Ginsburg Hospitalized.

On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.

Romney is a jilted woman. He is a legacy vote nothing more. The Mormon Mafia is losing its clout in Utah. Slowly but surly. Mittens has maybe two terms before a serious democrat challenges him and wins.
In other words Utah isn't too far away from becoming like Colorado.
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.

Romney is a jilted woman. He is a legacy vote nothing more. The Mormon Mafia is losing its clout in Utah. Slowly but surly. Mittens has maybe two terms before a serious democrat challenges him and wins.
In other words Utah isn't too far away from becoming like Colorado.

Colorado has WAY better water.

But then, who doesn't.
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.

Romney is a jilted woman. He is a legacy vote nothing more. The Mormon Mafia is losing its clout in Utah. Slowly but surly. Mittens has maybe two terms before a serious democrat challenges him and wins.
In other words Utah isn't too far away from becoming like Colorado.

Colorado has WAY better water.

But then, who doesn't.

Not really.
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.

Romney is a jilted woman. He is a legacy vote nothing more. The Mormon Mafia is losing its clout in Utah. Slowly but surly. Mittens has maybe two terms before a serious democrat challenges him and wins.
In other words Utah isn't too far away from becoming like Colorado.

Colorado has WAY better water.

But then, who doesn't.

Not really.

Worst coffee I've ever had in all my travels was in SLC. Didn't matter where I got the coffee, it all sucked.
I heard she is back at work today.
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.

Romney is a jilted woman. He is a legacy vote nothing more. The Mormon Mafia is losing its clout in Utah. Slowly but surly. Mittens has maybe two terms before a serious democrat challenges him and wins.
In other words Utah isn't too far away from becoming like Colorado.

Colorado has WAY better water.

But then, who doesn't.

Not really.

Worst coffee I've ever had in all my travels was in SLC. Didn't matter where I got the coffee, it all sucked.
So, one City is equivalent to the whole state?
I heard she is back at work today.
Romney is a jilted woman. He is a legacy vote nothing more. The Mormon Mafia is losing its clout in Utah. Slowly but surly. Mittens has maybe two terms before a serious democrat challenges him and wins.
In other words Utah isn't too far away from becoming like Colorado.

Colorado has WAY better water.

But then, who doesn't.

Not really.

Worst coffee I've ever had in all my travels was in SLC. Didn't matter where I got the coffee, it all sucked.
So, one City is equivalent to the whole state?

Yep. :puke:
I heard she is back at work today.
Romney is a jilted woman. He is a legacy vote nothing more. The Mormon Mafia is losing its clout in Utah. Slowly but surly. Mittens has maybe two terms before a serious democrat challenges him and wins.
In other words Utah isn't too far away from becoming like Colorado.

Colorado has WAY better water.

But then, who doesn't.

Not really.

Worst coffee I've ever had in all my travels was in SLC. Didn't matter where I got the coffee, it all sucked.
So, one City is equivalent to the whole state?

Working from home I.E. laying in bed high on oxycodone being spoon fed tapioca.
God I pray it’s Ted Cruz or Mike Lee. We need a strict constitutionalist like Antonio Scalia.

Cruz won't give up the Senate.


After he just went to that much trouble to get re-elected? That would be a crap thing to do to his constituents. And there are plenty of constitutionalists actually working as judges right now without having to look through the short list of political figures for a recognized name. Think outside the box.
View attachment 227685 This is a Joke not a dick. So don’t take it so hard. :badgrin:

Can you imagine what would happen if Trump got to appoint another scotus judge ? Democrat land would be like,


He should be able to appoint two more, and hopefully fairly young ones. This is what is so great about his beating that criminal traitor and her Party in 2016. If all he did was keep that traitor from appointing any SC and Federal judges he could just sun himself on the White House Patio all day for his entire two terms and be a great President just for that; she had her fellow traitors would have definitely wrecked the country and murdering people by now.
Sing it from the mountain brother!

It gets even better; by the time he leaves office in 2024, he will have appointed around 430 or so Federal judges as well, probably more important than the SC, since the appeals courts and circuit courts hear a lot more cases.

Judicial vacancies during Trump's first term - Ballotpedia


    • Of the 870 life-term federal judicial positions, Trump inherited 108 vacancies. Not since Bill Clinton has an incoming president had the opportunity to fill this many life-term appointments to Article III courts at the start of an administration. For a breakdown of these numbers by presidency, please see: Vacancies by term.

    • The 108 vacancies represented roughly one in every eight life-term judicial positions (12.41%).

