Ginsburg Hospitalized.

I am a card-carrying, straight-ticket-voting, yellow-flag-waiving, porcupine worshiping Libertarian...

...and I am gloating!


The Court will belong to the constitutionalists for at least 50 years. Hopefully it can reverse 80 years of leftist "interpretation" (A.K.A. Judicial Misconduct).
You are underestimating the Left. These are the same unethical, immoral, dirtbags capable of ANYTHING, who falsely accused Kavanuagh of RAPE in order to block him. If and when they gain enough power rest assured they will start "packing" the court with as many additional justices necessary in order to destroy us from within.

Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 - Wikipedia

The Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937[1] (frequently called the "court-packing plan")[2] was a legislative initiative proposed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to add more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. Roosevelt's purpose was to obtain favorable rulings regarding New Deal legislation that the court had ruled unconstitutional.[3] The central provision of the bill would have granted the President power to appoint an additional Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, up to a maximum of six, for every member of the court over the age of 70 years and 6 months.
Shes hurting bad with every breath. Pneumonia in the next week is likely.

Injuries in the elderly quickly evolve into mental and physical collapse. I wouldn’t be surprised in the next 6 months she’s either asking where’s her friend from first grade and/or a physical collapse of her health.

Picking up Senators guarantees Trump will get yet another Justice sometime next year.

I'm wondering how she got the injury....I was told she is being wheeled in and out of the SCOTUS building. Sounds like elder abuse to me. Surely she must have family that will intervene here! This should be in front of the local state level probate judge for a care and keeping decree IMO.

The Russians!
Apparently she fell. Broke a few ribs.

Mod Edit: Adding source Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fracturing ribs in fall - CNNPolitics

Hope she gets better really. Thats not a nice way to go out for her.

Though...... her whereabouts days earlier did raise some eyebrows
and back channels are predicting a coverup exposed. You saw it here

View attachment 227685 This is a Joke not a dick. So don’t take it so hard. :badgrin:

Can you imagine what would happen if Trump got to appoint another scotus judge ? Democrat land would be like,


He should be able to appoint two more, and hopefully fairly young ones. This is what is so great about his beating that criminal traitor and her Party in 2016. If all he did was keep that traitor from appointing any SC and Federal judges he could just sun himself on the White House Patio all day for his entire two terms and be a great President just for that; she had her fellow traitors would have definitely wrecked the country and murdering people by now.
I am a card-carrying, straight-ticket-voting, yellow-flag-waiving, porcupine worshiping Libertarian...

...and I am gloating!


The Court will belong to the constitutionalists for at least 50 years. Hopefully it can reverse 80 years of leftist "interpretation" (A.K.A. Judicial Misconduct).
You are underestimating the Left. These are the same unethical, immoral, dirtbags capable of ANYTHING, who falsely accused Kavanuagh of RAPE in order to block him. If and when they gain enough power rest assured they will start "packing" the court with as many additional justices necessary in order to destroy us from within.

Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 - Wikipedia

The Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937[1] (frequently called the "court-packing plan")[2] was a legislative initiative proposed by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to add more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. Roosevelt's purpose was to obtain favorable rulings regarding New Deal legislation that the court had ruled unconstitutional.[3] The central provision of the bill would have granted the President power to appoint an additional Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, up to a maximum of six, for every member of the court over the age of 70 years and 6 months.

I don't think they will ever get the House numbers to pull that off, at least not before 2028, anyway; depends on how stupid the anti-Trump GOP leaders get, and whether there is enough of those who all retire at the same time. They will certainly try, though. They might even have some assassinated to clear out some seats by then, given their current trend to violence and hate crimes, too.
View attachment 227685 This is a Joke not a dick. So don’t take it so hard. :badgrin:

Can you imagine what would happen if Trump got to appoint another scotus judge ? Democrat land would be like,


He should be able to appoint two more, and hopefully fairly young ones. This is what is so great about his beating that criminal traitor and her Party in 2016. If all he did was keep that traitor from appointing any SC and Federal judges he could just sun himself on the White House Patio all day for his entire two terms and be a great President just for that; she had her fellow traitors would have definitely wrecked the country and murdering people by now.
Sing it from the mountain brother!
Oddball said:
She could have retired and secured the seat for a leftist nutjob for a generation....But her own ego kept her on the bench....It's because of this that I say that Thomas should retire after the next USSC session.
Maybe Thomas Should. He's 70
Breyer Is 80 Also

Prog Activists Are In The Minority Now
And Will Be For A Long, Long Time
There's No Reason For Breyer And Ruth Not To Retire
Do it now while Trump is in office and Republicans control the Senate.
I'm not a fan of her politics, but it truly sucks to have an injury like that at any age.

Just let go of the politics for 10 seconds and imagine she's your grandmother

If my grandmother has been the kind of left wing destroyer Ginsburg is, she would have been helped down the stairs a long long time ago.

I got nailed on another board for suggesting Cheney take her bird hunting.

I haven't changed my mind.

