn't afford anything like that even with the MSM making it a one day story.

So where was your outrage when Trump was advocating his followers to violence and offering to pay their legal bills.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

If ginsberg goes while Trump is President......Trump and his family had better be well protected, the left is going to go insane.....

They are already insane. Did you hear Mad Max saying people should always harass Trump’s people and supporters? The woman is a banana peel from slipping into the psycho ward.

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We need to encourage Democrats to nominate her. She's the perfect Democrat; the gimps are already going to split between the 'Socialist' cranks and the mentally ill degenerates and assorted race warriors in their latino and black demographics.

I think the problem is the Democrats can't shut her up. Just think what would happen if some kook seriously hurt or killed somebody based on her cue just before the midterms. The Democrats couldn't afford anything like that even with the MSM making it a one day story.

So where was your outrage when Trump was advocating his followers to violence and offering to pay their legal bills.

Laughing at home. Trump responded to trouble, he didn't create the problem. We finally have a leader that hits back. That is a good trait in a President.
If ginsberg goes while Trump is President......Trump and his family had better be well protected, the left is going to go insane.....

They are already insane. Did you hear Mad Max saying people should always harass Trump’s people and supporters? The woman is a banana peel from slipping into the psycho ward.

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We need to encourage Democrats to nominate her. She's the perfect Democrat; the gimps are already going to split between the 'Socialist' cranks and the mentally ill degenerates and assorted race warriors in their latino and black demographics.

I think the problem is the Democrats can't shut her up. Just think what would happen if some kook seriously hurt or killed somebody based on her cue just before the midterms. The Democrats couldn't afford anything like that even with the MSM making it a one day story.

So where was your outrage when Trump was advocating his followers to violence and offering to pay their legal bills.

Laughing at home. Trump responded to trouble, he didn't create the problem. We finally have a leader that hits back. That is a good trait in a President.
So advocating violence is a good trait? Or only in Trump? Or when Maxine responds by saying we must push back that is a good trait?
The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

here you fucking moron.........LOL

Why 52% of Americans think the Obama economy is good - CNN Money

Obama Deserves More Credit Than Trump for Good Economy ...

Here what? That I was 1% off? And I'm the moron?

As for your second article, it clearly shows the ignorance of your average voter. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. He did nothing to help improve the economy. The closest he got was the fed reserve pumping the stock market up with fake money, but then again, it made the rich people even richer.

With the Trump success, you can point to actions he actually took for our current economical success such as rescinding expensive and burdening business regulations, getting rid of Commie Care fines and mandates, lowering corporate taxes and even personal taxes. You see, these are called actions; actions that Ears never took. When he did anything for business, it was to their disadvantage.

The dope was in the right place at the right time is all. When you are at the bottom, there is only one place to go, and that is back up. Credit our great business people for that, not some community organizer with a terrorist name.
They are already insane. Did you hear Mad Max saying people should always harass Trump’s people and supporters? The woman is a banana peel from slipping into the psycho ward.

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We need to encourage Democrats to nominate her. She's the perfect Democrat; the gimps are already going to split between the 'Socialist' cranks and the mentally ill degenerates and assorted race warriors in their latino and black demographics.

I think the problem is the Democrats can't shut her up. Just think what would happen if some kook seriously hurt or killed somebody based on her cue just before the midterms. The Democrats couldn't afford anything like that even with the MSM making it a one day story.

So where was your outrage when Trump was advocating his followers to violence and offering to pay their legal bills.

Laughing at home. Trump responded to trouble, he didn't create the problem. We finally have a leader that hits back. That is a good trait in a President.
So advocating violence is a good trait? Or only in Trump? Or when Maxine responds by saying we must push back that is a good trait?

Mad Max advocated violence simply because people worked or supported a President. Trump advocated violence when people came to his events for the sole purpose of starting a problem and causing disruption, and Trump responded accordingly.

So yes, advocating violence against people that wish to disrupt your otherwise peaceful and cheerful event is something I support. If you don't want him to do such a thing, stay home and beat up your mother or something, but don't come to Trump rallies to start trouble with him.

I don't know how you can equate the two situations. It's apples and oranges.
We need to encourage Democrats to nominate her. She's the perfect Democrat; the gimps are already going to split between the 'Socialist' cranks and the mentally ill degenerates and assorted race warriors in their latino and black demographics.

