Give to the Red Cross, unless your name is Romney

I just posted a new thread about how Chris Christie and President Obama are working together for the good of the victims of Sandy.

THAT is what is needed now. Not the politicizing and exploitative photo ops from R&R.

BTW, anyone who pays attention to Andrea Mitchell knows that she is actually pretty conservative. But, she's been around a lot of years and doesn't put up with much in the way of lies and MitShit.

Only until luddly decides to post another "hate the rw" thread.

All of which were started today. :eusa_shhh:

where is his Democrat hating threads?.....he is an Independent.....he should have few of those Independent who aligns himself with everything Democratic....i guess Dudley is a Far Left "Independent" Democrat....:eusa_eh:

I just posted a new thread about how Chris Christie and President Obama are working together for the good of the victims of Sandy.

THAT is what is needed now. Not the politicizing and exploitative photo ops from R&R.

BTW, anyone who pays attention to Andrea Mitchell knows that she is actually pretty conservative. But, she's been around a lot of years and doesn't put up with much in the way of lies and MitShit.

Only until luddly decides to post another "hate the rw" thread.

All of which were started today. :eusa_shhh:

You're complaining because facts are being posted?

If they weren't doing it, I wouldn't be posting it.

If it were facts, you wouldn't be posting!!
I just posted a new thread about how Chris Christie and President Obama are working together for the good of the victims of Sandy.

THAT is what is needed now. Not the politicizing and exploitative photo ops from R&R.

BTW, anyone who pays attention to Andrea Mitchell knows that she is actually pretty conservative. But, she's been around a lot of years and doesn't put up with much in the way of lies and MitShit.

Only until luddly decides to post another "hate the rw" thread.

All of which were started today. :eusa_shhh:

Ignore... It's yo buddy.

True-but not as much FUN! :lol:
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where is his Democrat hating threads?.....he is an Independent.....he should have few of those Independent who aligns himself with everything Democratic....i guess Dudley is a Far Left "Independent" Democrat....:eusa_eh:

If it were facts, you wouldn't be posting!!

Oh my, whatever shall I do?

Plasmaball said:
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What a Bunch of Petty, Desperate assholes you people are.

By collecting goods and delivering to those in need directly, He avoided the Red Crosses Administrative Costs.

Is this really the best you have? Demonize the Man for not giving the way you want him to?
When my WHAT is no where near that?

Never mind. I don't think you're smart enough to get that.

Serious question for you.

Do you have any idea what the real reason for registering as an "Independent" is?

Take your time.

We'll wait ......................................................................................................
yea.....someone who does not align him/herself with a political defend EVERYTHING the Democrats do or say.......
a voter who votes for candidates and issues rather than on the basis of a political ideology or defend EVERYTHING the Democrats do or say.....which makes you very Partisan....basically Dudley your a Far Left Democratic Hack.....and your threads and posts prove want Romney to come clean about who he is Dudley...right?......i am doing the same thing to you......i want you to come clean.....admit what you are Dudley.....dont be like the man you despise....

IOW, you really don't know. I'm not surprised.

Let's pretend for a moment that my party affiliation is any of your business ...

It varies from state to state so check your own but, in some states and in some primary elections, if you are registered with a party, you cannot vote in the primary.

There are a couple of other reasons and laws have changed since I was turned away from voting in a primary many years ago, but that should give you a place to start.

thank you...was that so hard?....thats for voting purposes in the real why did you identify yourself that way in a poll here?.....too different things.....if you would have been honest about this when i first asked you....instead of avoiding it like a dam i will leave you alone about this....
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Attacks Romney For Collecting Storm Supplies For Event!

I disagree. Andrea Mitchell, did not attack Romney, for collecting storm supplies. She reported the fact that the RC always prefers cash, so that it can more optimally respond to the needs at hand.

Anyone that has ever worked directly with the RC (as I have) knows that the logistical problems can too often mean that those who need the most help either receive the help too late, or never at all. Often times just getting physical relief into a relief zone can be a huge logistical headache.

If the RC has relief capital instead, it can optimize both the physical delivery paths and relief type/quantity/volume/weight/etc.

It looks great on camera to collect goods from across a wide area and from diverse places and one's heart may indeed be in the right place when doing it. However, in a time of crisis and where mission critical delivery is important, it is better to seek optimal paths of delivery as opposed to posing for a camera.
By collecting goods and delivering to those in need directly, He avoided the Red Crosses Administrative Costs.

The RC "Administrative Costs" are not the same as RC "Operational Costs." Both For Profit and Non-Profit Organizations, have various kinds of Cost Centers. Essentially, all output oriented organizations regardless of what they do, have both Hard and Soft Costs to deal with.

