Ginsburg and Civil War

I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
In other words, "brown people are the enemy", then "anyone who doesnt fall in line with that are also the enemy".

This is exactly what Putin wants. A divided USA is a weaker USA.
Exactly what Soros wants. He owns the democrat party and wants to short sell the USA
The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great?

They don't want the economy to be great. Their worst fear:

Their anger is a giveaway. In poker, it’s called a “tell.” A tell is a little thing a player does that gives away the hand he’s holding. Liberals’ tell is how they constantly bemoan success, and what their tell tells us is that they are eager to trade our prosperity for their power.

But what do they care about our prosperity anyway? They are actively against our prosperity! Proud, self-sufficient people don’t need or want them. The entire business model of the Democratic Party is to keep Democratic constituencies poor and then give them money looted from non-Democratic constituencies. If the Democratic constituencies stop needing handouts, uh oh. What would they need the Dems for anymore?

Kurt Schlichter - It Is Terrible To Be A Liberal In 2018 – Which Is Awesome
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Media is the only thing holding Trump acvountable. It sure isnt the sycophant Republicans or his disciples. They wont even call him on his lies.
Not a chance Sotomayor goes unless she is so outnumbered she gets aggravated and retires.

She's not healthy.

From a 2009 Slate article:
Why Judge Sotomayor's diabetes shouldn't be ignored.

Almost 50 years ago, her immune system mistakenly attacked and destroyed the parts of her pancreas that secrete insulin. She was lucky to live in modern times; just a century ago, the average child diagnosed with diabetes could expect to live only one year.
Well, we know what some of our Founding Fathers said about Revolution. A little Revolution every now & then is good for a country. Obviously the Communists/Democrats are growing increasingly aggressive and violent. Some of their leaders are publicly inciting daily. It's getting pretty ugly.

But if there is a violent clash at some point, the Communists/Democrats will lose. Most Republicans have learned to become strong and self-sufficient. They're prepared for upheaval and hardship. Most Communists/Democrats are lazy, entitled, and fully dependent on Government for survival. They aren't prepared for struggle. So, if they do want a Civil War, so be it. Bring it on. They'll lose.
Be easier to Figure out the likelihood of their actions after we see how they react this fall when Trumps next nominee is put on the court
Be easier to Figure out the likelihood of their actions after we see how they react this fall when Trumps next nominee is put on the court

I think we know how they're gonna react. They'll probably blame Russia and continue inciting violence. Pretty predicable loons. But regardless, Communists/Democrats will lose in a Civil War. They aren't prepared for struggle. They depend on someone else for their survival. They're lazy and entitled.

In contrast, most Republicans have been preparing for upheaval and hardship for a long time. Most have become self-sufficient. Most Communists/Democrats would completely lose it, and self-destruct after 1 day of no electricity. They'd likely turn on each other and start killing their own. If they do start a Civil War, it'll be the end of them. They aren't prepared.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Media is the only thing holding Trump acvountable. It sure isnt the sycophant Republicans or his disciples. They wont even call him on his lies.

As opposed to the syncophant Dems and disciples who wouldn't call Hillary or Obama on their lies. Nor did the MSM hold them accountable AT ALL. So you can take your whine somewhere else.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Media is the only thing holding Trump acvountable. It sure isnt the sycophant Republicans or his disciples. They wont even call him on his lies.

As opposed to the syncophant Dems and disciples who wouldn't call Hillary or Obama on their lies. Nor did the MSM hold them accountable AT ALL. So you can take your whine somewhere else.
You all need to get over Clinton. She isnt prez. Trump is.

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

Maybe they work for nail manufacturers or Harley Davidson?

Or are soy bean farmers?

Or maybe they're fiscally responsible and have lost $20,000 this year alone in their stock and bond holdings, and thousands dollars lost in the College Fund set up for their grandchildren?
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Media is the only thing holding Trump acvountable. It sure isnt the sycophant Republicans or his disciples. They wont even call him on his lies.

Accountable? Over 80% of their reporting on Trump is negative. In this kind of economy, do you really believe they would be doing the same if Hil-Liar were President? They would be holding monthly parades.

Shoemaker made a statement that Trump should not nominate a Supreme Court judge because Republicans stopped Obama from nominating one during an election year. Let’s see how many in the MSM point out the lie that It was a Presidential election year and not midterms.

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I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
The followup question after reading the OP would be, what would the progressive left fight this war with? It seems more than a few of them abhor guns, are somehow scared of them it seems... I duno?
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Media is the only thing holding Trump acvountable. It sure isnt the sycophant Republicans or his disciples. They wont even call him on his lies.

Accountable? Over 80% of their reporting on Trump is negative. In this kind of economy, do you really believe they would be doing the same if Hil-Liar were President? They would be holding monthly parades.

Shoemaker made a statement that Trump should not nominate a Supreme Court judge because Republicans stopped Obama from nominating one during an election year. Let’s see how many in the MSM point out the lie that It was a Presidential election year and not midterms.

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Spot On. If their Hitlery had achieved what Trump has, they would be gushing over her and throwing her daily parades. They're liars and hypocrites. It is what it is.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Media is the only thing holding Trump acvountable. It sure isnt the sycophant Republicans or his disciples. They wont even call him on his lies.

