Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Avatar...are you a self-proclaimed fundamentalist Christian?

Do you people ever pay attention?

No im not a fundamentalist Christian. I just think your demonizing of them is ridiculous. They arent evil people. They arent some demonic force trying to enslave mankind. They are merely people who want to have their voices count just like everyone else. They are people who want to be able to freely exercise their religion without government telling them what they can and cant do.

I know you want to hate these people, but thats your problem, not theirs.
You do realize that lying is lying...Right?

You keep using that word lying. I dont think it means what you seem to think it means.

Having a different point of view from you is not lying. Just because you cant believe it doesnt mean that others dont.
I think ol' Glenn just hates socialism and loves the first amendment.
I don't watch his show, but I wish more people hated socialism and loved their first amendment right.

You are so right. We should abolish medicare ...fuck granma in the ass...and those roads we all paid for? a waste of money...fuck you eisenhower.... vet administration?...soldiers are suckers to enlist... we don't owe em a damn thing... in fact they should pay us for the right to get to kill kids and women. schip...and public schools?. why educate the little fuckers they are going to prison anyway...and speaking of prison...why bother...if you don't live in a gaurded gated community you ain't shit.

I'm totally with ya.

Well, you've always been an idiot, so why should your idiotic retort be any surprise?
Close! I'll tell ya that, but then we had to understand it was you that posted that asinine rant, and that's always par for the course with you.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:.
My gates were stolen years ago and I never replaced them.
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You do realize that lying is lying...Right?

You keep using that word lying. I dont think it means what you seem to think it means.

Having a different point of view from you is not lying. Just because you cant believe it doesnt mean that others dont.

Just because you cant believe it doesnt mean that others dont.

So you don't believe lying is lying.

Thanks for clearing that up. :lol: :cuckoo:
Avatar...are you a self-proclaimed fundamentalist Christian?

Do you people ever pay attention?

No im not a fundamentalist Christian. I just think your demonizing of them is ridiculous. They arent evil people. They arent some demonic force trying to enslave mankind. They are merely people who want to have their voices count just like everyone else. They are people who want to be able to freely exercise their religion without government telling them what they can and cant do.

I know you want to hate these people, but thats your problem, not theirs.

Avi is not a fundamentalist Christian.
Are people still talking about this "Beck inciting Violence" strawman?


Anyone actually post a video of this that legitimately shows how he is inciting violence in your average american?

I haven't read the pages since my last post and might have missed the opportunity to be educated by an actual example of how Beck is doing this.
Are people still talking about this "Beck inciting Violence" strawman?


Anyone actually post a video of this that legitimately shows how he is inciting violence in your average american?

I haven't read the pages since my last post and might have missed the opportunity to be educated by an actual example of how Beck is doing this.

He said he was thinking of killing Michael Moore. Were he really inciting violence, you would think the NYC police department would have arrested him by now.
Are people still talking about this "Beck inciting Violence" strawman?


Anyone actually post a video of this that legitimately shows how he is inciting violence in your average american?

I haven't read the pages since my last post and might have missed the opportunity to be educated by an actual example of how Beck is doing this.

He said he was thinking of killing Michael Moore. Were he really inciting violence, you would think the NYC police department would have arrested him by now.

And I'm thinking....oh wait....can't say that online. :D
56 Pages of Bullshit and not one supportable link. You sissy boys are a riot. Girlie Men who secretly crush on Beck.

YouTube - Last Man Standing ( Walken )

Never Trust a Lib. Never Turn Your Back.

The stinking neo con christan fascists are being crushed. Watching them bleed out is entertaining as they blame everyone but themselves for the conditions they and they alone created since they highjacked the republican party. They have finally found the enemy and to thier phony suprise it is themselves.

They have found the death panels and lo and behold it is the "beurocrats" that work full time for the insurance corporations to deny and delay coverage hoping the "insured" will die before payment for services.

They have found the poison and it is the McDonalds happy meals that have bloated thier pasty white oversized frames and filled out the fat faces evident at the town hall meetings.

They deny the attempted health regulations and single payer healthcare that might save them from the diabetes and heart attacks that a huge number of them will be knocked out of the human race from.

They have looked hard at our countries condition through the lens of Fox television and Clear Channel radio that produce Beck, Hannity and Limbaugh. Don't tell them that many of the board members dictating the talking points they cherish interlock with the biggest HMOs and the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about in a strangle hold to keep them suicidally fat and stupid.

Yes, they have found the threat to our republic and it is thier own willfull ignorance.

Are you running for public executioner? Did you leave anyone off your list? Candy Stripers? Girl Scouts? Sam's Club? Seniors? Little League? Elk's Club?

Working to make the world safe for union workers. There's your platform.
Huggy's Senior Health Care Proposal.

Huggy and Obama Kill old People.

[ame=]YouTube - Logan's Run[/ame]
i am not going to search this thread its kind of long but i am wondering if anybody posted the video from the john stewart show where he shows glenn beck saying that u.s. healthcare is the greatest and then he shows the video of beck from a few short years ago where he was damning u.s. healthcare after receiving treatment? this guy is a loon.
and that matters to the claim of "inciting to violence" how?

and i mentioned him inciting violence where?
that is the topic of the thread
so your post makes no sense in this thread
beck could be a complete asshole and a moron, and still not make it him inciting violence

thank you for informing me of that officer you perform your duty as the thread policeman in an exemplary manner.
and i mentioned him inciting violence where?
that is the topic of the thread
so your post makes no sense in this thread
beck could be a complete asshole and a moron, and still not make it him inciting violence

thank you for informing me of that officer you perform your duty as the thread policeman in an exemplary manner.
oh hell :rollseys:
just post any unrelated bullshit you wish

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