Give an example of when man's ethics and morality are superior to Gawds

We've got a new champion of slavery, as long as it's only for 6 years.
nope just another person pointing out the irrationality of an atheist's argument.....
A component of the argument is that slavery is endorsed by your gawds, as it is delineated clearly and in multiple locations in the bibles.

Simply pleading ignorance on your part won't make those religious commandments disappear.
so in other words, it's just more of the crap atheists made up.......
I would suggest that "crap" involves worshipping a book, written by men, that contains obvious errors, omissions and provisions for anti-human behavior.
yeah I know....atheists have been suggesting that for ages and it still isn't true.....
Denial on your part (and pleading ignorance), won't make the errors, omissions and allowances for slavery vanish..... as if by supernatural means. Unfortunately for you and those like you, the inventors of christianity had no issue with slavery / sexual slavery and dutifully recorded the passages in the bibles.
It's a simple matter to search for biblical references that speak to keeping slaves. To ignore them or deny they exist is dishonest.
several have already been quoted here.....such as the OT requirement that a slave be released after the six years of labor he had contracted for......and the instruction Paul gave to Philemon to take his run away slave back not as a slave but as a brother in Christ......but then I guess an extremist would wave off that evidence because it conflicted with her atheist dogma........

We've got a new champion of slavery, as long as it's only for 6 years.


Dear Carla_Danger
One friend was more worried about people losing their rights after being convicted of felonies.
There is a whole book on the "New Jim Crow" about the prison complex run as a way to
keep Blacks enslaved and never being equal in society.

Are you going after that? Or not because it is the secular laws and political enslaving people?

Last I checked the Old Testament laws that applied to ancient cultures in the days of slavery
no longer apply today; any more than the old laws that used to treat Black Slaves as 3/5 free.

Many Blacks do still question, contest and reject Constitutional laws as only protecting
people on the basis of Property rights and ownership, to keep poor minorities enslaved to whites.

so if you are going to question the Bible on slavery,
don't stop there, but reject the Constitution and prison systems that
have been blamed for enslaving people in perpetual poverty by lack of ownership.

At least be consistent! Go after ALL class warfare, and don't just discriminate on the basis of religion.

As others have pointed out, the people enslaving women and children today aren't the Christians doing this....
We've got a new champion of slavery, as long as it's only for 6 years.
nope just another person pointing out the irrationality of an atheist's argument.....
A component of the argument is that slavery is endorsed by your gawds, as it is delineated clearly and in multiple locations in the bibles.

Simply pleading ignorance on your part won't make those religious commandments disappear.

Dear Hollie
I don't know where or why you are missing the point of new life in Christ Jesus is to be freed from materialism,
Mammon, and the slavery that comes with it.

I think you are looking at the older stages of society, where humanity was still developing and still had slavery going on.

If you cannot forgive that, if you cannot forgive the fact that even America had our railroads built by the immigrant slave labor of Chinese worked to death, or the Industrial Revolution that grew out of the economic advantages we had, built in part on the backs of slave labor in the South, then of course you cannot move forward.

We all benefit from the sacrifices made by Native Americans, and Blacks and anyone else (the Irish, the Chinese) who have been enslaved, and the victims of genocides who die in war while humanity undergoes our treacherous learning curves.

If you cannot forgive the Hitlers, and Pol Pots, of the world, but must continue to project blame onto something tangible you can name, go ahead. But that doesn't help stop the slavery that still exists today, which is happening in nonchristian China, with the Jihadists ISIS and Boko Haram that reject Christianity and kidnap and kill Christians.

You cannot explain all the slavery and oppression going on in the world by blaming slavery on the Bible.

It is a worldwide problem of class oppression because of unequal development of humanity in stages.

The Christians I know are doing as much work as any other group, if not more, to address and end oppression.
I don't know why you insist on only looking at Christianity in this negative light, when the good in Christianity
has liberated more people from slavery on so many more levels than the Bible ever addressed slavery in the past.

Sorry you are missing out on the bigger picture because you are hung up on this one point.
so in other words, it's just more of the crap atheists made up.......
I would suggest that "crap" involves worshipping a book, written by men, that contains obvious errors, omissions and provisions for anti-human behavior.
yeah I know....atheists have been suggesting that for ages and it still isn't true.....
Denial on your part (and pleading ignorance), won't make the errors, omissions and allowances for slavery vanish..... as if by supernatural means. Unfortunately for you and those like you, the inventors of christianity had no issue with slavery / sexual slavery and dutifully recorded the passages in the bibles.

^ who "invented" the Golden Rule of treating others as you wish to be treated? ^
This Golden Rule of Reciprocity is found in all major religions.
So if people were following Christianity, we would have perfect charity for all others equally as ourselves.
This was not a concept "made up by man." Charity is a natural way of sharing, by our human nature
that brings up fulfillment and peace, and allows corrections for injustice, mistakes and wrongs.

