Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Yeah Like NYC is filled with Klan members.Hows it going cheap shot? Find a single substantiated allegation against Glenn, in relation to incitement? 50 pages of fluff. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: (10 Gun Salute). Sissy Boy.
Uhm, I'm a former New Yawker, North Bronx here, White Plains and Gunhill to be specific. Just left in Dec. '07, look it up, or even the old neighborhood a visit when you get a spare moment.

I just left in Dec. '07. so I know about the NYC kkklimate. Sean Bell's widow knows about the NYC kkklimate as well, and so does Diallo's and you can bet your bottom-dollar that Abner Louima and his family sure knows about the NYC kkklimate.

Try that BS some other sucker you schmuck.
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Tonight I watched Glenn Beck utter some of the most hateful propaganda I have ever seen.

If he was on any other station, he would have been fired. Hell, if this had been someone talking about the Bush administration, they would have been jailed.

First he ran a segment equating public health care to Nazi Eugenics. He actually used his own disabled daughter to back up his lies at one point, implying that public health care would kill her.

Every other sentence was "I'm not saying the Democrats are going to kill your grandmother" or something to that effect, but it was always followed with a "but" and then an explanation of how the Democrats are in fact going to try and kill your grandmother.

This is clearly the equivalent to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

He is specifically trying to incite an uprising against the Obama administration.

Glenn Beck has become a truly dangerous individual and a traitor. This is not "partisanship" anymore, this is clearly an attempt to incite insurrection against the government of the United States.

I ask all of you, if you don't want to see a violent coup d'tat attempt in this country, to call FoxNews and all of their advertisers calling for the immediate removal of Glenn Beck from the air.

You are a manipulating saullinskyian, lying to make it look as if he is advocating violence could not be further from the truth

Alinsky rule for radical applied in this post:
RULE 10: "If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive." Violence from the other side can win the public to your side because the public sympathizes with the underdog. (Unions used this tactic. Peaceful [albeit loud] demonstrations during the heyday of unions in the early to mid-20th Century incurred management's wrath, often in the form of violence that eventually brought public sympathy to their side.)

The left is trying to push and prod us to become violent, when we have loud but peaceful demontrations . We are conservatives, not radical leftist bullies like the union thugs
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"I'm not saying he doesn't like white people. He has a problem. This guy is, I believe, a racist."
- Glenn Beck

Not a liar my big toe!

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"I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, but he is, I think Obama is a racist."
- Glenn Beck

Not liar my big toe!


You do realize there is absolutely no contradiction between those statements dont you?

Simply thinking your superior to someone doesnt mean you dont like them. I like dogs, but im not able to go around thinking they are my equal or that Im not their master.

Racism isnt about hate. Its about superiority. Hate just tends to follow it closely.
*looking at the previous post*

That's a blatant lie. Another one from the Far-Right Nutjob posters on here.

The argument that a racist actually likes members of the other race is just ludicrous, and thats putting it mildly.
*looking at the previous post*

That's a blatant lie. Another one from the Far-Right Nutjob posters on here.

The argument that a racist actually likes members of the other race is just ludicrous, and thats putting it mildly.

And im sure all those white slave owners who took care of their slaves and treated them decently and cared about their lives werent racist because they didnt hate them.

Let me know when you are willing to actually discuss matters seriously not just project your hate onto others.
*looking at the previous post*

That's a blatant lie. Another one from the Far-Right Nutjob posters on here.

The argument that a racist actually likes members of the other race is just ludicrous, and thats putting it mildly.

And im sure all those white slave owners who took care of their slaves and treated them decently and cared about their lives werent racist because they didnt hate them.

Let me know when you are willing to actually discuss matters seriously not just project your hate onto others.

Let's see...isn't this thread about Glenn Beck? LDS is busy enslaving its minions minds. Big job..better get back to it.

Dumbcunny and Dud have yet to refute the violence inciting Beck. Very Telling.
Let's see...isn't this thread about Glenn Beck? LDS is busy enslaving its minions minds. Big job..better get back to it.