As opposed to the syncophant Dems and disciples who wouldn't call Hillary or Obama on their lies. Nor did the MSM hold them accountable AT ALL. So you can take your whine somewhere else.

LOL- after 8 years of you folks calling President Obama a liar- you are amazingly mum about your Liar in Chief.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Media is the only thing holding Trump acvountable. It sure isnt the sycophant Republicans or his disciples. They wont even call him on his lies.

Accountable? Over 80% of their reporting on Trump is negative. In this kind of economy, do you really believe they would be doing the same if Hil-Liar were President? They would be holding monthly parades.

Shoemaker made a statement that Trump should not nominate a Supreme Court judge because Republicans stopped Obama from nominating one during an election year. Let’s see how many in the MSM point out the lie that It was a Presidential election year and not midterms.

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Spot On. If their Hitlery had achieved what Trump has, they would be gushing over her and throwing those daily parades. They're liars and hypocrites. It is what it is.

If Clinton acted like Trump acts- you would be calling her a dictator and a despot. You are liars and hypocrites- but we knew that.
The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great?

They don't want the economy to be great. Their worst fear:

Their anger is a giveaway. In poker, it’s called a “tell.” A tell is a little thing a player does that gives away the hand he’s holding. Liberals’ tell is how they constantly bemoan success, and what their tell tells us is that they are eager to trade our prosperity for their power.

But what do they care about our prosperity anyway? They are actively against our prosperity! Proud, self-sufficient people don’t need or want them. The entire business model of the Democratic Party is to keep Democratic constituencies poor and then give them money looted from non-Democratic constituencies. If the Democratic constituencies stop needing handouts, uh oh. What would they need the Dems for anymore?

Kurt Schlichter - It Is Terrible To Be A Liberal In 2018 – Which Is Awesome

Great article. It's like I've been saying for a while, the current political tension has nothing to do with politics but personality. Or, more specifically: psychological stability. Not that a lefty would ever admit to it, but I suspect that deep down they know they're flaky weirdos. That's why they champion the weirdest causes like indoctrinating 5 year old boys into transgenderism, why they can't accept that actions have consequences like being separated from your kids if you try to illegally sneak across the border, why they can't accept that sometimes life just isn't fair.

Sorry to go off topic there but it's not like we can ever have an honest discussion with the raving leftwing lunatics on this forum anyway.
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.

If ginsberg goes while Trump is President......Trump and his family had better be well protected, the left is going to go insane.....

They are already insane. Did you hear Mad Max saying people should always harass Trump’s people and supporters? The woman is a banana peel from slipping into the psycho ward.

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I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Media is the only thing holding Trump acvountable. It sure isnt the sycophant Republicans or his disciples. They wont even call him on his lies.

As opposed to the syncophant Dems and disciples who wouldn't call Hillary or Obama on their lies. Nor did the MSM hold them accountable AT ALL. So you can take your whine somewhere else.

LOL- after 8 years of you folks calling President Obama a liar- you are amazingly mum about your Liar in Chief.

Obama’s lies hurt people.

Trumps are just ego
I heard of a poll that just came out stating that 31% of people surveyed believes that we are on the brink of another civil war. While I don't believe that for a minute, that concern doesn't surprise me with the hatred of Trump spewed by the MSM on a daily basis.

Civil war would mean a lot of deaths, and while leftists are extremely violent people, I just can't see it.

The announcement today of Kennedy leaving the court to spend the rest of his days fishing has probably made record alcohol sales in liberal cities and states, I still don't see the left getting violent enough to start this war. However..........

Would this be more of a reality if something happened to Justice Ginsburg? She is an elderly lady and certainly more prone to illness or death than any other Justice; not that I'm hoping for such a thing. But would such an unfortunate incident make this so-called civil war more of a reality in the US?

The media is a mind controlling machine. Another new poll came out that said 51% approve of the Trump economy. My only question was, WTF are these other 49% that think the economy isn't doing great? Brainwashing media.
Media is the only thing holding Trump acvountable. It sure isnt the sycophant Republicans or his disciples. They wont even call him on his lies.

Accountable? Over 80% of their reporting on Trump is negative. In this kind of economy, do you really believe they would be doing the same if Hil-Liar were President? They would be holding monthly parades.

Shoemaker made a statement that Trump should not nominate a Supreme Court judge because Republicans stopped Obama from nominating one during an election year. Let’s see how many in the MSM point out the lie that It was a Presidential election year and not midterms.

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Spot On. If their Hitlery had achieved what Trump has, they would be gushing over her and throwing those daily parades. They're liars and hypocrites. It is what it is.

If Clinton acted like Trump acts- you would be calling her a dictator and a despot. You are liars and hypocrites- but we knew that.

Yeah well, i lived through the previous 8yrs of a Marxist (Likely not even a US Citizen) Dictator nightmare. Hussein did whatever he wanted. He wasn't held accountable for anything. You gave him a complete free pass. So you do sound very disingenuous and hypocritical at this point. It is what it is.

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