The issue is not whether or not Romney's campaign was doing the right or wrong thing. The issue is one of optimizing the delivery of relief, whenever and wherever possible. In relief efforts, the optimization factor is of paramount importance. Get it wrong, and your relief efforts can go without net effect. Get it right, and you can literally save lives and/or significantly reduce suffering.

This is not our Grandparents Red Cross anymore. These guys know what they are doing and they know how to respond to mission critical relief efforts - they do it all over the world and the work in conjunction with the United States Government, as well as Governments and Military organization all over the world.
where is his Democrat hating threads?.....he is an Independent.....he should have few of those Independent who aligns himself with everything Democratic....i guess Dudley is a Far Left "Independent" Democrat....:eusa_eh:

If it were facts, you wouldn't be posting!!

Oh my, whatever shall I do?

Plasmaball said:
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Aww, all that effort wasted. :D
What a Bunch of Petty, Desperate assholes you people are.

By collecting goods and delivering to those in need directly, He avoided the Red Crosses Administrative Costs.

Is this really the best you have? Demonize the Man for not giving the way you want him to?

If he had given cash, we'd still be hearing how impersonal he is, how easy it is for a rich person to give without getting his hands dirty, how it's a tax write off.

This is what they do. They sneer at decency and kindness, what do you expect?
By collecting goods and delivering to those in need directly, He avoided the Red Crosses Administrative Costs.

The RC "Administrative Costs" are not the same as RC "Operational Costs." Both For Profit and Non-Profit Organizations, have various kinds of Cost Centers. Essentially, all output oriented organizations regardless of what they do, have both Hard and Soft Costs to deal with.

The issue is not whether or not Romney's campaign was doing the right or wrong thing. The issue is one of optimizing the delivery of relief, whenever and wherever possible. In relief efforts, the optimization factor is of paramount importance. Get it wrong, and your relief efforts can go without net effect. Get it right, and you can literally save lives and/or significantly reduce suffering.

This is not our Grandparents Red Cross anymore. These guys know what they are doing and they know how to respond to mission critical relief efforts - they do it all over the world and the work in conjunction with the United States Government, as well as Governments and Military organization all over the world.

We are talking about the North East. We have the infrastructure. Distribution is not a problem. Material goods are needed just as much as cash.
By collecting goods and delivering to those in need directly, He avoided the Red Crosses Administrative Costs.

The RC "Administrative Costs" are not the same as RC "Operational Costs." Both For Profit and Non-Profit Organizations, have various kinds of Cost Centers. Essentially, all output oriented organizations regardless of what they do, have both Hard and Soft Costs to deal with.

The issue is not whether or not Romney's campaign was doing the right or wrong thing. The issue is one of optimizing the delivery of relief, whenever and wherever possible. In relief efforts, the optimization factor is of paramount importance. Get it wrong, and your relief efforts can go without net effect. Get it right, and you can literally save lives and/or significantly reduce suffering.

This is not our Grandparents Red Cross anymore. These guys know what they are doing and they know how to respond to mission critical relief efforts - they do it all over the world and the work in conjunction with the United States Government, as well as Governments and Military organization all over the world.

We are talking about the North East. We have the infrastructure. Distribution is not a problem. Material goods are needed just as much as cash.

Yes, I agree that staples and material goods are necessary. However, I believe what the RC is trying to let people know is that they can buy at a lower cost (often times) than any one contributor, or one group of contributors and therefore, can better optimize both delivery and quantity.

In other words, this is what the RC does around the world every day. A political campaign does politics - not disaster relief. They were basically trying to say: support us with a capital lifeline, so we can take care of those who need it on your behalf. It's what they do best.

Example: You would not try to gather a group of friends together, rent a Cessna P210 and then deliver your own AGM-130 on a target, because you wanted to help-out your country in a time of war. You would (preferably) fund the military and let the USAF optimize the delivery for you.

It is the same thing sometimes with RC. Romney, understand this - or at least he should.
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The RC "Administrative Costs" are not the same as RC "Operational Costs." Both For Profit and Non-Profit Organizations, have various kinds of Cost Centers. Essentially, all output oriented organizations regardless of what they do, have both Hard and Soft Costs to deal with.

The issue is not whether or not Romney's campaign was doing the right or wrong thing. The issue is one of optimizing the delivery of relief, whenever and wherever possible. In relief efforts, the optimization factor is of paramount importance. Get it wrong, and your relief efforts can go without net effect. Get it right, and you can literally save lives and/or significantly reduce suffering.

This is not our Grandparents Red Cross anymore. These guys know what they are doing and they know how to respond to mission critical relief efforts - they do it all over the world and the work in conjunction with the United States Government, as well as Governments and Military organization all over the world.

