Give to the Red Cross, unless your name is Romney

Thanks for making my point conservative.

Hard to believe that rw's are STILL LYING about the so-called ObamaPhone and the rw ignorance about our borders is just astounding.

Actually, what I find hard to believe is that idiots like Ma Belle and Harry Dresden want FACTS buried and think I should support the really stupid pubpots.

Speaking of ignorance, there's another thread of lies about ACA/ObamaCare ... you should be spewing lies over there. :)

The woman in the video was a right wing Romney supporter? Really? You gonna go with that, Sparky?:lol:

And the other videos? They were all Romney supporters pretending to be dumb as rocks Obama supporters???:confused:

Thank you for proving MY point... that you're a complete, utter, undeniable moron.
Thanks for making my point conservative.

Hard to believe that rw's are STILL LYING about the so-called ObamaPhone and the rw ignorance about our borders is just astounding.

Actually, what I find hard to believe is that idiots like Ma Belle and Harry Dresden want FACTS buried and think I should support the really stupid pubpots.

Speaking of ignorance, there's another thread of lies about ACA/ObamaCare ... you should be spewing lies over there. :)

The woman in the video was a right wing Romney supporter? Really? You gonna go with that, Sparky?:lol:

And the other videos? They were all Romney supporters pretending to be dumb as rocks Obama supporters???:confused:

Thank you for proving MY point... that you're a complete, utter, undeniable moron.

I said that rw's are telling the same old lies.
And, then, then get all hysterical when they're called on them.

Okay, you can go back to lying now.
Thanks for making my point conservative.

Hard to believe that rw's are STILL LYING about the so-called ObamaPhone and the rw ignorance about our borders is just astounding.

Actually, what I find hard to believe is that idiots like Ma Belle and Harry Dresden want FACTS buried and think I should support the really stupid pubpots.

Speaking of ignorance, there's another thread of lies about ACA/ObamaCare ... you should be spewing lies over there. :)

The woman in the video was a right wing Romney supporter? Really? You gonna go with that, Sparky?:lol:

And the other videos? They were all Romney supporters pretending to be dumb as rocks Obama supporters???:confused:

Thank you for proving MY point... that you're a complete, utter, undeniable moron.

I said that rw's are telling the same old lies.
And, then, then get all hysterical when they're called on them.

Okay, you can go back to lying now.

you're proving my point even more now.

I posted a video of an Obama supporter talking about voting for Obama because she got an Obamaphone (her words, not mine or ANY other right wingers)...

YOU came back with "Hard to believe that rw's are STILL LYING about the so-called ObamaPhone".

Either you didn't bother to watch the video, or you're just simply too fucking stupid to realize she is an Obama supporter and NOT a right winger.
post PROOF that it was campaign money.. you know, actual evidence, not 'tv news says..' dumb ass.

still waiting... GOOGLE not working for ya, dumb ass?

Okay, this is the FIFTH time this link is being posted. Stop yammering and start reading.

Don't come back ans ay you can't find the link.

That isn't proof, it's hearsay. Show me a receipt... a video of someone using a Romney campaign credit card...SOMETHING that actually PROVES it was campaign money... not some moron who ASSumes it was.
Thanks for making my point conservative.

Hard to believe that rw's are STILL LYING about the so-called ObamaPhone and the rw ignorance about our borders is just astounding.

Actually, what I find hard to believe is that idiots like Ma Belle and Harry Dresden want FACTS buried and think I should support the really stupid pubpots.

Speaking of ignorance, there's another thread of lies about ACA/ObamaCare ... you should be spewing lies over there. :)

All we need is Debbie Washer-ass Shultz on TV. That's a great thing for us.

You called Ma Belle and idiot ? Talk about irony.

You continually compete with Chris for the "biggest moron on the board" award.

Thanks for making my point conservative.

Hard to believe that rw's are STILL LYING about the so-called ObamaPhone and the rw ignorance about our borders is just astounding.

Actually, what I find hard to believe is that idiots like Ma Belle and Harry Dresden want FACTS buried and think I should support the really stupid pubpots.

Speaking of ignorance, there's another thread of lies about ACA/ObamaCare ... you should be spewing lies over there. :)

The woman in the video was a right wing Romney supporter? Really? You gonna go with that, Sparky?:lol:

And the other videos? They were all Romney supporters pretending to be dumb as rocks Obama supporters???:confused:

Thank you for proving MY point... that you're a complete, utter, undeniable moron.

I said that rw's are telling the same old lies.
And, then, then get all hysterical when they're called on them.

Okay, you can go back to lying now.

Get some rest Beddy.Bugbite.

Your angst over the loss of your affirmative action moron is showing.
Okay, this is the FIFTH time this link is being posted. Stop yammering and start reading.

Don't come back ans ay you can't find the link.

I just went to your link.. What a damn joke.. The Zombies post TRASH like this and state it's PROOF but OFFICIAL WH EMAILS AND CABLES TO THE STATE DEPT. aren't??? (Benghazi murders) Every day you KOOK leftists get more insane.. IT'S AMAZING the depth of insanity some of you sink to.. LOL

FACT: Not one of you has been able to post PROOF that that link is incorrect.

Feel free to post PROOF that it is inaccurate.

Or just screech louder cuz that seems to work reeel well for you.

nice rhetorical trick...I have one for you.....prove you're not gay...come back with proof
still waiting... GOOGLE not working for ya, dumb ass?

Okay, this is the FIFTH time this link is being posted. Stop yammering and start reading.

Don't come back ans ay you can't find the link.