....with double ought buckshot.
As frail as she is. A BB gun would do the trick.
Let’s find an ornery little prankster from the local elementary school.:777:
Apparently she fell. Broke a few ribs.

Mod Edit: Adding source Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fracturing ribs in fall - CNNPolitics
God wants Trump to have another nominee.
God doesn't vote and is not a citizen.
The hand of God moves all. The greatest Christian nation in the history of the world has fallen into the grip of Godless communism. I don’t think he’s happy.
Russia went back to communism?
Apparently she fell. Broke a few ribs.

Mod Edit: Adding source Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fracturing ribs in fall - CNNPolitics
God wants Trump to have another nominee.
God doesn't vote and is not a citizen.
The hand of God moves all. The greatest Christian nation in the history of the world has fallen into the grip of Godless communism. I don’t think he’s happy.
Russia went back to communism?

It never left it. It's run by the KGB now.
View attachment 227685 This is a Joke not a dick. So don’t take it so hard. :badgrin:

Can you imagine what would happen if Trump got to appoint another scotus judge ? Democrat land would be like,


He should be able to appoint two more, and hopefully fairly young ones. This is what is so great about his beating that criminal traitor and her Party in 2016. If all he did was keep that traitor from appointing any SC and Federal judges he could just sun himself on the White House Patio all day for his entire two terms and be a great President just for that; she had her fellow traitors would have definitely wrecked the country and murdering people by now.
Sing it from the mountain brother!

It gets even better; by the time he leaves office in 2024, he could possibly appoint around 430 or so Federal judges as well, probably more important than the SC, since the appeals courts and circuit courts hear a lot more cases.

Judicial vacancies during Trump's first term - Ballotpedia


    • Of the 870 life-term federal judicial positions, Trump inherited 108 vacancies. Not since Bill Clinton has an incoming president had the opportunity to fill this many life-term appointments to Article III courts at the start of an administration. For a breakdown of these numbers by presidency, please see: Vacancies by term.

    • The 108 vacancies represented roughly one in every eight life-term judicial positions (12.41%).

    • Over half, or approximately 438, judges currently serving in these 870 positions will be eligible to take senior status, thereby creating a judicial vacancy, by the end of 2020. This means there is a possibility that 50.3 percent of life-term appointments could be vacant by the end of Trump's first term.
View attachment 227685 This is a Joke not a dick. So don’t take it so hard. :badgrin:

Can you imagine what would happen if Trump got to appoint another scotus judge ? Democrat land would be like,


He should be able to appoint two more, and hopefully fairly young ones. This is what is so great about his beating that criminal traitor and her Party in 2016. If all he did was keep that traitor from appointing any SC and Federal judges he could just sun himself on the White House Patio all day for his entire two terms and be a great President just for that; she had her fellow traitors would have definitely wrecked the country and murdering people by now.
Sing it from the mountain brother!

It gets even better; by the time he leaves office in 2024, he will have appointed around 430 or so Federal judges as well, probably more important than the SC, since the appeals courts and circuit courts hear a lot more cases.

Judicial vacancies during Trump's first term - Ballotpedia


    • Of the 870 life-term federal judicial positions, Trump inherited 108 vacancies. Not since Bill Clinton has an incoming president had the opportunity to fill this many life-term appointments to Article III courts at the start of an administration. For a breakdown of these numbers by presidency, please see: Vacancies by term.

    • The 108 vacancies represented roughly one in every eight life-term judicial positions (12.41%).

    • Over half, or approximately 438, judges currently serving in these 870 positions will be eligible to take senior status, thereby creating a judicial vacancy, by the end of 2020. This means there is a possibility that 50.3 percent of life-term appointments could be vacant by the end of Trump's first term.

We need an earthquake to swallow the 9th circuit.
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.
No attacks or accusations against Trump's replacement for Ms. Ginsburg yet?

Libs need to get ahead of the ball here, and not wait until the last second like they didn't with calumnies against Kav.

A story should be brought out before Thanksgiving about what a irredeemable reprobate RBG's replacement is, about their history in the Nazi Party gangraping drugged up puppies.

Waiting to the last second didn't work, trashing this man or woman needs done in advance.
No attacks or accusations against Trump's replacement for Ms. Ginsburg yet?

Libs need to get ahead of the ball here, and not wait until the last second like they didn't with calumnies against Kav.

A story should be brought out before Thanksgiving about what a irredeemable reprobate RBG's replacement is, about their history in the Nazi Party gangraping drugged up puppies.

Waiting to the last second didn't work, trashing this man or woman needs done in advance.
Oh don't worry, be sure that the Dems will introduce evidence that Trump's next nominee will have been a rapist starting in high school, and an alcoholic who got involved in shady businesses that avoided paying taxes and ripped people off.

Maybe somebody should read the story about "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" to them once again.
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.

Romney is a jilted woman. He is a legacy vote nothing more. The Mormon Mafia is losing its clout in Utah. Slowly but surly. Mittens has maybe two terms before a serious democrat challenges him and wins.

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