    • Over half, or approximately 438, judges currently serving in these 870 positions will be eligible to take senior status, thereby creating a judicial vacancy, by the end of 2020. This means there is a possibility that 50.3 percent of life-term appointments could be vacant by the end of Trump's first term.

We need an earthquake to swallow the 9th circuit.

I'm cool with it, just leave Alaska out of it please - we hate being part of the 9th >.<
Apparently she fell. Broke a few ribs.

Mod Edit: Adding source Ruth Bader Ginsburg hospitalized after fracturing ribs in fall - CNNPolitics
God wants Trump to have another nominee.
God doesn't vote and is not a citizen.
The hand of God moves all. The greatest Christian nation in the history of the world has fallen into the grip of Godless communism. I don’t think he’s happy.
Russia went back to communism?
Nope...liberals control the media, our campuses, and the House. America is getting close to a death spiral.
but ...fear not :rolleyes-41:

Hollywood Stooge Alyssa Milano Offers Ruth Bader Ginsberg Both of Her Kidneys, Her Ribs, and a Lung

so there you go. You can all relax now.

Hollywood Stooge Alyssa Milano Offers Ruth Bader Ginsberg Both of Her Kidneys, Her Ribs, and a Lung – True Pundit

Notice she didn't offer her a brain transplant. They only take functioning organs.

That's right.
Doesn’t Milano smoke like a stack, drink like fish, do drugs like a hippie and fuck like a whore? I think Ginsburg is better off with her own organs. Didn’t Bourdain have Hep-C from hid heroin days?
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.
Romney lost because the working class rejected this “out of touch” idiot. Trump won the working class.
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.

Romney is a jilted woman. He is a legacy vote nothing more. The Mormon Mafia is losing its clout in Utah. Slowly but surly. Mittens has maybe two terms before a serious democrat challenges him and wins.

I'm actually surprised he's popular enough in Utah to get elected. He doesn't' seem the the type that would appeal to the rank and file there and their general outlook.
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.

Romney is a jilted woman. He is a legacy vote nothing more. The Mormon Mafia is losing its clout in Utah. Slowly but surly. Mittens has maybe two terms before a serious democrat challenges him and wins.
In other words Utah isn't too far away from becoming like Colorado.

Colorado has WAY better water.

But then, who doesn't.

What a fuckin' ignoramus, both Colorado and Utah get the majority of their drinking water from the snowpack of same mountain range!
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.
Romney lost because the working class rejected this “out of touch” idiot. Trump won the working class.
Romney also lost because he had no answer for the 24/7 fake news and false accusations assault (racism, sexism, etc.) by the media, Trump did. Romney didn't have the balls nor the desire to fight back, he was merely an opportunist.
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.

Romney is a jilted woman. He is a legacy vote nothing more. The Mormon Mafia is losing its clout in Utah. Slowly but surly. Mittens has maybe two terms before a serious democrat challenges him and wins.
In other words Utah isn't too far away from becoming like Colorado.

Colorado has WAY better water.

But then, who doesn't.

What a fuckin' ignoramus, both Colorado and Utah get the majority of their drinking water from the snowpack of same mountain range!

Apparently SLC doesn't know how to process it. Go get a cup of "coffee" there and get back to me when you finish puking.
On another note, based in his tweet to Jeff Sessions, it looks like Romney is auditioning for becoming the new McCain of the Senate. Luckily, the majority will be great enough to cancel out whatever payback damage to Trump he might be planning, for now.
Romney lost because the working class rejected this “out of touch” idiot. Trump won the working class.
Romney also lost because he had no answer for the 24/7 fake news and false accusations assault (racism, sexism, etc.) by the media, Trump did. Romney didn't have the balls nor the desire to fight back, he was merely an opportunist.

Romney lost in large part because he claimed "Jeep was moving to China", which Jeep workers in Ohio and Michigan, his own birth state, knew to be bullshit as Jeep was expanding, rather than reducing, its production there. He then lost both of those states. Oh and the gas prices canard too.

Hey, dishonest pandering gets seen through sometimes. And that's a good thing. Here's another example from just this week.

What you really mean is that Rump is better at selling bullshit (or as he calls it "feelings") than Romney. And I agree with that.

Post 335 above says the same thing in a different way:

Romney lost because the working class rejected this “out of touch” idiot. Trump won the working class.

Clearly neither Romney nor Rump is anywhere within smelling distance of "working class" but one simply sold his bullshit better --- and won Ohio and Michigan --- than the other.

(/way offtopic)
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