Giss for Nov reports that we had the warmest November in recorded history

When we show that it's the coldest month on record, the AGW sycophants claim it's meaningless. When they find a warmest month in record it's undeniable proof.

It's a scam as transparent as it gets.

Only problem is that we haven't had a "coldest month on record" for a hundred years.

Incorrect. Anchorage Alaska had it's snowiest winter on record in 2011-12. It had it's longest winter on record (first snowfall till last) in 2012-13. It also had it's coldest July on record in 2012.
how many of you thought, "gee this is a really warm November, I wonder if it is a record?"

the satellites dont seem to think it was hot.

so what gives? is Gavin even more of a temperature manipulator than Jimbo was? its pretty hard to BS people about the weather in their own town....but global temps are much more malleable.

The lead post's comment comes from NASA/GISS, not Gavin. Do you think they got it wrong? Have you checked with McIntyre? Have you read both sides and the middle? Your comment above, "How many of you thought..." disappoints me. Just like rejecting Marcott due to the "look" of his proxies. You know better.

Im sorry. I was under the impression that Gavin Schmidt took over the leadership of GISS when Jim Hansen retired. is that incorrect?

I have not read anything about this except Matthew's OP. my comment about people not realizing that it was 'the hottest November EVER!!! until GISS told them is rather self evident. did you suspect it was at the time? tell the truth now.....
how many of you thought, "gee this is a really warm November, I wonder if it is a record?"

the satellites dont seem to think it was hot.

so what gives? is Gavin even more of a temperature manipulator than Jimbo was? its pretty hard to BS people about the weather in their own town....but global temps are much more malleable.

The lead post's comment comes from NASA/GISS, not Gavin. Do you think they got it wrong? Have you checked with McIntyre? Have you read both sides and the middle? Your comment above, "How many of you thought..." disappoints me. Just like rejecting Marcott due to the "look" of his proxies. You know better.

Im sorry. I was under the impression that Gavin Schmidt took over the leadership of GISS when Jim Hansen retired. is that incorrect?

I have not read anything about this except Matthew's OP. my comment about people not realizing that it was 'the hottest November EVER!!! until GISS told them is rather self evident. did you suspect it was at the time? tell the truth now.....

I had heard nothing since Hansen retired and Hildebrand took over as temp director.

If you would like me to believe that when you said "how many of you thought, "gee this is a really warm November, I wonder if it is a record?"", that you had no intention of casting doubt on the GISS conclusion, you will have to try a little harder.

ps: I live in South Florida. It HAS been exceptionally warm here. It will get in the 80s today and has done so quite consistently all this year. Temperature's BELOW 80 have been the exception this season. Don't be so provincial. ;-)
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The lead post's comment comes from NASA/GISS, not Gavin. Do you think they got it wrong? Have you checked with McIntyre? Have you read both sides and the middle? Your comment above, "How many of you thought..." disappoints me. Just like rejecting Marcott due to the "look" of his proxies. You know better.

Im sorry. I was under the impression that Gavin Schmidt took over the leadership of GISS when Jim Hansen retired. is that incorrect?

I have not read anything about this except Matthew's OP. my comment about people not realizing that it was 'the hottest November EVER!!! until GISS told them is rather self evident. did you suspect it was at the time? tell the truth now.....

I had heard nothing since Hansen retired and Hildebrand took over as temp director.

If you would like me to believe that when you said "how many of you thought, "gee this is a really warm November, I wonder if it is a record?"", that you had no intention of casting doubt on the GISS conclusion, you will have to try a little harder.

ps: I live in South Florida. It HAS been exceptionally warm here. It will get in the 80s today and has done so quite consistently all this year. Temperature's BELOW 80 have been the exception this season. Don't be so provincial. ;-)

that's fine, so Gavin didnt take over Jimbo's job. my mistake.

so Florida is warm right now. have you been thinking December will be a new record warm month? you called me provincial for stating the obvious. people have a clue as to what the weather and temps are doing in their area but they cannot know from first hand knowledge what the 'global' temp and weather are like. if GISS says it is a record, what layman can say "no"?


the old graph (taken from a blog article dated 26jun2011) has this interesting quote-

As a matter of interest I was in Jacksonville about a month ago, and talking with someone who used to have an orange orchard, but who had seen it die with the falling temperatures in winter, and the gradual movement south of the practical temperature for growing citrus crops. That is borne out by the fall in temperatures in Jacksonville.

today's GISS graph-


please note the y axis. there has been a staggering 1C drop in pre-1960 temps.

