Ginsburg and Civil War

I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

The 31% of the people that think that they'll be a civil war are the 31% fanatic Trump supporters. Civil war is RWNJ wet dream. No liberals are calling for a civil war - that isn't how liberals function.

What liberals will do is to hold thousands of politically impotent demonstrations which will let them vent their outrage, but nothing more.

If Ginsberg is replaced by a conservative judge, liberals will just hold lot's of protests.

49% of Americans don't approve of the Trump economy because they are not seeing any benefits from it. 43% can't make ends meet.

All the positive economy news points to one thing - the wealthy are getting wealthier. For the majority of working Americans the low unemloyment rate just means that there are lots of really shitty low paying jobs - but that's about all.
They are already insane. Did you hear Mad Max saying people should always harass Trump’s people and supporters? The woman is a banana peel from slipping into the psycho ward.

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Not only did she literally use the word harass, she also said administration officials should be made to feel unwelcome: anywhere, ever. Reminds of of when Marco Rubio said that having the wrong opinions justifies violence. I can't believe we have such irresponsible people in congress and don't even get me started on the jackasses in the media. These people live in a fucking bubble and seem to have no idea that there's plenty of crazy people in this country just looking for an excuse to go out and kill some "nazis"
i'm so nervous about who Trump will pick. don't F this up, President Trump. pick the guy who as Solicitor General argued and won the travel ban case.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

The 31% of the people that think that they'll be a civil war are the 31% fanatic Trump supporters. Civil war is RWNJ wet dream. No liberals are calling for a civil war - that isn't how liberals function.

What liberals will do is to hold thousands of politically impotent demonstrations which will let them vent their outrage, but nothing more.

If Ginsberg is replaced by a conservative judge, liberals will just hold lot's of protests.

49% of Americans don't approve of the Trump economy because they are not seeing any benefits from it. 43% can't make ends meet.

All the positive economy news points to one thing - the wealthy are getting wealthier. For the majority of working Americans the low unemloyment rate just means that there are lots of really shitty low paying jobs - but that's about all.

So you have some evidence that the 31% are Trump supporters? I didn’t think so.

Protests lead to riots. Riots hurt people who in return need to protect themselves; maybe with deadly force.

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I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

The 31% of the people that think that they'll be a civil war are the 31% fanatic Trump supporters. Civil war is RWNJ wet dream. No liberals are calling for a civil war - that isn't how liberals function.

What liberals will do is to hold thousands of politically impotent demonstrations which will let them vent their outrage, but nothing more.

If Ginsberg is replaced by a conservative judge, liberals will just hold lot's of protests.

49% of Americans don't approve of the Trump economy because they are not seeing any benefits from it. 43% can't make ends meet.

All the positive economy news points to one thing - the wealthy are getting wealthier. For the majority of working Americans the low unemloyment rate just means that there are lots of really shitty low paying jobs - but that's about all.

So you have some evidence that the 31% are Trump supporters? I didn’t think so.

Protests lead to riots. Riots hurt people who in return need to protect themselves; maybe with deadly force.

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Do you means like that asshole that murdered the woman in Charlottesville last year?
Trump placing two more strict constituionalist's would be awesome.. And the left would go insane!
They've really done a number on you guys in convincing you those conservatives are constitultionalists. Again...the right leaning justices also partake in judicial activism including Scalia. They are fine with going beyond the constitution when it suits their ideological agenda.

I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
The followup question after reading the OP would be, what would the progressive left fight this war with? It seems more than a few of them abhor guns, are somehow scared of them it seems... I duno?

Cons are 'brave' to walk into a Burber King in some small town in Alabama with a rifle over their shoulder.

You've never seen one do that in Chicago, or Detroit, or anywhere else people are armed. Because conservatives are cowards that feel puffed up when they scare women and children in a restaurant, but they are far too cowardly to walk down the street of some place where people also have guns on them and aren't afraid to use them.