I think the problem is the Democrats can't shut her up. Just think what would happen if some kook seriously hurt or killed somebody based on her cue just before the midterms. The Democrats couldn't afford anything like that even with the MSM making it a one day story.

So where was your outrage when Trump was advocating his followers to violence and offering to pay their legal bills.

Laughing at home. Trump responded to trouble, he didn't create the problem. We finally have a leader that hits back. That is a good trait in a President.
So advocating violence is a good trait? Or only in Trump? Or when Maxine responds by saying we must push back that is a good trait?

Mad Max advocated violence simply because people worked or supported a President. Trump advocated violence when people came to his events for the sole purpose of starting a problem and causing disruption, and Trump responded accordingly.

So yes, advocating violence against people that wish to disrupt your otherwise peaceful and cheerful event is something I support. If you don't want him to do such a thing, stay home and beat up your mother or something, but don't come to Trump rallies to start trouble with him.

I don't know how you can equate the two situations. It's apples and oranges.
Double standards.
Actually, conservatives do carry guns where others may have them. I don't normally carry mine during the day, but if I'm going to be out at night, my gun is with me to protect myself from others with guns. The reason we carry guns are because of liberals. Liberals are very violent people you know.

Or at least when your small circle of paranoids gets together that's what you tell each other. Don't SAY it derpy, sling a rifle and go walk downthe streets in Chicago. Wear a large wooden sign that reads 'White power motherfuckers, I'm hear to take names and unload clips'.

Until you actually do something like that and film it NOTHING you say has any meaning. You are just another little boy in his underwear in his mommy's basement threatening people from a computer desk. Which has less than no meaning.

I didn't threaten anybody, you are hallucinating again. Part of carrying a firearm is knowing the law and knowing when you are allowed to use it. Liberals just use guns and end up in jail for 20 years or on death row.

I have no reason to provoke anybody in order to use my gun. It's there in case I need it--not because I do want to use it.

And God forbid, if that time should ever come, I'll be prepared and use it legally like the thousands that do every year, putting criminal liberals in their place which is jail or in the morgue.

The force-field you have up around your bubble is ten feet thick so nevermind Percy. You need your fantasies to remain in place far be it from me to shake them loose.

Look! A confederate flag! Why aren't you saluting?

Because I'm not from the south. I'm from Cleveland.

When did I ever say I had a forcefield around me? Being prepared is the smart thing to do. A gun is no guarantee, but not having a gun if needed is pure failure.

Democrats hate the idea of people taking care of themselves. If everybody took care of themselves, then who would need Democrats around? Democrats heavily rely on victims and government dependents. That's why when in power, they try to create as many of them as possible.

Whenever you speak you make the case against yourself. Continue.

And I live in my own little bubble???? :21::21::21::21::21:
Seems like that's what the right wants. How foolish ...

I'll tell you what; we might be in for a good ol' fashioned revolution, if the wealth disparity continues the way it has been.

And so what's the solution to stop this revolution, take money away from the rich and give it to the poor? People can do that today, it's just that they don't bother. Quit giving the rich your money. You, I and everybody here transfer our wealth to the top every single week.
They did that in Venezuela and now it won't be long until they are eating each other.
Seems like that's what the right wants. How foolish ...

I'll tell you what; we might be in for a good ol' fashioned revolution, if the wealth disparity continues the way it has been.

And so what's the solution to stop this revolution, take money away from the rich and give it to the poor? People can do that today, it's just that they don't bother. Quit giving the rich your money. You, I and everybody here transfer our wealth to the top every single week.
They did that in Venezuela and now it won't be long until they are eating each other.

The one thing the left can never come to terms with is they helped create the 1%. They are instrumental in this so-called wealth transfer. They drive their cars and buy gasoline. They are on this internet and likely have a smart phone with unlimited data and call time. They stop at McDonald's, buy the latest Microsoft computer, pay cable or satellite fees, they buy overpriced coffee at Starbucks, they go to movie theaters and buy CD's of their favorite bands, they are no different than anybody else.

At least we on the right admit to transferring our wealth to the top because we get a return for our money. They have products or services to sell, and we willingly purchase them with no regrets. We don't give them our money, and then complain because they now have our money.
I think the problem is the Democrats can't shut her up. Just think what would happen if some kook seriously hurt or killed somebody based on her cue just before the midterms. The Democrats couldn't afford anything like that even with the MSM making it a one day story.

So where was your outrage when Trump was advocating his followers to violence and offering to pay their legal bills.