We are talking about the North East. We have the infrastructure. Distribution is not a problem. Material goods are needed just as much as cash.

Yes, I agree that staples and material goods are necessary. However, I believe what the RC is trying to let people know is that they can buy at a lower cost (often times) than any one contributor, or one group of contributors and therefore, can better optimize both delivery and quantity.

In other words, this is what the RC does around the world every day. A political campaign does politics - not disaster relief. They were basically trying to say: support us with a capital lifeline, so we can take care of those who need it on your behalf. It's what they do best.

Example: You would not try to gather a group of friends together, rent a Cessna P210 and then deliver your own AGM-130 on a target, because you wanted to help-out your country in a time of war. You would (preferably) fund the military and let the USAF optimize the delivery for you.

It is the same thing sometimes with RC. Romney, understand this - or at least he should.

Here's a simple point: people want to know their donation is being used for the intended purpose.

I'm more likely to donate food/clothing when people are in need because there's much less use in diverting the resources provided. Denying the usefulness of those donations in preference of cash is just petty. You don't lecture the philanthropist because they didn't give you exactly what you wanted. If you don't want the donation, don't take it.
It benefits you to give cash to the Red Cross as well, you can deduct it. Not so easy to do with cans of food and clothing. Works for everybody.

Give to the Red Cross till it feels good!

You most certainly can deduct charitable donations of canned food, clothing, or anything else on your taxes, if you so desire. You simply ask the charity in question to give you a receipt for the donation, which you give to your tax preparer with your other documents. There's an approximate-value scale they use to calculate the deduction.

Thank you for making it clear that you don't donate to charity, and thus know shit-all about it.
Romney is getting reamed in Ohio for his staged phony relief event. Even our nutty conservative national media was shocked by the brazen sleaze of it. Hence the Republican panic here. Ohio is out of reach forever now, and with it goes the last of Romney's hopes.

And I'm sure spitting hatred at the Red Cross is sure to bring in some more votes to the Republicans. Well done there.

Wow, another stupid newbie. We SO needed that.

What's actually happening is a handful of partisan hack shitheads like you are griping about Romney, and YOU - and your Messiah - are getting cornholed over your atrocious behavior. And the crowning touch is that you're all so rabid and piss-stupid, you don't even realize how incredibly bad you're making yourselves look.
Romney is getting reamed in Ohio for his staged phony relief event. Even our nutty conservative national media was shocked by the brazen sleaze of it. Hence the Republican panic here. Ohio is out of reach forever now, and with it goes the last of Romney's hopes.

And I'm sure spitting hatred at the Red Cross is sure to bring in some more votes to the Republicans. Well done there.

YEAH SURE..and listening to you liberals mock someone for trying to help the people of this country isn't going to be bringing any votes for Obama...
and the Red Cross ISN'T the be all to end all
Donate to the Salvation Army folks..

Or to one of the many churches local to the disaster area, which stand ready to aid the people of their community in any way they can.
I just posted a new thread about how Chris Christie and President Obama are working together for the good of the victims of Sandy.

THAT is what is needed now. Not the politicizing and exploitative photo ops from R&R.

BTW, anyone who pays attention to Andrea Mitchell knows that she is actually pretty conservative. But, she's been around a lot of years and doesn't put up with much in the way of lies and MitShit.

"Working together"? WORKING? In what way is Obama "working" in regards to this storm and its victims? By taking a 90-minute air tour of the place? How does THAT help anyone, other than maybe Obama?
Actually, I heard Romney bought $5,000 worth of food at the local Wal-Mart and passed it off as "donations"...

You can Google it...

Well, now, see if you can stay with me here on the logic train, dimwit.

If he bought the stuff and then donated it, wouldn't that make it . . . donations? I mean, isn't that basically how everyone else is getting their donations? By going to the store and buying them?
I understood Sallow to say that if you donate clothing, canned stuff, material things, the Red Cross has to pay to store things in warehouses and also to somehow get enough volunteers or pay people to sort through it all.

Money is easier. They buy what they need and get it to the people who need it.

And keep a whole bunch of it for themselves for "administrative costs". Hard to do that with canned food and clothing.

It has the word cross in the name, that makes it religious to idiots.

The Red Cross is a religious organisation, much like the Salvation Army. Most charities are.

First of all, the Red Cross is not a religious organization, and never has been. It is nothing like the Salvation Army.

Second of all, "most" charities are not religious. Some are, some aren't. I have no idea where you're getting this crap you're confidently asserting, but I'm guessing from the smell that you're pulling it out of your ass. Spare us your imaginings.

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