Conservatives your bravado is phony bullshit and you know it. You don't think liberals own guns? LOL Good, you keep that fantasy in your head.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

It isn't just Kennedy retiring that makes people think we're edging toward civil war. It's the outright approval of barbaric behavior from everyday people, and political leaders cheering it on. And I do mean on both sides of the aisle, although - as usual - the bulk of the incivility comes from the Politeness Police on the left.

Take a look at the incident with Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The owner of the Red Hen actually thinks it's appropriate and even laudable to demand that Sanders leave her restaurant, not just because she doesn't agree with Sanders' politics, but because she assumes that that disagreement makes Sanders evil and immoral, and herself virtuous.

"I'm not a huge fan of confrontation," Wilkinson said. "I have a business, and I want the business to thrive. This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals."

"I was babbling a little, but I got my point across in a polite and direct fashion," Wilkinson said. "I explained that the restaurant has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty, and compassion, and cooperation.

"I said, 'I'd like to ask you to leave.' " - from USA Today

In response, the restaurant and the town have received protests and social media backlash, including one man throwing chickenshit at the building.

A Berkeley County, W.Va., man was charged Tuesday with littering animal feces and obstructing after he allegedly dumped a bucket of chicken manure near the Lexington, Va., restaurant from which White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was booted Friday night. -

There are actually other restaurants in other parts of the country, unrelated but with the same name, that are getting backlash from this. I mean, seriously?

But if that's not enough, then we have THIS from "Auntie Maxine" Waters (D-CA):

“If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, at a department store, at a gasoline station you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

That's just one example. We can all name a lot more: protests that devolved into physical violence, government employees whose homes have been surrounded by protesters and/or whose children have been threatened, even riots breaking out and being excused by government officials.

So yeah, I'd say when it becomes obvious that we can't live with people with whom we disagree without descending into this sort of behavior, it's reasonable to think maybe we'll decide we just can't live with each other at all.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
what would a civil war look like today?

maybe we're already in it but we just don't recognize it cause we're not lining up in uniform and shooting each other in west virginia fields.

You'll know we're there when secession starts being seriously proposed in the state legislatures by someone other than the fringe wacko groups who propose every legislatural session.
Maybe the Supreme Court shouldn't have so much influence that an 82 year old retiring makes everyone go into apocalypse mode
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
what would a civil war look like today?

maybe we're already in it but we just don't recognize it cause we're not lining up in uniform and shooting each other in west virginia fields.

You'll know we're there when secession starts being seriously proposed in the state legislatures by someone other than the fringe wacko groups who propose every legislatural session.
aw hell - texas threatens this all the time. mostly to piss off the californians who keep flooding our housing market while they take advantage of a situation we didn't create but now our home costs have doubled so they can live for a few years off the equity of bad decisions they left behind. :)

but seriously - what would it look like today?

shooting congressmen playing softball - that civil war?
running over a liberal who won't get out of my way while they "protest' cottage cheese or something?
unfriending people on facebook cause they don't agree with my stellar views on the world?

or do we just stay angry until we're over it and move on?
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
The followup question after reading the OP would be, what would the progressive left fight this war with? It seems more than a few of them abhor guns, are somehow scared of them it seems... I duno?

Cons are 'brave' to walk into a Burber King in some small town in Alabama with a rifle over their shoulder.

You've never seen one do that in Chicago, or Detroit, or anywhere else people are armed. Because conservatives are cowards that feel puffed up when they scare women and children in a restaurant, but they are far too cowardly to walk down the street of some place where people also have guns on them and aren't afraid to use them.

Conservatives your bravado is phony bullshit and you know it. You don't think liberals own guns? LOL Good, you keep that fantasy in your head.
Thanks for your insight and personal take on the matter. There is also the argument that being obviously conspicuous for the point of stirring up fear is not exactly advisable... lol CCF are more appropriate for the urban and suburban landscape as the whole point is; not to draw attention, not to cause fear, to be prepared situationally in the natural confluence of events.

