Ginsburg Hospitalized.

Oddball said:
She could have retired and secured the seat for a leftist nutjob for a generation....But her own ego kept her on the bench....It's because of this that I say that Thomas should retire after the next USSC session.
Maybe Thomas Should. He's 70
Breyer Is 80 Also

Prog Activists Are In The Minority Now
And Will Be For A Long, Long Time
There's No Reason For Breyer And Ruth Not To Retire
Hope she is well
After how the Democrats attempted to destroy an innocent man during Kavanaugh confirmation process...fuck her old communist ass. Go to the light Ruthie...go to the light. Be the best thing you can do for the nation.
Nothing good to say about her, She hates the US Constitution and prefers European laws. The sooner she is off the bench the better the US will be, and it can not come soon enough

I say a lot of nasty shit about her. Now that her life is actually in danger I won't make light of it. I do hold her in serious contempt, at least as much as John McCain, and I don't celebrate his passing.

Nor was I even remotely bothered by it.

Ted Kennedy, Kim Jung Ill, Castro... Yeah.... I toasted the Harvester.

She's broken ribs before a few years back; osteoporosis happens to all older folks and her bones have endured chemo, too. She's very tough and she'll be fine. She fell in her office, while working late. She's a trooper!

It takes long hours to rewrite the Constitution. Any word on why she fell to begin with? I mean all those exercises she is so famous for help with balance.
I'm not a fan of her politics, but it truly sucks to have an injury like that at any age.

Just let go of the politics for 10 seconds and imagine she's your grandmother

If my grandmother has been the kind of left wing destroyer Ginsburg is, she would have been helped down the stairs a long long time ago.

I got nailed on another board for suggesting Cheney take her bird hunting.

I haven't changed my mind.

....with double ought buckshot.
As frail as she is. A BB gun would do the trick.
Grampa Murked U said:
I remember my grandmother's spiral to the end
That's What This Is
This Is A Catastrophe For A Frail 85yr Old Woman
It Will Lead To Other Complications

They will have to be careful for withdrawal symptoms also. Sometimes those can be worse than the actual habit. It's tough to rebuild bone on venous fluid that's 99% Merlot.
I'm not a fan of her politics, but it truly sucks to have an injury like that at any age.

Just let go of the politics for 10 seconds and imagine she's your grandmother

If my grandmother has been the kind of left wing destroyer Ginsburg is, she would have been helped down the stairs a long long time ago.

I got nailed on another board for suggesting Cheney take her bird hunting.

I haven't changed my mind.

....with double ought buckshot.
As frail as she is. A BB gun would do the trick.
Or an open-ended bar tab.

Nothing good to say about her, She hates the US Constitution and prefers European laws. The sooner she is off the bench the better the US will be, and it can not come soon enough

I say a lot of nasty shit about her. Now that her life is actually in danger I won't make light of it. I do hold her in serious contempt, at least as much as John McCain, and I don't celebrate his passing.

Nor was I even remotely bothered by it.

Ted Kennedy, Kim Jung Ill, Castro... Yeah.... I toasted the Harvester.


I have promised myself to drink at least three large thermos bottles full of coffee before I visit Mcain's grave.

This is a Joke not a dick. So don’t take it so hard. :badgrin:

"I can fantasize about X, Y and Z dynamics. Therefore they should be ashamed of that for which I have zero evidence"

--- JerkOff
LOL! Who, besides you apparently, believes the democrats aren't fervently hoping and urging Ginsburg to stay
on the Supreme Court (despite her advanced age and medical problems) so Trump won't get to appoint yet another
member of the court. "Zero evidence"? That is a frickin' laugh.

If they had any decency at all they would all get in touch with her and tell them they don't mind if she goes. she's only hanging in there so that she doesn't disappoint her buddies. she needs to spend these last few years cherishing family . This is disgusting.


And again, you have a link for this.

Oh wait, no you don't. Because only your proctologist can link to your own asshole.

I don't do footwork for lazy people... If you come here unprepared and unable to converse because you have no background knowledge that's your own problem. To be frank there aren't any links that can be trusted anymore. It's time for citizens to do their own research draw their own conclusions and create their own links.
How do you think any newspaper or news organization get started in the first place?


They damn sure didn't get started by some klown going "Hey I got an idea. Gonna get me wunna dem Gutenberg things and print whatever dribbles out of my ass, forsooth".

Actually.... That is pretty much exactly how they started ... Ass dribble and all....

Now be a dear and reread your history bonzo.

No way to know, period. She seems like a tough ol' broad, and I mean that in a good way.
The timing of this, though. Holy crap.
It’s funny how progressive don’t give a shit about her health… They only care about her politics.
SHe obviously is not well, it’s best if she hangs it up
Seems progressives don’t have your priorities straight...
Anyone here who claims that the political ramifications of this hadn't occurred to them is a transparent, weak, stone cold liar.

So tell me, had they occurred to you?

Looking forward to this.

Actually it tells me far far FAR more about the psychology of the kind of element that oozes onto this board, than it could ever tell me about political ramifications.

The very next post (Pogo Predicts) being a shining example thereof.

No it doesn't.... Try not to mistake your sadly narcissistic confirmation biases for real psychological analysis.

I mean you're free to do whatever you like.
You might not want to make a laughing stock out of yourself in the meantime though.

But hey that's just good advice you don't have to take it.

Dear Jesus,

Thanks for helping us out with John McCain. We really needed that, but I need to ask for one more thing. Pleas make it so Buzzy Ginsburger has to go home and stay in bed so we can replace her on the suprem court.

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