Dumbcunny and Dud have yet to refute the violence inciting Beck. Very Telling.

Glenn hasnt been inciting violence. There is nothing to refute. telling people to have their voice heard in non-violent political action is not inciting violence.

Trying to shut down those people through thug action is.

The only violence that has happened has been from the left trying to silence the right. Funny how that is isnt it?
"Took care of their slaves!?!???"

Hey a-hole, that OWNED other human beings. Nuff said.

They also take care of their cattle, sheep and dogs too...because they OWNED them and it was in their self-interest to.

Blacks were considered sub-human beasts to these loving "care-takers" you buttmunch...I can't believe you're actually trying to argue this NONESENSE!

Snap out of it!!!
"Took care of their slaves!?!???"

Hey a-hole, that OWNED other human beings. Nuff said.

They also take care of their cattle, sheep and dogs too...because they OWNED them and it was in their self-interest to.

Blacks were considered sub-human beasts to these loving "care-takers" you buttmunch...I can't believe you're actually trying to argue this NONESENSE!

Snap out of it!!!

I cant believe you are still too stupid to understand what racism is and what it's not.

Racism is about superiority. Not hatred. Look up the definition. There isnt a single mention about hate. Because hatred has nothing to do with racism. Racism is hatred neutral. You can be racist and hate someone from another race. Or you can be racist and try to act like they are little children for you to look over. Much like Democrats treat blacks nowadays.

The fact that you are unwilling to look at what words actually mean and wish to do nothing but this partisan nonsense, show you are inherently dishonest. You dont give a damn about reality. You simply want to justify your own hatred by claiming its the other guys that hate. When that is blatantly untrue.
Yeah Like NYC is filled with Klan members.Hows it going cheap shot? Find a single substantiated allegation against Glenn, in relation to incitement? 50 pages of fluff. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: (10 Gun Salute). Sissy Boy.
Uhm, I'm a former New Yawker, North Bronx here, White Plains and Gunhill to be specific. Just left in Dec. '07, look it up, or even the old neighborhood a visit when you get a spare moment.

I just left in Dec. '07. so I know about the NYC kkklimate. Sean Bell's widow knows about the NYC kkklimate as well, and so does Diallo's and you can bet your bottom-dollar that Abner Louima and his family sure knows about the NYC kkklimate.

Try that BS some other sucker you schmuck.

My Avatar is from The Bronx Zoo. I'm in Queens, Elmhurst, The most integrated Community in the USA, with Jackson Heights, and Corona right on our tails. I'm sure you will be missed here. My Son just lost a close Friend up in Buffalo, a Drive By Shooting the Night before the Graduation Ceremony. 3 in the back. He lived a few blocks north of Yankee Stadium.

Shawn Bell, That was a multi Racial Police unit. A Decorated Special Crimes Unit. The Shooting may have been allot of things, but it wasn't Racist. They did claim to have identified themselves as Cop's, If that was true, it was a bad idea to try to run them over with the car. I have a hard time too with people unloading clips, reloading, and emptying the clip again, for a couple of reasons. I have a hard time with someone in that situation claiming that they thought their gun misfired while continuing to unload multiple clips.

1). Cop's here used to carry .38 cal. six shot revolvers, not too effective in self defense life and death, meaning the perpetrator or target can still get you before they drop, be it adrenaline or drug effect, or what have you. As a result they were trained to unload, or fire till you were empty 5-6 rounds, depending on how you loaded. Some would leave the chamber empty to guard against accidental firing. Cops today carry 9mm or 10mm with big clips and nasty bullets. The effect is messy. The tactic should adapt.

2). Preservation of Life should take precedent over Medical Costs, or Litigation Costs.

3). Cops here need more time at the range, the City should cover the cost of ammo. These guys need to know their weapons inside and out.

Shawn Bell Verdict
About an hour ago, the three New York City Police officers charged with an array of charges for the November 25th, 2006 shooting death of 23 year old groom Sean Bell, were cleared of all charges. Unarmed, Sean Bell died in a hail of 50 some bullets outside a strip club where he was having his bachelor party.

