Give us a guestimate on how long before the Trump Administration's first big scandal.

It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

The clintons spent a lifetime in public service and somehow ended up with 100 million

The likelihood of it being worse than the Clintons when he's already fucking worth a billion seems to me infinitesimally small. He has nothing to gain, the Clintons couldn't seem to help themselves.

Banker speeches for a few hundred thousand a pop?

Why would a billionaire lower himself like that?

I say this as a liberal, he may have scandals, but none of them are going to be about lining his pockets with state power.

Edit - And congressman keep control of their wealth, washington was quite the profiteer. It's sort of a tradition for American politicians. Probably better than them taking bribes to feed their cocaine habit anyway

Why would a billionaire lower himself like that?

Billionaire Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Trolls Trump: 'I Bailed You Out Twice' | The Huffington Post

A Saudi Prince Burns Donald Trump - The New Yorker

Don't piss off people who give you money.

Oh yea i put stock in Saudi princes

You want to talk about corruption? Who do you think funded the clinton campaign? A lot of it was their money

You're so bad at this I almost think it's fucking satire

Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation?

That's fucking corruption right there bro

The best part of your article:

That the Clinton Foundation has done some good work is beyond dispute.

The Clinton's get no money from the Foundation. So they get money that's helped at least 400 million people and they are bad.

Do you understand the difference between speculation and actual events?

Trump did this so the Clinton's might have done that is not equivalent.

I could do a lot of good work stealing 99 cents of every dollar. Still doesn't make me any less of a crook
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

Hell you little whiners will make anything a scandal.

Your whole life is now screwed up and it's fun to watch you little asses cry.
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?


Early life
Stephen Kevin Bannon was born on November 27, 1953 in Norfolk, Virginia. He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1976 and holds a master's degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University. In 1983, Bannon received an M.B.A. degree with honors from Harvard Business School.[8]

Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy, serving on the destroyer USS Paul F. Foster as a Surface Warfare Officer in the Pacific Fleet and stateside as a special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon.[9]

Business and media career
After his military service, Bannon worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker in the Mergers & Acquisitions Department.[10] In 1990, Bannon and several colleagues from Goldman Sachs launched Bannon & Co., a boutique investment bank specializing in media. Through Bannon & Co., Bannon negotiated the sale of Castle Rock Entertainment to Ted Turner. As payment, Bannon & Co. accepted a stake in five television shows, including Seinfeld. Société Générale purchased Bannon & Co. in 1998.[11]

In 1993, while still managing Bannon & Co., Bannon was made acting director of Earth-science research project Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Arizona. Under Bannon, the project shifted emphasis from researching space exploration and colonization towards pollution and global warming. He left the project in 1995.[12][13] After the sale of Bannon & Co., Bannon became an executive producer in Hollywood. He executive produced Anthony Hopkins's 1999 film Titus. Bannon became a partner with entertainment industry executive Jeff Kwatinetz at The Firm, Inc., a film and television management company.[11] In 2004, Bannon made a documentary about Ronald Reagan titled In the Face of Evil. Through the making and screening of this film, Bannon was introduced to Peter Schweizer and publisher Andrew Breitbart.[11]

From 2007 through 2011, Bannon was chairman and CEO of Affinity Media. From March 2012 to August 2016, Bannon was executive chairman of Breitbart News LLC, the parent company of Breitbart.[14][15] Under his leadership, Breitbart took a more alt-right and nationalistic approach towards its agenda.[16] Bannon identifies as a conservative.[17][18][19] Speaking about his role at Breitbart, Bannon said: "We think of ourselves as virulently anti-establishment, particularly 'anti-' the permanent political class."[20]

Bannon is also executive chairman and co-founder of the Government Accountability Institute, where he helped orchestrate the publication of book Clinton Cash.[6][11] In 2015, Bannon was ranked No. 19 on Mediaite's list of the "25 Most Influential in Political News Media 2015".[21]

Stephen Bannon - Wikipedia

How did you miss the assaults and voter fraud? I don't think you looked very hard. When you can find police reports, then it's probably true.

