Ginsburg and Civil War

I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Hillary wanted nuclear war, and now the dims want civil war, hate is their only hope. America wants peace, Trump is the way
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

And this is exactly why I voted for Trump, and will vote for him again....

Remember in November.....any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment, and the other numbers in the Bill of Rights.......

Trump could very possibly replace 2 more Justices beside Kennedy, which is why it is vital for people to vote out every democrat they can, especially in the Senate....only Trump can appoint nominees, but it takes a republican controlled Senate to confirm them.... and also, if the democrats take the house, they will impeach him, and use that as an excuse to pressure squish republicans in the Senate to not confirm his appointees.......

If you care about individual Rights, get out and vote in November......
Remember, Thomas is not a young guy, and it would be great if Trump could replace him, if he goes in the next 6 years, with another real Justice.....
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
In other words, "brown people are the enemy", then "anyone who doesnt fall in line with that are also the enemy".

This is exactly what Putin wants. A divided USA is a weaker USA.

Putin wanted hilary, he paid 145 million dollars to get her......and then Trump won.....
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
The followup question after reading the OP would be, what would the progressive left fight this war with? It seems more than a few of them abhor guns, are somehow scared of them it seems... I duno?

No, they don't abhor guns....they abhor when their victims have guns........they are more than happy to have guns for themselves and their goon squads, but when their victims have guns it makes filling the mass graves so much harder...
Seems like that's what the right wants. How foolish ...

I'll tell you what; we might be in for a good ol' fashioned revolution, if the wealth disparity continues the way it has been.

And so what's the solution to stop this revolution, take money away from the rich and give it to the poor? People can do that today, it's just that they don't bother. Quit giving the rich your money. You, I and everybody here transfer our wealth to the top every single week.

I love my Kindle, my Ipad, and my car.....oh....and guns....let's not forget guns....
we need intellect on the court, we need so many things.

we won't let Trump and McConnell overturn Roe V Wade and hand the rights of the american people back over to the billionaires. we're not going back. not now, not ever. the fight of our lives is here, and we're in this fight to the death!
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war.
Yeah, as usual, we just love our silly hyperbole and historical ignorance.

I think it's very possible now, even probable, that we're going to see sporadic violence. We'll see it at protests, and now, after Kennedy, we'll almost certainly see sporadic violence between individuals in public places. People literally coming to blows at your neighborhood gas station, fer fuck's sake.

This is what it looks like when we let the Division Pimps win, and the lunatics are running the asylum.

Self inflicted wound, tough shit for us.
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I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

I love how you people pretend the hate is just one one side. It is almost as if you never read any of the post on this very forum.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

I love how you people pretend the hate is just one one side. It is almost as if you never read any of the post on this very forum.
Let it out, it's good for you. Pretending like that is a release for you that you need.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

I love how you people pretend the hate is just one one side. It is almost as if you never read any of the post on this very forum.
Let it out, it's good for you. Pretending like that is a release for you that you need.

Dumb fuck, I never hold anything back.
I don't worry much about a true civil war, but I do think it's possible we could see more attacks on Repub pols, perhaps deadly ones. There's a lot of hate out there and a lot of crazies. And Ginsburg (85) isn't the only older person on the Court, Alito is 68, Thomas is 70, and Breyer is 79. You never know....
I am more worried about more assassination attempts by triggered snowflakes and more domestic bombings / terrorist attacks like those perpetrated by Barry's buddy, Bill Ayers years ago.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
what would a civil war look like today?

maybe we're already in it but we just don't recognize it cause we're not lining up in uniform and shooting each other in west virginia fields.

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