Officers Michael Oliver, 36, and Gescard Isnora, 29, stood trial for manslaughter while Officer Marc Cooper, 40, was charged only with reckless endangerment. Two other shooters weren't charged. Oliver squeezed off 31 shots; Isnora fired 11 rounds; and Cooper shot four times. Sean Bell Trial - Shawn Bell Verdict - Shaun Bell Murder Case

Amadou Diallo, Definitely a Tragedy. Pretty self explanatory. Ricochets flying off the door, cops thinking that they were being fired upon.

Amadou Bailo Diallo
Amadou Bailo Diallo (September 2, 1975 - February 4, 1999), a Guinean living in New York City, was killed by four white police officers in the New York City Police Department's Street Crime Unit.
Diallo had come to New York City to study computer science, but had not yet enrolled in school. He reportedly sold videotapes and socks on the street during the day and studied in the evenings.

He had gone out to eat and returned home early on the morning of February 4. While he was walking near his building, police officers Edward McMellon, Sean Carroll, Kenneth Boss and Richard Murphy, in plainclothes but wearing their NYPD shields, approached him for questioning. The officers claim to have ID'ed themselves, loudly, as NYPD officers, and that Diallo fit the description of a since-captured serial rapist. At their approach, Diallo allegedly ran up the outside steps toward his apartment house doorway, turned from the officers, and ignored their orders to stop and "show his hands." He then reached into his jacket, coming out with his wallet. Reportedly mistaking the item Diallo was holding for a firearm, Officer Carroll yelled "Gun!" to alert his colleagues. At nearly the same time, the officers opened fire. While backing away, Officer McMellon tripped and fell down the steps, leading the others to believe he had been shot. The four officers fired 41 shots, hitting Diallo 19 times. No weapons were found on his body.

On March 25 a Bronx grand jury indicted the officers on charges of second-degree murder and reckless endangerment. On December 16 a New York appellate court ordered a change of venue to Albany, New York, stating that pretrial publicity had made a fair trial in New York City impossible. On February 25, 2000, after two days of deliberations, a jury acquitted the officers of all charges.

Amadou Bailo Diallo. Who is Amadou Bailo Diallo? What is Amadou Bailo Diallo? Where is Amadou Bailo Diallo? Definition of Amadou Bailo Diallo. Meaning of Amadou Bailo Diallo.

You take it easy now Limp Dick. Enjoy Atlanta? is it? See if you can search out some "Moon River " Beer. If you do I will be jealous. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Let's see...isn't this thread about Glenn Beck? LDS is busy enslaving its minions minds. Big job..better get back to it.

Dumbcunny and Dud have yet to refute the violence inciting Beck. Very Telling.

Glenn hasnt been inciting violence. There is nothing to refute. telling people to have their voice heard in non-violent political action is not inciting violence.

Trying to shut down those people through thug action is.

The only violence that has happened has been from the left trying to silence the right. Funny how that is isnt it?

You should stick to lying for the LDS. I have personally heard Beck threaten the life of Moore and inquire if a hitman would be better suited for the job. You should go back to enslaving the weak minded with your magic plates bullshit.
Intense, I love how you're able to scew things in a way they really weren't.

That's a real skill and talent you have there, perhaps you should work for FOXNews.
"I'm not saying he doesn't like white people, but he is, I think Obama is a racist."
- Glenn Beck

Not liar my big toe!


You do realize there is absolutely no contradiction between those statements dont you?

Simply thinking your superior to someone doesnt mean you dont like them. I like dogs, but im not able to go around thinking they are my equal or that Im not their master.

Racism isnt about hate. Its about superiority. Hate just tends to follow it closely.

I think ATL has a point in that there are a few White People Obama is not prejudiced against. I guess in His Own Personal Way, Only He Can See Past Their Whiteness, and Embrace Their Inner Being. His Remarkable Powers that Enable him to do this Is limited to Only those in Agreement, with Him 98% of the time, and 98% up to date with the changes in his Position. So All You out There, wanting to be on His Christmas/Kwanzaa List Try harder to keep up with the Talking Points.