Steve Bannon's Bad Day: Allegations of Voter Fraud and Domestic Violence
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

Hell you little whiners will make anything a scandal.

Your whole life is now screwed up and it's fun to watch you little asses cry.

Bannon may have previously registered at an address in Florida where he did not live. Wilfully providing false voter-registration information in Florida is a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in prison.

Even tiny little felonies.

You guys are hilarious. Republicans go after the Clintons for over 30 years with conspiracy after conspiracy. But print a few facts that are actually backed up with fines and police reports and evidence and suddenly you're a little whiner who will make anything a scandal.
It seems impossible to make a scandal out of anything regarding Trump.

His cultists just do not care, so everything just gets buried.
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?


Early life
Stephen Kevin Bannon was born on November 27, 1953 in Norfolk, Virginia. He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1976 and holds a master's degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University. In 1983, Bannon received an M.B.A. degree with honors from Harvard Business School.[8]

Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy, serving on the destroyer USS Paul F. Foster as a Surface Warfare Officer in the Pacific Fleet and stateside as a special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon.[9]

Business and media career
After his military service, Bannon worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker in the Mergers & Acquisitions Department.[10] In 1990, Bannon and several colleagues from Goldman Sachs launched Bannon & Co., a boutique investment bank specializing in media. Through Bannon & Co., Bannon negotiated the sale of Castle Rock Entertainment to Ted Turner. As payment, Bannon & Co. accepted a stake in five television shows, including Seinfeld. Société Générale purchased Bannon & Co. in 1998.[11]

In 1993, while still managing Bannon & Co., Bannon was made acting director of Earth-science research project Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Arizona. Under Bannon, the project shifted emphasis from researching space exploration and colonization towards pollution and global warming. He left the project in 1995.[12][13] After the sale of Bannon & Co., Bannon became an executive producer in Hollywood. He executive produced Anthony Hopkins's 1999 film Titus. Bannon became a partner with entertainment industry executive Jeff Kwatinetz at The Firm, Inc., a film and television management company.[11] In 2004, Bannon made a documentary about Ronald Reagan titled In the Face of Evil. Through the making and screening of this film, Bannon was introduced to Peter Schweizer and publisher Andrew Breitbart.[11]

From 2007 through 2011, Bannon was chairman and CEO of Affinity Media. From March 2012 to August 2016, Bannon was executive chairman of Breitbart News LLC, the parent company of Breitbart.[14][15] Under his leadership, Breitbart took a more alt-right and nationalistic approach towards its agenda.[16] Bannon identifies as a conservative.[17][18][19] Speaking about his role at Breitbart, Bannon said: "We think of ourselves as virulently anti-establishment, particularly 'anti-' the permanent political class."[20]

Bannon is also executive chairman and co-founder of the Government Accountability Institute, where he helped orchestrate the publication of book Clinton Cash.[6][11] In 2015, Bannon was ranked No. 19 on Mediaite's list of the "25 Most Influential in Political News Media 2015".[21]

Stephen Bannon - Wikipedia

How did you miss the assaults and voter fraud? I don't think you looked very hard. When you can find police reports, then it's probably true.

Steve Bannon's Bad Day: Allegations of Voter Fraud and Domestic Violence

What do you not understand about charges dropped and no charges filed? I love it when you regressives rely on left wing hate sites for news. Just proves your ignorance.
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?


