Give to the Red Cross, unless your name is Romney

Yes, they were prepositioned outside the affected area, and are being trucked in. If they put them in the area where the hurricane and flooding occurred they would have been destroyed by the storm.

So you're admitting that FEMA did a good logistical job?

Kind of hard to evaluate something which is still ongoing, isn't it?

I look at the here and now. You seem to have the intelligence to do so.
I just posted a new thread about how Chris Christie and President Obama are working together for the good of the victims of Sandy.

THAT is what is needed now. Not the politicizing and exploitative photo ops from R&R.

BTW, anyone who pays attention to Andrea Mitchell knows that she is actually pretty conservative. But, she's been around a lot of years and doesn't put up with much in the way of lies and MitShit.

Only until luddly decides to post another "hate the rw" thread.

All of which were started today. :eusa_shhh:
I just posted a new thread about how Chris Christie and President Obama are working together for the good of the victims of Sandy.

THAT is what is needed now. Not the politicizing and exploitative photo ops from R&R.

BTW, anyone who pays attention to Andrea Mitchell knows that she is actually pretty conservative. But, she's been around a lot of years and doesn't put up with much in the way of lies and MitShit.

Only until luddly decides to post another "hate the rw" thread.

All of which were started today. :eusa_shhh:

Ignore... It's yo buddy.
Well, like I said, you actually have to watch her.

Or, if you prefer, do the rw thing and just make it up.
its kinda like how you claimed to be an "Independent".....when your no where near that.....

When my WHAT is no where near that?

Never mind. I don't think you're smart enough to get that.

Serious question for you.

Do you have any idea what the real reason for registering as an "Independent" is?

Take your time.

We'll wait ......................................................................................................
yea.....someone who does not align him/herself with a political defend EVERYTHING the Democrats do or say.......
a voter who votes for candidates and issues rather than on the basis of a political ideology or defend EVERYTHING the Democrats do or say.....which makes you very Partisan....basically Dudley your a Far Left Democratic Hack.....and your threads and posts prove want Romney to come clean about who he is Dudley...right?......i am doing the same thing to you......i want you to come clean.....admit what you are Dudley.....dont be like the man you despise....
No they don't.

You ever work for the Red Cross?

I did. We had to warehouse a shit load of clothing they couldn't use.

That..costs money.

I worked for The Salvation Army, everything helps. If the Red Cross can't figure out what to do with the clothes they don't deserve my money.

Either you are as stupid as a brick or this is "satire". Which is it? I honestly can't tell.

well you should know if its satire.....what did your landlord say it is?....
I saw it on the news earlier but then, I don't watch fux.

They tried to stage this big photo op but, just like always, they screwed it up.

Two jars of peanut butter went through the line twice so Romney could thank a couple of kids - twice. They spent $5000 of campaign money (is that legal?) to buy stuff at walmart and pretend it had been donated. Then, the volunteers had to unload it and wait for LyinRyan to get there to pretend to be loading it.

Business as usual for the most dishonest and corrupt pair ever to buy or steal a vote.

and you have the gall to bitch about Right Wingers Politicizing this thing?.....what the fuck have you been doing?....phony old basterd....

It's not politicizing the disaster, to buy a bunch of stuff at Walmart, so supporters could pretend they're making a donation?

Dudley has been bitching about posters here (RW's) politicizing this thing......but yet he has been doing the same dam the posts Dick before you wade in.....
I just posted a new thread about how Chris Christie and President Obama are working together for the good of the victims of Sandy.

THAT is what is needed now. Not the politicizing and exploitative photo ops from R&R.

BTW, anyone who pays attention to Andrea Mitchell knows that she is actually pretty conservative. But, she's been around a lot of years and doesn't put up with much in the way of lies and MitShit.

Only until luddly decides to post another "hate the rw" thread.

All of which were started today. :eusa_shhh:

where is his Democrat hating threads?.....he is an Independent.....he should have few of those Independent who aligns himself with everything Democratic....i guess Dudley is a Far Left "Independent" Democrat....:eusa_eh:
I just posted a new thread about how Chris Christie and President Obama are working together for the good of the victims of Sandy.

THAT is what is needed now. Not the politicizing and exploitative photo ops from R&R.

BTW, anyone who pays attention to Andrea Mitchell knows that she is actually pretty conservative. But, she's been around a lot of years and doesn't put up with much in the way of lies and MitShit.

Only until luddly decides to post another "hate the rw" thread.

All of which were started today. :eusa_shhh:

You're complaining because facts are being posted?

If they weren't doing it, I wouldn't be posting it.
He bought $5000 worth of food, with his own money, and is donating it in order to make it look like they got food to donate.

Gotta admit, I didn't see that one.

TV news said it was campaign money.

Post a link that says it was his money.

post PROOF that it was campaign money.. you know, actual evidence, not 'tv news says..' dumb ass.

Who cares?

He did a fake photo op.

