Giss, noaa and Hadcrut are on course to give 2014 the record


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

Giss is .667c with the record being .658c. Dec only needs to get a .56c = we have our record. Looking at the way dec is shaping up, we're going to get around .7c!

3 of the surface data sets are on course to give us our record.
And the two most reliable are not among them.. RSS and USCRN say no its not... only the ADJUSTED DATA SETS show this.

I love how alarmist use the molested data sets ion order to obtain their "warmest" ever and that is a bold face lie as many years have been much warmer than this one. Yet they know it!
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Poor ol' Billy Boob, let's look at what we are talking about. In a year with a low TSI, with a neutral ENSO, we are very warm. Warm enough that many of the sets of data says it is the warmest year on record. And the other sets say it is among the warmest. It should not even rank in the top ten.

Your turn. What is causing the excess heat?
Poor ol' Billy Boob, let's look at what we are talking about. In a year with a low TSI, with a neutral ENSO, we are very warm. Warm enough that many of the sets of data says it is the warmest year on record. And the other sets say it is among the warmest. It should not even rank in the top ten.

Your turn. What is causing the excess heat?
There is none. Its all exited to space. Why dont you go out with Trenbreth and find it... You can be lost like that fool is.. Oh wait, you already are.... Fucking moron!
Wonderful. No increase in heat. So all the people in all the nations on earth that are recording the increase in heat are in on one vast conspiracy to fool poor little adolescent Billy Boob. Yessssssiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Bob!
most of the supposed excess heat is in poorly measured areas where the adjustments are as large as the trends.
Australia and New Zealand have even more massive adjustments than the US. At least their govts seem to know about it.

Let's not forget about how they refused to dump water from their dams in the face of oncoming storms because of the faulty prediction of perpetual drought due to Climate Change. Severe damage was done that could have been ameliorated if they had just followed standard procedures.
Whatever they may have done about their reservoirs has nothing to do with the validity of AGW and the predictions of future droughts. No one in the field would recommend ignoring severe weather predictions because of climatic projections.

Could we see a little more detail about the instance to which you refer?
Just looked this up Ian

Drought in Australia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Australia suffered a sever drought from 2003 till 2012 that was ended by heavy rains that began in the Spring of 2010. In 2013, a new drought began. I find nothing about AGW-related drought predictions causing governments to unwisely hold onto reservoirs in the face of severe storm predictions.
Let's not forget about how they refused to dump water from their dams in the face of oncoming storms because of the faulty prediction of perpetual drought due to Climate Change. Severe damage was done that could have been ameliorated if they had just followed standard procedures.
Link, please.

IAC no such "prediction" would stipulate "perpetual drought". The most the models can tell us is that some regions, such as much of Australia, will probably see drought that is more serious and/or more prolonged than in the past.
Let's not forget about how they refused to dump water from their dams in the face of oncoming storms because of the faulty prediction of perpetual drought due to Climate Change. Severe damage was done that could have been ameliorated if they had just followed standard procedures.
Link, please.

IAC no such "prediction" would stipulate "perpetual drought". The most the models can tell us is that some regions, such as much of Australia, will probably see drought that is more serious and/or more prolonged than in the past.

two decades of the drumbeat of 'climate change' left Australia with a great fear of perpetual drought. enough that govt publications mentioned it, desalination plants were started (only to be mothballed), and in the context of my post there is the fact that the dam above Brisbane was left at 140-191% full for many days even though they had already had floods in the past month! the big flood was caused by the emergency dumping of water, which came within inches of the emergency spillways. this was in contravention of the law that stated it must be kept at only 100% capacity. perhaps this was just incompetence but .....

the gentrification of many of the streams and creeks downhill from the dam, against the recommendations of the engineers, didnt help either.
Australia and New Zealand have even more massive adjustments than the US. At least their govts seem to know about it.
I'd hope so.

Doing our fair share
Reducing our emissions - New Zealand Climate change information

The New Zealand Government is working actively to secure an effective global agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions. The Government’s main policy tool to reduce emissions is an Emissions Trading Scheme that puts a price on greenhouse gas emissions. Changes to the scheme are being considered as part of a Select Committee Review and discussions with Australia on harmonisation with their similar Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

New Zealand’s First Biennial Report under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

New Zealand is prepared to take on a responsibility target for greenhouse gas emissions reductions of between 10 per cent and 20 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, conditional on a comprehensive global agreement. This means:
  • the global agreement sets the world on a pathway to limit temperature rise to not more than 2°C;
  • developed countries make comparable efforts to those of New Zealand;
  • advanced and major emitting developing countries take action fully commensurate with their respective capabilities;
  • there is an effective set of rules for land use, land-use change and forestry(LULUCF); and
  • there is full recourse to a broad and efficient international carbon market.
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Australia and New Zealand have even more massive adjustments than the US. At least their govts seem to know about it.
I'd hope so.

Doing our fair share
Reducing our emissions - New Zealand Climate change information

The New Zealand Government is working actively to secure an effective global agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions. The Government’s main policy tool to reduce emissions is an Emissions Trading Scheme that puts a price on greenhouse gas emissions. Changes to the scheme are being considered as part of a Select Committee Review and discussions with Australia on harmonisation with their similar Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme.

hahahahahaha. I, of course, was referring to the adjustments to their temperature datasets that went from little or no warming in the raw data, to more than the global average with the 'adjusted' data.
I'd note that the present right wing government pays more lip service than not to the idea of reducing carbon emissions.
hahahahahaha. I, of course, was referring to the adjustments to their temperature datasets that went from little or no warming in the raw data, to more than the global average with the 'adjusted' data.
And I was demonstrating the inferences the government drew from those 'adjusted' data sets.
The last govt went down in flames, in no small part due to the crazy carbon tax they were implementing.

Edit- oz not nz
Well you know Ozzies, nothing's as precious as a hole in the ground.

Billionaires will spend millions to prove that.
Ian, correct me if I'm wrong, but I can still find no link demonstrating the various points you've been attempting to make. That's a bit unlike you.

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