Early life
Stephen Kevin Bannon was born on November 27, 1953 in Norfolk, Virginia. He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1976 and holds a master's degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University. In 1983, Bannon received an M.B.A. degree with honors from Harvard Business School.[8]

Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy, serving on the destroyer USS Paul F. Foster as a Surface Warfare Officer in the Pacific Fleet and stateside as a special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon.[9]

Business and media career
After his military service, Bannon worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker in the Mergers & Acquisitions Department.[10] In 1990, Bannon and several colleagues from Goldman Sachs launched Bannon & Co., a boutique investment bank specializing in media. Through Bannon & Co., Bannon negotiated the sale of Castle Rock Entertainment to Ted Turner. As payment, Bannon & Co. accepted a stake in five television shows, including Seinfeld. Société Générale purchased Bannon & Co. in 1998.[11]

In 1993, while still managing Bannon & Co., Bannon was made acting director of Earth-science research project Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Arizona. Under Bannon, the project shifted emphasis from researching space exploration and colonization towards pollution and global warming. He left the project in 1995.[12][13] After the sale of Bannon & Co., Bannon became an executive producer in Hollywood. He executive produced Anthony Hopkins's 1999 film Titus. Bannon became a partner with entertainment industry executive Jeff Kwatinetz at The Firm, Inc., a film and television management company.[11] In 2004, Bannon made a documentary about Ronald Reagan titled In the Face of Evil. Through the making and screening of this film, Bannon was introduced to Peter Schweizer and publisher Andrew Breitbart.[11]

From 2007 through 2011, Bannon was chairman and CEO of Affinity Media. From March 2012 to August 2016, Bannon was executive chairman of Breitbart News LLC, the parent company of Breitbart.[14][15] Under his leadership, Breitbart took a more alt-right and nationalistic approach towards its agenda.[16] Bannon identifies as a conservative.[17][18][19] Speaking about his role at Breitbart, Bannon said: "We think of ourselves as virulently anti-establishment, particularly 'anti-' the permanent political class."[20]

Bannon is also executive chairman and co-founder of the Government Accountability Institute, where he helped orchestrate the publication of book Clinton Cash.[6][11] In 2015, Bannon was ranked No. 19 on Mediaite's list of the "25 Most Influential in Political News Media 2015".[21]

Stephen Bannon - Wikipedia

How did you miss the assaults and voter fraud? I don't think you looked very hard. When you can find police reports, then it's probably true.

Steve Bannon's Bad Day: Allegations of Voter Fraud and Domestic Violence

What do you not understand about charges dropped and no charges filed? I love it when you regressives rely on left wing hate sites for news. Just proves your ignorance.

Yea, the charges were dropped because his wife was so terrified she skipped town and didn't show up in court. There are dozens of articles on this. Go look up a few. I did.
Poor little liberals. Crying and squalling after receiving the biggest electoral defeat in living memory.

Why should anyone pay attention to you? Normal people know you'll just keep complaining and whining no matter what we say. Since you're no longer in a position to do harm to the country, there's no point in paying attention to you. You're just not worth the trouble.
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?


Early life
Stephen Kevin Bannon was born on November 27, 1953 in Norfolk, Virginia. He graduated from Virginia Tech in 1976 and holds a master's degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University. In 1983, Bannon received an M.B.A. degree with honors from Harvard Business School.[8]

Bannon was an officer in the United States Navy, serving on the destroyer USS Paul F. Foster as a Surface Warfare Officer in the Pacific Fleet and stateside as a special assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations at the Pentagon.[9]

Business and media career
After his military service, Bannon worked at Goldman Sachs as an investment banker in the Mergers & Acquisitions Department.[10] In 1990, Bannon and several colleagues from Goldman Sachs launched Bannon & Co., a boutique investment bank specializing in media. Through Bannon & Co., Bannon negotiated the sale of Castle Rock Entertainment to Ted Turner. As payment, Bannon & Co. accepted a stake in five television shows, including Seinfeld. Société Générale purchased Bannon & Co. in 1998.[11]