He went out to walmart and bought stuff "contributors" could give him back for the cameras. He also "cancelled" his rally..but not the campaign video or celebrity appearance and held a "storm" rally at the exact same place.

It's embarrassing to even defend why do it?
its kinda like how you claimed to be an "Independent".....when your no where near that.....

When my WHAT is no where near that?

Never mind. I don't think you're smart enough to get that.

Serious question for you.

Do you have any idea what the real reason for registering as an "Independent" is?

Take your time.

We'll wait ......................................................................................................
yea.....someone who does not align him/herself with a political defend EVERYTHING the Democrats do or say.......
a voter who votes for candidates and issues rather than on the basis of a political ideology or defend EVERYTHING the Democrats do or say.....which makes you very Partisan....basically Dudley your a Far Left Democratic Hack.....and your threads and posts prove want Romney to come clean about who he is Dudley...right?......i am doing the same thing to you......i want you to come clean.....admit what you are Dudley.....dont be like the man you despise....

IOW, you really don't know. I'm not surprised.

Let's pretend for a moment that my party affiliation is any of your business ...

It varies from state to state so check your own but, in some states and in some primary elections, if you are registered with a party, you cannot vote in the primary.

There are a couple of other reasons and laws have changed since I was turned away from voting in a primary many years ago, but that should give you a place to start.
TV news said it was campaign money.

Post a link that says it was his money.

post PROOF that it was campaign money.. you know, actual evidence, not 'tv news says..' dumb ass.

Who cares?

He did a fake photo op.

He went out to walmart and bought stuff "contributors" could give him back for the cameras. He also "cancelled" his rally..but not the campaign video or celebrity appearance and held a "storm" rally at the exact same place.

It's embarrassing to even defend why do it?

The article said they used campaign money but they wouldn't say if the entire $5000 was from that source. I'd like to know if any of it was out of Mitt's pocket.
I just posted a new thread about how Chris Christie and President Obama are working together for the good of the victims of Sandy.

THAT is what is needed now. Not the politicizing and exploitative photo ops from R&R.

BTW, anyone who pays attention to Andrea Mitchell knows that she is actually pretty conservative. But, she's been around a lot of years and doesn't put up with much in the way of lies and MitShit.

Only until luddly decides to post another "hate the rw" thread.

All of which were started today. :eusa_shhh:

where is his Democrat hating threads?.....he is an Independent.....he should have few of those Independent who aligns himself with everything Democratic....i guess Dudley is a Far Left "Independent" Democrat....:eusa_eh:

Hey stupid, where are the news stories of Dems trying to take rights away from women (or others, for that matter)? Where are the stories of Dems saying pregnancy from rape is what god intended? Or Dems saying that women can choose not to get pregnant from rape? When has a Dem said that women don't die in childbirth anymore? or, the earth is only 4000 years old or any of the other outrageous, backward, ignorant shit we get from idiot pubpots every friggin day?


Why do you rw's want this stuff ignored? Should we ALL stick our heads in the dirt and ignore what the fundie fools are saying?

Quit whining and admit the FACT that your party is full to overflowing with really REALLY stupid people. And quit saying I should support that shit cuz it ain't gonna happen.
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...Quit whining and admit the FACT that your party is full to overflowing with really REALLY stupid people. ...

Thanks for making my point conservative.

Hard to believe that rw's are STILL LYING about the so-called ObamaPhone and the rw ignorance about our borders is just astounding.

Actually, what I find hard to believe is that idiots like Ma Belle and Harry Dresden want FACTS buried and think I should support the really stupid pubpots.

Speaking of ignorance, there's another thread of lies about ACA/ObamaCare ... you should be spewing lies over there. :)
post PROOF that it was campaign money.. you know, actual evidence, not 'tv news says..' dumb ass.

still waiting... GOOGLE not working for ya, dumb ass?

Okay, this is the FIFTH time this link is being posted. Stop yammering and start reading.

Don't come back ans ay you can't find the link.

I just went to your link.. What a damn joke.. The Zombies post TRASH like this and state it's PROOF but OFFICIAL WH EMAILS AND CABLES TO THE STATE DEPT. aren't??? (Benghazi murders) Every day you KOOK leftists get more insane.. IT'S AMAZING the depth of insanity some of you sink to.. LOL
still waiting... GOOGLE not working for ya, dumb ass?

Okay, this is the FIFTH time this link is being posted. Stop yammering and start reading.

Don't come back ans ay you can't find the link.

I just went to your link.. What a damn joke.. The Zombies post TRASH like this and state it's PROOF but OFFICIAL WH EMAILS AND CABLES TO THE STATE DEPT. aren't??? (Benghazi murders) Every day you KOOK leftists get more insane.. IT'S AMAZING the depth of insanity some of you sink to.. LOL

FACT: Not one of you has been able to post PROOF that that link is incorrect.

Feel free to post PROOF that it is inaccurate.

Or just screech louder cuz that seems to work reeel well for you.

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