What are We celebrating this December at the White House? Christmas or The December Harvest Ceremony, Kwanzaa?
Let's see...isn't this thread about Glenn Beck? LDS is busy enslaving its minions minds. Big job..better get back to it.

Dumbcunny and Dud have yet to refute the violence inciting Beck. Very Telling.

Glenn hasnt been inciting violence. There is nothing to refute. telling people to have their voice heard in non-violent political action is not inciting violence.

Trying to shut down those people through thug action is.

The only violence that has happened has been from the left trying to silence the right. Funny how that is isnt it?

You should stick to lying for the LDS. I have personally heard Beck threaten the life of Moore and inquire if a hitman would be better suited for the job. You should go back to enslaving the weak minded with your magic plates bullshit.

the voices in your head sound like glen beck?
Intense, I love how you're able to scew things in a way they really weren't.

That's a real skill and talent you have there, perhaps you should work for FOXNews.

Be Specific. What accusation of recreating History do you refer to. I'm open to discussion and correction.
Glenn hasnt been inciting violence. There is nothing to refute. telling people to have their voice heard in non-violent political action is not inciting violence.

Trying to shut down those people through thug action is.

The only violence that has happened has been from the left trying to silence the right. Funny how that is isnt it?

You should stick to lying for the LDS. I have personally heard Beck threaten the life of Moore and inquire if a hitman would be better suited for the job. You should go back to enslaving the weak minded with your magic plates bullshit.

the voices in your head sound like glen beck?

Looky looky the dumbest mod on the internet chimes in! I have already noted the references to what I heard Beck say complete with transcipts on one of the sites. I'm sure you saw the same sites so are you just being your usual ignorant fuck self by forwarding the lie?
Let's see...isn't this thread about Glenn Beck? LDS is busy enslaving its minions minds. Big job..better get back to it.

Dumbcunny and Dud have yet to refute the violence inciting Beck. Very Telling.

Glenn hasnt been inciting violence. There is nothing to refute. telling people to have their voice heard in non-violent political action is not inciting violence.

Trying to shut down those people through thug action is.

The only violence that has happened has been from the left trying to silence the right. Funny how that is isnt it?

You should stick to lying for the LDS. I have personally heard Beck threaten the life of Moore and inquire if a hitman would be better suited for the job. You should go back to enslaving the weak minded with your magic plates bullshit.

Ready for those links at anytime. :eusa_whistle:
List of Obama's Czars
August 14, 2009 - 12:50 ET

As of July 20, 2009:

• The Brainroom counts 32 czars in the Obama administration, based on media reports from reputable sources that have identified the official in question as a czar.
• In addition, President Obama has said that he will create the position of cyber czar, and there have been media reports that there could be a health insurance czar and a copyright czar. When and if those positions are filled, that would bring the total to 35.
• Since czar isn't an official job title, the number is somewhat in the eye of the beholder.

NOTE: positions that also existed under previous administrations are indicated with an *.

1. Afghanistan Czar - Richard Holbrooke

Title: Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan
Salary: unknown
Reports to: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Appointed: January 2009
Department that might have handled similar issues: State

• Will work with CENTCOM head Gen. David Petraeus to integrate U.S. civilian and military efforts in the region.
• 45 years of experience have made him a fixture of the Democrats' foreign policy establishment.
• Was U.S. ambassador to U.N., 1999-2001
• Brokered the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords in Bosnia
• Also served as Assistant secretary of state, East Asia and the Pacific (1976 to 1980); worked in foreign service (1962 to 1976)
• From 1972 through 1976, was the editor of Foreign Policy magazine.