In 1993, while still managing Bannon & Co., Bannon was made acting director of Earth-science research project Biosphere 2 in Oracle, Arizona. Under Bannon, the project shifted emphasis from researching space exploration and colonization towards pollution and global warming. He left the project in 1995.[12][13] After the sale of Bannon & Co., Bannon became an executive producer in Hollywood. He executive produced Anthony Hopkins's 1999 film Titus. Bannon became a partner with entertainment industry executive Jeff Kwatinetz at The Firm, Inc., a film and television management company.[11] In 2004, Bannon made a documentary about Ronald Reagan titled In the Face of Evil. Through the making and screening of this film, Bannon was introduced to Peter Schweizer and publisher Andrew Breitbart.[11]

From 2007 through 2011, Bannon was chairman and CEO of Affinity Media. From March 2012 to August 2016, Bannon was executive chairman of Breitbart News LLC, the parent company of Breitbart.[14][15] Under his leadership, Breitbart took a more alt-right and nationalistic approach towards its agenda.[16] Bannon identifies as a conservative.[17][18][19] Speaking about his role at Breitbart, Bannon said: "We think of ourselves as virulently anti-establishment, particularly 'anti-' the permanent political class."[20]

Bannon is also executive chairman and co-founder of the Government Accountability Institute, where he helped orchestrate the publication of book Clinton Cash.[6][11] In 2015, Bannon was ranked No. 19 on Mediaite's list of the "25 Most Influential in Political News Media 2015".[21]

Stephen Bannon - Wikipedia

How did you miss the assaults and voter fraud? I don't think you looked very hard. When you can find police reports, then it's probably true.

Steve Bannon's Bad Day: Allegations of Voter Fraud and Domestic Violence

What do you not understand about charges dropped and no charges filed? I love it when you regressives rely on left wing hate sites for news. Just proves your ignorance.

Yea, the charges were dropped because his wife was so terrified she skipped town and didn't show up in court. There are dozens of articles on this. Go look up a few. I did.

Did you bother to read your own link, Bannon wasn't even questioned there was no court and during the divorce the wife claimed he used vulgarities. My-O-My. LMAO
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

Hell you little whiners will make anything a scandal.

Your whole life is now screwed up and it's fun to watch you little asses cry.

Bannon may have previously registered at an address in Florida where he did not live. Wilfully providing false voter-registration information in Florida is a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in prison.

Even tiny little felonies.

You guys are hilarious. Republicans go after the Clintons for over 30 years with conspiracy after conspiracy. But print a few facts that are actually backed up with fines and police reports and evidence and suddenly you're a little whiner who will make anything a scandal.

You are an idiot, I had no interest in nut jobs going after Clinton, nor did I with Obama. And I think those that continue to play this silly childish game are nothing but fools and idiots.
So as far as I'm concerned you are just another poor loser.
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

Hell you little whiners will make anything a scandal.

Your whole life is now screwed up and it's fun to watch you little asses cry.

Bannon may have previously registered at an address in Florida where he did not live. Wilfully providing false voter-registration information in Florida is a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in prison.

Even tiny little felonies.

You guys are hilarious. Republicans go after the Clintons for over 30 years with conspiracy after conspiracy. But print a few facts that are actually backed up with fines and police reports and evidence and suddenly you're a little whiner who will make anything a scandal.

You are an idiot, I had no interest in nut jobs going after Clinton, nor did I with Obama. And I think those that continue to play this silly childish game are nothing but fools and idiots.
So as far as I'm concerned you are just another poor loser.

I'm curious, who did you vote for.
I think Trump's first big scandal in the White House will be economic. I think, because of his age, his pu$$y grabbing days are over. But it could be one of his kids. Sons who get a kick out of killing and displaying endangered species? Who knows what else they do?


It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

Hell you little whiners will make anything a scandal.

Your whole life is now screwed up and it's fun to watch you little asses cry.

Bannon may have previously registered at an address in Florida where he did not live. Wilfully providing false voter-registration information in Florida is a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in prison.

Even tiny little felonies.

You guys are hilarious. Republicans go after the Clintons for over 30 years with conspiracy after conspiracy. But print a few facts that are actually backed up with fines and police reports and evidence and suddenly you're a little whiner who will make anything a scandal.