I dont really care what you think Abe. I have long since given up trying to change anybody's mind here at USMB. but I challenge you to google a GISS graph from any source and then go to GISS and get today's version, and compare them. you may agree with changes being made but not even you can say that there havent been large and unpublicized 'corrections' and 'adjustments' added.
that's fine, so Gavin didnt take over Jimbo's job. my mistake.

so Florida is warm right now. have you been thinking December will be a new record warm month? you called me provincial for stating the obvious.

I called you "....provincial ;-)"

people have a clue as to what the weather and temps are doing in their area but they cannot know from first hand knowledge what the 'global' temp and weather are like. if GISS says it is a record, what layman can say "no"?

I don't understand. Are you complaining about this? Is this GISS's fault? Do you think GISS should stop collecting, processing and presenting data because the lay public can't do it themselves? That why they DO do it.

I dont really care what you think Abe. I have long since given up trying to change anybody's mind here at USMB. but I challenge you to google a GISS graph from any source and then go to GISS and get today's version, and compare them. you may agree with changes being made but not even you can say that there havent been large and unpublicized 'corrections' and 'adjustments' added.

I have no reason to believe that GISS is making anything but their best effort to provide the public with accurate, meaningful, useful data and - lacking any unsupportable preconceptions regarding the Earth's climate or GISS's intentions - thus I do believe them.

You and your friends accuse me of being blind to the facts, of accepting the government's (?) line or the LED industry's line or the I-want-to-destroy-the-Earth-liberal's line. But that's bullshit. I simply accept the contention that a theory that is as widely accepted among the experts as is AGW is extremely LIKELY to be correct. Whereas you and your friends, from what I've been able to discern, decided as soon as Al Gore opened his mouth that you would fight against whatever it was he was selling NO MATTER the evidence, the facts, the logic or the reasoning.

The world is getting warmer. The ONLY workable cause is greenhouse warming from human GHG emissions. YOU HAVE NO OTHER WORKABLE SOLUTION. Conservative forecasts of the effects of that warming show severe impacts and severe costs. The solution to the issue threatens the very existence of one of the most widespread and well-funded industrial concerns to have ever existed. That they should make some effort to resist is a given and you'd be a fool to reject that idea.

Thus, if you really want to practice the art of objective skepticism, I suggest a much harder look at the accuracy, the applicability, the reliability and, yes, the motives behind the information you're being fed by the denier camp. That you would accept the accusation that thousands of scientists are intentionally lying to the public to keep the grant money flowing or because they're all godless liberals intent on destroying modern society (another meme deserving of more than a little reality check) while IGNORING the motivation the fossil fuel industry has for doing EXACTLY what you've been doing for them... does not mark you as someone practiced at effective self-examination.
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people have a clue as to what the weather and temps are doing in their area but they cannot know from first hand knowledge what the 'global' temp and weather are like. if GISS says it is a record, what layman can say "no"?

I don't understand. Are you complaining about this? Is this GISS's fault? Do you think GISS should stop collecting, processing and presenting data because the lay public can't do it themselves? That why they DO do it.

the devil is in the details. I showed you two GISS temp graphs from a station in your state. the change in less than three years is staggering. are you really on board with them saying that we didnt know how to read a thermometer before this year?

quite a while back I showed how the Reykjavic, Iceland temperature series had been changed in a similar manner. the Iceland Met declared that all changes in equipment and methodolgy had been properly documented, therefore no extra adjustments were necessary. the GISS adjustments are still in place and requests for specific explanations for this specific location were met with only a link to the general description of the GISS methodology on their website. the adjustments wiped out a cold decade that caused severe temperature related hardship to Iceland.

you are asking me to believe in a computer model that adjusts temperatures without checking with reality. and when questioned, no specific demonstrations of its validity are provided.

you are asking me to believe in the honesty and respectibility of GISS workers. I dont give a rat's ass about anything but whether they get the right answers. it doesnt matter whether it is incompetence, an honest mistake, or something more sinister. when mistakes are found they must be dealt with. instead, all we hear is that it is only one place and it has negligible effect on the whole.
You know what we laymen can KNOW with absolute certainty regarding this debate?

SOMEbody is lying.

They're not misguided, they're not mistaken, they're not confused...they're liars.

Now I am NOT talking about anyone posting here because, after all, you folks are merely parroting what your "EXPERTS" are telling you.