Laughing at home. Trump responded to trouble, he didn't create the problem. We finally have a leader that hits back. That is a good trait in a President.
So advocating violence is a good trait? Or only in Trump? Or when Maxine responds by saying we must push back that is a good trait?

Mad Max advocated violence simply because people worked or supported a President. Trump advocated violence when people came to his events for the sole purpose of starting a problem and causing disruption, and Trump responded accordingly.

So yes, advocating violence against people that wish to disrupt your otherwise peaceful and cheerful event is something I support. If you don't want him to do such a thing, stay home and beat up your mother or something, but don't come to Trump rallies to start trouble with him.

I don't know how you can equate the two situations. It's apples and oranges.
Double standards.

A double standard is when you apply different reactions to the same situation. You are talking about two totally different situations.

It's one thing if a guy sucker punches another guy for no reason, and another thing if a guy sucker punches a guy that just insulted his wife or girlfriend. They are not the same situations.

Only on rare occasion did Trump attack people who didn't draw first blood. GW and his father are the only two I can think of off the top of my head. But as for the others, he responded to an attack of some kind.
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Serious double standards.
Hillary should be in prison... and your trying to claim the high road,,,:auiqs.jpg:

The left is the party of "laws for thee but not for me" you want to talk double standards.... hypocrite!
he ain't claiming a high road - he said trump is to blame for encouraging the violence also. if we're going to hold people accountable to what they say, he is.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

The 31% of the people that think that they'll be a civil war are the 31% fanatic Trump supporters. Civil war is RWNJ wet dream. No liberals are calling for a civil war - that isn't how liberals function.

What liberals will do is to hold thousands of politically impotent demonstrations which will let them vent their outrage, but nothing more.

If Ginsberg is replaced by a conservative judge, liberals will just hold lot's of protests.

49% of Americans don't approve of the Trump economy because they are not seeing any benefits from it. 43% can't make ends meet.

All the positive economy news points to one thing - the wealthy are getting wealthier. For the majority of working Americans the low unemloyment rate just means that there are lots of really shitty low paying jobs - but that's about all.

So you have some evidence that the 31% are Trump supporters? I didn’t think so.

Protests lead to riots. Riots hurt people who in return need to protect themselves; maybe with deadly force.

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Do you means like that asshole that murdered the woman in Charlottesville last year?

No, that was an isolated incident by a nut. But if you busted your ass all of your life working your store and some punks are trying to burn it down, it's time to lock and load. There is only so much people are going to put up with.

I doubt that's workable. For example, in the days right after hurricane Hugo hit ST. Croix, back in 1989, junkies were trying to break into a local pharmacy -presumably to get methadone. The pharmacy owner and his family were holding out in the pharmacy. The pharmacy owner blew away one of these junkies with a shotgun.

From what I understand the pharmacy owner was charged with first degree murder and is to this day in prison.

The fact is that many people do not believe that protecting property justifies murder. In fact, drawing the line between justified killings to protect property and non-justified killings to protect property is so complex that no one can see a clear line.

Is it O.K. to kill a starving person for stealing a loaf of bread from a supermarket?

Ths fact is that any business has insurance, and whatever loss is incurred can be remedied with insurance claims - so ultimately no loss is incurred.

Despite people's instinct to protect their property, it's best to leave the use of deadly force to trained law enforcement professionals.

Only when someone's life is threatened should deadly force be used.

Besides - don't you have any moral qualms about killing people?
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

The 31% of the people that think that they'll be a civil war are the 31% fanatic Trump supporters. Civil war is RWNJ wet dream. No liberals are calling for a civil war - that isn't how liberals function.

What liberals will do is to hold thousands of politically impotent demonstrations which will let them vent their outrage, but nothing more.

If Ginsberg is replaced by a conservative judge, liberals will just hold lot's of protests.

49% of Americans don't approve of the Trump economy because they are not seeing any benefits from it. 43% can't make ends meet.

All the positive economy news points to one thing - the wealthy are getting wealthier. For the majority of working Americans the low unemloyment rate just means that there are lots of really shitty low paying jobs - but that's about all.

So you have some evidence that the 31% are Trump supporters? I didn’t think so.

Protests lead to riots. Riots hurt people who in return need to protect themselves; maybe with deadly force.

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Do you means like that asshole that murdered the woman in Charlottesville last year?