This hearkens back to the 'affray' laws of the 14th century Europe which were adopted by the early colonists in New England. An insightful paper on this for any interested in the early genesis of some of our current laws.


2 Moore v Madigan, 702 F.3d 933, 936 (7th. Cir. 2012)(“ Some weapons do not terrify the public (such as wellconcealed weapons), and so if the statute was (as it may have been) intended to protect the public from being frightened or intimidated by the brandishing of weapons, it could not have applied to all weapons or all carriage of weapons. Blackstone's summary of the statute is similar: "the offence of riding or going armed, with dangerous or unusual weapons, is a crime against the public peace, by terrifying the good people of the land." 4 Commentaries on the Law of England 148-49 (1769) (emphasis added).”) State v. Dawson, 159 SE2d 1, 7 (N.C. 1968)(“ Blackstone states that `the offense of riding or going armed with dangerous or unusual weapons, is a crime against the public peace, by terrifying the good people of the land; and is particularly prohibited by the statute of Northampton, 2 Edward III, ch. 3, upon pain of forfeiture of the arms, and imprisonment during the King's pleasure.' … Hawkins, treating of offenses against the public peace under the head of `Affrays,' pointedly remarks, `but granting that no bare words in judgment of law carry in them so much terror as to amount to an affray, yet it seems certain that in some cases there may be an affray, where there is no actual violence, as where a man arms himself with dangerous and unusual weapons in such a manner as will naturally cause a terror to the people, which is said to have been always an offense at common law and strictly prohibited by many statutes.'”) footnotes deleted; U.S. v. Greeno, 679 F.3d 510, 519 (6th Cir. 2012)(“ At common law, the right to keep and bear arms was not unlimited. For example, there was a historical tradition prohibiting the possession of dangerous or unusual weapons.”) Peruta v.County of San Diego, 742 F.3d 1144. 1154 (“Although Blackstone elsewhere described a fourteenth-century English statute that forbad the "riding or going armed with dangerous or unusual weapons," that prohibition was understood to cover carriage of uncommon, frightening weapons only.”) State v. Moyle, 705 P.2d 740, 752 (Oe. 1985)(“ The recognition at common law of the social value in providing citizens a sense of personal security was reflected in such offenses as "affray" and "riding or going armed with dangerous or unusual weapons" which were proscribed because of their "tendency to disturb the peace and tranquillity of the community" and "to terrify the king's subjects."”) Tyler v. Hillsdale County Sheriff’s Derpt., 775 F.3d 308, 319, 320 (6th Cir. 2014)(“ Similarly, Blackstone described how the "offence of riding or going armed, with dangerous or unusual weapons, is a crime against the public peace, by terrifying the good people 320*320 of the land, and is particularly prohibited by the statute of Northampton, 2 Edw. III, c. 3." Id. at *149.”); State v. Huntly, 25 N.C. (4 Ired.) 418 (N.C. 1843)(“ Robert S. Huntly… did arm himself with pistols, guns, knives and other dangerous and unusual weapons and, being so armed, did go forth and exhibit himself openly, both in the day time and in the night, to the good citizens of Anson.”
3 William Blackstone , 2 COMMENTARIES ON THE LAWS OF ENGLAND 110 (1838).
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
what would a civil war look like today?

maybe we're already in it but we just don't recognize it cause we're not lining up in uniform and shooting each other in west virginia fields.

You'll know we're there when secession starts being seriously proposed in the state legislatures by someone other than the fringe wacko groups who propose every legislatural session.
aw hell - texas threatens this all the time. mostly to piss off the californians who keep flooding our housing market while they take advantage of a situation we didn't create but now our home costs have doubled so they can live for a few years off the equity of bad decisions they left behind. :)

but seriously - what would it look like today?

shooting congressmen playing softball - that civil war?
running over a liberal who won't get out of my way while they "protest' cottage cheese or something?
unfriending people on facebook cause they don't agree with my stellar views on the world?

or do we just stay angry until we're over it and move on?

