Give me one example. Just one.

I don't think a fetus is a person…

Ironic, coming from someone who just compared me to Nazis, which were most notorious for denying the humanity, and the rights thereof, to a large portion of humanity—something which you have in common with them, and I do not.
I'm perfectly fine with that opinion. If you want to call a fetus part of humanity. It would be ironic. It all come's down to the defenition of life. I personally don't think something can be considered alive unless it has a working brain, but like yours that's just an opinion. As far as I can see it's a matter a gradiation. On the one hand of the spectrum. You have people who consider birth control immoral and then you have people who think a fetus has no life until it is born. As far as I am cocerned the truth is somewhere in the middle. So the only thing I can do is, follow the law, wich decided until wich time you can have an abortion. Now I don't know where you are on that spectrum. Btw I can argue that a embryo has no brain, that is formed after week 8. So if I deny their humanity I have a legitemate case. Does a fetus have the potential of life? ' Of course', but a lot of things carry the potential of life. "Am I a mass murderer because I've jacked of in my life?" Am I guilty of involantary manslaughter if I get a wet dream?." Is my daughter a murderer, if one day hopefully 40 years from now she'll ask our doctor for the pill because she became sexually active.All questions you can answer yes to if you equate the potential of life, to life.
I don't think a fetus is a person…

Ironic, coming from someone who just compared me to Nazis, which were most notorious for denying the humanity, and the rights thereof, to a large portion of humanity—something which you have in common with them, and I do not.
I'm perfectly fine with that opinion. If you want to call a fetus part of humanity. It would be ironic. It all come's down to the defenition [sic] of life. I personally don't think something can be considered alive unless it has a working brain, but like yours that's just an opinion. As far as I can see it's a matter a gradiation [sic]. On the one hand of the spectrum. You have people who consider birth control immoral and then you have people who think a fetus has no life until it is born. As far as I am cocerned [sic] the truth is somewhere in the middle. So the only thing I can do is, follow the law, wich [sic] decided until wich [sic] time you can have an abortion. Now I don't know where you are on that spectrum. Btw I can argue that a embryo has no brain, that is formed after week 8. So if I deny their humanity I have a legitemate [sic] case. Does a fetus have the potential of life? ' Of course', but a lot of things carry the potential of life. "Am I a mass murderer because I've jacked of in my life?" Am I guilty of involantary [sic] manslaughter if I get a wet dream?." Is my daughter a murderer, if one day hopefully 40 years from now she'll ask our doctor for the pill because she became sexually active.All questions you can answer yes to if you equate the potential of life, to life.

Ultimately, this chain of excuses and nonsense only goes to support my initial point in this discussion. You have willfully rejected and rebelled against God, have abandoned morality; have chosen to embrace and defend immorality and evil; and ultimately, this is where it leads—to dehumanizing the very most innocent and defenseless among your fellow human beings, and to defending the cold-blooded murder thereof. It all only goes to show how evil begets evil.
have chosen to embrace and defend immorality and evil; and ultimately, this is where it leads—to dehumanizing the very most innocent and defenseless among your fellow human beings, and to defending the cold-blooded murder thereof.
Ok, I admit it, I'm a mass murderer.

I don't think a fetus is a person…

Ironic, coming from someone who just compared me to Nazis, which were most notorious for denying the humanity, and the rights thereof, to a large portion of humanity—something which you have in common with them, and I do not.
I'm perfectly fine with that opinion. If you want to call a fetus part of humanity. It would be ironic. It all come's down to the defenition [sic] of life. I personally don't think something can be considered alive unless it has a working brain, but like yours that's just an opinion. As far as I can see it's a matter a gradiation [sic]. On the one hand of the spectrum. You have people who consider birth control immoral and then you have people who think a fetus has no life until it is born. As far as I am cocerned [sic] the truth is somewhere in the middle. So the only thing I can do is, follow the law, wich [sic] decided until wich [sic] time you can have an abortion. Now I don't know where you are on that spectrum. Btw I can argue that a embryo has no brain, that is formed after week 8. So if I deny their humanity I have a legitemate [sic] case. Does a fetus have the potential of life? ' Of course', but a lot of things carry the potential of life. "Am I a mass murderer because I've jacked of in my life?" Am I guilty of involantary [sic] manslaughter if I get a wet dream?." Is my daughter a murderer, if one day hopefully 40 years from now she'll ask our doctor for the pill because she became sexually active.All questions you can answer yes to if you equate the potential of life, to life.

Ultimately, this chain of excuses and nonsense only goes to support my initial point in this discussion. You have willfully rejected and rebelled against God, have abandoned morality; have chosen to embrace and defend immorality and evil; and ultimately, this is where it leads—to dehumanizing the very most innocent and defenseless among your fellow human beings, and to defending the cold-blooded murder thereof. It all only goes to show how evil begets evil.
Yup I'm immoral. I've chosen to look at stuff from a rational viewpoint. I've chosen that the only time I have a right to judge someone is when that person negativly effects society as a whole. I've chosen not to live by a set of moral standards that over the centuries has been directly responsible for some of the worst atrocities in history. If the only "right morality" is your morality then your judgement of my immorality can only be a badge of honor. You have not tried to deny any of my logic train leading me to equate your thinking to that of other fundamentalists. By your own admission you find God trumps humanist society. So I might have proven your assertion but you Bob, certainly have proven mine.

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