Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

All this whining from the crowd that applauded books and movies depicting the assisination of the FORMER president as well as personal and vile attacks on a daily basis?

Beck has nothing on you in the hate department. You guys wrote the book on hateful behavior and lies.
I think ol' Glenn just hates socialism and loves the first amendment.
I don't watch his show, but I wish more people hated socialism and loved their first amendment right.

You are so right. We should abolish medicare ...fuck granma in the ass...and those roads we all paid for? a waste of money...fuck you eisenhower.... vet administration?...soldiers are suckers to enlist... we don't owe em a damn thing... in fact they should pay us for the right to get to kill kids and women. schip...and public schools?. why educate the little fuckers they are going to prison anyway...and speaking of prison...why bother...if you don't live in a gaurded gated community you ain't shit.

I'm totally with ya.
Tonight I watched Glenn Beck utter some of the most hateful propaganda I have ever seen.

If he was on any other station, he would have been fired. Hell, if this had been someone talking about the Bush administration, they would have been jailed.

First he ran a segment equating public health care to Nazi Eugenics. He actually used his own disabled daughter to back up his lies at one point, implying that public health care would kill her.

Every other sentence was "I'm not saying the Democrats are going to kill your grandmother" or something to that effect, but it was always followed with a "but" and then an explanation of how the Democrats are in fact going to try and kill your grandmother.

This is clearly the equivalent to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

He is specifically trying to incite an uprising against the Obama administration.

Glenn Beck has become a truly dangerous individual and a traitor. This is not "partisanship" anymore, this is clearly an attempt to incite insurrection against the government of the United States.

I ask all of you, if you don't want to see a violent coup d'tat attempt in this country, to call FoxNews and all of their advertisers calling for the immediate removal of Glenn Beck from the air.

I think the subject line needs some fixing. I'd suggest:

Glenn Beck is fooling Vast LWC, he is attempting to incite higher ratings

The sooner the people of this country turn off their TVs the sooner we'll be able to make some real progress.
56 Pages of Bullshit and not one supportable link. You sissy boys are a riot. Girlie Men who secretly crush on Beck.

[ame=]YouTube - Last Man Standing ( Walken )[/ame]

Never Trust a Lib. Never Turn Your Back.
56 Pages of Bullshit and not one supportable link. You sissy boys are a riot. Girlie Men who secretly crush on Beck.

YouTube - Last Man Standing ( Walken )

Never Trust a Lib. Never Turn Your Back.

The stinking neo con christan fascists are being crushed. Watching them bleed out is entertaining as they blame everyone but themselves for the conditions they and they alone created since they highjacked the republican party. They have finally found the enemy and to thier phony suprise it is themselves.

They have found the death panels and lo and behold it is the "beurocrats" that work full time for the insurance corporations to deny and delay coverage hoping the "insured" will die before payment for services.

They have found the poison and it is the McDonalds happy meals that have bloated thier pasty white oversized frames and filled out the fat faces evident at the town hall meetings.

They deny the attempted health regulations and single payer healthcare that might save them from the diabetes and heart attacks that a huge number of them will be knocked out of the human race from.

They have looked hard at our countries condition through the lens of Fox television and Clear Channel radio that produce Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh. Don't tell them that many of the board members dictating the talking points they cherish interlock with the biggest HMOs and the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about in a strangle hold to keep them suicidally fat and stupid.

Yes, they have found the threat to our republic and it is thier own willfull ignorance.
56 Pages of Bullshit and not one supportable link. You sissy boys are a riot. Girlie Men who secretly crush on Beck.

YouTube - Last Man Standing ( Walken )

Never Trust a Lib. Never Turn Your Back.

The stinking neo con christan fascists are being crushed. Watching them bleed out is entertaining as they blame everyone but themselves for the conditions they and they alone created since they highjacked the republican party. They have finally found the enemy and to thier phony suprise it is themselves.

They have found the death panels and lo and behold it is the "beurocrats" that work full time for the insurance corporations to deny and delay coverage hoping the "insured" will die before payment for services.

They have found the poison and it is the McDonalds happy meals that have bloated thier pasty white oversized frames and filled out the fat faces evident at the town hall meetings.