That isn't proof, it's hearsay. Show me a receipt... a video of someone using a Romney campaign credit card...SOMETHING that actually PROVES it was campaign money... not some moron who ASSumes it was.


You can't come up with anything to disprove what the link states and now you want a receipt?

You really do need to be posting int the "desperation" thread.

You can't come up with anything to disprove what the link states and now you want a receipt?

You really do need to be posting int the "desperation" thread.
Dumbfuck you cant prove a negative...any intelligent knows that....again prove you're not gay....go ahead...prove it
I just posted a new thread about how Chris Christie and President Obama are working together for the good of the victims of Sandy.

THAT is what is needed now. Not the politicizing and exploitative photo ops from R&R.

BTW, anyone who pays attention to Andrea Mitchell knows that she is actually pretty conservative. But, she's been around a lot of years and doesn't put up with much in the way of lies and MitShit.

Only until luddly decides to post another "hate the rw" thread.

All of which were started today. :eusa_shhh:

You're complaining because facts are being posted?

If they weren't doing it, I wouldn't be posting it.
you would find something......your threads prove that.....

You can't come up with anything to disprove what the link states and now you want a receipt?

You really do need to be posting int the "desperation" thread.

The link has no verifiable information, dumb ass... just someone 'saying' something. If I had posted a link as proof of something, and all it had was someone 'saying' something, you'd pitch a libtard hissy-fit and you know it.

Either produce actual PROOF, of go fuck yourself.
So far there is no proof that Romney did or did not donate money to the Red Cross. But, if Romney did not donate to the Red Cross, he must have the ability to foretell the future because the Red Cross has been a disgrace.

Staten Island Borough President: Don’t Give Money to the Red Cross | Politicker

At a press conference this morning on Staten Island, a host of local officials, including Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, gathered to highlight the needs of the hard-hit borough in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. And, although many pols spoke, no one was more impassioned than Borough President James Molinaro, who called the Red Cross an “absolute disgrace” and even urged the public to cease giving them contributions.

“Because the devastation in Staten Island, the lack of a response,” Mr. Molinaro said to explain his comment to NBC after the press conference. “You know, I went to a shelter Monday night after the storm. People were coming in with no socks, with no shoes. They were in desperate need. Their housing was destroyed. They were crying. Where was the Red Cross? Isn’t that their function? They collect millions of dollars. Whenever there’s a drive in Staten Island, we give openly and honestly. Where are they? Where are they? I was at the South Shore yesterday, people were buried in their homes. There the dogs are trying to find bodies. The people there, the neighbors who had no electricity, were making soup. Making soup. It’s very emotional because the lack of a response. The lack of a response. They’re supposed to be here….They should be on the front lines fighting, and helping the people.”

It's a good thing that Romney collected all those supplies. They are definitely needed since the Red Cross took the money and ran.
Still no facts from the rw's.

Just their usual sputtering tantrum.

2a. Freudian Projection

The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto an opponent is called Freudian Projection.

  • "A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits."
  • "The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual."
  • "Attributing one's own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile."
  • "The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity."
  • "People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way."

Basic Human Psychology 1: Neurosis, Projection and Freudian Projection
Poor katzenliar couldn't find anything good to post about Mittens so he/she/it is desperately trying to deflect.

Fact is, Mittens blew it.

Better luck next time.
Staten Island Borough President: Don’t Give Money to the Red Cross | Politicker

"At a press conference this morning on Staten Island, a host of local officials, including Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, gathered to highlight the needs of the hard-hit borough in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. And, although many pols spoke, no one was more impassioned than Borough President James Molinaro, who called the Red Cross an “absolute disgrace” and even urged the public to cease giving them contributions.

“Because the devastation in Staten Island, the lack of a response,” Mr. Molinaro said to explain his comment to NBC after the press conference. “You know, I went to a shelter Monday night after the storm. People were coming in with no socks, with no shoes. They were in desperate need. Their housing was destroyed. They were crying. Where was the Red Cross? Isn’t that their function? They collect millions of dollars. Whenever there’s a drive in Staten Island, we give openly and honestly. Where are they? Where are they? I was at the South Shore yesterday, people were buried in their homes. There the dogs are trying to find bodies. The people there, the neighbors who had no electricity, were making soup. Making soup. It’s very emotional because the lack of a response. The lack of a response. They’re supposed to be here….They should be on the front lines fighting, and helping the people.”"...............
Hey stupid, where are the news stories of Dems trying to take rights away from women (or others, for that matter)?

Obama attacks Americans’ civil liberties
ACLU to Obama: You Can't Just Vaporize Americans Without Judicial Process | Mother Jones
The ACLU on Obama and core liberties -

You want more, or do you get the point?

Where are the stories of Dems saying pregnancy from rape is what god intended? Or Dems saying that women can choose not to get pregnant from rape? When has a Dem said that women don't die in childbirth anymore? or, the earth is only 4000 years old or any of the other outrageous, backward, ignorant shit we get from idiot pubpots every friggin day?


[ame=]3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

Why do you rw's want this stuff ignored? Should we ALL stick our heads in the dirt and ignore what the fundie fools are saying?

Quit whining and admit the FACT that your party is full to overflowing with really REALLY stupid people. And quit saying I should support that shit cuz it ain't gonna happen.

You are a lying sack of shit left wing hack.
One thing is sure in this political climate, repubs can't get a break from liberal talking heads no matter what they do.

Oh they should be thanked for putting on a fake photo op? If they congratulated them would that be considered fair?

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