2. AIDS Czar * - Jeffrey Crowley

Title: Director of the Office of National AIDS Policy
Salary: $102,000
Reports to: President Obama (as part of the Executive Office of the President’s Domestic Policy Council)
Appointed: February 2009
Department that might have handled similar issues: Health and Human Services

• Coordinates HIV/AIDS policy domestically and internationally.
• Senior Research Scholar at Georgetown University's Health Policy Institute and a Senior Scholar at the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law, Georgetown University Law Center.
• Was Deputy Executive Director for Programs at the National Association of People with AIDS
• Has Master of Public Health from the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health

3. Auto Recovery Czar - Ed Montgomery

Title: Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers
Salary: unknown
Reports to: Larry Summers, the president's top economic adviser, and Labor Secretary Hilda Solis
Appointed: March 2009
Department that might have handled similar issues: Labor

• Will work to leverage government resources to support the workers, communities and regions that rely on the American auto industry.
• Was Deputy Secretary and Chief Economist at the Labor Department (1997 to 1998)
• Is Dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Maryland (2003 to present)
• Has PhD in economics from Harvard
• In 2008, made $1,200 in political donations, all of which went to Obama’s presidential campaign.
• Wife is the granddaughter of a General Motors worker from Portland, Mich.
• Drives a 2000 Lincoln

4. Border Czar * - Alan Bersin

Title: Assistant Secretary for International Affairs and Special Representative for Border Affairs
Salary: unknown
Reports to: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano
Appointed: April 2009
Agencies that might have handled similar issues: Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)

• Will coordinate all of the department's border security and law-enforcement efforts.
• Essentially had the same job under President Clinton; served as Attorney General Janet Reno's special representative on border issues, a job that he held while retaining the position of U.S. attorney for San Diego.
• This time, boss will be Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who will expect him to handle illegal immigration and drug violence issues along the Mexican-American border
• Previous experience: Chairman of the San Diego Regional Airport Authority (2006 to 2009); Secretary of Education for California (2005 to 2006); Superintendent of San Diego Public Schools (1998 to 2005); U.S. Attorney for San Diego (1993 to 1998)
• Graduate of Harvard and Yale Law School
• Talking about border security shortly before he was named Clinton border czar in 1995, said he wanted to focus on suspected smugglers of both drugs and people and was not interested in prosecuting “economic migrants.”
• Often tied to the 1994 border policy called “Operation Gatekeeper.” The policy shifted the U.S. focus from the arresting of immigrants who actually crossed the border to an increased border presence designed to stop border crossing in the first place. When Bersin left the position in 1998, border arrests were on pace for an 18-year low of just more than 200,000. Latino groups complained that Operation Gatekeeper was immoral, saying the program monitored the border near San Diego but simply forced illegal immigrants to other, more dangerous areas.
• Has given more than $50,000 to political campaigns since 1999, almost all of it to Democrats.

5. California Water Czar - David J. Hayes

Title: Deputy Interior Secretary
Salary: unknown
Reports to: Interior Secretary Ken Salazar
Appointed: June 2009
Confirmed by Senate (as Deputy Interior Security): May 20, 2009
Department that might have handled similar issues: Interior

• Charged with coordinating federal agencies to ease California's water shortage
• Graduate of Stanford Law School; clerked for U.S. District Court for the D.C., has been a partner at two big D.C. law firms
• Was deputy interior secretary under Bruce Babbitt during Clinton administration
• From 1993 to 1995, was chairman of the board at the Environmental Law Institute, a non-profit research center.
• As a lobbyist, represented the Southern California Metropolitan Water District in 2001
• In August 2008, wrote a policy report while working at the Progressive Policy Institute accusing the Bush administration of leaving a “damaging legacy” in their natural resource management policies
• Donated $2,300 to Clinton during 2008 campaign; after she withdrew, donated $2,300 to Obama

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - List of Obama's Czars
6. Car Czar - Ron Bloom

NOTE: on July 13, 2009, Bloom took over as head of the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry, replacing Steven Rattner

Title: Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury
Salary: unknown
Reports to: Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and National Economic Council head Larry Summers
Appointed: July 2009
Department that might have handled similar issues: Treasury