No, that was an isolated incident by a nut. But if you busted your ass all of your life working your store and some punks are trying to burn it down, it's time to lock and load. There is only so much people are going to put up with.

I doubt that's workable. For example, in the days right after hurricane Hugo hit ST. Croix, back in 1989, junkies were trying to break into a local pharmacy -presumably to get methadone. The pharmacy owner and his family were holding out in the pharmacy. The pharmacy owner blew away one of these junkies with a shotgun.

From what I understand the pharmacy owner was charged with first degree murder and is to this day in prison.

The fact is that many people do not believe that protecting property justifies murder. In fact, drawing the line between justified killings to protect property and non-justified killings to protect property is so complex that no one can see a clear line.

Is it O.K. to kill a starving person for stealing a loaf of bread from a supermarket?

Ths fact is that any business has insurance, and whatever loss is incurred can be remedied with insurance claims - so ultimately no loss is incurred.

Despite people's instinct to protect their property, it's best to leave the use of deadly force to trained law enforcement professionals.

Only when someone's life is threatened should deadly force be used.

Besides - don't you have any moral qualms about killing people?

No, I don’t; not with people intending to bring me harm. Now riddle me this: what do insurance companies do when they get large claims or a bunch of small claims from a customer? That’s right, they raise their rates. Are you familiar with the term “deductible” or maximum coverage?

When some people get totally fed up, the law means little. If the courts got very tilted because something happened to Ginsburg and Antifa or some other unemployed loser attacked my sister simply because they knew she was religious and conservative, the cops would be the last people they’d have to worry about.

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The 31% of the people that think that they'll be a civil war are the 31% fanatic Trump supporters. Civil war is RWNJ wet dream. No liberals are calling for a civil war - that isn't how liberals function.

What liberals will do is to hold thousands of politically impotent demonstrations which will let them vent their outrage, but nothing more.

If Ginsberg is replaced by a conservative judge, liberals will just hold lot's of protests.

49% of Americans don't approve of the Trump economy because they are not seeing any benefits from it. 43% can't make ends meet.

All the positive economy news points to one thing - the wealthy are getting wealthier. For the majority of working Americans the low unemloyment rate just means that there are lots of really shitty low paying jobs - but that's about all.

So you have some evidence that the 31% are Trump supporters? I didn’t think so.

Protests lead to riots. Riots hurt people who in return need to protect themselves; maybe with deadly force.

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Do you means like that asshole that murdered the woman in Charlottesville last year?

No, that was an isolated incident by a nut. But if you busted your ass all of your life working your store and some punks are trying to burn it down, it's time to lock and load. There is only so much people are going to put up with.

I doubt that's workable. For example, in the days right after hurricane Hugo hit ST. Croix, back in 1989, junkies were trying to break into a local pharmacy -presumably to get methadone. The pharmacy owner and his family were holding out in the pharmacy. The pharmacy owner blew away one of these junkies with a shotgun.

From what I understand the pharmacy owner was charged with first degree murder and is to this day in prison.

The fact is that many people do not believe that protecting property justifies murder. In fact, drawing the line between justified killings to protect property and non-justified killings to protect property is so complex that no one can see a clear line.

Is it O.K. to kill a starving person for stealing a loaf of bread from a supermarket?

Ths fact is that any business has insurance, and whatever loss is incurred can be remedied with insurance claims - so ultimately no loss is incurred.

Despite people's instinct to protect their property, it's best to leave the use of deadly force to trained law enforcement professionals.

Only when someone's life is threatened should deadly force be used.

Besides - don't you have any moral qualms about killing people?

No, I don’t; not with people intending to bring me harm. Now riddle me this: what do insurance companies do when they get large claims or a bunch of small claims from a customer? That’s right, they raise their rates. Are you familiar with the term “deductible” or maximum coverage?

When some people get totally fed up, the law means little. If the courts got very tilted because something happened to Ginsburg and Antifa or some other unemployed loser attacked my sister simply because they knew she was religious and conservative, the cops would be the last people they’d have to worry about.

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As I said, only when someone's life is in danger does deadly force become justified. Your last statements say "people intending to bring me harm" and "attacked my sister". In those cases you'd have very right to fear for your or yoiur sister's life - and deadly force would be justified.

Your previous statement only refered to threats to property, not to persons.

The fact that peoples deductibles and rates go up is a bummer, but condoning killing to protect property when it's way to complicated to come up with a law that accurately defines when it would be justified, just isn't workable.

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