No, see, Texas DOESN'T threaten it, that's the point. Texas, like Arizona, has the theoretical right in its state Constitution to secede, and like Arizona, has some nutball propose it every session. Everyone knows, including the nutballs, that it's not going to be approved. I said we'll be there when it's SERIOUSLY proposed by someone other than the nutballs.

The problem is that we don't seem to be getting over it at all.

Unfriending people? Eh, who gives a shit?

But being unable to conduct normal, everyday interactions with people without political differences leading to unhinged and even violent displays? Yeah, I'd say that qualifies. Look at the history of the antebellum US. They didn't go straight from zero to brother-against-brother; there was quite a build-up, and the earlier stages had some alarming parallels to now.

Consider this article, and compare its points to modern-day America:

5 Causes of the Civil War (Besides Slavery)

1. Sweeping Economic Changes

The article points out that antebellum America existed in two radically different economic states: the agrarian South, heavily dependent on cotton (which was becoming subject to competition outside the US), and the industrial powerhouse of the North. And they had radically different ideas as to how much their particular issues should be valued in the eyes of the government.

Any of that sound familiar?

2. The Union Was Rapidly Changing Amidst Political Upheaval

In the case of antebellum America, those changes were the inclusion of new states and territories amid the conflicts over "slave" vs "free" states.

In the case of modern America, how about massive demographic changes amid conflicts over illegal vs legal immigration?

3. There Was a Breakdown of Decorum and Civil Discourse

This one bears some direct quoting.

"Both North and South burned with righteous anger because both passionately believed in the justice of their cause. This caused not just harsh language, but spasms of violence that racked the nation."

Ringing bells so far?

"Perhaps the most notorious instance was Congressman Preston Brooks’ attack on Sen. Charles Sumner, who on the Senate floor delivered a speech filled with sexual innuendo that impugned the honor of a kinsman of the South Carolina Congressman. In response, Brooks attacked Sumner in his Senate office with a cane, leaving Sumner in a bleeding heap surrounded by cane shards. (It took two years for Sumner to recover.)"

Here's the significant part.

"In normal times a violent attack on an old, unarmed man would spark outrage. Instead, as historian Shelby Foote noted, “Southern sympathizers sent Brooks walking sticks by the dozen, recommending their use on other abolitionists…” "

Is there an echo in here?

4. Fundamental Disagreement on Constitutional Principles

Yeah, we don't have any of THAT these days, do we?

We not only fundamentally disagree on what the Constitution says and allows, we have mainstream, respected (by some people, anyway) people suggesting that we shouldn't even CARE about the Constitution, because it's "outdated". I mean, if you can't at least agree on the basic framework of how your country is set up and what it's trying to accomplish, how in the hell are you supposed to agree on anything else?

5. Different Nations, Different Dreams

This is a big one. The North and South had completely different values, goals, priorities, and plans for getting there from here. Today, we have the Coasts and Middle America doing the same damned thing. And we find the same sharp divisions not only geographically, but politically, culturally, theologically . . .
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
The followup question after reading the OP would be, what would the progressive left fight this war with? It seems more than a few of them abhor guns, are somehow scared of them it seems... I duno?

Cons are 'brave' to walk into a Burber King in some small town in Alabama with a rifle over their shoulder.

You've never seen one do that in Chicago, or Detroit, or anywhere else people are armed. Because conservatives are cowards that feel puffed up when they scare women and children in a restaurant, but they are far too cowardly to walk down the street of some place where people also have guns on them and aren't afraid to use them.

Conservatives your bravado is phony bullshit and you know it. You don't think liberals own guns? LOL Good, you keep that fantasy in your head.
Thanks for your insight and personal take on the matter. There is also the argument that being obviously conspicuous for the point of stirring up fear is not exactly advisable... lol CCF are more appropriate for the urban and suburban landscape as the whole point is; not to draw attention, not to cause fear, to be prepared situationally in the natural confluence of events.

This hearkens back to the 'affray' laws of the 14th century Europe which were adopted by the early colonists in New England. An insightful paper on this for any interested in the early genesis of some of our current laws.