• A leader of the White House task force overseeing auto company bailouts; worked on restructuring of General Motors and Chrysler LLC.
• Was special assistant to president of the United Steelworkers union from 1996-Feb 2009
• Has negotiated restructuring deals for more than 50 companies, getting major concessions from unions and companies.
• Was raised in New York in a pro-union family, which included a schoolteacher mother and unionized relatives.
• After working for the Service Employees International Union, got an MBA from Harvard University because he thought unions lacked business smarts, he said in a 1996 interview in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
• From 1985 to 1990, he worked as an investment banker with Lazard Freres & Co., which specializes in mergers, acquisitions and corporate restructuring, before co-founding the investment-banking firm Keilin and Bloom.

7. Central Region Czar - Dennis Ross

Title: Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for the Central Region (encompasses the Middle East, the Gulf, Afghanistan, Pakistan and South Asia)
Salary: unknown
Reports to: National Security Adviser Gen. James L. Jones
Appointed: June 2009
Department that might have handled similar issues: State

• Spent 12 years in the George H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations trying to create a permanent agreement between the governments of Israel and the Palestinian territories
• In 1981, was named to President Ronald Reagan’s national security staff as the director of Near East and South Asian Affairs.
• Was director of the State Department’s Policy Planning office during President George H. W. Bush’s term.
• 1993: appointed to the position of Middle East coordinator, making him the top negotiator for peace between Israel and Palestinian territories
• After he left government in 2000, headed up Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a hawkish think tank with a pro-Israeli bent

8. Climate Czar - Todd Stern

Title: Special Envoy for Climate Change
Salary: unknown
Reports to: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
Appointed: January 2009
Agency or department that might have handled similar issues: Environmental Protection Agency; State

• Responsible for developing international approaches to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
• Served in the Clinton White House from 1993 to 1999; Was Head of the Initiative on Global Climate Change (1997 to 1999) and Adviser to the Secretary of the Treasury (1999 to 2001)
• As a top aide to President Clinton, helped negotiate the Kyoto and Buenos Aires climate pacts, both of which fell apart partially because of a lack of U.S. support during Bush administration.
• After Bush was elected to office, went to the Wilmer Hale law firm, where he is a partner in the regulatory and government affairs division.
• Was most recently a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, where he focused on climate change and environmental issues.
• Has written extensively on climate change, and has called on the American government and the international community to take a series of steps to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.
• Supports a national cap-and-trade system that would limit carbon emissions and reduce U.S. dependency on foreign oil
• Has law degree from Harvard

9. Domestic Violence Czar - Lynn Rosenthal

Title: White House adviser on Violence Against Women
Salary: unknown
Reports to: President Obama and Vice President Biden
Appointed: June 2009
Department that might have handled similar issues: Health and Human Services

• Will advise the President and Vice President on domestic violence and sexual assault issues.
• 2000-2006: served as the Executive Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence
• Was an advocate for the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act in 2000 and 2005 and has assisted states and local communities with implementation of this federal legislation
• Was director of the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence

10. Drug Czar * - Gil Kerlikowske

Title: Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy
Salary: unknown
Reports to: President Obama
Appointed: March 2009
Confirmed by Senate: May 7, 2009
Department that might have handled similar issues: Justice

• Directs drug-control policy in the U.S.; is expected to shift drug policy to intervention, treatment and a reduction of problem drug use.
• Was police chief for the city of Seattle from 2000-2009
• Was Deputy Director of the Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (1998 to 2000); Police Chief for the city of Buffalo (1994 to 1998); Police chief of Fort Pierce, Fla. (N/A to 1994)
• A strong gun-control advocate, urged both the Washington legislature and the U.S. Congress to pass an assault-weapons ban and has worked to close the loophole that doesn't require background checks at gun shows
• 2003: admitted that busting people for personal marijuana possession was not a top priority of the Seattle police department.
• As Seattle police chief, assigned an officer full-time to the drug court, which commuted sentences of drug users who complete medical treatment in lieu of going to jail.

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - List of Obama's Czars

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