Forgiveness that allows for healing of these past wrongs COULD be called "supernatural"
as in "forgiveness being divine."

But that doesn't erase the wrongs and void the injustices.
Just because people forgive and heal, in order to maintain good working healthy relationships,
doesn't mean debts aren't still owed for wrongs. The Same Bible also states that every debt
shall be paid, and people will be held to account for their words. I think you are missing that part:

Give an example of when man s ethics and morality are superior to Gawds Page 7 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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It's a simple matter to search for biblical references that speak to keeping slaves. To ignore them or deny they exist is dishonest.
several have already been quoted here.....such as the OT requirement that a slave be released after the six years of labor he had contracted for......and the instruction Paul gave to Philemon to take his run away slave back not as a slave but as a brother in Christ......but then I guess an extremist would wave off that evidence because it conflicted with her atheist dogma........

We've got a new champion of slavery, as long as it's only for 6 years.


Dear Carla_Danger
One friend was more worried about people losing their rights after being convicted of felonies.
There is a whole book on the "New Jim Crow" about the prison complex run as a way to
keep Blacks enslaved and never being equal in society.

Are you going after that? Or not because it is the secular laws and political enslaving people?

Last I checked the Old Testament laws that applied to ancient cultures in the days of slavery
no longer apply today; any more than the old laws that used to treat Black Slaves as 3/5 free.

Many Blacks do still question, contest and reject Constitutional laws as only protecting
people on the basis of Property rights and ownership, to keep poor minorities enslaved to whites.

so if you are going to question the Bible on slavery,
don't stop there, but reject the Constitution and prison systems that
have been blamed for enslaving people in perpetual poverty by lack of ownership.

At least be consistent! Go after ALL class warfare, and don't just discriminate on the basis of religion.

As others have pointed out, the people enslaving women and children today aren't the Christians doing this....

Of course I'm against the private (for profit) prison industry.

We just had a huge victory today where 5 Indian victims were awarded $14 million over a labor trafficking scheme.

VICTORY U.S. Jury Awards 14 Million to Indian Guest Workers in Historic Labor Trafficking Case American Civil Liberties Union

I suggest that if YOU want to be consistent, you'll drop out of the Republican party, who consistently fight against voting rights, are major players of the private prison industry, and support your local ACLU, who are devoted to fighting these issues.
It's a simple matter to search for biblical references that speak to keeping slaves. To ignore them or deny they exist is dishonest.
several have already been quoted here.....such as the OT requirement that a slave be released after the six years of labor he had contracted for......and the instruction Paul gave to Philemon to take his run away slave back not as a slave but as a brother in Christ......but then I guess an extremist would wave off that evidence because it conflicted with her atheist dogma........

We've got a new champion of slavery, as long as it's only for 6 years.


Dear Carla_Danger
One friend was more worried about people losing their rights after being convicted of felonies.
There is a whole book on the "New Jim Crow" about the prison complex run as a way to
keep Blacks enslaved and never being equal in society.

Are you going after that? Or not because it is the secular laws and political enslaving people?

Last I checked the Old Testament laws that applied to ancient cultures in the days of slavery
no longer apply today; any more than the old laws that used to treat Black Slaves as 3/5 free.

Many Blacks do still question, contest and reject Constitutional laws as only protecting
people on the basis of Property rights and ownership, to keep poor minorities enslaved to whites.

so if you are going to question the Bible on slavery,
don't stop there, but reject the Constitution and prison systems that
have been blamed for enslaving people in perpetual poverty by lack of ownership.

At least be consistent! Go after ALL class warfare, and don't just discriminate on the basis of religion.

As others have pointed out, the people enslaving women and children today aren't the Christians doing this....

Of course I'm against the private (for profit) prison industry.

We just had a huge victory today where 5 Indian victims were awarded $14 million over a labor trafficking scheme.

VICTORY U.S. Jury Awards 14 Million to Indian Guest Workers in Historic Labor Trafficking Case American Civil Liberties Union

I suggest that if YOU want to be consistent, you'll drop out of the Republican party, who consistently fight against voting rights, are major players of the private prison industry, and support your local ACLU, who are devoted to fighting these issues.

Hi Carla_Danger If you are talking with me, I am a Democrat and yes
I believe in restorative justice approaches to reforming the prison system.

Please note that while I support the same causes that ACLU has helped,
they did NOTHING to defend the Black history and interests destroyed by Democrats in my district.

I continue to support Democrats in fixing these messes, but have gotten ZERO support from Democrats.

If you could find some ingenious way to get ACLU to please support the defense of Black churches and residents in Freedmen's Town in saving plans for restoring national history, that would be great.

So far, all the Democrats have sold out our district, in order to appease corporate interests and keep their offices.