2 Moore v Madigan, 702 F.3d 933, 936 (7th. Cir. 2012)(“ Some weapons do not terrify the public (such as wellconcealed weapons), and so if the statute was (as it may have been) intended to protect the public from being frightened or intimidated by the brandishing of weapons, it could not have applied to all weapons or all carriage of weapons. Blackstone's summary of the statute is similar: "the offence of riding or going armed, with dangerous or unusual weapons, is a crime against the public peace, by terrifying the good people of the land." 4 Commentaries on the Law of England 148-49 (1769) (emphasis added).”) State v. Dawson, 159 SE2d 1, 7 (N.C. 1968)(“ Blackstone states that `the offense of riding or going armed with dangerous or unusual weapons, is a crime against the public peace, by terrifying the good people of the land; and is particularly prohibited by the statute of Northampton, 2 Edward III, ch. 3, upon pain of forfeiture of the arms, and imprisonment during the King's pleasure.' … Hawkins, treating of offenses against the public peace under the head of `Affrays,' pointedly remarks, `but granting that no bare words in judgment of law carry in them so much terror as to amount to an affray, yet it seems certain that in some cases there may be an affray, where there is no actual violence, as where a man arms himself with dangerous and unusual weapons in such a manner as will naturally cause a terror to the people, which is said to have been always an offense at common law and strictly prohibited by many statutes.'”) footnotes deleted; U.S. v. Greeno, 679 F.3d 510, 519 (6th Cir. 2012)(“ At common law, the right to keep and bear arms was not unlimited. For example, there was a historical tradition prohibiting the possession of dangerous or unusual weapons.”) Peruta v.County of San Diego, 742 F.3d 1144. 1154 (“Although Blackstone elsewhere described a fourteenth-century English statute that forbad the "riding or going armed with dangerous or unusual weapons," that prohibition was understood to cover carriage of uncommon, frightening weapons only.”) State v. Moyle, 705 P.2d 740, 752 (Oe. 1985)(“ The recognition at common law of the social value in providing citizens a sense of personal security was reflected in such offenses as "affray" and "riding or going armed with dangerous or unusual weapons" which were proscribed because of their "tendency to disturb the peace and tranquillity of the community" and "to terrify the king's subjects."”) Tyler v. Hillsdale County Sheriff’s Derpt., 775 F.3d 308, 319, 320 (6th Cir. 2014)(“ Similarly, Blackstone described how the "offence of riding or going armed, with dangerous or unusual weapons, is a crime against the public peace, by terrifying the good people 320*320 of the land, and is particularly prohibited by the statute of Northampton, 2 Edw. III, c. 3." Id. at *149.”); State v. Huntly, 25 N.C. (4 Ired.) 418 (N.C. 1843)(“ Robert S. Huntly… did arm himself with pistols, guns, knives and other dangerous and unusual weapons and, being so armed, did go forth and exhibit himself openly, both in the day time and in the night, to the good citizens of Anson.”
3 William Blackstone , 2 COMMENTARIES ON THE LAWS OF ENGLAND 110 (1838).

Everyone can cut and paste. When you learn to type your own thoughts let us know, until then not interested in two pages of lazy computer vomit.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

It isn't just Kennedy retiring that makes people think we're edging toward civil war. It's the outright approval of barbaric behavior from everyday people, and political leaders cheering it on. And I do mean on both sides of the aisle, although - as usual - the bulk of the incivility comes from the Politeness Police on the left.

Take a look at the incident with Sarah Huckabee Sanders. The owner of the Red Hen actually thinks it's appropriate and even laudable to demand that Sanders leave her restaurant, not just because she doesn't agree with Sanders' politics, but because she assumes that that disagreement makes Sanders evil and immoral, and herself virtuous.

"I'm not a huge fan of confrontation," Wilkinson said. "I have a business, and I want the business to thrive. This feels like the moment in our democracy when people have to make uncomfortable actions and decisions to uphold their morals."