But one of those sets of "EXPERTS" is lying like a rug to us.

And what should we do to those people when it is absolutely postitively obvious who has been lying?

I just did a google search for GISS TEMPERATURE GRAPH. this is the first single station one that appeared, last image one page 2-


the article was questioning whether the post 2000 spike was related to the movement of the recorder.

this is todays graph-


I will let people see for themselves the various adjustments.

are they justified? I dont know. I dont even know where Lampasas is. sounds Texan. different parts of the graph adjusted differently, with discontinuities in between. perhaps there were many station moves? or maybe the GISS algorithm just cuts up and rearranges the graph as it sees fit.
You know what we laymen can KNOW with absolute certainty regarding this debate?

SOMEbody is lying.

They're not misguided, they're not mistaken, they're not confused...they're liars.

Now I am NOT talking about anyone posting here because, after all, you folks are merely parroting what your "EXPERTS" are telling you.

But one of those sets of "EXPERTS" is lying like a rug to us.

And what should we do to those people when it is absolutely postitively obvious who has been lying?


Well, it is not against the law to lie to the public. Fox News won that right for their TV broadcasts in a Florida court.

Now as to who is lying on this issue. I think that one would have to look at where the data is coming from, and what the credentials of the people are that are presenting the data.

On the side of those that state that AGW is a fact, and a danger, we have satellite data, data from weather and tide stations, data from those testing acidity of the oceans, and the proxy data from past climates presented to us by the geologists from around the world. On the side of the denialists, we have people that are stating that this data is all fabricated by a vast conspiracy of scientists from every nation and political system in the world. Hard choice here.

On the denialist side, we have people like Monkton, a fake Lord, with a degree in journalism, and nothing else. People like Anthony Watts, with a degree in nothing. We have some scientists that whored their credentials for the tobacco companies, and are now doing the same for the energy companies. On the side stating that AGW is a threat, and a clear danger, we have every Scientific Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University in the world. We have virtually all of the Climate Scientists in the world, and all those in engaged in earth sciences.

Given these facts, really, really hard to tell who is engaged in purposeful lying, right:lol:
Im sorry. I was under the impression that Gavin Schmidt took over the leadership of GISS when Jim Hansen retired. is that incorrect?

I have not read anything about this except Matthew's OP. my comment about people not realizing that it was 'the hottest November EVER!!! until GISS told them is rather self evident. did you suspect it was at the time? tell the truth now.....

I had heard nothing since Hansen retired and Hildebrand took over as temp director.

If you would like me to believe that when you said "how many of you thought, "gee this is a really warm November, I wonder if it is a record?"", that you had no intention of casting doubt on the GISS conclusion, you will have to try a little harder.

ps: I live in South Florida. It HAS been exceptionally warm here. It will get in the 80s today and has done so quite consistently all this year. Temperature's BELOW 80 have been the exception this season. Don't be so provincial. ;-)

that's fine, so Gavin didnt take over Jimbo's job. my mistake.

so Florida is warm right now. have you been thinking December will be a new record warm month? you called me provincial for stating the obvious. people have a clue as to what the weather and temps are doing in their area but they cannot know from first hand knowledge what the 'global' temp and weather are like. if GISS says it is a record, what layman can say "no"?


the old graph (taken from a blog article dated 26jun2011) has this interesting quote-

As a matter of interest I was in Jacksonville about a month ago, and talking with someone who used to have an orange orchard, but who had seen it die with the falling temperatures in winter, and the gradual movement south of the practical temperature for growing citrus crops. That is borne out by the fall in temperatures in Jacksonville.

today's GISS graph-


please note the y axis. there has been a staggering 1C drop in pre-1960 temps.

I dont really care what you think Abe. I have long since given up trying to change anybody's mind here at USMB. but I challenge you to google a GISS graph from any source and then go to GISS and get today's version, and compare them. you may agree with changes being made but not even you can say that there havent been large and unpublicized 'corrections' and 'adjustments' added.

It's well known by those in the Florida citrus industry that freezes are more common now than in the past.

Citrus Industry History - Florida Citrus Mutual
Coldest November in decades in the US.

Abnormal cold to close November: possibly coldest in decades

Australia, coldest in seven years.
Sydney weather: City experiences coldest day in November in seven years

Record cold in Canada
Ottawa sets record for coldest Nov. 25 ... sort of

Norway, coldest November in living memory.
Norway?s coldest November in living memory | Watts Up With That?