And I have still remained and worked with fellow Democrats, including our precinct chair and Congresswoman, both Black Democrats, while the party has continued to fund only what will win elections and not supported real solutions coming out of our district.

These campus plans were signed onto by Sheila Jackson Lee herself http but never got any legal help to defend while the City and govt agencies got all the help and funds to destroy this national historic district
that was originally built by Freed Slaves and is nationally registered as a Civil Rights landmark.

If you can get ACLU to back up these plans, that would be great.
Every time we tried, the corporate friends of the Mayors and City Council would either bribe or threaten any source of support, so we were left isolated because nobody would go against the powers that be.

Do you have national contacts with ACLU that you could get in contact with
Sheila Jackson Lee's office to save Freedmen's Town? She was trying to organize help to save the brick streets.
so in other words, it's just more of the crap atheists made up.......
I would suggest that "crap" involves worshipping a book, written by men, that contains obvious errors, omissions and provisions for anti-human behavior.
yeah I know....atheists have been suggesting that for ages and it still isn't true.....
Denial on your part (and pleading ignorance), won't make the errors, omissions and allowances for slavery vanish..... as if by supernatural means. Unfortunately for you and those like you, the inventors of christianity had no issue with slavery / sexual slavery and dutifully recorded the passages in the bibles.

I don't need to make them haven't made them appear yet.....
so in other words, it's just more of the crap atheists made up.......
I would suggest that "crap" involves worshipping a book, written by men, that contains obvious errors, omissions and provisions for anti-human behavior.
yeah I know....atheists have been suggesting that for ages and it still isn't true.....
Denial on your part (and pleading ignorance), won't make the errors, omissions and allowances for slavery vanish..... as if by supernatural means. Unfortunately for you and those like you, the inventors of christianity had no issue with slavery / sexual slavery and dutifully recorded the passages in the bibles.

I don't need to make them haven't made them appear yet.....
I don't have to make anything appear. Your profound ignorance of the religion you were given is your own issue to deal with.

What a shame you're completely illiterate to the allowances for slavery /sexual slavery and trading of humans as property in the bibles you worship. You've been given several of the verses that speak directly to these issues yet there you sit, slack-jawed and dumbfounded.

The inventors of christianity had no issue with inscribing slavery / sexual slavery as tenets of the ideology. Take a look into the gaping maw of the ideology. Just don't let your ignorance and cluelessness prevent you from learning about the ideology you don't yet understand.
It's a simple matter to search for biblical references that speak to keeping slaves. To ignore them or deny they exist is dishonest.
several have already been quoted here.....such as the OT requirement that a slave be released after the six years of labor he had contracted for......and the instruction Paul gave to Philemon to take his run away slave back not as a slave but as a brother in Christ......but then I guess an extremist would wave off that evidence because it conflicted with her atheist dogma........

We've got a new champion of slavery, as long as it's only for 6 years.


Dear Carla_Danger
One friend was more worried about people losing their rights after being convicted of felonies.
There is a whole book on the "New Jim Crow" about the prison complex run as a way to
keep Blacks enslaved and never being equal in society.

Are you going after that? Or not because it is the secular laws and political enslaving people?

Last I checked the Old Testament laws that applied to ancient cultures in the days of slavery
no longer apply today; any more than the old laws that used to treat Black Slaves as 3/5 free.

Many Blacks do still question, contest and reject Constitutional laws as only protecting
people on the basis of Property rights and ownership, to keep poor minorities enslaved to whites.

so if you are going to question the Bible on slavery,
don't stop there, but reject the Constitution and prison systems that
have been blamed for enslaving people in perpetual poverty by lack of ownership.

At least be consistent! Go after ALL class warfare, and don't just discriminate on the basis of religion.

As others have pointed out, the people enslaving women and children today aren't the Christians doing this....

Of course I'm against the private (for profit) prison industry.

We just had a huge victory today where 5 Indian victims were awarded $14 million over a labor trafficking scheme.

VICTORY U.S. Jury Awards 14 Million to Indian Guest Workers in Historic Labor Trafficking Case American Civil Liberties Union

I suggest that if YOU want to be consistent, you'll drop out of the Republican party, who consistently fight against voting rights, are major players of the private prison industry, and support your local ACLU, who are devoted to fighting these issues.

Hi Carla_Danger If you are talking with me, I am a Democrat and yes
I believe in restorative justice approaches to reforming the prison system.

Please note that while I support the same causes that ACLU has helped,
they did NOTHING to defend the Black history and interests destroyed by Democrats in my district.

I continue to support Democrats in fixing these messes, but have gotten ZERO support from Democrats.

If you could find some ingenious way to get ACLU to please support the defense of Black churches and residents in Freedmen's Town in saving plans for restoring national history, that would be great.