"I was babbling a little, but I got my point across in a polite and direct fashion," Wilkinson said. "I explained that the restaurant has certain standards that I feel it has to uphold, such as honesty, and compassion, and cooperation.

"I said, 'I'd like to ask you to leave.' " - from USA Today

In response, the restaurant and the town have received protests and social media backlash, including one man throwing chickenshit at the building.

A Berkeley County, W.Va., man was charged Tuesday with littering animal feces and obstructing after he allegedly dumped a bucket of chicken manure near the Lexington, Va., restaurant from which White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was booted Friday night. -

There are actually other restaurants in other parts of the country, unrelated but with the same name, that are getting backlash from this. I mean, seriously?

But if that's not enough, then we have THIS from "Auntie Maxine" Waters (D-CA):

“If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, at a department store, at a gasoline station you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

That's just one example. We can all name a lot more: protests that devolved into physical violence, government employees whose homes have been surrounded by protesters and/or whose children have been threatened, even riots breaking out and being excused by government officials.

So yeah, I'd say when it becomes obvious that we can't live with people with whom we disagree without descending into this sort of behavior, it's reasonable to think maybe we'll decide we just can't live with each other at all.

As the phrase in the original Rambo movie "I didn't draw first blood sir."

I think that if the left does keep pushing it, somebody is going to retaliate, and it won't be pretty. Now their leaders are saying Trump's judge will take away all their rights: marriage rights, gay rights, clean air and water rights; abortion rights, and they don't even know WTF Trump is going to pick yet.

One could say they are riling up their base, but there is no election right around the corner. They are promoting this hate for a justice that has yet to be named and the President who is going to name him or her.

If there is a civil war of some kind, it won't be a group of 500 men vs another group of 500 men on Broadway Avenue, it will start off as a very small group or even individuals.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

The 31% of the people that think that they'll be a civil war are the 31% fanatic Trump supporters. Civil war is RWNJ wet dream. No liberals are calling for a civil war - that isn't how liberals function.

What liberals will do is to hold thousands of politically impotent demonstrations which will let them vent their outrage, but nothing more.

If Ginsberg is replaced by a conservative judge, liberals will just hold lot's of protests.

49% of Americans don't approve of the Trump economy because they are not seeing any benefits from it. 43% can't make ends meet.

All the positive economy news points to one thing - the wealthy are getting wealthier. For the majority of working Americans the low unemloyment rate just means that there are lots of really shitty low paying jobs - but that's about all.

So you have some evidence that the 31% are Trump supporters? I didn’t think so.

Protests lead to riots. Riots hurt people who in return need to protect themselves; maybe with deadly force.

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Do you means like that asshole that murdered the woman in Charlottesville last year?

No, that was an isolated incident by a nut. But if you busted your ass all of your life working your store and some punks are trying to burn it down, it's time to lock and load. There is only so much people are going to put up with.
They are already insane. Did you hear Mad Max saying people should always harass Trump’s people and supporters? The woman is a banana peel from slipping into the psycho ward.

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Not only did she literally use the word harass, she also said administration officials should be made to feel unwelcome: anywhere, ever. Reminds of of when Marco Rubio said that having the wrong opinions justifies violence. I can't believe we have such irresponsible people in congress and don't even get me started on the jackasses in the media. These people live in a fucking bubble and seem to have no idea that there's plenty of crazy people in this country just looking for an excuse to go out and kill some "nazis"

The MSM is at the heart of it. Nothing makes them happier than bloodshed that can make people tune into their news station. Look at how they riled all those people up in Ferguson and Baltimore. Most of it was lies to begin with. But that didn't matter. What mattered is they angered enough people to go crazy and then they had a news story for two weeks or more.
We are currently in a Civil War but it is less violent than the last one (so far). The problem for the federal government is that the mainstream media is on the side of the (democrat party) rebels and Hollywood is involved in promoting everything from murder to the kidnapping of children of the President's staff. .

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