You are an idiot, I had no interest in nut jobs going after Clinton, nor did I with Obama. And I think those that continue to play this silly childish game are nothing but fools and idiots.
So as far as I'm concerned you are just another poor loser.

I'm curious, who did you vote for.

I finally picked McMullin, not sure how good he would have been but he was a lot better choice that what the Democrats and Republicans left us with. Johnson lost me near the end of the campaign.
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

It's like driving past a really bad multiple-car crash and hearing the EMS sirens in the background.
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

The clintons spent a lifetime in public service and somehow ended up with 100 million

The likelihood of it being worse than the Clintons when he's already fucking worth a billion seems to me infinitesimally small. He has nothing to gain, the Clintons couldn't seem to help themselves.

Banker speeches for a few hundred thousand a pop?

Why would a billionaire lower himself like that?

I say this as a liberal, he may have scandals, but none of them are going to be about lining his pockets with state power.

Edit - And congressman keep control of their wealth, washington was quite the profiteer. It's sort of a tradition for American politicians. Probably better than them taking bribes to feed their cocaine habit anyway

You seriously don't think Trump won't use his position to enrich himself and his kids? C'mon.
And he's buddies with Goldman Sachs, too, unless you haven't heard about his top choice for Sec'ty of Treasury.
Mnuchin Said to Be Top Treasury Pick Among Trump’s Advisers
Guess what his job used to be? Three guesses.
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

The clintons spent a lifetime in public service and somehow ended up with 100 million

The likelihood of it being worse than the Clintons when he's already fucking worth a billion seems to me infinitesimally small. He has nothing to gain, the Clintons couldn't seem to help themselves.

Banker speeches for a few hundred thousand a pop?

Why would a billionaire lower himself like that?

I say this as a liberal, he may have scandals, but none of them are going to be about lining his pockets with state power.

Edit - And congressman keep control of their wealth, washington was quite the profiteer. It's sort of a tradition for American politicians. Probably better than them taking bribes to feed their cocaine habit anyway

100 million was what the Clintons paid in taxes.

Hillary And Bill Clinton Have Paid $100 Million In Taxes Since 2001

Trump said he made 10 billion. How much did he pay in taxes? Zero?

What a fucking double standard.
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

The clintons spent a lifetime in public service and somehow ended up with 100 million

The likelihood of it being worse than the Clintons when he's already fucking worth a billion seems to me infinitesimally small. He has nothing to gain, the Clintons couldn't seem to help themselves.

Banker speeches for a few hundred thousand a pop?

Why would a billionaire lower himself like that?

I say this as a liberal, he may have scandals, but none of them are going to be about lining his pockets with state power.

Edit - And congressman keep control of their wealth, washington was quite the profiteer. It's sort of a tradition for American politicians. Probably better than them taking bribes to feed their cocaine habit anyway

You seriously don't think Trump won't use his position to enrich himself and his kids? C'mon.
And he's buddies with Goldman Sachs, too, unless you haven't heard about his top choice for Sec'ty of Treasury.
Mnuchin Said to Be Top Treasury Pick Among Trump’s Advisers
Guess what his job used to be? Three guesses.

Trump just filed a lawsuit in DC to lower the value of the Trump hotel from 98 million to 26 million. That's so he could pay much less taxes.

And considering who the landlord is, I suspect i's going to happen.
It's like 68 days before he's sworn in and already, there are so many brewing. And it looks like he is already creating even more.

Putting avowed right wing racist Bannon in a top position in his staff. What's in his background?

The Trump kids running Trump world with all it's foreign debt. We are about to find out the true meaning of "pay for play".

Trump Foundation.

Trump University.

The day after he's sworn in, the press will begin dogging him on his tax returns.

We are about to see some really exciting times. I am stoked.

It's like you can see it coming from really far off, but we all know there is nothing you can do about it.

Scandal already went down. Trump grabbed 3 pussies today.

He grabbed rdean ?

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