They deny the attempted health regulations and single payer healthcare that might save them from the diabetes and heart attacks that a huge number of them will be knocked out of the human race from.

They have looked hard at our countries condition through the lens of Fox television and Clear Channel radio that produce Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh. Don't tell them that many of the board members dictating the talking points they cherish interlock with the biggest HMOs and the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about in a strangle hold to keep them suicidally fat and stupid.

Yes, they have found the threat to our republic and it is thier own willfull ignorance.

I try to be independant on issues and politics, but listening to Hannity, Beck, and Limbaugh makes me sick. At least try to be sensible. Rather Democrats are crazy and will kill you and your grandparents becuase they hate America and Republicans are the voice of reason and are smart and will save us all. Come on! I'll listen if they don't straight up bash Democrats and make arguments without scare tactics. I understand if they disagree, becuase thats what makes this country great, but try not to be such an asshole about it.:eusa_pray:
The stinking neo con christan fascists are being crushed. Watching them bleed out is entertaining as they blame everyone but themselves for the conditions they and they alone created since they highjacked the republican party. They have finally found the enemy and to thier phony suprise it is themselves.

1) There is no such thing as a neo con christian fascist. Neo con is just a derogatory term from the left for a jew who doesnt support them. So introduce me to a jewish christian fascist, and maybe ill believe such a person exists.
2) You seem to think that those who disagree with you are your enemies. If we are, it's simply because you choose to fight us. We are more than willing to let you be free and make your own choices and have your own viewpoints. We only ask for the same.

They have found the death panels and lo and behold it is the "beurocrats" that work full time for the insurance corporations to deny and delay coverage hoping the "insured" will die before payment for services.

Do you have any evidence that insurance is doing this? People die everyday, Are you honestly claiming that its the insurance companies to blame? because im pretty sure they died alot faster before insurance companies ever existed.

Problem is your so spoiled you dont recognize the reality of the world we live in.

They have found the poison and it is the McDonalds happy meals that have bloated thier pasty white oversized frames and filled out the fat faces evident at the town hall meetings.

Poison? I havent found poison at McDonalds. and I am pretty sure if you simply ordered a happy meal, you wouldnt be getting that many calories.

Is there something wrong with people being free to eat what they choose? Why do you hate people making choices so much?

They deny the attempted health regulations and single payer healthcare that might save them from the diabetes and heart attacks that a huge number of them will be knocked out of the human race from.

If we are so evil, wouldnt saving us be bad?

I dont believe government controling health care is going to save me from anything. Quite the opposite. Ive seen what it does in other nations.

And quite frankly, its none of your business. You bitch and moan about abortion being a right to choose because its "her body". Why are you such damn hypocrites when it comes to everything else we do with our bodies? If we dont want to exercise, you dont have the right to force us. If we we want to eat junk food, its our right to do so. You dont have a right to tell us otherwise. We will face the consequences of our actions.

Id rather die free, then live where you think you can tell me what to do.

They have looked hard at our countries condition through the lens of Fox television and Clear Channel radio that produce Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh. Don't tell them that many of the board members dictating the talking points they cherish interlock with the biggest HMOs and the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about in a strangle hold to keep them suicidally fat and stupid.

You have to be pretty naive if you think any of those guys are going to use talking points. They are going to say whatever the heck they want. Its the left that produces talking points.

Yes, they have found the threat to our republic and it is thier own willfull ignorance.

That's a laugh riot coming from you.
Boycott Fox channels

You'll find a lot of good info here about dozens of companies pulling Ads out of the Glenn Beck program. .................... Now lets keep it going and have them dump Hannity and Limbaugh too.

Remember free speech does not mean we protect liars like Fox pundits.

Oops apparently I am too newbie here at US message board to post a url yet.

Soooo. Just do a search for boycott Fox news and you'll land up at the right place.
The stinking neo con christan fascists are being crushed. Watching them bleed out is entertaining as they blame everyone but themselves for the conditions they and they alone created since they highjacked the republican party. They have finally found the enemy and to thier phony suprise it is themselves.

1) There is no such thing as a neo con christian fascist. Neo con is just a derogatory term from the left for a jew who doesnt support them. So introduce me to a jewish christian fascist, and maybe ill believe such a person exists.
2) You seem to think that those who disagree with you are your enemies. If we are, it's simply because you choose to fight us. We are more than willing to let you be free and make your own choices and have your own viewpoints. We only ask for the same.