So far, all the Democrats have sold out our district, in order to appease corporate interests and keep their offices.

And I have still remained and worked with fellow Democrats, including our precinct chair and Congresswoman, both Black Democrats, while the party has continued to fund only what will win elections and not supported real solutions coming out of our district.

These campus plans were signed onto by Sheila Jackson Lee herself http but never got any legal help to defend while the City and govt agencies got all the help and funds to destroy this national historic district
that was originally built by Freed Slaves and is nationally registered as a Civil Rights landmark.

If you can get ACLU to back up these plans, that would be great.
Every time we tried, the corporate friends of the Mayors and City Council would either bribe or threaten any source of support, so we were left isolated because nobody would go against the powers that be.

Do you have national contacts with ACLU that you could get in contact with
Sheila Jackson Lee's office to save Freedmen's Town? She was trying to organize help to save the brick streets.

If you're a Democrat, I'm a dragon with purple polka dots. This is why I read so few of your long winded, bizarre, postings. And no, I don't have national contacts with the ACLU. You can go right over to their web site and send them an email.
You've been given several of the verses that speak directly to these issues
as has been pointed out, they have all fallen short of the claim that God approves of slavery....obviously this is nothing more than another failed atheist meme.....
You've been given several of the verses that speak directly to these issues
as has been pointed out, they have all fallen short of the claim that God approves of slavery....obviously this is nothing more than another failed atheist meme.....
You need to actually read your bibles to see that slavery is promoted. Of course, you need to understand that the men who invented christianity and authored the bibles have assigned a great number of administrative duties to your gawds.

You've just fallen short of grade school abilities at reading comprehension.
Exodus 21 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

Other Laws and Commands

21 Then God said to Moses, “These are the other laws that you will give to the people:

21:7 “A man might decide to sell his daughter as a slave. If this happens, the rules for making her free are not the same as the rules for making the men slaves free. 8 If the master who chose her for himself is not pleased with her, then he can sell the woman back to her father. If the master broke his promise to marry her, he loses the right to sell her to other people. 9 If the master promised to let the slave woman marry his son, he must treat her like a daughter, not like a slave.

The only thing this is lacking is a map to Cambodia. I don't know how much clearer this verse can be with direction on selling your daughter.
You've been given several of the verses that speak directly to these issues
as has been pointed out, they have all fallen short of the claim that God approves of slavery....obviously this is nothing more than another failed atheist meme.....
You need to actually read your bibles to see that slavery is promoted. Of course, you need to understand that the men who invented christianity and authored the bibles have assigned a great number of administrative duties to your gawds.

You've just fallen short of grade school abilities at reading comprehension.
obviously you are no better at documenting "promoted" than you were at documenting "loathing"......
Exodus 21 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

Other Laws and Commands

21 Then God said to Moses, “These are the other laws that you will give to the people:

21:7 “A man might decide to sell his daughter as a slave. If this happens, the rules for making her free are not the same as the rules for making the men slaves free. 8 If the master who chose her for himself is not pleased with her, then he can sell the woman back to her father. If the master broke his promise to marry her, he loses the right to sell her to other people. 9 If the master promised to let the slave woman marry his son, he must treat her like a daughter, not like a slave.

The only thing this is lacking is a map to Cambodia. I don't know how much clearer this verse can be with direction on selling your daughter.
you have an almost atheistic tendency to gloss over important parts of the text.....significantly "the rules of making her free"......are you prepared to admit the "slavery" being discussed may be different from the slavery you want to pretend is being discussed?........did the slavery you want to pretend is being discussed have rules for making the slave free?......
Exodus 21 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

Other Laws and Commands

21 Then God said to Moses, “These are the other laws that you will give to the people:

21:7 “A man might decide to sell his daughter as a slave. If this happens, the rules for making her free are not the same as the rules for making the men slaves free. 8 If the master who chose her for himself is not pleased with her, then he can sell the woman back to her father. If the master broke his promise to marry her, he loses the right to sell her to other people. 9 If the master promised to let the slave woman marry his son, he must treat her like a daughter, not like a slave.

The only thing this is lacking is a map to Cambodia. I don't know how much clearer this verse can be with direction on selling your daughter.
you have an almost atheistic tendency to gloss over important parts of the text.....significantly "the rules of making her free"......are you prepared to admit the "slavery" being discussed may be different from the slavery you want to pretend is being discussed?........did the slavery you want to pretend is being discussed have rules for making the slave free?......

Do you know anyone who might decide to sell their daughter as a slave? What would your advise to them be?

What are the rules for making her free? The scripture above only gives buying and selling direction.
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Very true

My wife and I created our children but we do not expect them to spend one day a week worshiping us. We do not expect them to thank us for their dinner. We do not make them pray to us at night

Add biology to the long list of things shitflinger is completely ignorant of... :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

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