Winter hell in Britian
Three months of winter hell will see coldest Christmas on record | Latest News | Latest Breaking News | Daily Star. Simply The Best 7 Days A Week

Coldest November on record in Tasmania
Tasmania in November 2013

Snow in Cairo and Israel.

Is there any reason why these warmists should have a shred of credibility left?
Are you an idiot? I bet it was cold at the poles as well. It was 80 today where I'm sitting and that's 26 degrees from the fooking equator. If you don't believe NASA/GISS, go find some other source with as much credibility and resources that DISAGREES with them. Don't send us fooking weather reports and claim you know what the fook you're talking about.
Both noaa and giss both shown Most of America below normal...Both shown very warm Novembers globally. Shows how much America matters within judging global temperature. ;)
You know what we laymen can KNOW with absolute certainty regarding this debate?

SOMEbody is lying.

They're not misguided, they're not mistaken, they're not confused...they're liars.

Now I am NOT talking about anyone posting here because, after all, you folks are merely parroting what your "EXPERTS" are telling you.

But one of those sets of "EXPERTS" is lying like a rug to us.

And what should we do to those people when it is absolutely postitively obvious who has been lying?


Who has been altering the historical weather data sets? Who has found it necessary to go back 50 years and change the historical record to support their tall tale? Who has the ability to do that?

It sure ain't the sceptics....
Are you an idiot? I bet it was cold at the poles as well. It was 80 today where I'm sitting and that's 26 degrees from the fooking equator. If you don't believe NASA/GISS, go find some other source with as much credibility and resources that DISAGREES with them. Don't send us fooking weather reports and claim you know what the fook you're talking about.

It's impossible to believe anything that GISS produces. When you check the local records they are all cold. When they get massaged by GISS they suddenly are warm. There is only one way that can happen and it's not ethical.
Are you an idiot? I bet it was cold at the poles as well. It was 80 today where I'm sitting and that's 26 degrees from the fooking equator. If you don't believe NASA/GISS, go find some other source with as much credibility and resources that DISAGREES with them. Don't send us fooking weather reports and claim you know what the fook you're talking about.

It's impossible to believe anything that GISS produces. When you check the local records they are all cold. When they get massaged by GISS they suddenly are warm. There is only one way that can happen and it's not ethical.

My comment was that it was ridiculous - and ignorant - to argue local, daily weather against a monthly global temperature report.

You've made this charge against GISS on numerous occasions. Let's see the evidence. The E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E
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You know what we laymen can KNOW with absolute certainty regarding this debate?

SOMEbody is lying.

They're not misguided, they're not mistaken, they're not confused...they're liars.

Now I am NOT talking about anyone posting here because, after all, you folks are merely parroting what your "EXPERTS" are telling you.

But one of those sets of "EXPERTS" is lying like a rug to us.

And what should we do to those people when it is absolutely postitively obvious who has been lying?


Who has been altering the historical weather data sets? Who has found it necessary to go back 50 years and change the historical record to support their tall tale? Who has the ability to do that?

It sure ain't the sceptics....

Then there is that whole Mann Hockey Stick farce that does away with the medieval warming period.
Are you an idiot? I bet it was cold at the poles as well. It was 80 today where I'm sitting and that's 26 degrees from the fooking equator. If you don't believe NASA/GISS, go find some other source with as much credibility and resources that DISAGREES with them. Don't send us fooking weather reports and claim you know what the fook you're talking about.

It's impossible to believe anything that GISS produces. When you check the local records they are all cold. When they get massaged by GISS they suddenly are warm. There is only one way that can happen and it's not ethical.

My comment was that it was ridiculous - and ignorant - to argue local, daily weather against a monthly global temperature report.

You've made this charge against GISS on numerous occasions. Let's see the evidence. The E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E

Sure as soon as you post the datasets with source code that proves CO2 drives climate.
Are you an idiot? I bet it was cold at the poles as well. It was 80 today where I'm sitting and that's 26 degrees from the fooking equator. If you don't believe NASA/GISS, go find some other source with as much credibility and resources that DISAGREES with them. Don't send us fooking weather reports and claim you know what the fook you're talking about.

Last year's GISS doesn't agree with this year's GISS. The further back in time that you go, the more disparity there is. If if a third or possibly more of the the increase simply wasn't there ten years ago, why should we accept there claim of a new record?

The instrumental temperature history is rapidly turning into a proxy series. Its not the numbers that count but rather hoe you interpret the numbers.

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