They have found the death panels and lo and behold it is the "beurocrats" that work full time for the insurance corporations to deny and delay coverage hoping the "insured" will die before payment for services.

Do you have any evidence that insurance is doing this? People die everyday, Are you honestly claiming that its the insurance companies to blame? because im pretty sure they died alot faster before insurance companies ever existed.

Problem is your so spoiled you dont recognize the reality of the world we live in.

Poison? I havent found poison at McDonalds. and I am pretty sure if you simply ordered a happy meal, you wouldnt be getting that many calories.

Is there something wrong with people being free to eat what they choose? Why do you hate people making choices so much?

If we are so evil, wouldnt saving us be bad?

I dont believe government controling health care is going to save me from anything. Quite the opposite. Ive seen what it does in other nations.

And quite frankly, its none of your business. You bitch and moan about abortion being a right to choose because its "her body". Why are you such damn hypocrites when it comes to everything else we do with our bodies? If we dont want to exercise, you dont have the right to force us. If we we want to eat junk food, its our right to do so. You dont have a right to tell us otherwise. We will face the consequences of our actions.

Id rather die free, then live where you think you can tell me what to do.

They have looked hard at our countries condition through the lens of Fox television and Clear Channel radio that produce Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh. Don't tell them that many of the board members dictating the talking points they cherish interlock with the biggest HMOs and the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about in a strangle hold to keep them suicidally fat and stupid.

You have to be pretty naive if you think any of those guys are going to use talking points. They are going to say whatever the heck they want. Its the left that produces talking points.

Yes, they have found the threat to our republic and it is thier own willfull ignorance.

That's a laugh riot coming from you.

Thanks for chiming in. Your own stupidity is displayed as you speak up for the willfully ignorant.

Jewish neo cons? What playbook did you flush that out of? The fundimentalist christians were the ones that stole the republican party.

I know ..someone you admire told you that "liberals" are fascists. You aree sooooooooo stupid.
Boycott Fox channels

You'll find a lot of good info here about dozens of companies pulling Ads out of the Glenn Beck program. .................... Now lets keep it going and have them dump Hannity and Limbaugh too.

Remember free speech does not mean we protect liars like Fox pundits.

Oops apparently I am too newbie here at US message board to post a url yet.

Soooo. Just do a search for boycott Fox news and you'll land up at the right place.

You do realize that Rush doesnt have a program on Fox don't you?

You do realize that simply because someone has a different point of view, doesnt mean they are lying right?
Thanks for chiming in. Your own stupidity is displayed as you speak up for the willfully ignorant.

Jewish neo cons? What playbook did you flush that out of? The fundimentalist christians were the ones that stole the republican party.

I know ..someone you admire told you that "liberals" are fascists. You aree sooooooooo stupid.

Oh wow, you think Im stupid? I am sooooo hurt by that.

Neo-con is merely code for Jew. You would be surprised what you can learn when you actually know the origin of the term.

And the fundamentalist christians have stolen the Republican party? That's why John McCain was the nominee right? Because he was the fundamentalist candidate. What is so evil about fundamentalist Christians? They have a different point of view from you... oooh they are so evil! Why are they not allowed to vote, or speak out, or have any sort of say in how the government works? Why do you hate people for their faith?

communist/fascist/socialist, it's all the same. You can call a totalitarian by any name, and their view points are still going to lead to death, destruction, oppression etc. And I dont care what party you are a part of, if you are a totalitarian, I am going to oppose you. Because i like being free.
Boycott Fox channels

You'll find a lot of good info here about dozens of companies pulling Ads out of the Glenn Beck program. .................... Now lets keep it going and have them dump Hannity and Limbaugh too.

Remember free speech does not mean we protect liars like Fox pundits.

Oops apparently I am too newbie here at US message board to post a url yet.

Soooo. Just do a search for boycott Fox news and you'll land up at the right place.

You do realize that Rush doesnt have a program on Fox don't you?

You do realize that simply because someone has a different point of view, doesnt mean they are lying right?

You do realize that lying is lying...Right?

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